The Alchemist God

Chapter 1226: Seven handsome empire


Xishan Province, Xiping Mansion, heavy snowfall, the next endless.

In the Chamber, everyone was a little nervous.

Feng Jixing sat in the commanding position, holding the edict in his hand, and said: "His Royal Highness Yin's edict ordered that the generals above the rank of Daqin Wanfu in Xishan Province must immediately disappear."

"How to disappear?" Xiang Yu was stunned.

"Thinking of a way for yourself, disguising, and being insecure are all ways."

Ding Xi frowned and said: "We have hundreds of thousands of horses in our hands, so why should we be afraid of some mora?"

Feng Jixing took a deep breath and said, "Because Lin Shuai said that Mo Luo does not belong to the mortal realm. They are demons. The opponent who truly deserves them is God, but we don’t have a God, so we use mortal soldiers to go. Against the demon, this is not fair to the soldiers. Perhaps 300,000 soldiers can kill these demon, but they hurt the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred, so Lin Shuai ordered that mortal soldiers are not allowed to deal with the demon."

Qianfeng squinted his eyes and said, "His Royal Highness Lin Shuai and Yin are indeed wise. That Theron led a thousand Mo Luo into the Tianji Temple, and he will definitely serve Yang Shang, so their next step must be to kill the Great Qin Empire. Leaders of, because assassination is the quickest and most convenient way to end the war. In this way, everyone here is in danger. You must learn to hide yourself in order to preserve your strength."


Feng Jixing nodded and said: "I have arranged. The cellar of the Yuhuan Garden is well ventilated, and it can also provide food for half a year. Starting from today, those who are willing to live in the cellar will go with me. Regarding the defense of the Western Mountain Province It's handed over to the generals outside. Our meeting room is temporarily suspended. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" Ding Xi and Qian Feng nodded together.

Qin Yan frowned and said: "Leader by the wind, we are the main force. If we can't dormant, it will be spread from the outside world that the spears of the gods of the devil will be directed at the eldest brother and cousin. What can we do?"

"At this morning, the Dragon Knight had already sent the rough wind element, senior Luo Tianji and his treasures to Red Rock City. Presumably Ayu has a way to deal with it, so we don't need to ask more."


Feng Jixing glanced at the people again, and said: "Let's breathe in the fresh air. After an hour, all will enter the'invisible' state!"

"Yes, deputy commander!"

Red Rock City, handsome mansion.

Lin Muyu, Qin Yin, Tang Xiaoxi, Wei Qiu, Feng Zhan Lin, Wei Qiu, Zhulong and others were all present. A group of people surrounded a small sand table, and on the sand table was built not a map of Hongyan City, but a small The small walled city is not large in scale, almost the same size as the courtyard of the official family, except that the wall is slightly higher.

"What is this?" Wei Qiu looked dazed.

Lin Muyu said: "Zhangjiapu, a rich man in Hongyan City is in the courtyard twenty miles north of the city. The city wall is ten meters high and three meters thick. The surrounding is dense forest. The environment is quite good. The rich man often took some women to the fortress to live and vacation. It is said that this fortress can resist bandits and is famous far and near."

"Then what?" Tang Xiaoxi asked with a smile, narrowing her eyes.

"So I want to take you and Xiaoyin on vacation, hehe..." Lin Muyu smiled.

Wei Qiu, Situ Sen and others coughed repeatedly.

Qin Yin's face blushed: "Be serious..."

"Okay, but I still want to go to Zhangjiabao for a holiday." Lin Muyu supported the edge of the sand table and said: "Two days ago, Lord Zhang dedicated this fortress to me at the invitation of the military police camp, and I also sent soldiers. Go to Zhangjiabao to renovate the city walls, fortress buildings, etc. From today onwards, we will live in Zhangjiabao."

