The Alchemist God

Chapter 1214: See Battle of Longyuan


On January 19, the intermittent snow stopped again, and the warm sun shone on the earth.

The sound of war drums raged on Jianlongyuan, and this fertile field became the best battlefield. The Yangshang Army has always been known for the power of the iron cavalry, and Qianfeng is quite confident in the Qin Army’s positional warfare. Liang had already started the battle.

Viewed from the city of Xiping, the fertile fields of the east are densely populated by a sea of people, the purple flower king flag and the dark blue military uniforms of the imperial soldiers form a blue ocean, while in the distance, the red clothes worn by the Yangshang army look blood-stained. In terms of numbers, it is the business army that has the absolute advantage. More than 400,000 people have the advantage over the 200,000 people who are facing the shallow wind.

However, there are still more than 100,000 horses in the city, and once they are out of the city, the outcome is unpredictable.

"Who is Qianfeng's striker? It's already in the line." Xiang Yu frowned.

"It's Chen Xiaoli, the commander of the Seven Seas City garrison." Feng Jixing raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Chen Xiaoli was originally a general of the Tang family. He was like a snow wolf in the north. Tear open the enemy’s flaws, and wait and see, Yang Shang’s forward is the Dongning Legion ruled by the Korean Won, and will definitely not be Chen Xiaoli’s opponent."


Xiang Yu was noncommittal, and said, "When will we strike?"

"Don't worry, first sharpen the vigor of the business army and let everyone rest well. In the afternoon, this battle will not be completed in a day or two."


After a stick of incense, the war drums roared, and the vanguards of the two sides really started to rush to each other. Chen Xiaoli did not personally charge, but raised the long sword. The formation slowly walked away, and a closer look revealed that most of the infantry was composed of heavy shields, spears, and crossbows, with about 20,000 people in the middle, while the cavalry was divided into two groups on both sides, slowly waiting to go.

On the other hand, the Korean won's tactics are much simpler, cavalry attack, no brain attack!

"Ha, Han Won is defeated." Feng Jixing smiled.

Guanxing and Lin Xun also laughed. Most of the leaders of the merchant army selected people with high cultivation and high reputation, rather than those who could really use soldiers. This was a fatal flaw in the merchant army.

As expected, nearly 50,000 iron cavalry of the merchants rushed on the shield formation and crashed into a group. When Chen Xiaoli's infantry was slashed at will, the cavalry placed on the two wings by Chen Xiaoli began to accelerate. Sweeping through the chaotic array of enemy cavalry with the violent wind sweeping the fallen leaves, the sound of killing suddenly rose into the sky.

One side is chaotic and commandless, and the other side is orderly and neatly arranged. Even if there is a disparity in the strength and combat power of the two sides, it is still doomed. The method of warfare will always be the most important part of the war.

"Chen Xiaoli doesn't seem to have the desire to take the initiative to fight..." Lin Xun said: "His phalanx has not moved forward too much. On the contrary, the infantry of the Shang army has moved forward nearly three miles without knowing it."

"This is the brilliance of Chen Xiaoli and Qian Feng." Feng Jixing smiled: "The commercial heavy infantry are just ordinary people, but the shields, armor, and weapons combined can weigh hundreds of catties. , An ordinary person carrying hundreds of catties of equipment to move three miles away, his physical strength is almost exhausted, but the cavalry is different. Look at the southeast corner, the 10,000 advanced demon elite cavalry in the shallow wind is ready to attack."

Lin Xu took a closer look and was immediately relieved.

Which commander on the battlefield is not a famous general

Not long after, nearly 80,000 heavy infantrymen of the merchant army arrived on the battlefield, but before completing the layout of the battle formation, there were killings from afar, and the shallow wind had already ordered 10,000 elite demon clan cavalry and 5,000 armored demon to launch a charge.

Play fast!

In an instant, the 80,000-heavy infantry was shattered by the impact of the demons phalanx, which was far fewer than their own, and where there was any defensive formation, they were completely reduced to the target of being hacked.

"Lord Han Won, how do you use soldiers?"

Yang Shang asked indifferently on the stage of watching the battle of Shang Guo.

Han Won's face was blue and said, "Your Majesty, I..."

Aside, Xun Xi said: "Your Majesty, the Dongning Corps will definitely be defeated within one hour!"

"What should I do now?" Yang Shang was a little anxious.

Xun Xi smiled faintly: "The monsters known as the Protoss were originally the elites of the shallow wind. To defeat them, they can only rely on your Majesty's most elite corps."

"You mean... Shenyu Camp?"

"Yes, please send your Majesty the Shenyu Battalion to fight. Only Shenyu Battalion can reverse the defeat."

"Okay!" Yang Shang took a deep breath and said, "Dora, you go, don't let me down."


Dora turned on her horse, and after giving an order, more than 40,000 Shenyu Camp warriors slew out like a whirlwind.

In the Qin army, Qin Yan led the congress army to rush to cover, in order to protect the demon army from being destroyed by the Shenyu camp.

