The Alchemist God

Chapter 1171: sunrise


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Xiaoxue on November 4, 7743 in the imperial calendar. 【ㄨ】

There was no swearing ceremony and no ceremony to set off. The imperial legions to which Lan Yancheng belonged drove away one by one, heading towards the East China Sea along the route of Cangnan Province and Lingdong Province.

Outside the north gate of Lanyan City, on the mountain where the Eagle’s Nest Camp is located, Lin Muyu, Qin Yin, and Tang Xiaoxi stood on the high rock and watched from a distance the flags on the earth flocked to the distance. The weather today is not bad, but The little snow fluttered and the dark clouds were very thin, as if God was also very gifted to Lanyan City for sending troops.

The cold wind blows, and everyone's cloaks are hunting.

Lin Muyu exhaled and sprayed out a white mist, and she couldn't help but let out a wry smile from the bottom of her heart. The ability to breathe in was almost lost, and now she was a little unaccustomed to this mortal body.

Eagle's Nest Mountain is very high, and the field of vision is very wide. It can almost get an overview of the overall situation of the troops. Today, he will stay here all day.

Behind him, the sound of horseshoes was getting closer, and it was Feng Jixing, Wei Chou, Zhang Wei, Situ Sen and others.

Holding the reins of the war horse, Feng Jixing walked slowly, saying: "His Royal Highness, the three armies have all set off. The 18W Gentian Battalion, 10W Forbidden Army, 20W Congress Army, and 8W Marine Division stationed in Lanyan City have been divided. I went to Lingdong for both land and water, plus the troops from various provinces, the 7th Navy 10W troops, the Zhen Guo Army 5W troops, the Mingshan Province 12W troops, the Bahuang Province Demon Army 15W troops, the Yaozu 10W troops, and the Iron Blade Army 8W troop strength, total troop strength 116W, plus Longmeng and Gonggong navy force is a full 126W troop strength, the final general hereby tells His Royal Highness to know."

"Well, Feng Commander has worked hard." Qin Yin nodded and asked, "Is the food, grass and equipment ready?"


Feng Jixing said: "This time, more than 1,200 giant magic crystal cannons, 4,300 small magic crystal cannons, and 20,000 sets of magic crystal crossbows were transported. The total number of cavalry mobilized was as high as 25W. Almost all the pasture horses and armors in the north and south of the empire were concentrated. Almost every soldier has been issued two sets of weapons, weapons, etc., which are enough for use."

"What about the drugs? How about the financing of the wounded camp?" Lin Muyu asked.

Chu Yao on the side of Feng Jixing smiled faintly: “Don’t worry, I’ve sent to Lingdong to select talents from the spiritual medicine divisions of various places, and brought a lot of medicines. The total number of military doctors is more than 50,000. The wounded barracks A total of 5,000 tents and 10,000 stretchers have been prepared for the necessary tents. I believe they are enough."

"Sister Chu Yao has worked so hard." Lin Muyu smiled slightly: "In terms of sufficient preparation, we are far more than Yang Shang."

Feng Jixing said: "Yangshang is the marshal of the Northern God Realm. He has never fought in the mortal realm. I am afraid he is not suitable for fighting in the mortal realm. It’s not a small number."

Lin Muyu coughed and said, "I am not worried about what Yang Shang can do. I am worried about the people who submit to Yang Shang. Chen Yu and Bei Mingyuan, the two prime ministers of Da Shang Nation are not easy, and Chen Yu There are many counsellors under him. If Chen Yu advises Yang Shang, then our trouble may be a bit big."

"still have a question."

Feng Jixing said in a deep voice: "Even if we use ships from the whole country and the boats of fishermen, we cannot transport a million troops across the sea at one time. We have to transport up to 40W people at a time. It must be divided into three times. It takes three or five days to form, and if there is a headwind... Even a ship with a steam engine will take at least seven days to reach the other shore. Three round trips are almost equal to more than a month. If we attack in a large scale, I am afraid that we can only attack with 40W people and drag it. It takes up to half a month for the opponent."

Lin Muyu felt a headache and felt a little bit helpless.

Wei Qiu clasped his fist and said: "His Royal Highness, Lin Shuai, in fact, it is not a problem for 400,000 troops to hold down the opponent. Don't we have Xishan Province? With Xishan Province as a barrier, there will be no problem supporting it for half a month."

"I hope so, provided that Yang Shang does not take the initiative to attack and is willing to let A Yao go, but... A Yao's side is precarious, and I have ordered her to evacuate." Lin Muyu frowned, "And once Yang Shang takes the initiative to attack. , Our overall plan will come to nothing."

Feng Jixing squinted his eyes and said, "According to the information obtained by the people I sent, the Tianji Empire, the Blackstone Empire, and the Tianjue Empire's inner sea ports have cast a lot of warships, plus there are many jungles in the Tianji Continent. It is easy to fetch wood. The number of warships owned by the merchant nation is far more than us, maybe..."

"Maybe what?"

"Maybe the Yang Chamber of Commerce ordered the formation of a million navy divisions to fight us in an earth-shattering water battle on the East China Sea!"

"That's the best."

Lin Muyu took a deep breath: "I can't ask for it."

"Are you sure Yang Shang didn't know the existence of the Gonggong Navy?"

"When the Gonggong navy came, it had already been punished, and the perception of the gods was reduced. Yang Shang might not be able to sense the Gonggong navy from thousands of miles away. We can only gamble."

"If you are fighting naval battles, the shallow wind's 1W horseshoe crabs might also be able to come in handy."

