The Alchemist God

Chapter 130: Twenty catties of feces


The age of the spirit beast is not the final criterion for judging its strength. It is just one of them. For example, the golden scale beast in front of us. Although its age is 6,200 years, it seems that its spirituality is far stronger than that of the mother beast just now. Otherwise, I'm afraid I don't have the comprehension to understand the ability of fighting Qi transforming armor.


The fleshy palm was stepping on the snow, and the golden scale beast stared at Lin Muyu with blood-colored eyes, and was slowly walking around him. This is the unique attack ability of the beast-looking for opportunities!

Lin Muyu felt a little chill in her heart, after all, she underestimated the ability of the 6200-year-old spirit beast. It seemed that this golden scale beast could not be resisted by herself.


When it came, the golden scale beast was full of fighting energy and armor energy, and rushed forward to actually stand up. The palms broke the wind and waved three attacks in an instant. The "bang bang bang" shook the gourd wall, almost instantly The mysterious tortoise shell and the dragon scale wall were smashed together, and the next moment, the golden light turned into claws and swept across.

Lin Muyu sank to the limit, only to feel that there was a cold wind above her head, and a bunch of hair tips were falling, terrifying, and she was almost slapped to death by this golden scale beast.

I slipped down, and flashed to the right side of the spirit beast with his flexible body. The long sword flicked and quickly split several swords, but still couldn't break the golden scale beast's battle armor. There was a very unclear premonition in my heart. .

Not surprisingly, a cold wind passed by his side, the whip tail attack of the Golden Scale Beast.


With a heavy blow, Lin Muyu's left shoulder armor was shattered, and the bones of his arm also heard a click. It seemed to be swept off, and without the protection of the gourd wall, his body could not withstand 6200 even if the bones were quenched. The direct attack of Nian Ling Beast.

"Help your lord!"

On the hillside, a group of Yulin Guards and Yulin Army rushed down. Wei Qiu leaped up and hit the Golden Scale Beast’s ass with a sword. Another group of Imperial Forest Guards drew their bows and shot them at close range. The battle armor shot off, and this group of Yulin Army also had a species. The bow and arrow could not break the defense and immediately rushed over with the spear, "swish swish swish" bursts of spear light burst on the spirit beast.


The golden scale beast was furious, and the scales all over his body seemed to stand upside down. The wind and snow from all directions crazily rushed to the body of the golden scale beast. The next moment the light burst out, and a wave of light energy burst out from the center of the golden scale beast. A group of Yulin Guards and Yulin Army repelled one after another, screaming endlessly, and many people were already injured.

Lin Muyu endured the severe pain, was shocked to retreat several steps, hurriedly raised the right arm that could be used, the flames lingered, and the long sword flew up with the fire sword, the true dragon's fire was madly concentrated in the blade. At the same time, he summoned Wuhun and shouted: "Poisonous slurry!"

But the poisonous syrup did not spit out spirit beasts, but spit on the blade.

"Wei Qiu, give me a second!" Lin Muyu yelled, rushing over with the Liaoyuan Sword.

Wei Qiu nodded and got up from the ground. The long sword flicked and turned into a cold glow and blasted towards the Golden Scale Beast, but the Golden Scale Beast didn't put him in his eyes at all. Lifting the claw was an understatement!


The steel sword of defending Qiu broke off immediately, and his chest became even more stuffy. It was blasted out by the golden scale beast and fell heavily into the snow, vomiting blood. Fortunately, it was protected by flames, otherwise he would die.

Just as the golden scale beast concentrated on attacking Wei Qiu, a scorching flame came behind him, Lin Muyu's dragon flame spiral breaking!


The powerful Xuanjin penetrated the scales of the golden scale beast, the torn wound rolled out hot blood, and at the same time, the poison of the gourd flower was brought into the golden scale beast's body, and the muscle of that piece quickly twitched and atrophied.


The original majestic roar turned into a wailing, the golden scale beast's palms rushed towards Lin Muyu with golden light energy, leaped, claws fell from the sky, and slaughtered it with the attitude of the Mount Tai.

Lin Muyu's heart was cold. Because of her injury, she was in a trance. She couldn't escape from the star step. She turned her heart back, gritted her teeth and waved her right arm, calling for the power in the depths of her body-Fourth Yao!

In an instant, his body seemed to be torn apart, and his mind was rapidly scorching hot, as if the whole person was about to be melted by this force. The powerful fourth light was beyond his current spirit, so he forcibly lifted it. Jin will obviously eat back his body, but he can't control so much. If he doesn't use the power of Fourth Yao, I am afraid that his 51-member team will die in the Dragon Hunting Forest.

Around the bloody right fist, there are lights and shadows of gods and ghosts flying around, quickly transforming into stars, and the power is surging out, even if it is forcibly lifted, the power is still very amazing!

Si Yao ghosts cry!


A fist hit the golden scale beast’s jaw, and the strength of the fist penetrated the brain. At the same time, the golden scale beast’s claws also fell on Lin Muyu’s chest, and the breastplate was split into two with a "pop". The blood-drenched body below was exposed, and the copper skin and iron bones could not withstand such a blow. A tearing pain came from his chest, and his body also retreated and flew out with the impact.

