The Alchemist God

Chapter 1172: Tianyin Scrolls


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In the Eight Desolate Realm, a bunch of huge purple vines towered into the clouds, and this cage-like vine bound a person, the thorns of the vine pierced into his body, quickly absorbing his little divine power, Around, the lavender magical energy whirled, making the entire Eight Desolation Realm eclipsed, as if into a dead silence.

Finally, these demon qi continued to converge and condensed into a huge figure. It was a person whose body was imprisoned by a huge iron chain. His body was full of devil qi, and his face with distinct features was full of jealousy and hostility. Hey smile He made a sound: "Seven Lunar Devil Emperor, it's been a long time, I didn't expect you to end up like this!"

The Devil Emperor raised his head and looked at him weakly, with horror in his eyes: "How could it be you? Chu Xingyun, aren't you dead?"

"Hahaha... Do you think you can kill me in a mere tribulation?"

"Are the devilish energies and the gods of Heaven's Punishment all your masterpieces?" Qi Yao Demon Emperor asked lightly.

"No, I don't have this ability."

Chu Xingyun laughed and said: "The loss of your world's righteousness will inevitably lead to the invasion of evil spirits. This is not what I can control. All I can do is just push the boat with my own hands and accumulate the demonic energy that I have accumulated for many years in the three thousand worlds. Give it to you, let your world establish a new order, hehehe... You were not like me back then, what about now, the demon god I made with my own hand will crush you like an ant!"

The Qi Yao Devil Emperor trembled and roared: "Chu Xingyun, what qualifications do you have to cast a god? What kind of thing are you!?"

"Hahaha, it seems that you still don't believe me, you still look down on me so much, so keep your dog's eyes wide open, and see what I have gained and what qualifications I have to cast God!"

As he said, Chu Xingyun screamed, and golden rays of light gathered on his chest. Soon, a thick golden book appeared on the book with pale golden name symbols.

"Fengshen Tianshu?"

The Qi Yao Devil Emperor was completely shocked: "How is this possible... How is this possible? Isn't the Fengshen Tianshu already burned by the Kaitian Ancestor God?"

"Do you think there are really only six realms between heaven and earth? Naive." Chu Xingyun laughed loudly: "There is a world outside the world, and you pseudo-gods cannot detect it. Mysterious world, like me, accidentally entered the three thousand world, where the flowers are so beautiful and beautiful..."

"Wait, you seem to be locked with a chain." Qi Yao Demon Emperor calmly said.

"you shut up!"

Chu Xingyun ran away in an instant, and roared: "Lao Tzu is the number one person in the three thousand worlds, how can Lao Tzu be locked up? You wait, even in another world, Lao Tzu can destroy everything you have!"

"Is it just because I despised you at the beginning?" Qi Yao Devil Emperor asked. 【ㄨ】

"Yes, so what?!" Chu Xingyun sternly said: "I can't bear that others look down on me the most in my life, even if it's you... No way! The Fengshen Tianshu has opened the door to the demon world for me, wait, wait The Demon God enshrined by Lao Tzu will destroy your world!"

"Hahahahaha..." Qi Yao Devil Emperor suddenly raised his head and laughed.

"What are you laughing at?!" Chu Xingyun said angrily.

"I laugh at your ignorance."

The Qi Yao Devil Emperor's eyes were full of brilliance, and said: "Have you never heard of Yin and Yang coexisting, and all laws are natural? Since ancient times, where there is righteousness, there is evil, and vice versa. The law of the realm, perhaps with your help, a new order in the six realms can be born and a new gate of heaven can be opened."

"You fart!"

Chu Xingyun looked at Qi Yao Devil Emperor savagely, pointed his nose, and said, "You! Wait!!! Here!!!"

"Well, I'll wait."

The Seven Lights Demon Emperor raised his head, enduring the bone-piercing pain, but still looked proud. After Chu Xingyun's body of the Demon God dissipated, the Seven Lights Demon Emperor nodded and muttered, "Is there any other world outside of the Six Realms?" What kind of hall is the Three Thousand World? Is it the existence that distinguishes it from the outer heavens?"

At this time, the sky roared with thunder, as if to indicate that another law was being concluded.

Before long, a purple demon flame shot across the sky, quickly turned into thousands of decompositions, and shot everywhere in the universe. The Qi Yao Devil Emperor frowned and gritted his teeth and said: "Chu Xingyun, you lunatic, are you really capable? To conclude a new order?"


The purple clouds in the sky make people feel breathless.

Outside the hall, Zi Yao looked at from a distance, but was helpless. She had lost her divine power and had already become a mortal, unable to shuttle between the great spirit mountains, and even more unable to visit the Qi Yao Devil Emperor.

"What is that?!" Sun Feng looked up at the purple cloud in the sky.

Ziyao shook his head: "I don't know, but it seems that a new force is beginning to rule the Six Realms, and it is an extremely evil order force."

"Damn, I feel it, it's very evil, and it even feels like it leads people to evil."


Ziyao's eyes were full of worry, and said, "I don't know how much suffering the Six Realms will endure again. Sun Feng, immediately sent people to search for seeds and food on Lingshan, and began to grow grains and fruits on Lingshan."

"Huh? What do you do?"

"Eater, aren't you hungry?"

"The subordinate is hungry..."

"Hurry up, then."


Outside the sky, the golden sound of the sky hovered in the sky, and the earth was lush and lush, creating a peaceful and tranquil scene.

In the leafy jungle, an old man with a face of a face carried a bamboo basket behind his back, bent over to search among the grass at every turn, picked up the herbs with a golden shovel, and then leisurely placed them in the bamboo basket.


