The Alchemist God

Chapter 1161: People who love to mess up


On October 5th, the goose feather snow has been falling for three days and three nights in a row, and it did not stop at all. It was a global snowfall. The meteorological departments of almost all countries could not do anything about it. No one knew what happened. What, no one can use scientific theory to analyze the cause of this snowfall.

The temperature has reached minus fifteen degrees, which is a record-breaking low temperature in Shanghai.

Lin’s villa is still warm, and the air conditioner is blowing hot air to prevent people in the room from being too cold. The curtains facing the road are open, and you can see the harsh weather outside. There are few on the road. The vehicle is moving, but there are many cleaners cleaning the snow, otherwise, I am afraid that the road will not be able to walk at all.

"In a few days, the snow will be half a person deep." Lin Yan looked outside worriedly, and asked suddenly: "Xiao Zhi, you are a god, can't you explain the weird weather in front of you? ?"

"Perhaps..." Lin Muyu held the hot coffee cup in her hand, and stared solemnly at the falling snow outside the window.

"Let's talk about it, why on earth?" It was Lin Shun who was speaking, and he had already put down the newspaper in his hand.

Lin Muyu whispered: "Dad, brother, this kind of change is not only happening on the earth, but also the tens of thousands of biological planets that you can't see. The entire universe has almost cooled down. In the God Realm, the gods say This kind of anomaly becomes a'Heaven's Punishment'. If you have to understand it, it can be understood as'Heaven's Wrath.' God's dissatisfaction with the behavior of the gods is already beginning to deprive the gods of their power."

Lin Shun was slightly startled: "Xiao Zhi, you... You are also a god, will this affect you in any way?"

"Yes, I will lose most of my strength." Lin Muyu nodded.

Aside, Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi looked at the window sill with bright eyes, and agreed to Lin Muyu's words together. Both of them are the master gods, and they can naturally feel the weakening and loss of divine power, and the rate of loss is getting faster and faster. If this continues, I am afraid that all of his divine power will be lost in the near future, and the strength will be regressed to a holy heaven or even a lower level.

Lin Shun was silent for a few seconds, and said softly, "Xiao Zhi, if... if there is any danger, it is better to stay here with Xiao Yin and Xiao Xi. Even if you lose your strength, We can live a good life here. Isn’t it good that our family stays together like this?"

Lin Muyu moved slightly in her heart and said, "Dad, I know I should stay, but... But that is my responsibility. I can't keep evading it. My friends are still waiting for me to help and rescue in another world. They, if I stay here, I might even look down on myself..."

"Never mind, you decide for yourself, and I will not interfere with you." Lin Shun felt desolate as he spoke.

"Dad, I will come back again."

Lin Muyu stood up, drew the curtains and looked at the falling snow outside, and said, "Even if it is a punishment, there will be a day to pass. There will be a solution to the difficulties. I will come back and our family will be together. Life, rest assured, this is my promise. I once vowed to live up to the common people, and I will definitely not let this family down!"

"Yeah." Lin Shun nodded, picked up the newspaper again, and said, "I'm going to make tea in the tea room, do you want to come together?"

Qin Yin couldn't help but smile: "Uncle, we can just drink some coffee here. You don't know, in Broken Ding Realm, we drink tea almost every day, but I don't know the taste of coffee. I don't know how long it will take to go back this time. Have coffee."

Lin Shun also smiled: "Well, Lin Yan, you should go to make tea with me, you should also learn the tea ceremony, otherwise it will not be good to be confused when discussing business and tea ceremony in the future."

Lin Yan complained repeatedly: "Good dad..."

The two went to the tea room next to the study, and soon there was the sound of boiling water.

"Mu Mu, are you okay?"

Tang Xiaoxi stood up and came to Lin Muyu's side, pulled his hand, and said, "Don't worry too much, there will always be a solution to the situation, and besides... so many masters in the gods, can it really let the heaven take away everything? Is the position of God?"

Lin Muyu turned around, wrapped her slender waist naturally, and said softly: "Even the Devil Emperor is helpless, what else can other gods do?"

"Oh… "

At this moment, Qin Yin, who was holding coffee in his hand on the sofa, suddenly said "Ah", and the coffee cup in his hand fell directly and rolled out on the carpet for a long time. Qin Yin's eyes were wide open, her body trembled, and her powers were disordered. He was overflowing, tears hovering in his eyes, and suddenly cried out in pain.

"What's wrong, Xiaoyin?"

Lin Muyu hurried to her side to support her.

Qin Yin began to cry with sobs, biting her silver teeth, tears bursting into her eyes: "Sister Xiyan... Sister Xiyan... She has something wrong!"

There is a certain kind of relationship between the affectionate god emperors. If one party has an accident, the other will inevitably feel it. Qin Yin sensed Xiyan's crisis, so there must be no mistake.

"Xiaoyin, Xiaoyin..." Lin Muyu stroked her back and said, "Don't cry, don't cry, what have you seen?"

"I saw..."