Wei Qiu was stunned: "But my lord... The Moluo army led by Theron may come at any time, and even masters like Wu Chang, Feili, and Long Xi may also come together to carry out the assassination. You and Your Highness are the most important thing in the Great Qin Empire. Important people, you can't get out of the defense range of the Gentian Camp, otherwise..."

"Weiqiu, needless to say."

Lin Muyu whispered: "I won't let the soldiers of the Longdan camp fight the Demon God for me. That would be too selfish. I just want everyone in the world to know that I live in Zhangjiapu with Xiaoyin and Xiaoxi. I want to build this fortress into a palace in the shortest time, so that people like Theron and Wushang can come to me for trouble."

Nangong Lie took a deep breath: "Chief, what are you going to do?"

Situ Sen also said: "Yes, sir, can a palace fight more than a thousand demon gods?"

"How can you know if you don't try?"

Lin Muyu smiled slightly, pointed at Zhangjiabao on the sand table, and said: "I have given an order to pave the slate floor with bell-sucking rocks around the fortress, so that the demon god will lose the ability to break the void around Zhangjiabao. In addition, Luo Tianji Senior should bury the rough wind system around the fortress, and the wind saw is the weapon to block and kill these morons."

Wei Qiu said: "But the wind saw can't kill all these Mo Luo, once they break through the wind saw, how do we deal with it next?"

Lin Muyu stretched out his hand and pressed it on the side of the fortress, saying: "Build four artillery towers around these areas. They must be strong, each equipped with a god-killing cannon. In addition, there are about 24 arrow towers built along the inner wall. Twenty sharpshooters are arranged on the arrow tower, all equipped with Moxin White Diamond Arrows. As long as the arm strength is sufficient, shooting Mo Luo will never be a problem."

"These can only deal with the threats coming down from the sky in a short time. Once the demon gods land on the ground?" Wei Qiu looked worried.

"rest assured."

Lin Muyu pointed to the ground inside the fort, and said: "There will be institutions installed here, and two giant institution beasts-the dragon will be ambushed. The rough stones of the wind system are installed on the body of the dragon. The power is extraordinary, even at the level of Longxi and Feili. Taking advantage of Dragon's attack, I think that in the 64th domain, my cultivation level almost suffered from Dragon's loss."

"Is this organ beast really that powerful?" Situ Sen was interested.

Luo Tianji twisted his beard and smiled: "Situ General Situ want to try? The surface of the dragon is tempered with hard iron, and the sword is inaccessible. Inside, the wind system rough stone controls the power. The attacks launched are carried and stored in the rough stone. Supernatural power."

The corner of Situ Sen's mouth grinned: "Forget it, the final general will be willing to go down."

Lin Muyu said: "That's it. The two dragons are the main attackers and defensive power. At this time, coupled with the Houyi bow that defends the Qiu, you can probably ensure worry-free. Even if they break through the defense of the dragon, we still have …"

"What else?" Wei Qiu looked curious.

"There are also ghosts and flying fish." Lin Muyu smiled faintly: "These piranhas are amazing, and they will definitely be able to hold these demon gods. Whether it is Theron or Wu Chang, these people should have never seen the dragon, the ghost flying fish, etc., and, We will continue to excavate the tunnel tunnels under the fortress, with white diamond arrows all over the place, plus the celestial scripts we have left in our hands. Even if Wu Chang, the Demon God of Martial Extreme, comes in, we must let him eat a pot!"

As a result, the more information Lin Muyu revealed, the more relieved everyone was. It seemed that it was not impossible to fight against the Demon God.

Wei Qiu frowned and said, "Although the adult's plan is very thorough, but... it takes time to dig tunnels and build gun towers. It is absolutely impossible to complete within three or two days, your lord..."

"rest assured."

Lin Muyu whispered: "I have received a secret report. After the successive defeats of the Shang Kingdom in the Xishan and Hongyan provinces, the border has become unstable. The barbarian tribes in the northern part of Tianji province harassed the border three days ago. These wild manpower Infinity, even an army of 2,000 people was destroyed, so Yang Shang has invited Theron’s Mo Luo army to kill and quell the chaos. I think Yang Shang must have witnessed Mo Luo’s strength with his own eyes. Then decide whether to do it on us."

