The Alchemist God

Chapter 116: Sting Demon


Throw the corpse on the ground, and then drag the corpses of the three stone apes, and put them together. The Liaoyuan Sword releases the flame element, and the corpses are burned by a torch. If they are allowed to rot on their own, the corpse will be qi. It was almost enough to cause Lin Muyusheng to suffer a serious illness, and he would probably be dead if no one else did it.

Looking at the stone steps leading to the third floor, it was empty, but the feeling from the spiritual sense was different, and the stone steps were full of aura.

Lin Muyu took a deep breath, picked up a stone on the ground and threw it out forcefully.


The stone instantly turned into powder, a red ripple oscillated, and there was a blood-red barrier on the stone steps. No wonder my spiritual sense could not explore what the third floor possessed.

At this moment, a sharp voice came from the third floor: "Do you want to see me? Come on, hehehe..."

This sound is like a ghost in purgatory, making people creepy.

Although Lin Muyu was mad, he knew how to measure. He didn't expect to go to the third floor to die, so he turned and went back to the first floor without turning his head. Spirit sense could not pass through the barrier, so he could not judge the opponent's strength, so he should not go. tried.


The small door on the iron door opened, and a bag of heavy food was placed there. They were all pancakes. The imperial army’s marching dry food was this. With Lin Muyu’s appetite, one meal could eat about four, and this There were nearly a hundred pancakes in the bag, and there were seven or eight bulging water bags next to it. A soldier’s voice came from outside: "Lin Muyu, I don’t know if you are dead. This is your food for seven days. If you die, throw something out so that I can go on business."

Lin Muyu threw an empty water bag from the last time through the small door, and the captain suddenly smiled: "You are not dead yet, your kid's life is really big..."

Lin Muyu frowned and looked through the small door. This man was a lieutenant of the military police camp. No wonder he was so rampant that Xiang Yu wanted to die in the Tongtian Tower immediately.

You can't see too far in the small gate, but the flag flutters a mile away, it is the battle flag of the Forbidden Army, and the golden shield emblem is very conspicuous, Lin Muyu can't help but feel warm.

Store the "grain" in a ventilated and dry place, and he continued to practice cross-legged.

At night, the blood-colored vortex above the Tongtian Pagoda circulated and danced, lightning flashed and thunderous, and the thunder shook the Tongtian Pagoda trembling uncontrollably. It seemed that even this huge tower was afraid of the mighty sky. Lin Muyu sat in the tower and practiced. Lingmaishu, frowning slightly, looking at the bad weather, tonight is probably not a safe night.

Lighting up the brazier and continuing to practice silently, the lightning and thunder outside didn't seem to affect him at all.

I don't know how long it took. Suddenly Lin Muyu's heart moved, and the spirit pulse technique detected that a powerful force had entered the second floor of the Tongtian Tower. It must be a ghost from the third floor!


He waved his hand and pulled out the Burning Plains Sword. The speed of the people coming was extremely fast. A gray shadow ran down the stone steps. Accompanied by a creepy cry, it was a creature resembling a armor, which looked like a deep sea. The worm, with a thick carapace behind him, has a terrifying and terrifying face, standing on the ground with four legs, and his body is covered with needles.

"Jie Jie..."

When it yelled, the needles stood up one after another, and it was as frightening as a hedgehog.

"What the hell?!" Lin Muyu gritted his teeth, raised his hand and summoned the gourd wall. The mysterious tortoise shell and dragon scale wall quickly blessed successfully, and the best defense state must be maintained against this kind of thing.

"Brother..." Lulu's voice came from Yihai: "This is a thorn demon, a scavenger, be careful of its stings. These stings are poisonous..."

Lin Muyu nodded, and glanced over the top of the stabbing demon's head. There were five gold threads and one silver thread. This is a 5100-year-old spirit beast. Lin Muyu has killed many spirit beasts, but the one that looks so ugly is the first one. Seen this time.

The thorn demon was not in a hurry, but slowly walked to a position less than 20 meters away from Lin Muyu. Suddenly Jie Jie yelled, his body rotated, and dozens of poisonous thorns were shot in the air.

"Papa Papa..."

The stinger was perfectly defended by the gourd wall. Lin Muyu threw out the magic sound knife as soon as he raised his hand. The sound of the magic sound knife went straight to the stabbing devil’s neck with the screaming sound, but the stabbing devil's speed became faster. After twisting his body, the carapace on his back resisted the magic sound knife, only to hear a "dang" sound, the magic sound knife did not pierce, but rebounded.

"Jie Jie!"

The thorn demon roared and rushed over, opening his mouth with a mouthful of poisonous pulp.

Lin Muyu hurriedly increased the strength of the gourd wall's vindictiveness, and "snacked" to block the poisonous paste. At the same time, with his right hand raised, the thunderous blow had already flown out!


The Liaoyuan Sword flew up, and the thorn demon's abdomen carapace was pierced, and green poison was flowing.


