The Alchemist God

Chapter 1291: Burning flames died out


"Quack... What a kid!"

Jiuyou Demon Lord’s eyes burst with fierce light, and the madness of the people in the demon world is undoubtedly exposed. His palms suddenly opened, and a star-like demon flame field appeared in his chest. He has cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years. The monster knew what kind of power to use to deal with what kind of power. Obviously, Lin Muyu's Proud Sword Art could not be resisted by ordinary martial arts, so he did not hesitate to sacrifice his unique stunt-Fenyan Jieli.

Like Aojian Jue, Fenyan Nirvana is also an extremely tyrannical domain martial arts. In the starry sky-like field, small magic flame balls continue to explode, but all the power is suppressed in one point. Just waiting to reach the zero point before giving Lin Muyu the strongest blow.

A group of war angels and nightmare fighters are watching, and everyone's heartbeat seems to be stopped. What will be the result of the confrontation of the two peerless powers


Xuanyuan Sword came down with the domain of the Haoran Proud Sword Art, and blasted straight into the burning flames of Jiuyou Demon Lord. Suddenly, the continuous explosion sounded one after another, in the small space in front of Jiu You Demon Lord’s chest. The explosion that took place was like a scene of the dying of the universe. Although small but awe-inspiring, it made people feel breathless and depressed.

Failing to defeat Jiuyou Demon Lord with a single blow, Lin Muyu did not drag his feet, and then retreated several tens of meters, holding a long sword in both hands on his right shoulder, and a roaring domain flame erupted from the blade, and his body was like lightning again. Kill and run away, the second blow, Aojian Jue is 60%!


Jiuyou Demon Lord couldn't help but scolded his mother, his palms were round, he raised the skill of Fenyan Jiexie to more than 80%, and even the bones all over his body made a crisp and violent sound, his body was almost unable to bear the arrogance. The powerful impact of Jian Jue was over.


Second hit!

At the moment when the two forces collided, everyone almost couldn't hear any sound. The so-called loud sound was like this. The strongest sound made everyone feel unable to hear the sound. Lin Muyu was already wrapped around her body. There was a thick layer of sword domain sphere, and Jiuyou Demon Lord was already on fire.


He let out a horrible grunt, and directly spouted a mouthful of blood, but he still desperately stirred up the skill of Burning Flame and Silence, and forcibly shook Lin Muyu's second blow away. Even so, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the second confrontation Jiuyou Demon Lord eats. It was a big loss, he spurted blood, but Lin Muyu seemed to be okay, only calmness and calmness on Junyi's face.

Standing on the sky, Lin Muyu looked at Jiuyou Demon Sovereign proudly without speaking. The index and middle fingers of his left hand were close together. The understatement of the volley was just one finger, but this finger was not simple, with a mighty proud sword technique. Seventy percent of the strength, turned into a huge sword energy, fell from the sky, and directly blasted into the Fenyan Nirvana Realm where the Jiuyou Demon Lord had not yet fully condensed.

"Puff! Puff!"

Not only did he vomit blood this time, but the sword qi pierced a huge blood hole in the chest of Jiuyou Demon Lord, and he could even see the internal organs faintly, and the injury couldn't be more serious.


The tremendous pain caused the old monster to howl miserably, and while struggling to retreat, he roared: "Nightmare, kill me, kill this person, kill me!"

Several nightmare pioneers who had fought against her and Xiyan immediately rushed over.

Lin Muyu didn't say much, tens of thousands of sword auras swirled around him, bringing Yunxia into a rainbow light, and the bodies of the two Nightmare Pioneers were instantly shattered, and they were already dead in battle.

The sword aura skyrocketed, and the moment it exploded, countless sword auras raged, and suddenly more than a dozen nightmare fighters were killed. At this time, Lin Muyu turned into a god of war, and no one could withstand his attack. Obviously, Even the old monster Jiuyou Demon Lord has already lost, so what is the mere nightmare

"Asshole... Asshole..."

Jiuyou Demon Lord flew off against the surface of Changming Mountain and disappeared into the jungle in a blink of an eye. At this time, he was full of irritation. Originally, using the Nightmare Legion might be able to destroy the entire Western God Realm and gain the ultimate trust of Ziyan. However, in the face of such a disastrous defeat, a Valkyrie was shot out in the sky, and it was his own Nightmare Legion that was destroyed.

In the air, the nightmare fighters obeyed the master’s order and were still attacking endlessly. However, Xiyan, Erwa, Li Fei and others have all been blessed by the power of the Holy Martial, and their strength has soared to face the nightmare fighters It was not completely downwind, especially Xiyan, the Fiery Moon Sword attacked repeatedly, already killing multiple nightmares.

Of course, Lin Muyu, Jianqi Yukong, and Aojian Jue were so overbearing and powerful that the most murderous people were all killed in an instant.

Of the ten Nightmare Vanguards, only one was killed by Xiyan and Yiwa, and the remaining nine were all buried under Lin Muyu's Aojian Art. As for those Nightmare Fighters, they were just lingering, they were not far from death.

