The Alchemist God

Chapter 1175: The taste of coffee


In the middle of the night, another deep-sea flood dragon attacked Cangfeng Harbor, but it was secretly calmed down by the Gonggong navy forces led by Zhulong.

The next morning, the sea breeze was bitter, and the wind was mixed with small snow particles, making it extremely painful to hit his face.

Lin Muyu returned to the tent where he lived after the camp, but found that Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi were brewing coffee in their residences. The coffee maker was brought back from the earth and heated by alcohol. Now the two mm have been used to perfection. , And it is rare to drink warm, mellow coffee in the broken tripod world.

"Mother, it's really disturbing!"

Feng Jixing walked in cursingly, looked up, and immediately reverently said: "His Royal Highness and the princess are also here. See Your Highness. Good morning, Your Highness."

Qin Yin smiled and said, "Why is the leader of the wind so angry about it? Sit down first and have a cup of tea."

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Feng Jixing sat down opposite Lin Muyu and said, "Ayu, the second deep sea dragon attacked our harbor last night and overturned three walking boats and a ship, nnd, that ship is ours. The main battleship can be transported and artillery battled. This is good, and it takes more than one hundred thousand gold coins to build a ship. This is good, and the dragon’s tail will sink."

"I know it all."

Lin Muyu groaned and said, "I sent hundreds of co-engineering naval forces into the deep sea to explore. In the morning, they reported that it was due to the climate change caused by the weather. The temperature in the air dropped a lot, but the deep sea was heating up. , So those deep-sea flood dragons couldn't resist the heat, and they all went ashore one after another. Relatively speaking, the climate on land makes them more like them."

"How many deep sea dragons are there in total?"

"Hundreds of thousands. If nothing else, we can receive reports of many fishermen on the seaside being attacked by deep sea dragons within three days."

"Do you need to send someone to kill these deep-sea flood dragons?"

"We are powerless. The average soldier is not the opponent of the Deep Sea Flood Dragon at all. A hundred soldiers may not be able to beat a Flood Dragon, and even the scales of the Flood Dragon can resist the bombardment of the Magic Crystal Cannon."

"Goodbye... That's awesome?" Feng Jixing was speechless, and said, "Then I didn't say anything, but your co-worker naval forces are extraordinary and good at water warfare. Why don't you send them out to strangle the deep sea dragons to avoid these beasts? Do you harm common people?"

"I have already ordered to go down and order the candle dragon to be responsible for offshore defense. The 30,000 co-workers and naval forces are divided into hundreds of legions to patrol our offshore areas to ensure that there is nothing wrong."

"That's it." Feng Jixing clapped his palms and smiled: "His Royal Highness, is my tea ready?"

"Wait a minute, it will be fine soon."

Qin Yin smiled sweetly.

At this moment, two beautiful figures walked in outside, Chu Yao and Ouyang Yan.

"Sister Chu Yao, are you here?"

Lin Muyu stood up and went to move a chair to Chu Yao herself, but after Chu Yao sat down, she smiled and said, "So many people..."

"There must be something for you, right?"


Chu Yao gazes like water, and whispered: "With regard to medicinal herbs, more than 30% of our soldiers have suffered frostbite on their hands and feet, and frostbite is spreading very severely. This will greatly affect their combat effectiveness. I have ordered them to prepare gloves and leather boots. Such cold-proof items, but this will not cure them immediately, and some medicines to promote the healing of frostbite are needed."

"Is there no stock in the elixir department?" Feng Jixing asked.

Chu Yao smiled slightly, shook her head and said: "It was originally there, but it has been used up in half a month. The weather is freezing and there are more and more soldiers suffering from frostbite. When I came, I had already made the purchase list to Wugucheng and Muyucheng. The Chamber of Commerce in China is gone. There are no drugs in the inventory of the Department of Panacea, but these merchants still have a lot of stock in their hands, but the funds of the Department of Panacea have been exhausted, so... this fee must be allocated by the Ministry of Households."

Qin Yin came over with a cup of coffee, placed it in front of Chu Yao, and smiled: "I see, how many are there in total?"

"Eight hundred thousand gold coins." Chu Yao took out a list of funding applications from her arms, and said: "This list is issued by the Department of Spiritual Medicine and the Ministry of War, and I want to get the money from the Ministry of Households. There must be two people’s signatures, one for Ayu and the other for His Royal Highness."

"no problem."

Qin Yin smiled happily, stretched out his arms, and took out a dark blue signature pen.

"Wait Xiaoyin."

Lin Muyu said speechlessly: "If you sign with a pen, maybe the household department will not recognize it?"

"It doesn't matter, there is a jade seal..."

"That's right, sign it."

After Qin Yin signed, Lin Muyu also signed his name, and then took out the marshal's seal from Qiankun's bag, and then handed it to Qin Yin. After Qin Yin had the seal of the empress, it was officially issued.

Chu Yao happily took the receipt, sat down again, took a sip of coffee, and frowned, "Wow, this smells a little weird..."

