The Alchemist God

Chapter 1239: Rescue the female slaughter


"How can elder brother be sure that they are not a business traveler?" Sikong Yao was a little puzzled.

Lin Muyu smiled and said: "It's very simple. First, it hasn't snowed in Hongyan Province for three days. How can their fire be wet by the snow? Second, there is no way to transport materials here. It’s impossible for merchants to walk hundreds of miles here without taking the official road. Third, look at them. They don’t even have horses. They can’t be merchants at all. Fourth, they have a smell on their bodies. , My spirit art can feel it, a very unpleasant smell."

"What the hell is that?"

"The fox smell..." Lin Muyu grinned.

Sikong Yao pursed her small mouth: "What are you doing!"

At this time, Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi also got out of the tent, and Tang Xiaoxi asked, "Mu Mu, do I need to take action?"

"No, just a few demon spirits."

Lin Muyu stood up, pressed the saber around her waist, and walked over with a few Yu Lin guards, looking through the light of the bonfire. There were three people in total, all "businessmen" with fierce eyes, leading the way. It was a mustache who walked forward with less-standard etiquette and said: "We are lost businessmen and cannot make fires at night, so borrow a fire from you. Please... don't refuse us."

"Oh, go get the fire by yourself." Lin Muyu pointed to the campfire behind him.

"Thank you!"

The three of them quickly walked towards the bonfire, but their eyes fell on the tent and the horse tethered to the tree. They immediately showed a greedy look. They walked faster and faster, and the moustache in the front suddenly roared. Pieces of fur appeared on his palms, fingertips stretched out sharp claws, and roared towards Si Kong Yao, probably because he thought this gentle girl was good for bullying.

But Sikongyao was not gentle at all, and the saber around her waist turned into cold light and shot away.


The moustache was blasted back again and again, his body swelled up and turned into the appearance of a male demon fox, while the other two attacked Lin Muyu together, the cold light of the sharp claws was very shocking.

Lin Muyu's speed was faster, and the sword light suddenly jumped, with a double "click, click", and both arms had fallen to the ground. Xuanyuan sword was so sharp that the demon spirits of the mortal world couldn't resist it at all!

The two demon foxes uttered a hissing roar together, their eyes were fierce, and they seemed to become more violent after being injured.

Lin Muyu didn't want to waste time either. Five fingers suddenly flicked, and a mighty force flowed in the space. At the moment when the starlight skyrocketed, the two demon spirits were evaporated instantly, turning into strands of dust and falling on the snow. The power of the ninth style of the Star Jue is indeed extraordinary!

At this time, Si Kongyao had already stepped on the neck of "Mustache", stomped it on the ground, and raised his long sword to prepare to pierce his heart.

"A Yao, wait!"

"Huh?" Sikong Yao was stunned.

"Don't kill him yet."

Lin Muyu stepped forward, Xuanyuanjian pierced into the mud beside the moustache with a "keng", and asked, "Who are you? Are all the demon spirits not returning to the forest? How could you run to the Hongyan province? Up?"

"I... I..." He shuddered and watched the tragic death of his two companions. He was so frightened that he was almost gone, and his voice trembling said: "The little one was originally one of the demon veterans who did not return to the forest, but... But a month ago, the demon After the change of the spirit clan, the young ones have settled in the jungle of Hongyan Province, begging the uncle for your life!"

"Internal change?"

Lin Muyu frowned: "When I didn't return to the Demon Emperor Lin and the female killer, we had three chapters. From now on, the demon spirit clan will not harm human beings. If you violate the rules, won't you be afraid that the female killer will kill you?"

"No, your Majesty the Demon Emperor will not punish me." He shook his head and said: "A month ago, the Demon Emperor was no longer a female murderer, but a sui man."

"Who is Sui Ren?"

"One of the four great demon kings, now the demon emperor, Qin State has invaded the celestial pole continent and caused great chaos in the world, but Her Majesty Female Killed asked me to wait for Gou to stay in the woods, so the four great demon kings couldn’t see it and didn’t want to let go. After this heaven-sent opportunity, we tried to admonish the female majesty together, and did not want to be opposed by her majesty, so... Suiren united with the other three demon kings to initiate internal changes together and pushed the female majesty off the throne and replaced it. With the demon emperor, in this way, his mother can cooperate with the people of the Tianjue Empire."

"Oh shit!"

Lin Muyu was furious and asked, "Where is the female murderer now?"


"Exiled? Impossible. If the female murderer is exiled, she will definitely come to me."

The demon lord smiled bitterly: "It is true that she was not exiled, but was placed under house arrest in the demon spirit altar that is not returning to the forest. Her Majesty's reputation is too high. The demon Emperor Sui did not dare to kill her, so she could only be placed under house arrest. ."

"So, which side are you on? Are you loyal to female killings or succumbing to others?"

"I... I'm one of the hundred demon exalted by Emperor Sui, young man, let me go. As long as you let me go, I am willing to dedicate my life's wealth to you, so that you can enjoy endless glory and wealth."

"No, did the Sui people send you to Hongyan Province?"

"Yes, Emperor Sui Ren Yao ordered me to enter the territory of Hongyan Province to inquire about the situation in Hongyan Province."

