The Alchemist God

Chapter 1284: Prophecy goddess


In September, the weather became hotter and hotter, and the entire Lanyan City seemed to be placed in a fire cage.

The pharmacists in the Department of Spirit Medicine have already taken off their thick robes and put on cool gauze skirts. Even Chu Yao, who is the chief deacon, is no exception. Chu Yao, who is wearing a beige dress, looks exceptional. Beautiful and generous, a group of male pharmacists secretly adore, but they can only adore Chu Yao's identity and status are beyond their reach.

In the early morning, among the flower gardens, Chu Yao sat down on the bench sullenly.

Lan Yan came with a teacup and said respectfully: "The big deacon, today is the turn of the wind and Nangong Lie on duty. You can rest for a while, why... you look sullen?"

"Have it?"

Chu Yao raised her head and smiled, then lowered her head and said, "Lan Yan, I had a dream again last night."

"Oh? What did you dream of?"

"I dreamed..." Chu Yao hesitated. After a while, her red lips moved, and she said: "I dreamed that A Yu was covered in blood and was pressed under a mountain. When the sky rolls down countless stars and towers, and dreams that everything in the world has collapsed, will these... be true?"

"Dreams are just what you think and worry about, and it may not come true. The big deacon doesn't need to worry too much..."


Chu Yao still looked depressed, and then stretched out her hand to hold the teacup, but at the moment she lifted the teacup, her fingers were coated with a faint layer of gold, and the teacup was burnt red.

"Ah? What's the matter?" Lan Yan was shocked.

Chu Yao frowned slightly. She knew what was going on. An extremely powerful force was pouring into her body, and the spirit platform became more clear. As if the whole person had undergone a qualitative leap, her shoulders trembled and said. : "Lan Yan, I may be leaving."

"What's the matter, deacon, don't scare me!"

"It's okay, I just sensed the call of the Mahayana Heavenly Dao, I'm going to the heaven."

In the air, layers of golden scrolls were spread out. It was the Tianyin scroll. The name on it was faintly visible. Chu Yao's name was also among them. It was very conspicuous. Soon after, the wind battle approached and Nangong Lie rushed in from the outer hall, and the two of them were dumbfounded. , Almost said in unison: "Grand Deacon Chu Yao, are you going to ascend?"


"Then we..." Nangong Lie was a little dazed.

Chu Yao said: "The two, please lead the Dragon Alliance to stay here, waiting for the opportunity to ascend to the Dao of Heaven."


In the air, the Sanskrit sound and auspicious clouds lingered, Nuwa Dharma body whizzed out, looked at Chu Yao peacefully, and said: "Chu Yao, you are kind-hearted and love all creatures. Now you are recognized by Tianyin Scrolls and bestow you first class. The Dharmakaya of the middle god, titled the "Goddess of Prophecy", and grants you the power of righteous gods-foreknowledge, may you uphold the Mahayana Way, and practice self-cultivation!"

"Thank you God."

Chu Yao's body slowly flew into the sky as if it was being pulled. Although the Tianmen was invisible, his body quickly dissipated and turned into a mess of pink petals scattered in the air.

"The big deacon..." Lan Yan looked into the sky blankly and muttered: "Are you gone?"

No one responded in the air, Chu Yao had already gone to the heaven.


A strong light fell on the Dacheng Hall, and Chu Yao's ascension had already attracted everyone's attention. A group of waste gods around kneeled on one knee and saluted as a sign of respect, while Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi walked forward with a smile: "Sister Chu Yao !"

With petals flying around her body, Chu Yao slowly opened her eyes, the light on her body was faintly visible, and smiled: "Xiaoyin, Xiaoxi, it's been a long time, is this the Eastern Heaven Realm?"


Not far away, Ziyao walked up and smiled: "Congratulations to Chu Yao for her title of Goddess of Prophecy, and welcome to join the Eastern God Realm!"

Chu Yao respectfully saluted: "See Fairy Zi Yao!"

Zi Yao smiled: "Chu Yao, you are the goddess of prophecy, and you have gained the power of the righteous god of Mahayana Heaven. Can you really predict the future? Have you seen anything?"

"See some." Chu Yao bit her red lips and said, "I have seen some bad things. These days, I have dreamed almost every day. I dreamed that Ayu and Brother Feng were injured, and that the gods fell again. When the billowing majesty descends from the sky, I don't know if these are the prophecies of the goddess. If they are, it would be too bad."

Ziyao looked terrified and said, "If this is the case, then something might really happen. In fact, these days I've been feeling anxious and always feel that something big is about to happen. The Devildom has been calm for many days now, no one. I don't know what is happening in the Demon Realm or what they are brewing. A Yu has not returned, and everything is still uncertain."

"Where did Ayu go?"

"Eternal Sword Region, a place far away, Ayu has gone to seek the strongest power."

"Oh… "

"This stinky boy, who is a god of war but is not in the realm of the gods, if he does not even participate in the battle of gods and demons, then he is too dereliction of duty as a god of war." Zi Yao looked at everyone with clear eyes, and said: "The invasion of the magic way is imminent. I hope everyone can cultivate well, and don't fail our responsibilities as a righteous god, and don't fail the admiration and prayers of the people under the God Realm."

