The Alchemist God

Chapter 1245: Old god


In the prison, Paradise Lost was placed flat on the table. Tarilin, Lake and others watched with their eyes wide open. This small stone is Paradise Lost and is known as one of the most precious artifacts in the Western God Realm. It is said that Those who are sad and desperate can get everything they want in Paradise Lost, can find their loved ones, and can resurrect the dead. In fact, the real role of Paradise Lost is illusion, and the real illusion created makes people unable to refuse this. Kind of attraction.

"What a beautiful stone..." Tarilin said with emotion. This is the first time she has observed the legendary artifact so close.

"It's a pity that Claude can't make good use of it." A virtual image of Erwa appeared and said: "If he can make good use of it, I am afraid that the Western God Realm will not be defeated in such an instant and be occupied by the Demon Realm."

"What is the specific plan?" Li Fei asked.

"The plan is..."

Xiyan smiled slightly: "It's actually very simple. I will go to the Temple of Light in the daytime to openly slaughter some Moluo and attract all their troops. Then I will use Paradise Lost to lead them into the illusion and unable to come out. Then I will enter the Holy of Light. In the temple, I found the original bright stone, and after resurrecting the baby, I competed with them head-on."

"This plan... is really thorough..." Li Fei vomited.

Xiyan pursed her red lips: "Yes, this is the most thorough plan I can think of."

The next day.

All the plans are carried out by Xiyan alone, otherwise it may become a drag if any one more person is brought along.

The morning sun gently bleeds over the Temple of Light, the two-winged demon spread their wings, and the ground is full of poisonous thorn demon lying on their backs basking in the sun. These poisonous thorn demon have a row of points on their back. The thorn, the thorn is poisonous, and the blood seals the throat. In the first battle in Zhangjiapu, most of the soldiers killed in the Longdan camp were actually poisoned to death.


The originally quiet air was suddenly disturbed by a sword aura, which was a sword aura from the dimension space. Under a sword, the three double-winged demons were immediately dismembered. Then, a beautiful figure appeared in the sky, behind him. The six wings opened, and the Fiery Moon Sword in his hand was shining brightly. It was Xiyan who had come.

"The Seraph is here! The Seraph is here! Set the alarm!" the two-winged Moluo shouted.

Xiyan didn't rush to do it, but looked at the Mo Luo faintly.

In the temple, countless Mo Luo flew out, densely packed and black, Xiyan couldn't count it, but it was almost five thousand people.

The corners of her mouth lightly raised: "Idiots, come on..."

Dozens of double-winged Mo Luo rushed to the culprit, Xiyan resisted with a sword, slashing left and right as if entering no one's land, but her body had been retreating, which proved that she was retreating steadily.

The Mo Luos were crazy, because a woman's voice came from behind: "Slay Xiyan, give the title of Saint King!"

This sentence was enough to make Mo Luo all crazy, one by one quickly pounced on Xiyan, but they did not realize that there was a barrier between them and Xiyan, and the slightest ripples swayed away, they seemed to pounce in. In a mirror surface, in the opposite direction of the mirror surface, the two-winged Mo Luo and the Stinger Mo Luo frantically waved their claws, but they were only fighting with a wisp of air, and there was nothing at all.

Paradise Lost, it was so easy to play with these Mo Luos between applause.

In the Temple of Light, along with the sound of "Sand" footsteps, Xiyan Zhenshen walked into this familiar temple step by step. Here, he has seen Claude countless times, and has also been here countless times to the West God Realm. The tribe gave the command, but now the glory is not there, Claude has no news, the Western God Realm has fallen, and the dragons have no leader, she herself must shoulder the heavy responsibility of revival.

"You finally came."

A voice came from the side hall, bypassing the huge stone pillars, and a beautiful and enchanting woman appeared. It was Sally Wen, the holy king holding a red flame surging long sword, with a touch of disdain at the corner of her mouth, and said: "I heard that you are the strongest blazing angel ever in the Western God Realm. For example, after being punished today, you were able to retain your divine power. It is not easy to practice, but you want to come here to die."

"Do you know why I came?" Xiyan asked with a smile.

"I don't know, and I don't want to know, you are already a dead person." Sally Wen raised her mouth and showed a cruel smile.

Xiyan looked into the distance with a deep gaze. At the main hall in the distance, on either side of the throne are two huge iron boxes. Inside, the power of the bright rough stone can be heard. Yes, it is the power of the bright rough stone, and there is more than one bright rough stone. There are at least five bright rough stones in that box. It turns out that Claude's treasure has been uncovered!


Sally Wen was the first to launch the offensive, the sword was raised, and a magic flame protruded along the ground.

After all, he is the Holy King, the offensive is fast and swift.

But her opponent is stronger, the former Seraphim, Xiyan's power has faded by about 20% with the punishment, but the remaining 80% is enough to deal with the holy king.

The Fiery Moon Sword swept across, abruptly blocking the Demon Flame's invasion, Xiyan rushed in the air, the six-winged light soared, and the sword on the top of Mount Tai fell on Sally Wen's head.