"Originally I planned to let you take me to save the Demon Emperor Female Killing, but now, it doesn't seem necessary anymore. Go ahead."

"What do you mean, Young Xia? Do you know Her Majesty Female Killing? Who are you... What are you going to do, did I say something wrong? Young Xia, why are you killing me..."

"These questions will wait for you to ask your elm head after you leave!"

The sword light flashed past, and the head of the demon venerable had already rolled down on the snow, and all three demon races died here.

Lin Muyu shook his arm slightly, dispelled the blood on the blade, walked to the tent, and said, "Xiaoyin, I am afraid we can't go back to Hongyan City directly. We must go to the forest without returning to the forest and rescue the Demon Emperor. If you come out, otherwise... the demon spirit clan will definitely become the minions of the Tianjue Empire, and it will be even more unfavorable to us by then."

"Well, the three of them just now were all demon sovereigns?"

"Yes." Lin Muyu sighed, "After the punishment, the power of the demon spirits has been weakened a lot. These demon lords were originally very strong, but now they are so vulnerable. I think it is precisely because their power has been weakened. That's why the female murderer was put under house arrest. Otherwise, with her strength, who could get her under house arrest?"

Sikong Yao said: "This place is only more than two hundred miles away from the Forest of No Return, and about four hundred miles away from the altar of the Demon Spirit Clan. If you speed up, it should be there in one day. Do we need to drive at night?"

"No need."

Lin Muyu looked behind her and said, "Wei Qiu, you will take Yulinwei back to the defensive pool of Hongyan Town at dawn tomorrow. It is enough for me to go to the forest with Xiaoyin, Xiaoxi, and Ayao. Too many people are not good, after all, there is the territory of demon spirits."

"When do you plan to leave, your lord?"

"Take a rest for two hours and set off at night. I will summon the Crimson Crystal Dragon. The Crimson Crystal Dragon is enough to carry four people to the forest. It will be there within one hour, and I will find the female killer before dawn."

"Well, please proceed carefully."


After taking a short rest, Lin Muyu and others were ready to set off. After summoning the Crimson Crystal Dragon, Lin Muyu, Qin Yin, and Si Kongyao needed to fly with the Crimson Crystal Dragon. Tang Xiaoxi, the righteous god, could just follow it.

In the night sky, the earth was pitch black, and there was no light in the jungle wilderness.

Five hundred miles away, at the flying speed of the Crimson Crystal Dragon, it didn't even take an hour to arrive, but it almost froze Lin Muyu and others into icicles. It was too cold in the middle of the night.

After flying into the forest of no return, it is still snowing here. Although the snow is not large, it has become a natural protective barrier.

Overlooking the earth, Qin Yin opened Yan Xi’s eyes, and saw dots of stars appear in the jungle. Those are the rays of light condensed by the primordial power of the demon spirit family. The demon emperor must have been banned from power. , How to find her depends on Qin Yin's Eye of Yan Xi.

"The main altar is over there." Sikong Yao pointed to the distance.

Lin Muyu frowned and said: "If we fall from the sky, it will definitely cause a turmoil. There are thousands of demon spirits. We can't come hard. We can only land far away and walk over. Is there anything we can hide?"

Sikongyao chuckled: "It's simple, brother, you pretend to be a demon, put a little hair on your cheeks, and then tied the three of us with a rope, saying that it was the spoils you brought back. The monster emperor, when he sees Sui Ren, he will directly subdue him and order him to take us to see the female slaughter. In this way, the goal of saving lives can be achieved."

"Good plan..."

Lin Muyu smiled, and immediately patted Chi Jinglong's head: "Fly over there and land."

In the snow curtain, four people landed. Lin Muyu searched for ropes from Qiankun's bag, but only found some ropes used as horse bridles. He could only use this as a hand, and quickly helped three MMs to tie their hands. , When he tied his hands for Tang Xiaoxi, Tang Xiaoxi's face was red, and he asked, "Will you still play this in the future?"

Lin Muyu's face flushed, "This... I'll talk about it later..."

Sikongyao looked blank, but Qin Yin was not surprised.

Soon after, Lin Muyu led three big beauties down the hillside. Under the hillside was the square of the main altar. Piles of bonfires were lit. There were guards and some high-level demon spirits guarding them.


Not surprisingly, as soon as he entered the square, he was yelled at by a guard: "Who?!"

Never lose in momentum!

Lin Muyu opened her mouth and cursed: "Are you stupid, CNM? You don't even know Lao Tzu. You are one of the hundred demon exalted personally by His Majesty the Demon Emperor Sui, are you an idiot!?"

"You..." The guard who looked like a bear was startled, and hurriedly knelt down, and said: "The younger one sees Lord Demon, who has eyes but no knowledge of Mount Tai, please forgive me."

"Forget it, I don't care about you." Lin Muyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, Sui Ren canonized a hundred demon exalted, knowing that these little pawns must not recognize them, so many demon exalted, who can recognize them!

"Get up, it's okay, take Laozi to see His Majesty the Demon Emperor, I will bring back three human beauties, to dedicate them to your Majesty."

"Oh, my lord, please go here."

This is too easy. The guards of the demon spirit clan are so lax. People patrolling at night don’t have a password, and the demon emperor also sees him if he sees it. Teach her a set of human dominance techniques.