Qin Yin smiled and said, "Yes, yes, I thought so at first, but later I felt better, Chu Yao sister, this is a specialty of Ayu's hometown..."

"Ayu's hometown?" Chu Yao blinked, took another sip immediately, and smiled: "I like it. I will come here often in the future, okay?"


At this moment, Feng Jixing also took a sip, and couldn't help but spit out: "Wow, why does this smell?"

Lin Muyu, Qin Yin, and Tang Xiaoxi stared at him together.

"Ahem... The taste is actually quite unique..." Feng Jixing chuckled.

At lunch, everyone still ate together in Lin Muyu’s big tent. Even the food for the empress and the marshal was not so good. The gruel and noodles were added with a pot of broth, and the meat was dried wild boar. , It's obscure, and everyone's faces are green after eating, but this is the rations, there is no way.

There has never been any good food in the army camp. Even the dry food is very ridiculous. The main dry food is flour cakes, or rice cakes that are extruded and dried. Once the army marches quickly, Linghuosi cannot cook. Usually just boil some boiling water in a hurry, and let the soldiers soak the rice cakes as a meal.

In a life-and-death war, no one cares whether you eat well, only whether you can eat enough and whether you have strength.

In the afternoon is a military meeting.

Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi were in town, and Lin Muyu and Feng Jixing held a military meeting together. The leaders of the major legions came to Qi, Qin Yan, Tang Zhen, Chen Xiaoli, Xu Jiantao, Wei Qiu, Xiang Yu, Bai Licang, Qianfeng When all the people arrived, a large long table was filled with high-level generals on both sides, and the outside was heavily guarded. These generals were too important, they were the core of the entire empire and must be strictly protected.

The coastal defense map composed of three huge scrolls was spread out on a long table, marked with small dots, including the defense of the broken tripod world, the coast of the celestial continent, and the details of all the islands in the East China Sea and even the northern continental shelf.

The generals looked solemn, and the atmosphere of an unprecedented battle was invisible. Everyone was like a big enemy. The opponent in this war was definitely not easy to deal with. After all, the opponent's strength was more than twice his own.

"Marshal, when shall we launch an attack?"

Everyone was silent, and only Xiang Yu opened his mouth and said, "According to our preparations, we can go to sea three days ago for war."

"I know, wait a moment." Lin Muyu pressed the handle of the saber around her waist and slowly walked past the generals to the other end of the map. He pointed his finger at the Western Mountains and said: " The key is here."

"Xishan province?" Wei Qiu was stunned: "Your lord is referring to Baize mercenaries, right?"


Lin Muyu nodded: "The Baize mercenary is a chess piece that I left on the Celestial Continent many years ago. Now this chess piece has made Yang Shang sleepless, so Yang Shang is bound to face Baize mercenary opponents. After all... It accommodates others on the side of the couch."

Zhang Wei clenched a fist and said, "In my opinion, it's better to kill directly and use the Western Mountains as a springboard to destroy the army of the villain Yang Shang!"

Lin Muyu couldn't help laughing: "Lao Zhang is again deliberately serving us as a negative example."

Everyone laughed.

Zhang Wei was at a loss.

Lin Muyu continued: "First of all, Yangshang’s military strength is far better than ours. In addition, the armored cavalry of the Celestial Continent is very powerful. Our advantage is the magic crystal cannon and the magic crystal crossbow, but once we board the Celestial Continent and fight them on land, the speed of the cavalry will be very important. With Chen Yu’s assistance, I believe Yang Shang I will also understand how to use the speed of the cavalry to drag down our bulky magic crystal cannon. In land battles, we will definitely suffer, and it will be a big loss!"

Xiang Yu frowned and said, "So... Lin Shuai meant... naval battle?"


Lin Muyu raised his sword eyebrows and said with a smile: "Only by dragging Yangshang’s army into the naval battle can we have a chance of winning. As far as I know, the Yangshang army’s navy is very powerful, and their warships are enough to carry millions of troops into it. In the waters, our Daqin’s ship can be called the king of naval warfare. With the power of the magic crystal cannon, it is enough to deter opponents. In addition, with the Gonggong navy and the horseshoe crabs in the Eight Desolation Provinces, we have at least seven The odds of winning more than that."

As he said, Lin Muyu pressed his hands on the table again and again, and said sonorously: "This battle seeks to annihilate most of the vital forces of the Yangshang Army, and hold the control of the entire sea area in the hands of our Great Qin Empire. Yang Shang’s forces are crushed on the Celestial Continent, and then we will fight whatever we want!"

"The key is... How can we make Yang Shang underestimate the enemy and be willing to fight with us at sea?" Feng Jixing said.

"This is a long-term plan."

Lin Muyu took a deep breath and said, "Baize mercenaries are the key. I'll talk about it when Sikongyao arrives. As for the battlefield, I think it should be near here."

He gently pressed his palm somewhere on the map.

Tang Zhen stretched his brows and murmured: "Changyuan Island..." For mobile phone users, please visit m.