The Alchemist God

Chapter 125: The two love each other


Moonlight fell on the Tingyu Pavilion of the Imperial Capital, and there was a heart-warming piano sound from the attic, ups and downs, melodious, as if telling a girl's state of mind.

Chu Huaimen stood in front of the curtain blankly, hearing mesmerizingly, recalling his brilliant winds and frosts and refined moonlight in his mind for so many years, and he couldn't help but sigh with emotion. It seems that this piano rhyme can understand his own thoughts Caress in the softest place in my heart. To this day, all pursuits seem to have been vicissitudes of life. Grandpa was killed and Chu Yao came to the imperial capital. Everything was like a dream, and what was he pursuing, the pinnacle of martial arts?

He sighed, where is the pinnacle of martial arts

Not long after, the sound of the piano finished.

The bead curtain slowly opened, and a maid said with a smile: "Master Chu Huaimen, my lady invites you to come in for a comment!"

Chu Huaimei was flattered and nodded: "Yes!"

Another Yulinwei on the side patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "Go, go, Miss Zengxiang is willing to see you, this is your blessing, I am so envious of you!"

Chu Huaimen smiled awkwardly, and stepped into the inner courtyard, but saw a beautiful girl sitting next to the Yaoqin, looking at herself deeply with beautiful eyes. This is no one else but the daughter of the god Hou Zeng Yifan—Zeng Xiang !

"Master Chu, please sit down!" Zeng Xiang smiled slightly and ordered: "Lord Chu see tea."


The maid walked over slowly and offered a cup of tea for Chu Huaimian.

"Master Chu, what do you think of the song played by the little girl?" Zeng Xiang Liwo asked with a light smile.

Chu Huaimei was a little lost, and hurriedly said: "This song should only be found in the sky. It is rarely heard in the world, Miss Zeng Xiang, how do you recognize it? I... I'm just a little Yulinwei."

Zeng Xiang chuckled and said, "Master Chu still remember the sword fight meeting three years ago? It is a pity that you defeated more than a dozen masters in a row with the skill of winning stars and eventually fell to Feng Jixing's popular swordsmanship. At that time, the little girl was on the side of the stage and witnessed Master Chu's unworldly talent with her own eyes."

Chu Huai-mian couldn't help but flushed a little old face: "I'm just a trick of carving insects, but it's not worth comparing to Miss Zeng Xiang's piano sound."

Zeng Xiang smiled softly: "Feng Jixing and Qin Lei's martial arts are the best in the generation of the imperial capital, but they don't understand melody. Only the great talent of Chu is the real talented person. Today we invite Master Chu This is for you to give some pointers to the little girl’s Qin Yun!"

"Don't dare."

Chu Huai held a fist with trepidation, and said: "How can I tell my lady about this superficial rhythm? I have lived in the imperial capital for so many years. The battle is one or two."

"Hehe, it's Xiaoyin..."

Zeng Xiang covered her mouth and chuckled, and said, "It's no wonder that it is her. Xiaoyin Bingxue is smart and has a very good comprehension. Her musical attainments must be above mine. By the way, Master Chu, I heard about your sister. Chu Yao is already in the imperial capital?"


Chu Huaimu said, "Miss, you asked about A Yao because of it?"

Zeng Xiang's eyes were a little dim: "Master Chu should also understand that the contradiction between Shenhou Mansion and Yulinwei has become more and more intensified. Dad and younger brother are resenting this every day. I invite you to come this time to resolve it. One or two, let the disputes between Shen Hou Mansion, Yulin Guards, and the Holy Temple settle down."

Chu Huaimei trembled in his heart and asked, "The last will dare to ask Miss what is in her heart?"

Zeng Xiang sighed faintly, her beautiful eyes looked at Chu Huaimu deeply, and said: "Don't hide it from your lord, I will never forget you after the Sword Fighting Conference three years ago. Maybe you don't even know my existence. , But I have you in my heart. In the past few days, my father is forcing me to marry Xiang Yu, the commander of the military police camp. Zeng Xiang knows that Xiang Yu is arrogant and cruel. For example, Master Ruo Chu also has Zeng Xiang in his heart, Lord Wang..."

With that, Zeng Xiang's face was flushed, and she stood up and made a lady's salute, and said with a voice like a mosquito: "I also hope that the adults can come to the Shenhou Mansion to propose marriage, I... I would like to stand by the Lord."

Chu Huaimen trembled, joy and shock mixed together.

After a while, he clasped his fist and said, "Chu Huaimei is just a commoner, I'm afraid the identity is not worthy of the young lady..."

Zeng Xiang was taken aback for a moment, then sat down, with an indescribable loneliness on his face, and said, "Since the grown-up doesn't allow it, let's give it up over there..."

The maid on the side was full of resentment, and said, "Master Chu, my lady's daughter-in-law told you sincerely, why are you so ruthless? Don't you have a lady in your heart? My lady... in terms of appearance, I remember that in the Lanyan City beauty ranking a year ago, my lady was ranked third, and you know, the adults, the emperor’s hunting two years ago, my lady was thousands of miles away. I went swiftly, just to see you, but you didn’t go. She stood for four hours in the first snow of Lanyan City. A year ago, Yulinwei competed in the selection of rookies, and the lady still insisted on going. Yes, I saw you this time, but you didn't look at her. The lady has such a deep love for you, why is the lord so unfeeling?"

Chu Huaimei was also anxious. In fact, the sound of Zeng Xiang's piano made him completely enamored, but it happened so suddenly that he didn't even have any mental preparation.

"It's not that Chu Huaimei doesn't have a lady in his heart, but..."