Qin Yin smiled in a pair of star eyes, and said: "Not to mention the distance to and from each other, and it also takes time to calm the chaos. We have at least ten days to prepare. In ten days, a lot of manpower will be enough to transform this Zhang family. Fort."

"Yes, the subordinates will use the Longdan Camp to build the city together."

"Well, this matter does not need to be kept secret. Remember to collect antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and strange stones from the surrounding cities and counties and move them to the palace. The louder we are, the more we can make Yangshang determined to act."


Lin Muyu coughed, and said: "I think the movement may not be big enough. It's better... We follow the example of the Yihe Kingdom and hold the ceremony of marshals in the palace of Zhangjiabao. His Royal Highness also canonized seven or eight imperial marshals. It will shake the world, and it will also make Yang Shang, Chen Yu and others feel that our Great Qin Empire is very swollen."

"Um... swelling... is it really going to swell like that?"

"The soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, and they are invincible, why not swell?"

"Okay, just follow the plan, when will it be set?"

"Three days later, the fortress has changed at least, and it is there to seal the commander."


In the middle of the night, there was tranquility in the handsome mansion.

Under the light of candlelight, Qin Yin pursed her red lips, undecided.

The matter of Feng Shuai is really a headache, so many generals have established credit in the war, it is not good to miss anyone, and if Feng Shuai's ranking is biased, I am afraid it will cause dissatisfaction.

At this moment, Qin Yin actually missed Su Muyun, Zeng Yifan, and Qu Chu.

Lin Muyu avoided the matter of Feng Shuai, because he must be on Feng Shuai's list, and it is not good to intervene.

Therefore, only Tang Xiaoxi, Chu Yao, Si Kongyao and Ouyang Yan were with Qin Yin.

"Since Yihe Guo was the Seventh Commander back then, it's better for us to choose the Seventh Commander too." Chu Yao said with a faint look.

"Sister Chu Yao has any suggestions for candidates?"

"Ayu, Feng Jixing, Qianfeng, Qin Yan, Ding Xi, Xiang Yu, Tang Zhen, Bai Licang, Wei Chou, Situ Sen, Zhang Wei, Chen Xiaoli, Qin Yong, these people have qualifications, you can see Be a candidate." Chu Yao bit her red lip and said, "For the time being, I can only think of so much."

Tang Xiaoxi said, "We also need to add the people guarding Lanyan City. Su Yu and Zeng are also among them."

"Yeah." Qin Yin nodded.

In fact, the most troublesome thing for her is the ranking. How to rank after the selection of the seven commanders is also a subject of knowledge. Otherwise, if it causes dissatisfaction, the military will be shaken.

After staying up all night, the next day, the list of seven handsome men finally came out, in order—

Lin Muyu, the chief marshal, the title of Zhentian Marshal, bestowed on the king of Qin

Feng Jixing, second marshal, titled Marshal of the town and country, bestowed a letter to Wang Jue

Shallow wind, third marshal, titled Marshal Pingbei, bestowed the king of east

Xiang Yu, the fourth marshal, the title of Marshal Pingdong, bestowed on the Duke of Dongguo

Ding Xi, the fifth marshal, the title of Marshal Pingnan, bestowed on the Duke of Nanguo

Tang Zhen, Six Marshal, titled Marshal of Pingxi, bestowed on Marquis of Zhenxi

Zeng Yifan, seven marshals, titled Marshal Yingyang, bestowed Marquis of God

In addition, ten people including Qin Yan, Wei Qiu, Situ Sen, Su Yu, Zhang Wei, Bai Licang, and Chen Xiaoli were conferred as generals. Each has a knighthood. The edict will be sent to Xishan Province and Lanyan City immediately. Let the whole world know the prosperity of Qin State.