The Alchemist God

Chapter 1248: Forcibly cross the Qinglan River



Wei Qiu was a little surprised.

Sikongyao blinked and said, "I've heard of this kind of ethnic group before. When I was young, I saw some rat people in the Eastern Wilderness. Brother Ayu, would the rat people really attack us?"

"It seems so, since Ayao knows that the rat people have also seen the rat people, please tell us in detail?"

"Yeah." Sikongyao nodded, and said, "The rat people are cruel in nature. Although they are called the rat people, they are actually eight beasts and two people. The rat people are extremely hungry and can eat people, and this race is extremely greedy. , Where it was rumored that the rat people had passed by, there were only bones left in the whole village. They were more terrifying than the plague and everyone could not avoid it. Why did Chen Yu lead the wolf into the house?"

"If people are in a hurry, there is nothing that can't be done." Situ Sen said: "Lin Shuai, since we may fight the rat people, do you have a plan?"

"Lulu said that the scavengers are afraid of fire, so we have to prepare more igniting things and wrap them on the arrows of the white diamond arrows. Once they encounter the scavenger army, they will use the rocket to cover and kill. Try not to fight the scavengers in close quarters. It will cause unnecessary losses."

"Yes, the subordinates will prepare now."

Wei Qiu said: "My lord, the raft and driftwood are all ready, and they will be all ready tomorrow morning. When will we cross the river to attack?"

"Go and prepare the rocket first. We will attack at dawn tomorrow. The Ratman is a night war creature. We must take down the Qinglan River during the day and set up camp in the west of the river. Ensure sufficient water sources."


After nightfall, there was silence on both sides of the strait. Song Liangcheng’s defenders just camped by the river, but there was no sign of taking the initiative to attack. Song Liang’s achievements would be considered bold and dare not take the initiative to attack. After all, the strength of the two sides is very different. With nearly 300,000 main forces of Longdan Camp and Baize Mercenaries, I am afraid that no army on the entire continent has a chance of winning more than 30%.

"Wow... Wow..."

The sound of the river waves hitting the shore also brought a trace of humidity and the smell of river water. The temperature gradually warmed up, and the breath of water seemed to have a feeling of recovery.

Lin Muyu walked slowly along the river bank, followed by a group of imperial guards, and Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi also followed closely. At this time, the two mmm were more like bodyguards, protecting Lin Muyu, the commander-in-chief of the three armies who had not yet entered the Mahayana Heavenly Path.

"Song Liangcheng seems to be emboldened." Tang Xiaoxi pouted, and said: "Dare to confront us across the bank, and I don't know what his confidence is."

"Rat man... It can only be the rat man who makes him so confident." Lin Muyu said.

Qin Yinxiu frowned and said, "Brother Ayu, do you feel something?"


Lin Muyu looked to the southwest and said, "My spirit pulse technique senses strands of weird aura appearing in that jungle, that forest... It's called Maolin, Xiaoyin Xiaoxi on the map, let's go and visit?"

"Okay, let's go."

After ordering the Yulinwei to return to the camp, the three of them went into battle lightly. They walked around Song Liangcheng’s camp and walked straight towards Maolin in the southeast. From a distance, Maolin was even a little lush, most of the jungle. It is coniferous forest and pines and cypresses, so even in the cold winter, it maintains this lush green.

It's just that there are some more factors of instability in Maolin now.

Lin Muyu and the others entered Maolin silently with very light steps, and then carefully fumbled forward. The three divine weapon long swords were hidden in the scabbard, and the light was not exposed.

After walking for about ten minutes, Lin Muyu suddenly raised his hand and motioned to stop. Then the three slowly squatted down among a decayed bush, surrounded by damp, dilapidated leaves. Those leaves even came because of the cold winter. It was too fast to have time for corruption, and now the process of corruption has begun.

In the distance, there are no lights, and you can only distinguish things by the light of stars.

Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi had two pairs of beautiful eyes wide open, and they looked into the distance like this. There, rickety figures appeared, resembling humans, but not humans. They were about 1.5 meters away, their heads were a bit ridiculous. The mouth protrudes crazily forward, revealing a pair of front teeth, and a pair of fangs on both sides.

It's a rat man!

Tang Xiaoxi was a little astonished, just about to say something, but Lin Muyu gently covered her mouth, and his eyes beckoned her not to make any noises. The Ratman's sensory abilities are very strong. Once they hear something disturbing, it won't work.


"Chip plus chirp..."

In the distance, two rat men were talking, a conversation that was completely incomprehensible.

Lin Muyu began to wonder how Chen Yu bought these rat people. Is this also the case

"Look at..." Qin Yin whispered.

In the distance, more and more rat people appeared. Under the starlight, their expressions were very hideous, and their front teeth were glowing with cold light. The number was about two thousand or more. It seemed to be overwhelming with mountains and plains. Mao, the elder-like rat man walked up to the hillside, raised the stick in his hand, and shouted loudly: "Jaga, Gaga, Gaga, Gaga!"

I don't know what he is calling, but a group of rat people are dancing their hands like crazy. No, they are two claws, which are sharp claws that can dig the ground quickly!

