The Alchemist God

Chapter 1221: Chamber of Commerce Alliance


In a blink of an eye, ten days passed, everything was very peaceful, both Qin and Shang needed time to regenerate their energy, while the Tianjue Empire remained dormant.

For more than a month, Lin Muyu worked diligently to govern and prepare for war. What he did the most was to prepare food, grass, weapons, etc. Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi also came from the Xishan Province and brought 150,000 elite troops to help Lin Muyu defend. The three major southern provinces, for the Great Qin Empire, these three major provinces were the deep and large rear areas that provided the backing of food and payment. They must be guarded, otherwise they would not be able to gain a foothold on this exotic land.

Spring is here, but there is not the slightest feeling of spring between the world and the earth. There will be a heavy snow every three to five days, and the temperature is always kept fluctuating up and down as the ice melts.

Hongyan City is a strong city. During the period when He Song ruled Hongyan City, he was brutal and unkind. He privately captured civilians and sacrificed wolf souls. This caused a lot of grievances. However, after the Great Qin Empire occupied Hongyan City, it was the first time that the Great Qin Empire took over Hongyan City. The empire charter was distributed to various prefectures, counties, and government offices, ordering the country to implement the constitution and govern the country by the constitution. After all, this decree is here, and even the female emperor must follow it, and the entire social order has begun to become orderly.

What the people need is actually very simple, a sense of security, livelihood security, fairness and justice.

Lin Muyu's injury slowly healed, although the speed was much slower than expected, but it was still healed after all.

In the early morning, wearing the cape of the marshal, he slowly walked out of the room and came to the windy courtyard. The peach blossoms in the courtyard were still not blooming, but the small buds were covered with ice and snow. If the severe cold continues, I'm afraid it won't bloom this year. Those buds will freeze to death as the season goes on.

"Ugh… "

Lin Muyu looked up at Taozhi and sighed uncontrollably. The weather was still cold, which only showed that the breath of the Demon Realm was still surging into the Six Realms. Although the Heaven's Punishment had passed, the chaos was still there.

"Get up?"

Behind him, Qin Yin's soft laughter came: "Come on, take a sip of hot soup first."

"Thank you Xiaoyin."

Lin Muyu turned around, took the soup, then glanced at Qin Yinxiuzhi's beautiful face, and said, "Xiaoyin, is there any news about Xishan and Shangguo in the past few days?"

"Not yet." Qin Yin blinked and said, "For the time being, Feng and Qianfeng and Ding Xi are watching. It's okay. Brother Ayu, it's most important for you to take care of your body."

Lin Muyu took a sip of the soup and continued to look at the peach branches and said, "This year's peach blossoms will not bloom."

"Yes, maybe." Qin Yin clenched both hands, looked at the footprints on the snow, and said thoughtfully: "Brother Ayu, have you considered..."

"What have you considered?"

"Hand over the military power and let Wei Chou control the Longdan Camp and the Baize mercenaries?" Qin Yin said cautiously, "I'm worried about your body... So don't bother so much. Xiaoxi also meant the same."

Lin Muyu couldn't help smiling, looking down at her, and said: "Xiaoyin, you are not worried about my body, are you worried about my confidence? Hongyan City will be defeated, are you worried that I will have psychological fear of Chen Yu? "

"This... I..." Qin Yin hesitated, tacitly acquiescing.

Lin Muyu put the bowl on the stone table, stepped forward to support Qin Yin’s fragrant shoulder, looked straight at her, and said: "Yes, Chen Yu is indeed very powerful, so powerful that I don’t have absolute confidence in defeating him, but he is small. Yin, you also need to know that Chen Yu is a hurdle for me. He used a trick to kill my general Xu Jiantao. If I can’t cross this hurdle myself, I cannot defeat Chen Yu myself, and use his blood to pay tribute to Xu Jiantao. In my life I am afraid they will all regret this, and will be ashamed of Xu Jiantao's spirit in the sky."

"But… "

"Don't worry, hatred won't make me lose my calm, I've recovered." Lin Muyu smiled slightly, her clear eyes filled with incomparable confidence.

Qin Yin also laughed, just as Lin Muyu said, the invincible Lin Muyu returned.

Slowly sitting on the icy stone bench, Qin Yin gathered her hair and said softly: "Brother Ayu, are you planning to go to war with the north and the south?"


Lin Muyu's eyes were like torches: "Feng Jixing, Qianfeng, and Ding Xi guard the Western Mountain Province. There are a total of 500,000 troops, enough to check and balance or even annihilate Yangshang’s army, and all I have to do is to drag Chen Yu here. Don't let him do anything rashly, and wait for Brother Feng to destroy the Shang Kingdom, sitting on the entire territory of the Blackstone Empire and the Tianji Empire. When the time comes, the north and the south will move east together, and it will be a matter of months before the Tianjue Empire is destroyed."

"Do you have any plans?"

"Yes." Lin Muyu naturally put his heart to the empress and said: "No matter how resourceful Chen Yu is, most of his troops are recruits. The lack of combat power is a very objective fact, so as long as Chen Yu uses troops, he will never return to Lin Xi. I will have a chance to attack the place where the wind continues and the light wind continues. Starting from the east gate of Hongyan province, Qingqi will be able to approach Luohan City within two days. Immediately the Qibing carried his lair. Without the support of Luohancheng, Chen Yu's 800,000 army would naturally not attack and collapse."

"Don't you worry that Chen Yu will pretend to be an ambush this time?"