Qin Yin raised her head to look at him, with tiny teardrops on her long eyelashes, and said in a crying voice: "I saw sister Xiyan plunged into the darkness, swallowed by countless fierce demons, I Seeing... The Fiery Moon Sword lost its brilliance, sister Xiyan's breath was gone, her breath was gone..."

With that said, Qin Yin suddenly broke free from Lin Muyu's embrace, and the light from her body soared, and a beam of light broke through the sky in the sky, and she was about to soar!

"Xiaoyin, stop me!"

Lin Muyu shouted loudly: "Can you fight against a powerful enemy that even Xiyan can't fight? Are you going to leave us and die alone? What do you want us to do?"

"But I..." Qin Yin said in a golden rune on Monday, crying to the point of rain: "I can't... I can't sit idly by, sister Xiyan needs me..."

"Don't worry."

Lin Muyu stepped forward to hold her little hand, dispelled the soaring cyclone, and said, "Don't you know the character of sister Xiyan? She is incompetent, calm and calm, and will never do impulsive things. You feel that It’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s not certain that Xiyan must be in danger of her life. The reason why she can’t sense her aura may be because Xiyan has gone to another big space, so far as you and I can’t be. I feel her breath."

Aside, Tang Xiaoxi nodded slightly: "Xiaoyin, Mu Mu is right. We are all worried about Sister Xiyan, but we can't be impulsive, otherwise it will only make the situation more difficult to deal with."

Qin Yin's emotions are still very unstable. Only each other can understand the affection between her and Xiyan. Qin Yin, who was in the six realms of reincarnation, was helpless. It was Xiyan who had been supporting and helping to return to the Broken Ding Realm alive. Perhaps Xiyan has long been regarded as one of his relatives.


Lin Muyu's voice softly said: "I promise you, I will immediately look for the whereabouts of the Gonggong navy. Once I find them, I will take them to the heavens with you, and do my best to pursue the whereabouts of Xiyan sister. Wait a little longer. ,OK?"

"Ok… "

Qin Yin cried with pear blossoms and rain, and hid her face in Tang Xiaoxi’s arms, while Tang Xiaoxi pouted at Lin Muyu and said, "Although I like life here too, things don’t allow us to enjoy it here. , Mu Mu, you go find the Gonggong Navy, and we will return to the God Realm as soon as possible."


Lin Muyu gently stepped on the ground, a layer of golden ripples waved away, and whispered: "Jumang, come here!"

"The leader, the subordinates are here."

Behind him, Ju Mang's figure slowly gathered.

Lin Muyu said: "We will set off immediately to find the whereabouts of the Gonggong Navy in the South China Sea."


The moment he flew out of the villa area, Lin Muyu saw that Shanghai had fallen into the icy and snowy ground, with blocked vehicles everywhere, and the traffic was completely paralyzed, and now all planes and flights around the world have been cancelled. Traffic is paralyzed, and the bad impact of this heavy snowfall on the world is really too great.

At this time, people all over the world are in panic, no one knows what happened, and religions all over the world have also issued remarks similar to "wrath of the sky", God punishes the world, it is time to repent, as for the doomsday theory The number of people is countless. Everyone is in danger and cannot work. This change will inevitably lead to an economic recession.

Flying in the wind and snow, Lin Muyu looked at the vast earth and this piece of homeland of his own. He couldn't help his nose sore, but he was helpless as a god.

"The leader..." Ju Mang seemed to see Lin Muyu's thoughts, and said: "This is a catastrophe. Neither humans nor gods can change everything. Let's do the aftermath as soon as possible."

"Well, I know, go to the South China Sea as soon as possible."


The two airflows of "Pengpeng" exploded in the air, and the two of them had already appeared hundreds of miles away through the piercing plane, and continued to fly towards the South China Sea at full speed. Even Lin Muyu had no time to say hello to Li Xiaoyao, because Things happened too hastily. Even a top powerhouse like Xiyan had an accident, and the entire God Realm must have been messed up!

In less than an hour, the two shuttled in the wind and snow went straight to the predetermined coordinates like meteors. From afar, the vast South China Sea could already be seen in the snow curtain. Moreover, Lin Muyu's vision was supernatural. I can see huge monsters appearing on the sea. Those are the navy that exercised in the South China Sea, but they still stayed on the sea and did not return to Hong Kong.

In the snow screen, what appeared in the field of vision was a complete aircraft carrier battle group. With Lin Muyu's ability, he could even see those on the aircraft carrier deck who were commanding reinforcement fighters, and could hear their shouts and commands in the wind. .

"Huh, human..."

Ju Mang snorted disdainfully.

Lin Muyu did not speak, but squinted his eyes to confirm again. That's right, this mothership is the George Washington, as for a large ship farther away is the flagship Blue Ridge, and the other behemoths are all missiles. Cruisers and destroyers, etc., such a powerful maritime army, it is no wonder that they can run wild in the South China Sea.

"Chief, do you need to end them?" Ju Mang asked.

"No need."

Lin Muyu shook her head: "Let's find the Gonggong Navy first! Jumang, can you sense the position of the Gonggong Navy?"

"Just below this human navy."

"Depend on… "

Lin Muyu murmured secretly, so it seemed that it was impossible not to make trouble.