A group of rat people began to dig the ground one after another, and the dirt was flying.

Lin Muyu frowned, and whispered, "They are drilling holes..."

Tang Xiaoxi said, "Why did they... why did they make holes?"

"The cave is their battlefield, so they made a hole." Lin Muyu signaled the two mms to retreat, staring at the rats in the jungle ahead, and said: "Once our army crosses the Qinglan River, I am afraid it will inevitably follow them. Dealt with."


The moment the three of them exited the jungle, there was a scream from the left side: "Haw, Gagaga!"

It is the scout of two rat people!

It was discovered!

Lin Muyu immediately said: "Don't do it, I will try to see how powerful the Rat Man is!"

As he said, rushing with his bare hands, the two rat men came with their teeth and claws dancing.


One of them swooped quickly one by one, and the sharp claws swept through a blood-colored arc. Lin Muyu directly blocked it with his arm, shocked with a "puff" sound. Looking at the power, the Ratman's power is approximately equivalent to a master of human level cultivation. Although it is far less powerful than the armor demon, at least it is stronger than ordinary people.

What was even worse was their actions. The second ratman flew to catch Lin Muyu's retreat, followed his back and climbed up, opening his sharp teeth and biting at the back of his neck.

Lin Muyu deliberately wanted to know the ratman's speed and attack method. Now that she knows it, the backhand without looking back is a punch, and the starlight is fleeting, and the ratman's head has been blasted into pieces. , Immediately afterwards, there was a faint pain in the wrist, which was the bite of another rat man, and he would not let go once he bit.

Sure enough, the cruelty of this creature is not inferior to the armor demon!

Lin Muyu's arm shook slightly, and the grudge whirled, shattering the skull of the rat man, kicked it away, and withdrew from the blood fog, his eyes were cold and said: "If these rat men appear in our battle formation through holes. Among them, one hundred thousand rat people... I am afraid that even if the Longdan Camp is destroyed, they will lose more than half of them."

"Then what do you want to do?" Qin Yin asked.

Lin Muyu groaned and said, "Scaly people are creatures that come out at night. Ayao said, during the day, the rat people have very low eyesight. They do not adapt to the strong light of the sun. My plan is to quickly defeat Song Liangcheng in the daytime tomorrow. His army rushed to find the scavenger habitat before sunset, launched an attack first, and destroyed the scavenger army in the daytime."

"Are you sure?"

"There is no absolute certainty, but this is the only way. Our grain and grass are not so abundant. We can only quickly siege the city and plunder the land to obtain the enemy's grain and grass to supplement our own."

"Mu Mu, didn't you order Liu Buyi to supervise the grain and grass?"

"Order is one thing, whether it can be done is another matter."

"Ok… "

Lin Muyu glanced at Maolin where the Ratman was from a distance. They were digging a hole here as a shelter. They would sleep in the cave during the whole day of tomorrow, and there would be a bloody battle at night.

In the early morning of the next day, with the roar of war drums, the battle flags of the Longdan Camp and the Baize Mercenaries were raised one after another, and the rafts were launched into the water, forming one piece, almost spreading the entire Qinglan River to the ground.

Wei Qiu and Sikongyao formed the first offensive echelon, and nearly 50,000 people crossed the Qinglan River forcibly.

The sound of war drums became denser, arrows fell like rain on both sides of the bank, and the only magic crystal cannons left in the gentian camp continued to roar away, falling into the enemy camp, causing chaos.

"Give me forward, not retreat!" Wei Qiu held the Houyi bow and kept shooting the opponent's crossbowmen, while loudly urging the soldiers.

The densely packed gentian battalion infantry shield soldiers raised their giant shields above their heads, forming a shield formation and struggling to paddle the raft forward. The Qinglan River was not wide, and in a blink of an eye they had already fought close to their opponents and drew out steel knives. He hacked it up, and Tian Jue's soldiers raised their spears and madly poked at the soldiers crossing the river. In a blink of an eye, Qinglan River was almost blood red.

Wei Qiu is well versed in the art of war, with a mountain of military methods and good command. In less than 20 minutes, he commanded his troops to cross the river successfully, and in a blink of an eye he fought with Song Liangcheng’s army on the bank. Although Sikongyao’s troops were slower , But after all, the Baize mercenaries were also quite elite, and immediately began to go ashore. There was an endless stream of rafts in the rear, and a large number of Qin troops were transported there.

The sounds of magic crystal crossbows and strong bows are endless. Once the battle of positions begins, Song Liangcheng's subordinates begin to rout quickly. Compared with the combat strength, the Longdan Camp surpasses the Southern Patrol by too much, and almost every soldier can do it. One is three, even one is five!

Until noon, Song Liangcheng suffered heavy losses. He left nearly 30,000 corpses and returned to Jicheng without fighting behind closed doors. Lin Muyu ordered the army to prepare for war and set up camp on the east bank.

In the afternoon, a barrel of black beech oil was transported over. Lin Muyu ordered Situ Sen to lead a force of 150,000 to set up a line of defense in the west of Jicheng, blocking Song Liangcheng’s army in Jicheng, and then commanded Wei Qiu, Sikongyao began to send the army into Maolin.