The Alchemist God

Chapter 1235: Devour everything


Among the mountains, in an inconspicuous cave, Xiyan held a severed sword tightly, vomiting blood constantly in her hand, and the blow from the Tower of Despair almost killed her, but Xiyan was not depressed at all. On the contrary, there was indescribable joy on his face. △Appointment novel,

Caressing the stain on the remnant sword, divine power drenched into the sword, and the seraph power of the same origin immediately led to the soul in the remnant sword.


The soul of the baby floated out, vaguely the same as it was at the beginning, but it was a lot haggard.

"Sister Xiyan..." Shewa burst into tears when she saw Xiyan's first glance.

Xiyan raised her hand lightly, as if touching her face, and said: "I'm late, making you suffer... Here, tell me what happened?"

"The Devil Realm broke through the seal of the Six Realms, and the moment I broke into the seal, I was captured by the Eternal Devil Emperor..."

"Did the Eternal Devil Emperor personally hand it?"


"Hey baby, I will find a way to resurrect you, find the perfect body for you, reshape your spirituality, don't worry."

"No..." Ewa murmured: "Sister Xiyan, my soul is too weak. The Eternal Devil Emperor has almost refined half of my divine power and transformed my power into the energy of the God Destruction Tower. Yuan Ling is no longer enough to reshape the Lingge."

"It's okay, there's me, I just say yes."

Xiyan gritted her silver teeth and said, "You take a rest first, and I will look for opportunities to take you out of the Demon Realm. When you reach the Six Realms, it will be much safer, and I will have a chance to revive you."

"But... The Eternal Devil Emperor will not let us go."

"Don't worry, the Eternal Devil Emperor is dead. He was killed by the lunatic Zi Yan." Xiyan looked out of the cave with a floating gaze, and said: "If I guess wrong, the other three holy emperors of the Demon Realm will definitely come. Revenge for the eternal devil emperor, once they fight Ziyan, huh... we have already left the demon world by taking advantage of the chaos."

"Well, it's all arranged by my sister."

"Well, take a break and regain your strength as soon as possible."

"good… "

Unexpectedly, before dawn, the Dimensity Temple was already in a mess. In the distance, countless Mo Luos flew to the Dimenity Temple, densely packed and countless, the other three holy emperors of the Demon Realm had already Bringing the army to crusade, the powerful Demon Realm has also had many internal disturbances. Once the Eternal Devil Emperor died, he had already become a group of dragons without a leader.

Although Zi Yan holds the Destroyer Tower in his hand, after all, his qualifications are too low, and no one can look at him if he is a demon general.

On the top of the Tianji Temple, Zi Yan embraced the Deity Tower, and behind him were the three holy kings such as Baifeng, and countless Moluo troops, who represented the power of the Tianji Temple.

In front, the world was filled with Mo Luo, the black demon world battle flag was flying, and the other three holy emperors also appeared in the field of vision. The cultivation base is unfathomable, but they have a common weakness-fear of the Deity Deity Tower, and no one has the power to fight the Deity Deity Tower, but at the same time they are not convinced by the demon general Zi Yan.


The huge body of the Emperor Tongtian rolled over, his lower body was rolling like a black river, holding a huge sword in his hand, and said: "Did you kill the Eternal Devil Emperor?"

"Yes." Zi Yan nodded and smiled.

The Emperor Tongtian squinted his eyes: "What on earth do you want to do? Do you want to unify the Demon Realm?"

"Yeah, so what?"

The Emperor Tongtian couldn't help laughing: "You... a demon general in your area, even if you hold the Devil Tower in your hand, can you really dominate the demon world? Tell you, black is black, and white is white. Yes, do you think that a Tower of Destroying God can change your status as a Demon General and make you a Demon Emperor in one fell swoop?"

"Can't it?"

Ziyan's smile was full of slurs, the energy of the God Destruction Tower in his hand had been restored and could be used again, and the artifact was sacrificed with a roar, and suddenly a great brilliance fell from the sky, turning into a huge Tarot and shrouded the body of the Emperor Tongtian. For a while, the Heavenly Emperor Holy Emperor screamed endlessly, opened his palm quickly, and roared: "Master the devil, break it!"

The fiery red energy whirled sharply against the Destroyer Tower. It is indeed not a vain name for this Heaven-Tall Saint Emperor to become one of the Four Great Saint Emperors.

But how can the power of one person oppose the power of the entire demon world

In a blink of an eye, the Emperor Tongtian's arm cracked open, the blood spurted out of his mouth and lost consciousness, and began to fragment. At the same time he died, the essence of his body's power turned into devil energy, which was madly absorbed and swallowed by Zi Yan.

This time, it can only absorb about 30% of the power of the Emperor Tongtian.

Although there is the body of the Deity Deity Tower, Rao is so powerful that it still swells, and the skin of Zi Yan's whole body bursts open, and the blood flow continues. He is as hideous as a devil, bathed in the blood of the heavenly emperor. Haha laughed, both painful and excited, his gaze looked at the Jiujue Saint Emperor and the World Exterminating Saint Emperor with ferocious eyes, and roared: "Have you seen? This is the fate of resisting me! Lao Tzu has swallowed the power of the Eternal Devil Emperor," Now with the power of the Emperor Tongtian, do you think my strength is still below yours? That would be too small for me! Hahahaha..."

