The Alchemist God

Chapter 1267: People have their own ambitions


After Qin Yin left, Toure returned to Claude in embarrassment and respectfully said: "Master, who is this extremely powerful woman? Why..."


Claude said: "She is the goddess of grace, Qin Yin, and another name is Xiyin. She is Xiyan’s younger sister. She was once one of the war angels in the Western God Realm. From Xiyin’s words, Xiyan, My baby has already begun to rebuild the Western God Realm. You are the righteous god under the Western God Realm. Go... Go and do your best for the Mahayana Way and the common people in the world. This is what you must do as the Xia Shen Things, you are still young and there is still a long way to go. If you work hard, you may be able to reach the level of Xiyin."

"Master, I... can I really?"

"Well, rest for a night, and ascend early tomorrow morning, I think Xiyan and Newa must also be waiting for you, God of Xia, to work."

"Yes, the villain understands!"

As soon as Turé left, an old man in a black robe appeared immediately behind Claude, and said: "Master, have you really ceded the Western God Realm to the two traitors Xiyan and Nwa like this?"

"Otherwise, what can I do?"

Claude smiled bitterly: "My time has passed, I will admit my fate, and... I also hope that the Western God Realm will rise and prosper again... Elder Carter, do you remember when I was a kid? I vowed to Become a great seraph and add a glory to the Western God Realm... For so many years, it seems that these vows have long been forgotten, until I lost my strength and everything, but I did not think of the promises I had made, I don’t want to... I don’t want to... Let yourself be drawn into the endless abyss."

Elder Carter said with a faint smile: "Perhaps you are right. This means that everyone has their own ambitions. It doesn't matter, it depends on what kind of fame the two little girls, Xiyan and Nwa, can make!"

"Don't worry, since Xiyin has already helped Xiyan find the bright rough stone in the Western God Realm, it means that Tang Xiaoxi, who is almost inseparable from Xiyin, is also in the Western God Realm. Perhaps the legendary Martial God Lin Muyu will also serve the West God Realm. Yan will do it, she will do everything I want to do but cannot do..."

Elder Carter: "..."

A meteor flashed across the sky and disappeared in the sky in a blink of an eye. Humans are like this, so are gods. The only thing that has never changed is the universe. The only difference between humans and gods is the length of life, but when placed in the vast river, they are like fireflies. Shu and Bianzhou are as short as a leaf.

In the world of broken tripods, the spirits of all things on the earth under the sky gradually recovered. In the jungle, an old man sat quietly among the flat rocks, surrounded by roars of deer and apples of the wild...strands of aura haunted him Around the body, the old man's beard and hair were already white, but his face was very ruddy, and the keel rod in his hand was glowing with light fluorescence.


A golden light leaked from the air on his body, and he knew what had happened almost without even thinking about it. At that moment, he had insight into the law and the true meaning of heaven.

Around, the barren grassland began to recover, and the growth rate of grass blades was astonishing. In a flash, there was already a lush dense forest within a few miles, which was very different from the early spring scenes in other regions.

This is the power of recovery and the power that Qu Chu is about to gain.


There was a muffled thunder in the air, and the Tianyin scroll slowly unfolded, and the name of Qu Chu was clearly written on the words, and the body of Empress Nuwa appeared in the sky, and the voice was extremely quiet and said: "Qu Chu, you stay away from disputes and have mercy on all things. , Has been approved by the Mahayana Tianyin Scrolls, and now grants you the first-class mid-level god Dharmakaya, the titled God of Recovery, and grants you the power of recovery. I hope you will uphold the Tao of Heaven and protect the Tao of Mahayana for the people of the world!"


A huge golden figure came into Qu Chu's body. That was his Law Body. In a blink of an eye, Qu Chu seemed to be a lot younger, his hair became all white and his face became more rosy, and he said happily, "Thank you, Niang Niang." Given the Law Bodies, Qu Chu will do his best to subdue demons and demons for the common people!"

The figure of Empress Nuwa slowly dissipated, and Qu Chu stood up, watched the animals all around gather, and smiled slightly: "Go all, start your new life, I should also leave, the heaven needs The power of my old bone."

The deer, rabbits and other animals seemed to understand Qu Chu's words and scattered one after another, but Qu Chu took a deep breath, soared to the sky, and disappeared between the sky and the earth in a flash.

Tianji City.

Between the pavilions and the water pavilions, a handsome man looked up at the sky and said: "It's another soaring righteous god... It's Qu Chu. Even the old Qu has soared. We young people are still here to eat together. Dying..."

"Believe what His Royal Highness said!" Lin Xun smiled: "Old Qu's reputation has spread throughout the world. It will be a matter of time before he obtains the Dharmakaya, and we are not here to eat and wait to die!"

Feng Jixing nodded and smiled, and said, "Zhang Wei, how is the military situation in the eastern battlefield?"

Zhang Wei clasped his fist and said: "There was no much resistance at all. After the Chen Yu party feathers were wiped out, the governors of the major provinces of the Tianjue Empire basically came down looking at the wind, and they did not dare to resist the iron cavalry of our Forbidden Army."

"As expected."