"Yes, Fairy Zi Yao!"

At night, the starry sky of the God Realm was very dim.

Chu Yao stood tall on the peak of a spiritual mountain, as majestic as a statue, flowing water from the galaxy all over her body, carrying the spiritual power required by the people of the gods, spiritual power is the most basic provision for the cultivation of the gods, if Without spiritual power, it means that the fish has left the water and the human has left the air. The origin of the spiritual power is the spiritual mountains standing in the sky and the water of the galaxy flowing in the wind.

Suddenly, Chu Yao suddenly opened her eyes, clenched her fists and said, "They are here!"

"A Yao, what's coming?" Feng Jixing on the side asked.

"People from the devil."

Chu Yao bit her red lip and said, "A lot of people came here, and there was a crowd of people, one of whom was holding the pagoda in his hand, and an old man, two of them were very powerful."

Feng Jixing: "..."


A spirit flower let out aside, condensed into Zi Yao's figure, and asked, "Fairy Chu Yao, what did you see?"

"The thousands of troops in the Demon Realm have rushed out of the Chaos Realm's exit and are coming in our direction." Chu Yao closed her eyes, penetrating the plane, looking at the Demon Realm army from a distance, and said: "It's too much. They also brought a huge red cauldron with fiery red liquid inside. I don't know what it is..."

Zi Yao's eyes were cold, and she said to the righteous god with thick eyebrows and big eyes on the side: "Long Xu, immediately warn, the Eastern God Realm will immediately enter the battle state, the Demon Realm is coming!"


Long Xu nodded. Although he is an untitled third-class lower god, at least he is also the god of the Mahayana Heavenly Path. His power is much stronger than those untitled gods, but... such an untitled righteous god has no special power. Once encountered The demon world's attack, I am afraid that even a group of Mo Luo's wild attack may not be able to withstand it.

At this moment, Chu Yao was still looking at the Mo Luo army in the distance, but suddenly, Zi Yan riding on the back of the Devil Tiger suddenly raised his head and looked towards the clouds. He seemed to perceive something, and the corners of his mouth raised. There was a smirk.

"what… "

Chu Yao took a few steps back and opened her beautiful eyes, her face pale.

"What's wrong, A Yao?" Feng Jixing asked.

"He saw me... He saw me..." Chu Yao said, biting her red lips.


"Lord of the Demon Realm."


Feng Jixing gritted his teeth, holding the Red Phoenix Sword and said, "Fairy Zi Yao, I'm going to guard Dacheng Hall."


In the middle of the night, no one can sleep anymore, the invasion of the Demon Realm is imminent, and almost everyone is preparing for it.

Nearly an hour later, black clouds rolled in the western sky, blood-red thunders fell from the sky, and the black and heavy army of devil came overwhelmingly, and it was finally here!

"Don't let them land!" Sun Feng said loudly.


Feng Jixing flew proudly, standing above the Dacheng Hall, with his palms raised, whirlwinds danced around him, and suddenly bunches of tornado storms appeared in the distant sky, carrying azure blue thunder and lightning. , Feng Jixing’s power of controlling the wind produced dimensional storms, with amazing lethality. For a time, the screams of the Maura army became one piece, and even two magic generals could not dodge and be swallowed by the wind. .

"What a powerful Fengshen..." Sun Feng said with awe-inspiring eyes.

Ziyao bit her red lips, looking back at the road paved by the Northern Territory Sky Wheel behind her, and said: "Devil Emperor, come back soon, hurry up!"

In the air, the magic flames surged violently, coming from the top.


A huge demon tiger stepped into the air. It was Zi Yan’s mount. At this time, Zi Yan was sitting on the devil tiger’s back, holding the gleaming tower of the gods, with a faint smile on his mouth: "I heard you guys Another Fengshen canonized in the Tianyin Scrolls? Is it you?"

Feng Jixing raised his eyebrows awe-inspiringly. He knew that his strength was far inferior to this Ziyan, but he must not be crushed by his aura, otherwise he would not even have a chance to fight.


The Zhanlong Sword was unsheathed, and Feng Jixing's figure suddenly whirled, and immediately cut out a knife as if tearing the sky, the crazy storm swept away, and went straight to Ziyan.

Facing Feng Jixing’s fierce attack, Zi Yan stood there motionless, neither offering sacrifices to the Deity Deity Tower, nor making any movements, but a wisp of figure gradually condensed in front of him, an old man with a Cangyan face. Although his expression was aging, he was wearing a complete set of hideous armor, and he was the Nine You Demon Lord.


Jiuyou Demon Lord raised his arm, blasted the wind of Feng Jixing lightly with a palm, raised the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "Is the righteous god of future generations only capable of this? Master Ziyan Ancestor, you Are there any orders?"

Zi Yan smiled faintly: "There is no order, the only order is-kill wanton, everyone here deserves to die!"



The figure of Jiuyou Demon Lord was fleeting, and the next moment he appeared in front of Feng Jixing, his fingers swept down like eagle claws, carrying a very strong magic flame.


Where Feng Jixing could resist it, his body penetrated Dacheng Hall like a cannonball.