The Alchemist God

Chapter 1250: Three days of fierce battle


On the northern battlefield, after receiving Lin Muyu’s message, Feng Jixing ordered the army to abandon the gates and fortresses in three days. The whole army retreated and defended within a hundred miles of Xiping City. The huge army of 500,000 made it impossible for the opponent to continue. attack.

Yang Shang was originally feint, but went away angrily.

The more than 200,000 Heavenly Absolute Army regiments under Chen Yu's personal control took advantage of the situation to settle in Huoyuan Province and began a dilemma. Huoyuan Province is a land of the Three World Wars. It is adjacent to Dongning Province to the north and Xishan to the west. Feng Jixing and Chen Yu may attack at any time, but Chen Yu already wants to retreat, so he can only wait for the time to change.

June 17th.

Everything began to recover, and the trees and vegetation on the mountain began to pull out green buds. The sunny weather lasted for nearly half a month, and it seemed that spring had also followed.

In such a sunny day, the Longdan Camp quickly attacked Jicheng, and the entire west wall of Jicheng was covered by artillery fire and crossbow arrows. Situ Sen personally led the Gentian Camp to attack the city. This is already the first time. It's been two days.

The west wall of Jicheng is already riddled with holes, and the city gates are beginning to loosen up, and the city is stained with blood. There are some from the Southern Patrol and the Gentian camp. The battle was very tragic, and neither side suffered any damage. few.

After a violent attack in the morning, the offensive battalion retreated, but failed to conquer the city wall.

Situ Sen's face was stained with blood. He even rushed to the city wall, but was still forced back by the heavy forces of the Southern Patrol. A new scar was added to Junyi's face, which was a sword wound.

"Marshal, give me another half day to take down the Western Wall!" He said with a fist.

"Don't worry." Lin Muyu waved his hand: "Come on, give a seat, General Sen will take a rest first. How many people have we lost in the past two days?"

"About three thousand."

"Too much."

Lin Muyu frowned and said: "Just got the news that the third batch of baggage delivered from Dongshuang City has arrived at the front line. About two hours later, 30,000 magic crystal cannons will be delivered to the battlefield, so don't rush. Attack, when the magic crystal shells arrive, you can knock open the city gate without blood. Xiaoyin and Xiaoxi will help you break through the city. Once the city wall is broken, it will be a street battle. Leave it to you. Be sure to end the battle in Jicheng within three days and wipe out Song Liangcheng’s southern patrol. Besides, don’t let Song Liangcheng go. Send wingmen and dragon knights to block the air. Don’t even let out a bird. ."

"Yes, the subordinate understands, please let the marshal put it down!"

Waiting until dusk, the first batch of magic crystal shells were transported through the Qinglan River with difficulty, and Situ Sen’s next wave of offensive was also launched, while Lin Muyu, Qin Yin, and Tang Xiaoxi personally supervised the battle, riding their horses far away. Watching the siege scene.

"Boom boom boom..."

The war drums roared like a beating on everyone’s heart. The Southern Patrol soldiers on the city were also exhausted, but no one dared to slacken their efforts. They all knew that the siege army under the city was the mortal enemy of the Southern Patrol. , The legendary Longdan Camp, the revenge division who was shot and killed a town leader Xu Jiantao, once broke the city, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

"They are coming again."

A general manager wiped the blood-stained steel knife and said.

Song Liangcheng supported the pheasant, with a chill in his eyes, and said: "Your Majesty ordered us to stand by for assistance. There will be reinforcements. No one should retreat. Give me the wall. They will run out of shells. It will not be so easy. Break through the city wall, even if it is the last person in the battle, we have to defend Jicheng, do you understand?!"

"Yes, deputy commander!" everyone shouted in unison.

But at this moment, the gentian battalion cannons in the distance suddenly spit out flames, and then the magic crystal cannons fell on the city wall, blooming flowers of death, and then the storm swept the city wall, making everyone Retreating again and again, just this round of shelling actually made the Western City Wall tottering, and even the iron gate made of stainless steel was burnt red, and it seemed to be unable to hold it.

"Oh shit!"

Song Liangcheng squeezed the long sword fiercely and looked up at the sky, only to find that the Xingtian heavenly armies riding on the phoenix were cruising in the air. They had already controlled the air supremacy of the entire battlefield, let alone a breakthrough, even Song It was not that easy for Liangcheng, the demon god, to escape.

"Deputy commander, what should I do!?"

A group of martyrs panicked.

"Prepare for street fighting!"

Song Liangcheng held a long sword and said: "Don't panic, Jecheng is our city. We are more familiar with everything about Jecheng. We have sent soldiers in the city to prepare for battle. We still have 150,000 horses. We can support at least ten times in street fighting in the city. For a long time, ten days... The reinforcements of Luohan City should have come long ago!"


"Squeak... Squeak..."

In the distance, the huge iron gate of the West City Gate was burnt red and twisted, making an unpleasant twisting sound. After a round of shelling, Situ Sen had ordered the assault battalion to attack again.

Lin Muyu looked from a distance and said, "Xiaoyin, are you sure to break through the gate with a sword?"

"Yeah." Qin Yin nodded.

"Go, help the assault camp to break through the city gate, and then Situ Sen's business is the next step."