As if trying to desperately, the thorn devil crawled over quickly. The two short front legs suddenly protruded from the body. They were actually two rounds of machete-like forefoot, and cut off against the gourd wall.

A sharp pain came. The spirit beast of 5100 was indeed very unusual. The stabbing arm of the demon directly ripped the mysterious tortoise shell, and then slashed on the dragon scale wall, directly injuring the martial soul, making Lin Muyu's body also bear it. A certain amount of pain.

Lin Muyu couldn't manage that much anymore, she opened her palm and grabbed a knife arm, and a numb feeling came from the palm of his hand. He swiftly ran the long sword, the palm of his palm was full of the power of the real dragon's fire, and he gave a "pouch" , The long sword penetrated the stabbing demon's body, twisting a blood hole about ten centimeters in radius, and the green poisonous slurry was flowing everywhere.

But the vitality of this thorn demon is a little astonishing, Jie Jie yelled, and suddenly the hideous barbs all opened, "pupupupupu" random shots, this guy wants to die together!

Lin Muyu hurriedly withdrew her hands, and the whole person was intact under the protection of the gourd wall.

However, when he turned to look, he found that all seven or eight bulging water bags had been pierced by the stinger of the thorn devil, and water ran all over the ground. This was his drinking water for seven days here!

For an instant, Lin Muyu seemed to have a million grass-mud horses running wildly in her heart, turning around and glaring at the assassin, with murderous intent on her face, and shouted in a low voice: "MLGBD, you pay for my Nongfu Spring!"

The fist raised, the blood hovered, and the demon power skyrocketed—

Er Yao Demon Dance!


With a heavy blow, the thorn demon's huge body was blown away like a ball, hitting on the stone wall and bounced back to the place, but still immortal, Jiejie stood up and shot another stinger at Lin Muyu, but all the gourds The wall was resisted, and it was unlucky for this stabbing demon to encounter a perfectly defensive martial soul like Lin Muyu. If it were replaced by the purple electric flame wolf or Zhang Wei's flaming bear, perhaps they would be poisoned. .


The flame spiral lingered around the long sword, and the second time the spiral burst once again strangling a huge blood hole on the assassin's body, Lin Muyu stood up and grabbed the circling long sword. The blade was full of true dragon origin fire. , Suddenly shot down!


The flames skyrocketed, directly burning the thorn demon into a pile of ashes.


Lin Muyu panted heavily and found a spirit stone in the ashes, a 5100-year-old thorn demon spirit stone. This is a poisonous spirit stone, which contains highly poisonous. If it is used to forge weapons, it is born. He’s poisoned weapon, although it is insidious to tell, it must be very powerful.

But turning around to look at the water stains in a place, Lin Muyu was extremely frustrated. Drinking water will be a problem after all. After all, his flesh and blood body will definitely not be able to last this month without drinking water, and it may not even be able to last for seven days. In the past, as a cultivator, although his strength was very strong, his dependence on food and water was also higher than that of ordinary people.

Continue to sit and practice cross-legged, while recovering the consumed energy and physical strength.

One by one, the spirit beasts came down to die, but it always made him feel a little uneasy. These spirit beasts are like being raised by humans, but... who can have the ability to raise these spirit beasts? Moreover, the upper class do not have food and water to supply them. What do they rely on to survive? Is it just hunting birds in the sky and drinking blood

When he thought of this, his body trembled and he looked up at the upper level. No one will come this night, right

However, he was wrong.

As it was approaching dawn, another force came straight from the third floor to the first floor!


Lin Muyu looked straight at the stairs, and saw a fire shining on the stone steps of the stairs. The next moment, a man in a ragged armor walked down slowly, with his right hand stretched out, and a ball of palm in his palm. The purple flames are constantly jumping.

He raised his head, revealing a face full of whiskers, and there was a big cross on his forehead, which seemed to be the emblem of a mercenary, this man had been a mercenary before!

"Boy, not bad, even the assassin was killed by you." Contempt appeared in his eyes.

Lin Muyu frowned: "Who are you?"

"Me?" He shook his head, seemed to be meditating, thought for a while, and smiled: "I almost forgot who I am. I only remember that the world gave me a title-red ghost, hey, yes, why do they Call me the scarlet ghost, maybe I killed too many people..."

As he said, he looked up at Lin Muyu and grinned: "You will be the next, yo, or a temple Venus sparring trainer... But it's not wrong to die under my fist."

"Have you finished? Let's do it when you are finished..." Lin Muyu said lightly.

Chi Gui's face was cold, the flames rushed to his arms, and a ferocious fire-red ghost martial arts appeared behind him. It seems that his name is more from this flame martial arts spirit, right


The fist is coming sternly, and you can see the famous fist-Huo Lie Fist!

This person uses Xiang Wentian’s fame fist. Unlike Zhang Wei’s Liehunquan, his Huo Liequan is more pure, but his strength is much stronger. Fighting Qi transforms flames. This scorching energy is not Zhang Wei. Wei's fist can be triggered.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content! I734