Chu Huaimian frowned and groaned, and said, "Lin Muyu is my brother. He is having an antagonism with the little Hou Ye Zeng Fang. If I propose to the Shenhou Mansion at this time, I’m afraid it’s wrong. But I don't want to bear Lin Muyu's brotherly righteousness!"

The words made Zeng Xiang flushed, and it took a long time before Zeng Xiang raised his face and smiled lightly: "Don't worry about the proposal of marriage for now, it's okay if you have me in your heart..."

Chu Huaimei clasped his fists and said, "I hope that Miss Chu Huaimei will not blame Chu Huaimei for being abrupt. Give me a little more time, Chu Huaimei will not disappoint Miss."

Zeng Xiang smiled extremely sweetly, but flushed with shame. He wanted to see Chu Huaimu but didn't dare to look. He bowed his head and hesitated for a while, and said, "Then... Then, tomorrow Master Chu can come together again?"

Chu Huaimei was taken aback: "Miss, tomorrow I will be on duty..."

"When will the lord be free?"

"the day after tomorrow… "

"Then get together here the day after tomorrow, what do adults think?"

Chu Huaimun's old face blushed, and he said with some embarrassment: "This... Chu Huaimu was born as a commoner, and his salary as a Yulinwei can only be regarded as average. It's not as good as our next appointment at a cheaper and more affordable place, I'm afraid it's somewhat Miss wronged."

Zeng Xiang grinned and looked at him deeply: "Don't be wronged, wherever you are, it's a wonderland on earth."

"Then... Chu Huaimu is back to Zetian Temple, so I can't delay it for too long."

"Well, Zengxiang will send you..."

In the night, Chu Huaimen and Zengxiang walked out of Tingyu Pavilion side by side, but they didn't know that a pair of eyes in the water pavilion were staring at them tightly. It was a thin man in his 30s with a trace of resentment on his face. "Chu Huaimu, this bastard, actually wants to eat swan meat. How can my lady be yours, let Shenhou know, you will definitely teach you that life is better than death!"

Zeng Xiang and Chu Huaimun naturally did not know that the danger was approaching, and they were still sinking in the joy of their first love affair.

This day is very important to both of them.

The happiest thing in the world is to know that the person you love is also loving you.

A burst of wild pheasant calls broke the tranquility of the night, a ray of sun pierced through the clouds, and it dawned.

Lin Muyu woke up from her sleep and slept very well. She replenished all the physical strength that she had lost in the Tongtian Tower. She sat up and waved her arms. She only felt that her body was full of fighting energy and her physical energy had reached its peak state. It just happens to be useful in the next Eagle Guard mission.

"My lord, are you awake?"

Wei Qiu said with a respectful smile: "Linghuo Si has already prepared breakfast, we can continue on the road after we finish eating."


The Spirit Fire Division is actually the name of the Cooking Camp in the Imperial Army. It just sounds better. In the 50-person team led by Lin Muyu, 5 people are responsible for burying pots and cooking, so there are only five Spirit Fire Divisions in this team. , But it is also very important. After all, it is very important for the march to eat outside.

The breakfast was pretty good. Two pieces of marching pie, plus a bowl of broth. This broth is made from the meat of the Swift Wolf that was killed yesterday. This meat tastes a bit fishy, but it can be eaten with a mouthful of meat. It's pretty good.

After Lin Muyu had breakfast in two bites, he clapped his hands and said, "Wei Qiu, bring here the map of Dragon Hunting Forest."

"Yes, my lord!"

Unfolding the map, this is a royal map. Each Eagle Guard team has one. The map details are marked in great detail. Lin Muyu reached out and took a look at the task list, and said with a smile: "I really don't know where to start. …"

Wei Qiu also smiled, pointing to the map, and said: "Autumn leaves are withered, and the flame beasts will begin to hibernate in these few days. The autumn wind is bitter. I think this winter may come very early. Go to the southeast of Xunlong Forest and look for flame spirit beasts? The rest are not in a hurry."

"Well, where are the flame spirit beasts mainly concentrated?"

"The dead wood and stone forest area."

"Well, you will lead the way, Wei Qiu."

"Yes, my lord!"

After breakfast, everyone turned on their horses and set off after extinguishing the bonfire.

The spirit beasts encountered along the way are not very strong, and the maximum life span is not more than 2000 years, so it is directly solved by Wei Qiu and other Yulin Wei. As for the Yulin Army, most of the soldiers of the Yulin Army are repaired by the human condition. Therefore, their mission on this trip is basically to carry, shoot arrows from a distance, etc. When they really encounter a powerful spirit beast, they cannot directly participate in the battle, because it is too easy to be killed.

Lin Muyu had already made up his mind to go down in the Eagle's Nest camp, so these people will be his own soldiers in the future, and they can't be killed easily, otherwise he would be too defeated as a centurion.

At night, a 2400-year-old wild bear attacked the patrol team, but Lin Muyu used a pear spear to pierce his heart. Only one blow killed the 2400-year-old spirit beast, which directly convinced everyone. The centripetal force is naturally stronger.

Marching, resting, and cultivating have completely become all of Lin Muyu's life here.

Unknowingly, three days later, the team finally came to a very deserted jungle. It was the dead wood and stone forest. There were burn marks everywhere. There are many flame beasts living here, and they have hunted for 4000+ years of flames. A good place for spirit beasts.

PS: Tomorrow Ye Zi will return to his hometown in Huai'an for the New Year, so the codewords are too inconvenient. In order to spend a good year, I can’t maintain such a fast update. Before the second day of the new year, we will change to the basic two chapters a day, irregular It will explode, let’s say nothing else. Everyone has seen the update speed of Ye Zi’s new book. Ye Zi asks himself that it will be very fast, okay, get ready, if you have money but don’t have money, go home for the New Year. I also wish you a happy new year, and Hemeimei~~~

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content! I734