As he said, he licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, Zi Yan continued: "The Eternal Devil Emperor holds such a powerful God Destruction Tower but has not swallowed you. You should be thankful that the Eternal Devil Emperor is kind-hearted. Of course, I am also kind-hearted. As long as you two swear allegiance to me, I will let you go, how?"

Jiujue Saint Emperor shook his fist, trembling all over, but did not speak.

Soon, he knelt down with Emperor Mie Sheng, and said, "I two...I am willing to be loyal to you!"

Zi Yan laughed: "Now, what should I call me?"

"Ziyan Devil Emperor... Oh no, Ziyan Ancestor Emperor!"

"Hahaha, this is the truth!" Zi Yan laughed grimly: "In the past, everyone looked down on me. Now, I want everyone to be afraid of me, and everyone in the world is afraid of me. The world is underfoot!"

The World Destroying Saint Emperor and the Jiujue Saint Emperor glanced together, and they all saw worry in the eyes of the other party.

Originally, the Eternal Devil Emperor planned to use the divine power of the Seven Lights Demon Emperor and Niewa to shape the Deity Deity Tower into a perfect artifact. At that time, no one between the world and the earth could resist De Deity Deity Tower, but it was too late to finish it all. He was killed. Although the current Deity Extinguishing Tower was powerful, it was by no means invincible. Zi Yan's greed created chaos in the Demon Realm, and at the same time it seemed to give Mahayana Heaven a chance to fight back.

The stars were dim, and among the mountains, a figure flew away. It was Xiyan's figure. She had already escaped from this ominous place as soon as possible with her Yuanling. If she stayed in the demon world for a moment, it would be more dangerous.

Behind him, a row of double-winged Mo Luo screamed and chased him down.

But their screams did not attract the attention of Emperor Ziyan. Ziyan patronized and stood up in front of the group of demons, completely forgetting about Xiyan and Newa.

In fact, the Ziyan Ancestor, who had swallowed two great saint emperors in a row and possessed the God Destruction Tower, did not put Xiyan and Niwa in his eyes at all. Not to mention that the two of them were injured and died. Yan He's baby maintained the combat power in his heyday, and the ancestor Ziyan was confident that he would kill the two within ten moves, and he did have this ability, and the power of the Tower of Despair was far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

At the seal of the Six Realms, Xiyan, who was flying at full speed, passed by like a cold light, flying into the Chaos Realm while flying non-stop to the distant Lingshan plane.

From the broken sword came the voice of Ewa Yuanling: "Sister Xiyan, where are you going?"

"Western God Realm."

"Huh? Why?"

"That's our home... And the Western God Realm has long been bloodbathed by the Mo Luo army. Now there is no one and no god. It is impossible for the Demon Realm to think that we will hide in the Western God Realm. It takes a lot to reshape your body. As long as I can find the original light stone from the Western God Realm, I will be sure to reshape your body. Don’t you feel it? The power of the law is quickly recovering, and the way of heaven that belongs to us is back."

"Well, it's the Dao of Mahayana."

"Yeah, don't talk, take a good rest, everything is mine."

"Ok… "

At night, the handsome mansion of Hongyan City was quiet.

It is rare that there is no snow, and the starry sky is thousands of miles away. Lin Muyu stood in the courtyard to practice the Star Art, with a faint starlight glowing on his body, as if the whole person was coated with a layer of brilliance. He was cultivating, while Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi were making tea. The night was long, and everyone didn't want to sleep.

"There seems to be a lot of things happening in the heavens."

Tang Xiaoxi raised his head and looked into the sky, pursing his small mouth and said, "The power fluctuates very strongly, but we don't seem to be able to see that the Tianyin scroll may have been enshrined in the heavens."

"Xiaoxi, you are righteous, can't even you see it?" Qin Yin was surprised.

"Well, the laws of the Mahayana Heavenly Dao are different."

At this moment, Tang Xiaoxi suddenly opened his mouth and said, "No, something is coming, Mu Mu, be careful!"

With that, Tang Xiaoxi’s graceful body was already in the air, and only a ray of flames fell from the sky. With a “swipe”, Tang Xiaoxi blocked it in the air and crashed into the ground with a powerful impact. Just before landing, Tang Xiaoxi forcibly resisted it. With this strength, a huge ice crystal appeared in her hands.

"What is this?" Lin Muyu flew forward and asked.

Behind him, a golden figure vented down. It was the Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor, smiling and saying, "It's the Crystal of Demon Shadow!"

"Brother Devil Emperor!"

Lin Muyu said in surprise: "You... Have you ascended to the Mahayana Way?"


The Demon Emperor nodded and smiled: "Ayu, long time no see! This one is a Mahayana crystal, which I asked Nuwa for you. It can sense the power of the demon world. Once someone in the demon world approaches, it will shine and blend together. After tempering the laws of the Mahayana Heavenly Dao, you can see the name of the righteous god in the Mahayana Heavenly Dao in the crystal."


Lin Muyu stretched out his hand and wiped the ice crystal. Sure enough, there were two golden names deep in the ice crystal, one was Tang Xiaoxi, and the other was Qi Yao Devil Emperor!

"Very good… "

"Ayu, I can't stay longer, there are still things to be done, you have to work hard."


The Qi Yao Devil Emperor came quickly, and went quickly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Crazy God..." Tang Xiaoxi pursed her red lips and said, "His Law Bodies are stronger than mine!"