The Alchemist God

Chapter 1208: Xiping Blood Battle-1


On January 14, the Yangshang imperial conquest, the Dongning Corps, Thunder Soul Corps, Shenyu Camp, and Tianjue Corps a total of 55w troops besieged Xiping City.

In the morning, after the sun broke, the sound of war drums roared, and the entire Xiping city was already surrounded by water. Old, weak and sick.

On the tower, Feng Jixing wore the cape of the deputy commander, and with the pergola in his hand, he watched the battlefield of the distant merchants. He couldn't help taking a deep breath and said, "My dear, there are a hundred thousand people outside the northern city alone! "

On the side, Xiang Yu said: "There is news outside the four walls. Our outer city positions have all been conquered. Yang Shang used half a million real troops this time."

"How is our defense of the city?" Feng Jixing asked.

Xiang Yu said indifferently: "Each city gate is allocated 30,000 troops. As for the reserve of 60,000, they are not used for the time being. They are all recruits who have just been recruited. They have no combat power at all. They are sent to death."

"I know."

Feng Jixing whispered, "Is the wind system rough set?"

The stargazer nodded: "Senior Luo Tianji said that it has been launched an hour ago, and it is not appropriate for us to send any air force. The same is true for Yu Shu. It is very easy to be strangled by a wind saw."

"That's good."

Feng Jixing looked jokingly and said with a smile: "Since Yang Shang wants to attack the city so much, let them come. Stargazing, you go to guard Nancheng and Zhang Wei, you go to guard Xicheng, Luo Yu, Lin Xun , You go to guard the East City!"


After dispatching the generals, Feng Jixing took an apple from the fruit plate behind him, took a bite, and sat on the wall with a provocative smile in his eyes, saying: "Prepare to fight, the enemy is close to 2,000 meters. Start shelling, shoot with the ballista close to 500 meters, open the bow close to 100 meters, light the fire oil in the moat close to 50 meters, and close to ten meters, give me a hand-to-hand fight!"

"Yes, deputy commander!"

Everyone nodded in unison.

Xiang Yu smiled slightly.

"What are you laughing at?" Feng Jixing glanced at him.

Xiang Yu smiled and said: "You are the only one who can fight like this in the whole world, but... you will be convinced at the end. It is not accidental that a person like you can be invincible."

"What you can say, I really can't speak."

Feng Jixing murmured a few words and said loudly: "If the order goes on, those who kill one enemy will get a hundred gold coins. Those who kill two enemies will be promoted to one level. Those who kill five or more enemies will be promoted to three levels. By analogy, I won’t be able to promote you! If you kill a hundred people, the mansion I secretly bought in Lanyan City will be given to you! If you kill a thousand people, I’ll give it to all my concubines. Here you are!"

Everyone laughed, and a centurion laughed: "Commander, you don't have a concubine at all! Besides, you are not afraid that your Highness Yin will investigate you for accepting bribes?"

"What are you afraid of, Your Majesty Yin, those are my younger siblings, shit, this is what your kid should ask, sit on your turret for me, and you will be shocked by a magic crystal cannon!"

"Yes, commander!"

As the enemy approached, the magic crystal cannons on the city wall began to shell, and beautiful purple flowers bloomed on the distant plain, but the number of magic crystal cannons in Xiping City was too small, and the artillery shells were almost exhausted. So it can only serve as a deterrent. As for the real kill, you still have to wait for the opponent to get close.

Below the city, the sound of war drums became more and more intense, and the siege equipment of the merchants appeared, and they kept approaching the city under the protection of countless heavy shield cavalry.


Feng Jixing waved his hand, and suddenly a kind of steel-cast defensive equipment on the city began to shoot. It shot a block of huge rocks. Depending on the height of the city, it could shoot up to hundreds of meters away, and they were all selected round stones. !

"Boom boom boom..."

Pieces of boulders fell in the crowd under the city, and rolled quickly, crushing the merchant soldiers into mud, screaming unceasingly, and soon the opponent's battle formation began to become chaotic.

"It's getting closer." Xiang Yu said solemnly.

Feng Jixing raised his arm, threw away the apple core, and said, "Strong bow and hard crossbow, ready to shoot!"

On the city wall, densely packed archers are ready to draw out bows and arrows one after another, making a throwing posture. The city wall of Xiping City is very thick, with a total of ten archers, which also means that ten rounds can be launched continuously in one minute. Shooting, the power can be imagined, and even the arrow box, stone cannon and other equipment have been pushed out.

"Let's release the arrow!"

Xiang Yu shouted.

In an instant, the dense clouds of arrows in the sky fell like locusts, and most of the soldiers under the city had no shields and could only resist the arrow rain with flesh and blood. After all, shield casting requires a lot of steel, but the steel of the Celestial Continent does not There are not so many. Wanting everyone to be equipped with a shield is simply a fantasy.

In a blink of an eye, a layer of corpses had already piled up under the city wall.

But the siege ladder and the siege tower were getting closer. Feng Jixing saw it with awe-inspiring eyes, and said, "Rocket, let them catch fire!"