The fighting time was very short. Less than ten minutes later, the battle was over, and the entire army of a hundred nightmare was annihilated. Only Jiuyou Demon Lord escaped.

Overlooking the earth, there are vertical and horizontal sword auras on Lingshan, most of which are Lin Muyu’s masterpieces, and some are caused by the attacks of Seraphim and War Angels. The corpses of the Nightmare Pioneer and Nightmare Fighter fall messily in the jungle. In addition, there are The corpses of some war angels and old gods, as well as the summer god Toulei that has turned into ashes.

Although it was a victory, Xiyan, Erwa and others could not see any smiles on their faces. No one knew if there were more nightmare troops in the Demon Realm, but the old gods killed fewer and fewer.


Xiyan fell to the ground, knelt beside a female war angel, gently picked up her corpse, and said: "Take back the body of your companion and return to the Western God Realm..."

"Yes, Master Xiyan!"

Everyone picked up the corpses of their companions one by one. Looking at it this way, more than ten war angels were killed in battle.

Lin Muyu frowned: "Sister Xiyan, my sorrow..."

"I'm fine."

Xiyan shook her head and said, "Ayu, thanks to your timely arrival, otherwise the Western God Realm will be destroyed here today. The despicable Ziyan used illusions to lure us and set up ambush along the way."

Lin Muyu said: "Let's go, I will escort you back to the Western God Realm."


In the Western God Realm, the cemetery on the back mountain of the Guangming Temple, the hurried funeral was held in the afternoon.

Lin Muyu also attended the funeral together. After all, the Western God Realm is equivalent to his other home, and now the four great God Realms are allied against the Devil Realm, and everyone is their own.

It was raining in the sky, and only a few of them opened their umbrellas.

The promenade from the cemetery to the temple is a bit slippery, but Xiyan still walks on foot, wearing a fresh and elegant white cloak of a seraphim, which sets off her graceful figure and elegant face very beautifully. To Lin Muyu beside him: "Ayu, you really got a different kind of power when you went to the Eternal Sword Region."


Lin Muyu said: "This power is called Aojian Jue. It is very strong, but it is also difficult to master. Aojian Jue is a pure state of mind. Once it cannot be controlled, it will be controlled by arrogance and killing. Magic way."

"That's it..."

Xiyan smiled slightly: "I thought that your sword domain power can be imparted to us in the Western God Realm one or two!"

Lin Muyu was a little embarrassed: "I didn't say that you can't spread it out, but you have to be moderate. If Sister Xiyan wants to learn, I will give you the mental method. It is not a problem to cultivate a 70-80% with Xiyan's mental state."




Lin Muyu paused, and then said: "But Xiyan sister, you must ensure that you can't spread it out. Aojian Jue can create a god of war, and it can also create a god of murder. People who are not firm enough can never practice Aojian Jue."

"Well, I know, let's go, there are many things waiting for us to deal with."

"By the way, there is one more thing."

"What's up."

"I have some gifts to give to the Western God Realm. Before I leave, I heard Xiaoyin say that those are what you need urgently."

"What?" Newa asked with his head tilted.

"Rough bright stones, 175 rough bright stones."


Xiyan and Newa were stunned together.

At night, in the Temple of Light, a group of war angels offered sacrifices to the dead, and under the faint candlelight of the side hall, Xiyan held a simplified pen and wrote names on paper. This is what she must do urgently. The selection of 175 waste gods with good strength from the major families, and then use the light stone to turn them into old gods and angels of war, this is the advantage and only reliance of the Western God Realm.

Lin Muyu was sitting on the stone bed a few meters away in front of Xiyan, sitting cross-legged, bloody and thunderous all around her body. It was the power of the Holy Martial Arts, and his spiritual thoughts had already flown out of the clouds to look for the Qi Yao Devil Emperor, Qin Yin, and Tang Xiaoxi. Waiting for the whereabouts of the gods of the Eastern God Realm.

Spiritual power flies in the space, but it seems that there is a big net in the air, and every time Lin Muyu wants to break through, he is always hit with severe pain and retreats.

Before long, his forehead was already full of sweat, and it was impossible even to contact the master Fuxi on the golden roof at this time.

"What's that?" he asked.

Xiyan didn’t lift her head, she still wrote her names on the paper, but said: “Enchantment, the super-strong enchantment created by Ziyan using the power of the God Destruction Tower. It's no longer possible to communicate with existence. Why, can't you even break through this barrier with your cultivation base?"

"Yes, but the cost will be very high, and it may hurt my spiritual sense."

"Then don't try anymore. Your strength must be preserved and no damage is allowed."


Lin Muyu said, "Sister Xiyan, from tomorrow I will go out to find Xiaoyin and the others. Leah and Changwei will be fostered with you first. You teach Leah some martial arts from the Western God Realm and urge her to continue her practice."


Xi Yan smiled happily: "I really like your female disciple, don't worry, I will protect her."

"Thanks a lot."