The corner of Feng Jixing's mouth raised, and he said, "The whole territory must be calmed down within a month, do you understand?"

"Yes, it doesn't take a month, half a month will do."

Aside, Guan Xing clasped his fist and said, "His Royal Highness, there is one thing you have to say."

"Sir, please speak."

"After discussion and discussion, the Congress decided to establish two congresses two days ago. After the resolution was voted on, Guo Huaili was appointed as the chief of the Lanyan City Imperial Capital Congress, and he will control the entire Ding Ding Realm, while the deputy chief Jiang Qi will rush to the Celestial Continent as soon as possible. The chief deacon of the Celestial Continent Congress is in charge of all the government affairs of the Celestial Continent."

Feng Jixing frowned and sat down on the railing, silent.

Zhang Wei said: "What is the problem? The Congress is making trouble. Before His Highness Yin left, it was clearly stated that all the important military and political affairs of the Celestial Continent were all under the control of His Royal Highness. What kind of trouble is this Jiang Qi coming to do?"

Feng Jixing nodded and said: "In the Fourth Covenant of the Imperial Constitution, all government affairs are under the control of the Congress. It is also expected that they will send Jiang Qi to take charge of government affairs. Government affairs in the world."

Lin Xun had killing intent in his eyes: "How about... the subordinates will send someone to Broken Ding Realm to slaughter Guo Huaili?"


Feng Jixing waved his hand and said: "If you are in Dading today, the people need a stable life. Guo Huaili's good words have long been regarded by the common people as the world's most capable minister. We kill Guo Huaili at this time is to be an enemy of the common people in the world. Become the criminal warlord in Ayu’s mouth, let’s bear it, as long as Guo Huaili doesn’t go too far. As for Jiang Qi, if he wants to master the government affairs of the Celestial Continent, let him control it.

"But..." Zhang Wei said, "Just let these villains shit and pee on our heads?"

Feng Jixing smiled: "If he really dares to pull, I will help him hold... Zhang Wei, you old boy remember it to me, don’t be bad, it’s easy to kill Guo Huaili, but you kill a Guo Huaili soon There will be a second Guo Huaili appearing. From the first emperor to the present, Zeng Yifan, Tang Lan, Su Muyun, Zhuang Yan, etc., will appear one by one. Which one is not a hot one? But now, where are they? Someone will always control things like government, we can't kill them, and all we can do now is I respect him one foot, and he also respects me."

"Subordinates understand."

"By the way, is there any news from Lanyan City? Are Chu Yao and Wei Qiu all okay?"

"They have all arrived in Lanyan City safely." Guan Xing laughed and said, "You can rest assured, the chief deacon Chu Yao is the person in charge of the Department of Spirit Medicine, and is protected by the expert of the Dragon Alliance, and Master Wei Qiu is the gentian. The commander of the battalion, known as the most powerful commander, gave Guo Huaili 10,000 courage and he did not dare to touch the Longdan camp."

"Yeah..." Feng Jixing nodded.

This time and another time, Zhuang Yan relied on the 700,000 congress army, internal and external troubles to dare to dominate, but now it is different, the world is set, the Longdan camp is the world's strongest soldier, 200,000 troops perennial. Guarding Lanyan City, he served as the Imperial Forest Army, the Imperial Army and other positions. It can be said that Wei Qiu controlled the military affairs of the entire broken tripod realm with one hand, and Ding Xi, Tang Zhen and other famous generals echoed it. Guo Huaili was the master of government affairs at most, but But he definitely can't be the master of military affairs.

Lin Xun coughed suddenly, and said, "Leader by Feng, Ms. Sikongyao will match up for you, have you agreed to it?"

"Huh, what did you say..." Feng Jixing looked dazed.

Lin Xun said, "That... is Shang Qian from the Imperial Business League. Miss Sikongyao said, as long as you nod her head, she will go to lobby. Shang Qian is now single, beautiful and rich. I If you marry it."

"Marry your grandmother a leg..." Feng Jixing said, "What's wrong with me being happily alone, why should I marry a wife and take care of me? You are still too young... Besides, Shang Qian is not what I like. type?"

"Then... What kind of type does His Royal Highness like?"

"With a good temperament, a beautiful face, a big chest, a good figure, a good temper, the kind that is considerate, non-sticky, and non-scrupulous, what can you recommend?"

Zhang Wei grinned: "Little Lianxiang from Zuiyunlou..."

"Okay." Feng Jixing said with a smile on his palm: "Before dinner, finish all military affairs for me, and then go again."

"Yes, your highness is wise!"

The stargazer had a black line and whispered: "How can this virtue soar to the Mahayana Way..."

At this time, the Eternal Sword Realm, another night came.

This time I did not live in the mountains. After all, it was too dangerous. Lin Muyu, Lia and Changwei stayed in a tavern. The outside of this tavern was covered by a thick stone wall, like an old castle. It is enough to withstand the invasion of the devil. It is a place where travelers often stay, but the charges are very expensive. There is no money for a single night, but you have to pay 30 catties of food.

In the Eternal Sword Realm, food is money, which is even better than gold coins. Lin Muyu paid the price of two bear legs to move in. It is a blessing to be able to spend the night peacefully.