The Alchemist God

Chapter 1301: Devourer


The bottom of the secluded spring dies the world.

The vast land is empty and empty, and there is only one huge spring flowing through. This spring water is the end of the world. Falling into the spring water means death, eternal death, in other words, here is the real seclusion. spring.

In the mist, the distance to Youquan is getting closer and closer, and at the same time, the irritating breath is getting stronger and stronger.

Qin Yin frowned slightly, "Donglin Ghost Emperor's breath seems to be everywhere, what's going on, what's going on in this quiet spring?"

"I do not know either."

Lin Muyu raised his palm, and a blaze burst out to blow away the mist, and suddenly the earth gradually emerged. It was a swampy ground, full of weeds and muddy water. He suddenly shook his heart and said, "Be careful, they are here!"


Obviously, Qin Yin, the goddess of grace, is slightly inferior to the power. After all, Lin Muyu was named a Martial God, and he was not so keen to predict the coming crisis of the battle.

Sure enough, two waves of "brushing" in the wind impacted, it was a dimensional wind, a dimensional wind like a blade.

Lin Muyu leaned back fiercely, avoiding the knife, and Qin Yin also dodged it slightly on one side, and a whispered roar came from the distant mist, like a wild beast.

"What the hell!?"

Lin Muyu felt the power in the dimensional wind just now, not even inferior to the dimensional wind launched by Fengshenfeng. It was fierce and swift. He raised his palm, the elephant muttered silently, and shouted, "Get out!"


The breath of falling from the sky crushed the mist, and two huge figures hidden in the mist rushed out. They were two inhuman and ghost monsters, their bodies were covered with scales, and their eyes were like copper bells. Both feet and hands stretched out sharp claws, eyes shining with gloomy light, all fours were on the ground, and there was a roar at Lin Muyu and Qin Yin.

"What is this?" Qin Yin was a little puzzled: "Like a person and a ghost, but the power is not inferior to the righteous god..."

Lin Muyu looked awe-inspiring and said: "I feel more than a soul breath in the bodies of these two monsters. They are not as simple as a single person, but a fusion!"

"Huh?" Qin Yin was stunned.

At this moment, a sharp, weird laugh came from the clouds—

"Hahahaha... I haven't seen you for a long time, Lin Muyu, you are still so perceptive, and you really didn't let me down. You are the real opponent worth fighting, hehehehe..."

The figure slowly walked out of the clouds. It was the legendary Donglin ghost emperor, but the ghost emperor Donglin was a bit less aggressive than before, a bit more hostile, and even his face still appeared on his face. With a somewhat decayed color, it is reasonable to say that the ghost emperor is eternal and should not be decayed, which in itself is unreasonable.

Lin Muyu looked at him and said awe-inspiringly: "Dong Lin, what's the matter with these two monsters? What's the matter with you yourself? The Donghai Fujun on the ground said that you have been in seclusion for many years and haven't gone out. Have you practiced some sorcery? ?"


The ghost emperor Donglin couldn’t help laughing: "This is the ghost realm, the god of war... Which kind of martial arts practiced in the ghost realm is not sorcery? They are all soul-refining unique skills. Don’t tell me the five ghost emperors, The blood crying ghost emperor cultivates legitimate martial arts, and... these two are not monsters, but devourers carefully cultivated by the old man."

"The Devourer? What do you mean?"

"You should understand that there is not only one soul in the Devourer's body, but thousands of them. Those violent and innocent souls have wandered in the secluded spring for many years. Wouldn't it be a pity not to use them?"

"You... Are you refining your soul in the secluded spring?" Lin Muyu was stunned.

"Yes, that's it." Donglin Ghost Emperor raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a smirk, and said: "But all of this is thanks to you and the Qi Yao Devil Emperor. If it weren't for you to make me such a miserable defeat, I How can it be so painful to make up your mind to practice divine canon in the depths of Youquan?"