"Well, I have taken it into consideration."

Until dusk, most of the gentian camp and the imperial army had left Lanyan City. Lin Muyu and others stepped down to Eagle's Nest Mountain and officially left the city.

Horseshoes stepped on the snow and made a rustling sound. Tang Xiaoxi and Qin Yin's shoulder armor had already formed a layer of ice, which could not be wiped off, and the faces of the two MMs were flushed with cold. It was really embarrassing for them.

Outside the city, under the leadership of Qin Yan, a group of imperial guards raised the banner of the Empress and escorted Qin Yin away from Lanyan City.

The cold wind was bleak, and everyone's faces were more or less reluctant. This time they left the imperial capital but did not know when they would return. The mountains were high and the rivers were long, and the journey was far away, let alone whether they could survive the war safely. After the end, the soldiers' expressions will inevitably be uneasy, but Yulinwei is better. Their cultivation is considered to be high. Compared with ordinary soldiers, they are less uneasy and more confident. Moreover, they are the guards of the female emperor. This honor The feeling is very strong.

"Your Highness... Your Highness, wait a minute!"

Inside the city, there was a shout of someone. He was wearing the armor of a second-level military commander, and he was a deputy commander-level general.

Lin Muyu, Qin Yin, Tang Xiaoxi, and Feng Jixing all reined their horses and turned to look. The man galloping in the wind and snow, his face was blue with cold, it was Zeng Fang, Zeng Yifan's son, and Zeng Xiang's younger brother. .

Zengfang turned over and got off his horse, respectfully said: "His Royal Highness, my father is here to see you off..."

"Oh, is God coming?"


In the distance, the sound of horses hoofs galloped intensively, and the old minister Zeng Yifan galloped under the protection of many divine mighty battalion cavalry. His face was very vicissitudes of life, perhaps because of the loss of divine power, as if he was much older, he trembled after dismounting. Kneeling in the snow on the side of the road, clasping fists in both hands, looking up at Qin Yin, and said: "His Royal Highness, you...Do you really not take the old minister to the expedition?"

Qin Yin pursed her red lips and said, "Shenhou, you are old, and I don't want you to suffer from the bumps."

"Veteran... Veteran, thank your Highness for your care, but..." Zeng Yifan frowned, and said: "His Royal Highness, even if he does not take the old minister, will at least take the old minister's eight thousand gods and majesty camp iron cavalry with him. The officers and men are looking forward to one day. The empire serves, kills the enemy, and builds meritorious deeds!"

Qin Yin shook his head: "Shenhou, a huge emperor needs you and the Shenwei Camp to guard it. Aunt Yu's Qinlong Army is not enough, so please leave the Shenwei Camp instead of the Forbidden Army to protect the imperial capital. "

"His Royal Highness, can you let the old officials guard Lanyan City?" Zeng Yifan seemed a little surprised.

"Why don't you rest assured?"

Qin Yin smiled slightly, her beautiful smile was like a ray of spring breeze in the cold winter, which made people feel warm.

"The old minister thanked His Highness for his trust."

Zeng Yifan leaned down and bowed to the ground to bow, and then respectfully said: "The veteran must wish His Royal Highness and Lin Shuaiqi victory in the imperial capital, unify the celestial pole earlier, and let my banner of Daqin spread all over the world!"

"Well, it will, it's cold, Shen Hou will go back and rest soon."

"Yes, the minister abides by the decree."

Zeng Yifan stood up slowly, without wiping the snow on his knees and pants, and watched Qin Yin and the others go away and disappear into the snow curtain.


Zengfang is now middle-aged, with a mustache, and said: "His Royal Highness is really willing to hand over the defense of Lanyan City to our Zong family?"

Zeng Yifan's old eyes shined with light, and said: "True gold and fire, after so many years, His Royal Highness is finally willing to believe in the loyalty of our Shenhou Mansion..."

"Then we..."

"Do your best to serve the empire and guard the city of Lanyan. The capital is with us, and the capital is destroyed, and our family is also dead!"

"Yes, father!"

Riding horses day and night, two days later, the headquarters of the imperial army where Lin Muyu, Qin Yin, and Feng Jixing were located had arrived outside Wugu City. Camps had been set up outside the city. They fed horses, had meals, and briefly rest.

In order to avoid suspicion, Lin Muyu was in a separate camp, not with Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi. After all, in the eyes of the imperial soldiers, Qin Yin was still a female emperor, and Lin Muyu was still a marshal. Although the two are a couple, they will always be said if they live together. No one knows the backyard of the deep palace of Zetian Temple. It was different during the march.

The body of a mortal, after running wildly for two days and nights, can't bear it for a long time.

Lin Muyu fell asleep in a drowsy manner the moment he touched the pillow, even the sound of flying snow falling on the tent and the sound of the guard sweeping the snow on the top of the tent could hardly be heard.

The next day, Lin Muyu, who was still half asleep and half awake, was awakened by the cheers outside, got up and put on his clothes and walked out of the camp, and heard the cheers of the soldiers—

"The snow has stopped... the sun is out, great!"

The sun is coming out

Lin Muyu turned abruptly, and a golden light of the morning sun shined on her face, oh, the sun was really out...

Heaven's punishment has ended, and the purpose of punishment has been achieved, but everyone has become mortal. What's next for heaven

Lin Muyu looked up at the sky and frowned. He could no longer feel the slightest breath of the God Realm, let alone how the Qi Yao Devil Emperor and Zi Yao were in the current situation. He was full of worries but could do nothing. This feeling was simply desperate.