The Alchemist God

Chapter 1204: Calculate the city of Qianshan


"How can this be...? Don't mess, don't mess!"

Long Xi was riding on a war horse, with blood on his left arm, screaming frantically at the chaotic cavalry, but to no avail, the military's mind was completely disturbed.

On the side, Zhou Ziyang's face was pale and said: "Despicable Lin Muyu, he sent people to put on our army's clothes and mixed into our army and caused turmoil. Now the army is in chaos and we can no longer attack. Commander, order to retreat. You have also been injured, and you can no longer sustain it like this, otherwise, it must be a disastrous defeat!"

"you shut up!"

Long Xi roared, and the sword and magic flames in his hand surged, and said angrily: "Zhou Ziyang, as a military officer of the Black Rock Army, you failed to form an alliance with the pirates because of your incompetence, and you couldn't see through Lin Muyu's tricks because of your incompetence. As a result, the 80,000 iron cavalry fell into such a desperate situation. You, a useless rubbish, still have the face to say here to retreat to shake the morale of the army. Come, drag me Zhou Ziyang and chop it down!"


The two cavalry immediately turned Zhou Ziyang off his horse.

"Commander, commander!"

Zhou Ziyang's face was pale, and said, "Is it because I, Zhou Ziyang, is the fault of the army's defeat? I have repeatedly advised, but the commander has not adopted it. If the commander agrees with my combat strategy, camp on the plain instead of entering the Ten Mile Valley. , What's the reason for today's defeat?"

"Mother, dare you say it!"

Long Xi stepped forward and swung a sword, and suddenly a head of Zhou Ziyang flew in the air, and the poor generation of counsellors fell into such an unclear and tragic end.

"Commander, how is it now?" several captains asked.

Long Xi's eyes were cold: "Continue to supervise the battle and kill me to the north. Anyone who resists, whether it is our generals or not, will be beheaded. General Wang, you come to supervise the battle."

"Yes, commander!"

But the war is changing. Before Long Xi organized tens of thousands of troops to counterattack, the mountains on both sides were already full of flames, and then bunches of magic crystal crossbows shot into the crowd. There were explosions, and the cavalry near the mountains was wiped out in an instant. .

From the mountain, Wei Qiu shouted loudly: "Black Rock Army, you are already surrounded, and your surrender has spared you not to die. If you continue to stubbornly resist, there will be a dead end!"

Soon, Qin Jun shouted together with Wei Qiu, and his voice wave after wave, shaking the entire Shili Qugu.

The Black Rock Army had already been distracted, but now that they were shouted like this, many people had already put down their weapons.

Long Xi's face was pale.

"Commander, the subordinates led the brothers to break out of the siege, let's... break out of the siege south, the general situation is over, staying here will cost your lives in vain, there are more than three thousand subordinates, and it is enough to break the siege, as long as the plain is joined. We still have the strength to fight for the 100,000 infantry on board. As the saying goes, we can stay in the green hills without worrying about firewood!" A ten thousand chief persuaded painfully.

There was a sharp pain in Long Xi's broken arm. This arm was bitten off abruptly by King Bimen. The incision was not smooth, and the pain could be imagined. He frowned and said, "Break through."

As a result, nearly five thousand cavalry began to break through to the south.

The Qin army didn't stop him, but kept shooting and killing with strong crossbows on the mountains on both sides. By the time Long Xi and other generals escaped from Shiliqu Valley, there were no more than a hundred cavalry accompanying them.

The thin snow flew up, and Long Xi looked at the people behind him, and couldn't help feeling like he was crushing a huge boulder. Eighty thousand horses came with great momentum, and now there are less than a hundred horses left. It is a shame! He knows that Lin Muyu will fight, but where is there such a soldier who does not play cards according to the routine at all, does not face the battle at all, but uses the key of the unclear organization of the Black Rock Army and unknown slogan to attract his 80,000 cavalry to each other with suspected soldiers. Attacking, this person is too deceitful.

Long Xi hates, hates the sky and hates herself.

Ten Mile Valley.

In the snow curtain, Lin Muyu stood by the side of Taxue, stretched out her arm to explode Chu Yao again, Chu Yao frowned, her face was full of distress, but she didn't say much, she knew it was Lin Muyu's mission , Since he chose to attack the Celestial Continent, he must drink blood for this and would rather die than regret it.

Qianfeng looked at the battle in the distance, and said: "Marshal, do you really think it is worthwhile to capture these cavalry? They are members of the Blackrock Empire. Once they rebel after joining our army, it will be a disaster!"

"I know, but..."

Lin Muyu hesitated to speak, and after a few seconds, he said, "The Celestial Continent has about half a million cavalry, and we now have less than one hundred thousand cavalry. Every war horse, every set of armor and blades is equivalent. Expensive, and now even if we have the money, we can’t buy these. The confrontation on the frontal battlefield against Marshal Shallow wind should be clearer than me. A heavy cavalry is worth three infantrymen, and these 80,000 cavalry are equal to twenty-four. The combat power of ten thousand infantry soldiers, how can I be willing to say that if I kill them all, I will kill them all..."

"Perhaps the marshal was right." Qianfeng said lightly.

Lin Muyu glanced at him and said, "What's more, we came here from the faraway Ding Ding Realm. It is impossible to capture and occupy the entire Celestial Continent with our own forces. We are destined to use the people of the Celestial Continent to rule this land. , Surrendering will be the most important thing for us in the future, and this is just the beginning."