After a round of rocket shooting, the cars caught fire one after another, but obviously the effect was not so good. When the fire really started, the longboard would have been close to the city wall long ago.

Xiang Yu squinted his eyes and said, "I can't resist it anymore, use the heavenly script!"


Feng Jixing yelled: "The wind is the book of heaven, aim at the car!"


Some experts from the Dragon Alliance have activated the energy of the heavenly book, and suddenly storms erupted in the sky, sweeping away, and the wind and the blade indestructively turned the towers of the siege tower into powder, and the towers carried the long swords. The armored soldiers also died tragically one after another, and their flesh and blood were blurred.

"They are in the moat, light it!" Feng Jixing gave an order.

A volley of rockets ignited a fire several meters high in the moat, causing some unprepared business soldiers to fall down immediately and be buried in the sea of fire. Soon, a strong scorching smell filled the air. Open.

The entire Xiping city was already in the midst of war, and Shang Guo had already attacked the city with several times the enemy's strength, and he had great aspirations to win.

However, the fierce battle continued until the dusk, but the merchant army always stopped at the moat, and even the wall could not be approached. Finally, there was a sound of dragon chants in the distance, and they dispatched the Dragon Cavalry regiment!


Feng Jixing immediately ordered: "Hunting dragons and crossbows, prepare for shooting sky cannons!"

The soldiers on the wall raised their swords to face the enemy in the air.

The huge figures swooped in, as usual, the dragon's neck swelled with dragon flames, waiting for a strong blow to the ground, but when the dragon was not close to the ground, Suddenly the sound of "pupupupu" came, and the tough dragon armor was directly torn to pieces, and the dragon knights died in the air, falling into the city like flies that were electrocuted.

"Hahahaha..." Xiang Yu laughed, very happy.

Feng Jixing couldn't help but smile: "I have seen rain in my life, but I have never seen Longqi rain before. It's really rare!"

At this time, all the generals in the business camp were shocked.

"What's going on, why is our Dragon Knight... Why did he die and wound more than half in an instant!?" Yang Shang was shocked.

"It seems to be some kind of barrier with great lethality." Chen Yu said.

"Recall the Dragon Cavalry regiment immediately!" Xun Xi said with gloomy eyes, "Your Majesty, Mingjin, let's retreat. It's going to night. Our army is not prepared enough to fight at night to attack the city. Let's fight again at dawn."


Yang Shang gritted his teeth and said, "I am so angry, so am I!"

Chen Yu smiled faintly: "Your Majesty, the minister has a plan."

"Marshal, please say."

"His Majesty still remember the strategy that Master Xun Xi once offered? The defeated imperial army was released by Lin Muyu. Now the ministers have ordered part of the defeated army to return to Xiping City. Now these people have been taken in by Feng Jixing and organized into a patrol army of 5,000 men. In the daytime, the garrison battle is the army that continues to wind, but at night it is the 5,000 patrol army to defend. The minister has agreed with the garrison to raise the fire at midnight. They open the city gate and join us inside and outside to break the city. The wind continues to defend the city. No matter how powerful he is, he will not be able to beat our 200,000 cavalry with 100,000 enemies in street fighting!"

"Marshal is sure?"

"The minister is willing to personally lead troops to attack the city."

"It's so good."

Yang Shang squinted his eyes: "I am waiting here to celebrate the marshal."

"Yes, the minister went to prepare."

The brilliant stars fell on the city, and most of the soldiers had fallen asleep.

There was a cool breeze. On the corridor of the tower, a table was placed there. There were a few small dishes and a pot of stuffed with green flowers. Feng Jixing looked for rare edamame with his chopsticks using the light from the lantern, looking very carefully.

Xiang Yu sat on the opposite side with his eyes calm, drinking glass by glass.

At this moment, the stargazer walked in a long gown and said: "Commander, his subordinates have already arranged. The four major urn cities are all ambushing heavy soldiers, using the best white diamond arrows."

"Very good." Feng Jixing nodded.

Guan Xing frowned and said: "It's just that the subordinates don't understand. Why did the leader determine that these soldiers must be surrendered? It is reasonable and reasonable, they have no signs of surrendering. Da Qin has set the stage for the battle in the East China Sea, and they have surrendered. We are also reasonable things, and in order to beg for food, we should come back and surrender..."

Feng Jixing smiled faintly: "Star watching, you only know the art of war, but you don't know the trivial common sense."

"Please enlighten me."

"It's very simple."

Feng Jixing put down his chopsticks and said, "Just go and come back for them, it must be a surrender. There is no such reason in the world. If you want to return, you will return long ago. Why wait until you leave and come back. Xun Xi and Chen Yu I feel that I will be able to win by using amazing tricks, but forget that there is always common sense in the world. If you violate common sense, it will be too easy to be seen through."

The stargazer was taken aback, and couldn't help but smile: "I'm really ashamed if I don't observe the next time..."

"Go and make arrangements. Tell me how many people have been shot after the fight."