Time passed bit by bit, and soon it was almost noon. Seeing the sound of fighting on Longyuan, everyone could even faintly smell the bloody breath from the battlefield. On the city, the generals looked at the battle in the distance. , Xiang Yu frowned and said, "Shenyu camp has all attacked. I'm afraid that Qin Yan's Congress army will be wiped out any longer."

Feng Jixing nodded: "Tang Town has also launched an attack, and the Shenyu Camp has been entangled... The order is passed on, leaving five thousand people to defend the city, and the rest will rush out with me and directly attack the Chinese army of the merchant army!"


Not long after, the mighty Forbidden army cavalry took the lead out of the city, and went straight to the already shaken business army to kill. Moreover, the Forbidden army waited for work. The level of eliteness can be imagined. For a while, the battlefield was somewhat stalemate and hesitated. Joining, suddenly a wave of waves was stirred up with a single stone, and the killing sound became more intense, and the 150,000 thunder soul corps dedicated by the lonely man continued to face the wind.

Seeing that Longyuan was completely chaotic, the chaos became a mess, and hundreds of thousands of troops were inextricably killed.

The corpses were all over the field, blood flowed into rivers, the snow and grass were covered with blood, and there were broken blades and horses that lost their masters. The artillery fire on both sides has been exhausted, and now they can only rely on flesh and blood to fight, even Even these famous generals of the Great Qin Empire gradually couldn't grasp the formation, and changed from a battle of positions to a melee. All that was left was the verdict of fate. No one knew who was the real winner.

The fierce battle continued. The people on the battlefield rushed back and forth. The whole night passed. The fighting still did not stop. Even the wind continued to order, the three armies took turns to rest and fought. Many soldiers retreated three miles and slept for an hour to eat some dry food. Drink some water and immediately grabbed the bloody weapon and rushed onto the battlefield.

Neither of the two sides was willing to take a step back, so much so that they saw that there were corpses everywhere on Longyuan.

In the blink of an eye, it was night again, and it was already the second day of the fierce battle.

The two sides had ceased fighting for three hours, and attacked again when it was dark.

Feng Jixing’s battle robe was stained red with blood. He didn’t know how many times he escaped the two demon gods Long Xi and Philip through the cover of the book of heaven. The forbidden army’s casualties were very serious. There are at least thousands of soldiers under the hands of the Great Demon God, but this is war. Whoever loses first loses control of the Xishan Province.

In the dark, the torches were almost extinguished.

Feng Jixing's face was full of blood, and he slowly pulled out the Red Phoenix Sword. The light of the sword illuminated the nearby people. Only Qian Feng, Qin Yan, Tang Zhen and others were equally embarrassed, covered in shattered armor and full. It's blood, and each has suffered injuries of varying severity. Under this fierce battle, no one can stay uninjured.

"How many of us are there?" Feng Jixing asked.

"It's less than half." Shallow wind said.

"It doesn't matter, the loss of the merchants is even greater!" Feng Jixing raised his long sword with boundless killing intent in his eyes, and shouted: "The enemy is two miles away, kill me, fight to the end!"

Everyone raised their weapons one after another: "Fight to the end!"

If the god of death saw this scene, he would be very happy, because the souls all over the ground, the dead all over the ground, saw that Longyuan had become a purgatory on earth, a battlefield of slaughter.

On the second night of the fierce battle, the strength of the merchant army was instantly reduced by half.

On the third day, the merchant army began to disintegrate.

Facing the iron-blooded army commanded by Feng Jixing and Qianfeng, the Tianjue Corps fled, and all the more than 100,000 soldiers became deserters. How could the remaining nearly 100,000 remnants belong to the Qin army? At noon, Yang Shang ordered a retreat and retreated to Tianji City.

After three days of fierce fighting, he finally won.

Qin Jun rested in place, and almost everyone had a feeling of escaping from purgatory. Those who survived this war were lucky.

On the first day of defeat, Yang Shang beheaded 27 senior generals on the way to retreat.

The next day, Yang Shang ordered 54 civil servants to be killed.

On the third day, Yang Shang arrived at Tianji City and killed 288 civil and military officials.

The news of the defeat has spread in Tianji Province, and spread in the imperial capital of the Shang Kingdom. Almost everyone knows the news of the defeat of the Emperor of the Shang Dynasty. Although... Everyone knows that the wind continued and the shallow wind of the Great Qin Empire was in Xiping Mansion. It was only a little bit injured. On the contrary, the business army lost three commanders and 37 ten thousand chiefs. Almost all the senior generals died in battle. , The rest was cut down by the angry Yang Shang with incompetence.

The even worse rumors were that the State of Shang was completely divided, and news came from the east that Chen Yu was re-enforced as the emperor in Laohan City.

The world is completely divided into three points, and among them, the state of Shang is declining, and the state of Qin is the strongest.

See the Battle of Longyuan, the most tragic battle of the Great Qin Empire.

Qian Feng and Feng Jixing's total force is 35W. After seeing the battle of Longyuan, only 16W is left. While severely injuring the merchants, they were also severely injured.

In the final analysis, most of the parliament army is recruits, and most of Xiping's troops are recruits, with insufficient training. If it were not for the lack of training of opponents, I am afraid that the wind will continue and the shallow wind will not escape the end of annihilation.