Sally Wen obviously didn't expect Xi Yan to be so fast and so strong. When she raised her weapon to block, she found that she couldn't stop it. The long sword broke in two with a "bang", and the disc of blood flew out. After all, Xiyan’s sword is the strongest blow of the Seven Slashes—God Killing, and it is fortunate that Sally Wen can bear this blow without dying!

"You want to kill me?!"

Sally Wen, who fell into the corner of the wall, slowly stood up and wiped the corners of her mouth in embarrassment.

Xiyan ignored her at all, stepped forward and swung a sword to split the two boxes. Sure enough, there were six bright rough stones inside. She quickly received all of them in her bag, and turned around and smiled faintly: "Sally Wen, don't come to mess with me, otherwise I will definitely kill you next time!"

Outside, there was the roar of the Moluo, and it seemed that the scam of Paradise Lost had been broken by them.

Xiyan smiled sweetly, and slowly disappeared into the space with a twist of her slender waist, leaving the shattered void.

Sally Wen stood there blankly: "Okay... What a beautiful Seraph..."

At night, the secret room of the proving ground.

Tarilin, Lake and others were already more energetic after taking a break, but it was not safe here. On the ground above the secret room, the roar of Mo Luo and the heavy muffled sound of the magic flame bombarding the ground continued to be heard.

"They are searching for us." Tarilin said surely.

"It doesn't matter, they can't find it."

Xiyan held the remnant sword in one hand and the bright rough stone in the other. On the wrist of her left hand, blood was flowing, and the blood was floating in the air like a ribbon. Then it gathered together with the divine power of light flowing out of the bright rough stone, and gradually transformed into Her baby's appearance, she wanted to use her blood as a guide to reshape her body.

"All the men turned around and can't look back without my order." Xi Yan whispered.

Lake and the other two men turned around immediately.

In the scene they couldn't see, the body of Erwa became more and more clear and complete, and the bright skin and beautiful face were the same as before, and when the Yuan Ling entered the body, he couldn't help but breathe deeply. A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Xiyan: "Sister, I... Am I resurrected?"

"Well, it hasn't been fully resurrected, don't speak, continue to draw the power of the original light stone, how much your power can recover depends on your own."


Hewa nodded heavily, closed her eyes, and the proud ** slowly turned in the air, surrounded by the bright light of the bright rough stone. Just as Xiyan said, how much divine power can be restored depends on the bright rough stone, but At the same time, Xi Yan's body trembled slightly, and her face was a little pale. She used the reincarnation technique to lose a lot of vitality.

The whole process lasted for about half a day. In the second half of the night, Xi Yan took a deep breath and stopped the operation of her power, saying, "Li Fei, give my baby a set of clothes."


Li Fei took out a set of war angel clothes and gave it to Nawa, but Nawa shyly put on her clothes and said, "You can turn around now."

The three male angels turned around, and Lake took the lead and knelt down and said, "See Lord Seraphim!"

"Don't be polite, get up."


Li Fei said: "Master Xiyan, tell me about your next plan!"

Xi Yan pointed to the table on the side, where there were five bright rough stones intact, and said, "All the next steps are here."

"Oh? What do you mean..." Li Fei was startled.

Xiyan smiled and said: "It's very simple. I have insight into an important message in Paradise Lost, that is, the law is immortal, and the law of light is even more immortal. Heaven's punishment only takes away your divine power, but it doesn't take away all of you. Talent, at this time your body is like a dry and dry lake, and the original bright stone is the lake water. If I pour these lake water into your body, I can make them gods again, as to what strength can be restored The degree depends on chance."

"God again?" Li Fei and Tarilin were startled for a moment, and there was a little excitement and joy on their faces.

"Yes, restore your god identity."

Xi Yan said indifferently: "But it is not the God of the Mahayana Heaven, so I can only be called the old God, not the new God. If you want to go further, you can only gain strength by comprehending the Mahayana Heaven. From tomorrow, I will meet you. Help the five of you to refine the rough stone of light, and strive to restore all of your divine powers as soon as possible, so that we can rebuild our Western God Realm!"

"Yes, thank you sir!"

Everyone saluted.

The once glorious Western God Realm had died out, but new hope was glowing like a firefly in this small secret room.


On the Tianji Temple, the ancestor Ziyan held the Pagoda of Destruction and looked at everything in the six realms with faint eyes.

Behind him, the Saint King Baifeng respectfully said: "The ancestor, Xiyan has already established a foothold on the ruins of the Western God Realm. Through the eyes of the demon god, he discovered that she has resurrected her baby. It can be bombarded and killed with the Destroyer Tower!"

Emperor Ziyan shook his head: "No, there are stronger people who deserve to be killed with the Destroyer Tower."


"The first-class righteous god-mad god!"

"The ancestor wants to kill the Seven Lights Devil Emperor?"

"Yes, the Seven Lights Devil Emperor is immortal, I'm uneasy." Zi Yan looked at the dim light of the God Devil Tower, and said: "When the God Devil Tower absorbs the devilish energy for half a day, I will attack and kill, look at this crazy god. When can I be mad?"

"Yes, ancestor Shengming!"