A ray of heavenly sound floated in the air, and he was slightly startled, the next moment his body turned into a golden light and rushed into the sky.

In a blink of an eye, he stepped into a solemn hall, and the other two figures also flashed up. One was a beautiful woman with a snake-headed body. She fell generous with a smile and wore a long skirt. With compassion and love in his eyes, he has the aura of the world, while holding a long white jade staff in his hand, exquisite and translucent, with compelling light.

The other is an old man wearing a cyan robe, with an immortal appearance, his eyes are like a bright moon in the sky, his white beards are floating, he has come out of the dust and entered the world.

The three of them looked at each other with a smile, floated into the Liuli Pavilion of the main hall together, and knelt down on one knee together: "See Tianzun."

There was no one on the main hall, but there was a calm voice coming from, this voice was like a person and not a person, like a fairy but not a fairy, like a beast and not a beast: "Fuxi, Nuwa, Shennong, have you all seen the situation in the six realms?"

"Yes, Tianzun." Nu Wa raised her head, with a touch of pity in her beautiful eyes, and said: "Once the punishment is over, there will be no righteous gods in the six realms, and the invasion of demonic energy will inevitably be a catastrophe."

"The gods are disregarding the righteous way of the common people, and this catastrophe is also expected, but the common people of the six realms need the protection of the gods."

"But Tianzun." Fuxi respectfully said: "Heaven is beyond the six realms. We and the northern gods have long agreed not to interfere in the affairs of the six realms. How can we help the six realms again?"

"Fuxi, didn't you also help Lin Muyu?"

"This..." Fuxi smiled slightly: "The disciple really likes that child."

Nu Wa also smiled.

Pangu Tianzun continued: "Tao is the natural, all laws are natural. The Mahayana Heavenly Tao that I have understood originates from the human heart, from the heavens and all things. Since the punishment of the gods has taken away the gods of the gods, the three of you will work together to bring the heavenly sounds. Send the scrolls into the sky of the six realms. The Tianyin scrolls are condensed between the heavens and the earth, and they are bound to inherit the way of heaven, conform to nature, and canonize a new god."

"Yes, the disciple obeyed!"

The Three Emperors stepped out of the Lingxu Hall, standing in the sky outside the sky, smiling at each other, floating in the air and presenting a triangular position, raising their arms together, suddenly awe-inspiring divine power surged, and the center of the light condensed brightly. A scroll with golden light soaring into the sky is exactly the scroll of Tianyin, the treasure of the entire sky.

The light became more and more blazing, and sweat was oozing out of the three emperors' faces.

After a long time, the light almost illuminates the entire sky.


The Tianyin scroll turned into a giant column and soared into the sky, directly piercing the sky, piercing into the huge black hole in the universe.

Fuxi's eyes were cold, and he said lightly: "The next thing is to see the good fortune of the children, God bless my race..."

Nu Wa nodded and remained silent.

Shennong grabbed the bamboo basket and disappeared into the air without saying a word.

Broken tripod world.

Outside Dongshuang City, there was snow drifting, and a line of horses and men rushed in the distance. It was the cavalry army of 30,000 people under the control of Lin Muyu, Qin Yin and others. The hoofs of the horses were very messy, and it was already late at night.

"What's going on in the sky?" Lin Muyu raised her head and looked at the clouded sky, faintly sensing a very annoying force that began to fill the sky.

"It's evil invaded." Tang Xiaoxi's heart is the most pure and true, and she is even more disgusted with the aura of the demon world.

At this moment, a bunch of golden light appeared like a ribbon, piercing through the purple cloud condensed by the devilish energy, like a touch of light in the dark.

"What's that again?!" Lin Muyu asked.

"I don't know." Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi shook their heads.

Feng Jixing's eyes brightened, and he pointed his finger into the distance, and said, "Ayu, look there, an army has almost arrived in Dongshuang City with us. Whose army is that? It looks very majestic!"

In the night, the torches illuminate things at close range, and you can immediately see the ugly behemoths carrying heavy iron armors, holding simple sharp blades in their hands and walking in the night, each with a thick carapace. Born to have teeth, describe ugly and hideously, what else would it be besides the armor demon

Qianfeng's army has already arrived one step ahead.

In the distance, he rode a white horse galloping forward, and Qianfeng came on a single horse. After turning over and dismounting, he knelt in the dirty snow and said respectfully: "The last Qianfeng will see His Royal Highness Yin!"

"Free courtesy, Marshal Asakaze."

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Qian Feng stood up and watched Qin Yin's snow-greasy face shining under the torch light, still as beautiful as before, and there was a burst of secret joy that he couldn't help but waited for this day.

Lin Muyu asked: "Marshal Qianfeng, how many armor demon have you brought?"

"Marshal Qizi, there are a total of one hundred thousand armor demon, thirty thousand winged men, ten thousand horseshoe crabs, ten thousand gods cavalry, and twenty-five giant flying snakes."


Lin Muyu smiled and said: "Keep these hundred thousand armor demon first, don't board the ship, I will give them a huge surprise to Yang Shang as a gift!"

Qian Fengxin smiled knowingly: "Yes, the subordinates understand."

A handsome person would not be considered qualified if he didn't count all the organs, but obviously Lin Muyu was quite qualified. Qianfeng has fought for the demons for so many years, and his teammates are often fools like Lei Chong and Shen Xiang. Now that he joins Daqin’s army, his teammates have finally become such clever and brilliant generals as Lin Muyu, Feng Jixing, Ding Xi, and Wei Qiu. , The kind of joy that comes from the depths of my heart can't hide it!