Qin Yin jumped up, turned into a streamer and flew to the front of the city wall, and suddenly a group of Gentian camp soldiers recognized it, all in amazement—

"Look, it's Her Royal Highness!"

"How come your highness?"

"His Royal Highness... Is this cheering for us?"

When everyone was excited, Qin Yin raised his hand and drew out the Donghua sword, and groaned gently, the power of the Mahayana Heavenly Dao surrounded the body, a force of order penetrated into the long sword, and instantly activated Xiyan Qizhan. Attacking the city gate, he slashed out with a fierce sword!


The sword gas turned into a bitter storm, and it shredded the huge gate in an instant, and even cut a huge gap in the wall. The sword gas flew over the wall without stopping, and flew straight into the city avenue, instantly sweeping the south who were guarding the city and preparing to fight. The patrol army suddenly screamed into the sky. This sword was so devastating that it almost shocked the southern patrol army's mind with a single sword.

For a while, the southern patrols inside and outside the city were shocked. This is a force that does not belong to human beings, it is the power of the Mahayana God!

However, the assault battalion soldiers of the Gentian camp raised their swords and shields and shouted: "The female emperor is mighty! Long live the female emperor!"

With an order from Situ Sen, thousands of people flocked into the city to fight with the Southern Patrol. The truth was seen in the first battle. The Southern Patrol could hardly resist the footsteps of the Gentian camp. Power and tactics are very different, it is simply difficult to compete with the Longdan camp on the frontal battlefield.

The Gentian Camp is an army of hundreds of battles, and the Southern Patrol says that it is a mob. What's more, the only people in the Gentian Camp at this time have vengeance and high morale. This is not the same as the Southern Patrol. .

Qin Yin returned to the army and fell gently beside Lin Muyu.

"Xiaoyin, the power of this sword is really amazing." Lin Muyu exclaimed.

Qin Yin Liwo smiled slightly: "If Xiaoxi cleaves such a sword, it may not be less powerful than me."

Tang Xiaoxi chuckled quietly.

After a few seconds, Qin Yin said: "Brother Ayu, since he has decided to wipe out Song Liangcheng's subordinates, why not order the bombardment of Jicheng and use the magic crystal cannon to turn Jicheng into a pile of ruins?"

Lin Muyu nodded and said: "There are two reasons why I did this. One is that the inventory of magic crystal shells is too small. Just a small amount of belongings cannot be wasted at will. After Jecheng, there are countless gates waiting for us to knock on the door. Second, there are still 100,000 civilians in Jicheng. I don’t want to kill 100,000 civilians because of my temporary anger. In this battle, only the southern patrol army will be killed and the civilians will not be harmed."

Qin Yin smiled slightly: "It turns out that you haven't changed, then I'm relieved."

Lin Muyu opened up and began to summon the Chijinglong, saying: "Xiaoyin, Xiaoxi, let's go to the air to overlook the entire battlefield, block the air, and don't let Song Liangcheng run away. In addition, he ordered Wei Qiu's subordinates to attack together. Flanking, leaving Song Liangcheng nowhere to go to heaven and earth."


In fact, Song Liangcheng did not intend to flee. The Southern Patrol was his life and everything to him. Once the Southern Patrol was annihilated, Song Liangcheng’s life would have come to an end. There was no lower demon god of the Southern Patrol. What is the point of such a polished commander? Chen Yu would not reuse it, and Lin Muyu would chase and kill him desperately, so it would be better to die.

Situ Sen has led the assault battalion into the city. In terms of the ability of street fighting, the wild warriors are the first in the world, and the Jiamo camp is the second in the world. However, these two armies are now in the hands of Lin Muyu, and they are fighting together. The Southern Patrol is only a matter of time.

The street fighting lasted from the afternoon of the 17th to the early morning of the 19th. The city was full of traces of fighting. Song Liangcheng had 150,000 people. It was not so easy to kill them all. For three days, the entire city of Jeju There were blood and corpses everywhere, and the Southern Patrolmen who had lost the ability to counterattack were hacked and killed. In this battle, Lin Muyu ordered no prisoners and no surrender, so the Southern Patrolmen had no choice. They were still going on in vain. And weak resistance.

The second team that entered the city was the three thousand Yulin army guarding Qin Yin and more than one hundred Yulin guards. At this time, the Yulin army took on the important task of pursuing public security in the city, and made some southern patrols pretending to be civilians and threatening the civilians. All were cleaned up, and at the same time Zhang Bang calmed down the people, and all the people who gathered on the city square were given safety protection, and food and water were given.

Lin Muyu riding a war horse, accompanied by Tang Xiaoxi, Qin Yin, and Sikongyao slowly entering the city, the air was full of bloody smell, which made people very uncomfortable.

Xuyang has just risen, bringing a ray of warmth to people.

"found it!"

From a distance, Situ Sen's excited voice came: "Lin Shuai, we have caught Song Liang!"

"Oh? Where is it?"

"Come here now!"

Surrounded by the crowd, only one person was escorted by dozens of people in embarrassment. His hands were locked by the shackles of the Devil's Heart Stone. He had lost his supernatural power. There were still several arrows trembling in his chest. Obviously, he was the first to be demonized. The heart arrow will only be caught if you lose the power of the demon flame, otherwise it will not be so easy for mortals like Situ Sen to catch a lower demon god.