The golden scale beast fell heavily to the ground, roaring, but it was already struggling to death under the cry of Si Yao ghosts and gods.

"Go and save your lord!"

The injured Wei Qiu roared, and the 9 Yulin Wei drew their swords and rushed over, surrounded the golden scale beast, and pierced the sword into the body of the golden scale beast. The blood rolled out, and the spirit beast wailed again. With one sound, the last part of the journey in life is over.

Lin Muyu looked up and watched the golden scale beast die, then he was relieved, and finally didn't have to die here all.

I touched the bottles and cans in the waist bag. Several bottles of healing medicine were shattered. Fortunately, there are two bottles, which are enough to use. There is also a bottle of Zengjin San, used together, this time with bones. It's all broken, and it won't work if you don't need to renew the tendons. Fortunately, there are more than a dozen bottles of renewed tendons, which is enough. Fortunately, there are continuous tendons, otherwise the speed of healing from the injury will be terribly slow.

In addition, the heavy snow is about to close the mountain, the weather is freezing, and the wound is healed.

Wei Qiu handed over a warm golden scale beast spirit stone, but his eyes fell on Lin Muyu's tragic wound, and he couldn't help but tremble: "My lord, you... You are the head of the Yulin Guardian. There is no need to use flesh and blood. Go to fight these 6200-year-old spirit beasts... And His Royal Highness Yin and Princess Xi are such important people, you really shouldn't be like this..."

Lin Muyu glanced at him and smiled: "If I don't go up, many people are destined to be killed by golden scale beasts."

"So what… "

Wei Qiu said: "From the moment we joined the Yulinwei, we were determined to be loyal to the empire. If we can exchange our lives for a golden scale beast spirit stone to enhance the cultivation of His Highness Yin, it is also worthwhile. Yes, you are so badly hurt, my lord."

"Guardian." Lin Muyu said with a serious face: "Do you think my injury is more important, or is Yu Linwei's life more important?"

"This, I..."

"That's a life, I would rather suffer the most serious injury than Yu Lin Wei to die alone." Lin Muyu sighed and said.

Wei Qiu's eyes were deep and he stood silently to the side. The white robe behind Lin Muyu was half dyed red, but he didn't hum from the beginning to the end. After all the wounds were treated, he changed to a new set of saints. Putting on the temple robe, he looked radiant, as if he had never been injured before. Of course, only he himself knew how painful it was.

It seems that this has been the case since childhood, Lin Muyu deeply understands that as a man, if he doesn't suffer pain, who can he rely on

Many imperial soldiers have been injured, so they have to peel off the skins of the golden scale beasts. The close-up fur can be used to make leather armor or robes. The scales in the middle of the body can be mashed and used as medicine. It is said to be very effective in curing wind and cold. , As for the effect, no one knows. Anyway, Lin Muyu knows nothing. He is well versed in pharmacy. As for human medicine, I am afraid that his attainments are far below Chu Yao.

When he thought of this, he clutched his wound and couldn't help but miss Chu Yao a little bit. Thinking about the indescribable pain in the broken bone of his left arm, he hurriedly lifted his vindictive energy and ran the whole body, using the power of the forged keel to accelerate. Healing the broken bones, this painful sensation is beyond words, and in a blink of an eye, cold sweat is already on his forehead, and Wei Qiu on the side can only see with his fists clenched, but there is no way at all.

The dinner was quite sumptuous. The broth of the grouper wolf and the heart of the golden scale beast were cut into slices and boiled some wild vegetables. It was very refreshing to eat. Since most of the soldiers were injured, they all rested on the spot. The next day Leave.

Lin Muyu spent the night in pain and suffering. It wasn't until very early in the morning that a slight itching sensation came from the broken bone in the arm. Under the magical effect of renewing the muscles, the bones have begun to regenerate and combine, but the left arm is still working. It doesn't have much power, and it hangs down to the side. The splint is made of a cold gun barrel, which is ridiculously crude.

Fortunately, his bloodline has been tempered into a true dragon bloodline, his vitality is extremely tenacious, and his resilience is amazingly strong. The time for this broken bone to rebirth shouldn't be too long, and he can act as usual in three or five days at most.

After dawn, the wind and snow still didn't stop.

"let's go!"

Lin Muyu turned on her horse, unable to move her left hand, so she could only hold the rein with one right arm, and slowly evacuate the gourd valley with the crowd, and at the same time spread the spiritual sense, check whether there is any movement around, and cleverly circled around at least 7000. There are many types of spirit beasts in the snowy bears in the Dragon-seeking Forest. Among them, there are many powerful spirit beasts that are more than 10,000 years old. Lin Muyu also knows that he must not meet them, otherwise his group of people may not even have the chance to escape. .

As we were approaching noon, an eagle guard in charge of scouts in front of us galloped up and said, "My lord, there was a huge pile of excrement ahead, steaming hot!"

"Is it human feces?" Wei Qiu asked.

The Yingwei who was in charge of the scout smiled: "Master Wei Qiu asked a good question, but have you ever seen a human being able to pull down twenty catties of feces in one go?"

Wei Qiu was taken aback, then smiled and said, "Go, let's go and see!"

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content! I734