Lin Muyu smiled: "Even Xiaoyin in my family thought that Chen Yu would use this strategy, so how could Chen Yu behave like an axe?"

Qin Yin couldn't help but snorted, and smiled: "Are you saying I'm stupid!?"

"No la."

Lin Muyu shook her warm little hand, and said: "It's just a matter of fact, Xiao Yin is not stupid, but I don't want you to be involved in this conspiracy world."

"Ok… "

"Where is Xiaoxi, no one was seen early in the morning."

"Oh, she and A Yao went to the street to buy groceries. They said they were going to buy some fresh vegetables and cook them for you to support yourself."

"There are so many cooks in the Spirit Fire Division, and they actually need them to do it yourself..."

"Mind, it's different."

"Ok… "

It didn’t take long for a bustling voice to be heard outside. It seemed that Sikongyao and Tang Xiaoxi were back. Both mm’s personalities tended to be lively. Together, it was very lively. Lin Muyu and Qin Yin immediately walked out of the courtyard and they were indeed in the residence. In the compound, Tang Xiaoxi and Sikongyao came side by side, Sikongyao was extremely excited, and said: "Brother, I brought back a person, guess who is here!"



Sikongyao stepped aside, but behind was a dusty woman, dressed in the costume of an aristocratic girl in Tianji City, but the skirt was covered with mud. It was obviously bumped along the way, and her face was still pretty and very beautiful. Familiar, Lin Muyu recognized it at a glance, and said in astonishment: "Miss Shang Qian?"

It is the eldest lady of the merchant!

When Shang Qian saw Lin Muyu, her eyes blushed and she said: "Shang Qian sees the marshal..."

"Why be so polite..."

"You are the marshal, you are not the same person you used to be..." Shang Qian moaned her red lips, and said, "And I'm just a daughter of the country, a poor worm with a broken family."

"What the hell is going on?" Lin Muyu was puzzled.

Sikongyao said: "Brother, don't you know? The chamber of commerce of Shang Qian’s sister’s family is called the Chamber of Commerce. The business of this alliance once mastered nearly 30% of the economic lifeline of the Tianji Empire, and the merchants were also called the richest man in the world. But then... Bei Mingyuan was not emperor, the new emperor Yang Shang continued to intensify the suppression, until a few days ago... I had a secret appointment with my sister Shang Qian, and the Chamber of Commerce allied to secretly provide military rations to the Xishan Province. This incident happened. The merchants have been hit by..."

Shang Qian's eyes were red and said: "Twenty days ago, my father and brother were killed. I was not in Tianji City and only got the news to survive. I was mixed with refugees along the way and came to Hongyan after several disturbances. Cheng, the family who followed me has changed from more than 70 people in the beginning to four people now... I have no relatives anymore, and A Yao is my only support... ”

Behind Shang Qian, the four celebrities also looked like a servant, and even one of them was seriously injured and half of his arm was cut off. It seems that they have indeed experienced hardships along the way.

Lin Muyu said apologetically: "Ms. Shang Qian, please be sorry... This matter started because of our Great Qin Empire. Don't worry, the Great Qin Empire will definitely live up to the business. A Yao, what are you going to do?"

Sikongyao shook her head: "I don't know for the time being, let's arrange for Sister Shang Qian to live in Hongyan City..."


Lin Muyu nodded, her expression a little hesitant, Qin Yin Bingxue on the side was clever and naturally knew what he thought, so she murmured close: "I did hear the news that the entire business was almost destroyed, and more than 300 people were beheaded. , If it is an insider, the price would be too great, and Shang Qian's desperate mood is absolutely impossible to pretend."

"Yeah, I got it."

Lin Muyu nodded and said: "Businessmen used to be famous, presumably friends in the business world must be all over the world, right?"

Shang Qian was taken aback: "Well, it is true, the marshal asked... what does it mean?"

"I mean..." Lin Muyu spread out her hands and said, "I want to give the business lifeline of the three major southern provinces to Miss Shang Qian to take care of, and all the business of clothing, food, and housing will be provided to you by the official channels. Help, you want to revitalize the economy of the Blackstone Empire as soon as possible. I wonder if Miss Shang Qian is willing?"

"Huh?" Shang Qian was obviously very surprised: "I... I'm afraid..."


"It's not that I don't want to, but I'm just afraid that I'm not capable enough." Shang Qian lowered her head and muttered: "What's more, why does the Marshal trust me, a woman who has betrayed you?"

"That's all for their own sake, not a betrayal. Now, Miss Shang Qian is willing to accept my invitation to be the first person in Daqin's business alliance in Tianji?"

"I... I am willing." Shang Qian looked at him with bright eyes, and said: "It's just that the territory of the Blackstone Empire has always been martial arts. They look down on merchants and despise the business of the Merchant League. Therefore, the Merchant League rarely interacts with Blackstone. The people of the empire communicate with each other because they don’t pay attention to rules. Since the Marshal and His Highness trust Shang Qian, they must first promise the little girl a condition."

"You said."

"Amend a business law to protect the interests of the business alliance. Only in this way can the status quo of the three southern provinces and the people's views on the business alliance be fundamentally changed."

"No problem." Lin Muyu nodded, and Qin Yin on the side also smiled: "The people in the Congress will discuss the formulation of this commercial law with the young lady."

Tears filled Shang Qian's eyes, and she clicked deeply: "Thank you, Your Majesty, and Marshal, for giving me a chance to revive the Shang Clan Alliance!"