Qianfeng clasped his fists: "The marshal is thoughtful, but his subordinates have not considered the situation. The subordinates only see the current situation from the eyes of a soldier, and the marshal has already used the eyes of a ruler to see the current situation."

Xu Jiantao on the side said: "Long Xi was defeated, but he still has at least one hundred thousand soldiers and horses in his hand. What shall we do next?"

"Relieve for three days first."

Lin Muyu looked at the direction of Qianshan City in the south, and said: "Shili Qugu is a fierce battle. The soldiers need to rest more. Three days later, they will attack Qianshan City and take the foundation of Longxi in one fell swoop!"


After daybreak, the army camped on the southern plain of Shiliqu Valley.

In the early morning, there were horseshoes everywhere in the camp, but the expressions of everyone were not very good, especially in the wounded camp, the wailing of the seriously wounded was continuous.

Ling Songhan, Wang Xiang and other 17 Dragon League masters' bodies were buried in Shiliqu Valley, and Lin Muyu personally led the crowd to worship.

It was noon when I returned to the camp, and after a hurried lunch, the post-war meeting in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army was about to be held.

In the handsome tent, Chu Yao carefully changed Lin Muyu's dressing. After this battle, many people were injured. Lin Muyu, Qin Yin, Tang Xiaoxi, Zhulong, Nangonglie, Fengzhanlin, Zhulong, Dijiang and others were all spared. , More or less suffered a little injury, of which Lin Muyu's injury was the heaviest, almost to the point of injury.

As a result, the meeting was filled with the smell of medicine.

"How is the situation in the prisoner-of-war camp?" Lin Muyu asked.

Ding Xi clasped his fist: "Basically, he is in a very stable position."

"Talk about the gain."

"Yes!" Ding Xi smiled and said: "Long Xi's army of cavalry has more than 83,000 people. We have wiped out more than 30,000 people in this battle, and nearly 50,000 people have returned. It is said that Long Xi When escaping, only less than a hundred horses were brought out. In addition, the gains were quite substantial. Our army obtained more than 63,000 horses, nearly 70,000 sets of horse gear, knight armor, and weapons, and more than 20,000 strong bows. In addition, The corpses of nearly 20,000 war horses have been transported out, which can solve the ration problem of our army for the past three days."

"good… "

Lin Muyu nodded and said, "Marshal Ding Xi is responsible for one more thing."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"The issue of discipline in the prisoner-of-war camp." Lin Muyu said meaningfully: "We want to make these pawns our own army as quickly as possible, so Marshal Ding Xi should spare more time to tell them about the Great Qin Empire and the broken tripod world. The culture and history of China tell them our civilization, the constitution is supreme, the female emperor is supreme, and all beings are equal. This is where we are superior to Shangguo. As long as they understand, they will use their lives to fight and fight for it."

Ding Xi took a deep breath: "Subordinates understand."

"Two days later, we attacked Qianshan City. This battle does not require prisoners of war to participate in the battle. We will hand over all the iron cavalry captured to Xu Jiantao and defend our enemies, and retrain more imperial cavalry so that they can have combat power at the fastest speed."

"Yes!" Xu Jiantao and Wei Qiu clasped their fists together.

Lin Muyu stretched his arms and asked, "Is there any news in Xiping City? We are making a great victory in the south. It stands to reason that Yang Shang and Chen Yu should not be able to sit still."

"not yet."

Wei Qiu looked at him with clear eyes, and said: "My lord, there is something unclear to my subordinates. Is our army really going to attack Qianshan City? It is said that Qianshan City is a strong city. Three large mercenary groups besieged Qianshan City for as long as that year. It has not been captured for two months. Once Long Xi decides to hold on to Qianshan City, I am afraid that we will not be able to capture the city in a short period of time."

"Yes… "

Tang Zhen nodded and said, "Unless it is the iron cavalry that can force Long Xi to lead the infantry against us, otherwise... our iron cavalry is not as powerful as the infantry in the siege."

Lin Muyu smiled slightly.

"What is the marshal laughing at?" Tang Zhen was stunned by his smile.

"Tang Zhen commander, please wait a moment."

Lin Muyu used his injured arm to dig Soso in his arms for a long time, and finally pulled out a white cloth map. The map on which was the city defense map of Qianshan City was drawn impressively. He put the cloth on the Shuai case and said: "Look, this is the outline of Qianshan City. This city is built on the plain. The four major gates are very strong. The Wengcheng alone is big enough to scare people. I don't need to say how strong the walls are, but …The walls of the city built on the plain are very long. Together they are a hundred miles long. The wall is only one heavy, about three meters thick and six meters high."

Wei Qiu's eyes lit up and smiled: "I know the Marshal's strategy."

Lin Muyu smiled: "If we send a mixed rider to attack the main city gate, but use the magic crystal to bombard the distant city wall, in this way, our iron cavalry will be able to enter the city of Qianshan with a horse, and Long Xi will be more powerful. It is impossible for his 100,000 infantry to withstand our 100,000 cavalry. Eat and drink well. Two days later, kill them without leaving a piece of armor."


Everyone clasped their fists together, with scorching eyes. Since Lin Muyu had set this plan, it was destined that the entire Blackstone Empire would soon fall into the hands of the Great Qin Empire.