"God refining? Look at these two devourers. They are neither humans nor ghosts. What you cultivate is not gods, but demons?"

"Really?" Donglin ghost emperor tilted his head to look at his two works, and smiled: "The appearance is a bit poor, but their hearts are still relatively pure, and they have smelted the souls of countless good and evil people. They themselves are very complicated, and it depends on how my dad guides them."

Lin Muyu raised his eyebrows and said: "You have made the depths of Youquan into chaos. The turmoil of law and order has even attracted the attention of the Goddess of Grace. I think you probably made this Devourer just to defeat me. What are you waiting for? Now? I'm here, use your Devourer, even yourself, to fight me!"

"Huh, what a Valkyrie!"

Donglin Ghost Emperor swayed his palm lightly, and suddenly a bloody saber appeared in his hand, and smiled: "If you want to challenge me, defeat my sons first. These devourers are not the demons and generals of the devil world. It's so easy to deal with, you have to be careful, I don't want to bear the notoriety of killing the Valkyrie, and... Goddess of Grace, please stay away, don't be affected by the battle, I don't want to hurt you."

Qin Yin frowned: "Do you want to hurt Brother Ayu that much?"

"Not wanting to hurt, but... shame!"

Donglin ghost emperor smiled: "As long as I can defeat Lin Muyu, I am the strongest god in the world, but I am a ghost, devil, or righteous god. People in the six realms will look at me with admiration."

Lin Muyu couldn't help laughing, and fell down, standing in the air less than 20 centimeters from the ground, and said: "Xiaoyin, you step back and don't be affected."


Qin Yin naturally trusted Lin Muyu's strength very much, stepped into the void and left nearly a hundred meters away, looking at this area that was about to become a battlefield.

"Why, don't you have a sword? If I remember correctly, your sword is the Xuanyuan sword, the head of the famous sword." Donglin Ghost Emperor smiled faintly.

Lin Muyu glanced at the two devourers who were ready to move, and smiled: "These two ugly guys are not enough for me to use a sword. Besides, I don't have to be good without a sword."

"In that case... Then it's offended!"

Donglin Ghost Emperor shouted in a low voice: "Two bastards, beat him for me, as long as you save him one life, you will do the rest!"

Fortunately, this Donglin ghost emperor still has a trace of humanity, only wanting shame but not wanting to hurt Lin Muyu's life, after all, the ghost domain is also under the six realms, and killing the god of war will not do the ghost domain any good.


The two Devourers almost launched an assault together, and their bodies disappeared in a flash, and they entered the dimension with an astonishing speed. They appeared on both sides of Lin Muyu like lightning, and the two sharp claws came with the dimensional impact at extreme speed. .

Lin Muyu was startled slightly, and was taken aback by the speed of the Devourer. Perhaps this speed is no less than Leah's peak speed, right? Fortunately, Lin Muyu had the power of the saint martial arts and the elephant invisible tactics, such a swift speed was several times slower in his eyes, at least not so fast that he could not handle it.

The fingertips flashed, and Ao Jian Jue was activated.

With two "Dangdang" sounds, like the humming of gold and stone, the sword aura of Lin Muyu's fingertips on the devourer's claws could not be cut directly, but just like weapons colliding with each other, the devourer's physical strength is indeed extraordinary. , Even, this level of resistance should have reached the level of Jiuyou Demon Lord.

For an instant, Lin Muyu had to look at Donglin Ghost Emperor with admiration. It was not easy for this old boy to use that refining scripture to create such a monster!

Between the lightning and flint, the two Devourers attacked Lin Muyu's body more than ten times like lightning. Although they did not cause any damage, they were already in danger. Even Lin Muyu's cloak was torn apart. If I am afraid that the body is not protected by the power of the Holy Martial.


It was another fierce blow. Lin Muyu's fingertips and sword qi ejected the Devourer's claws for the eighth time, but there was a trace of doubt in her heart. These two Devourers seemed to never know that they were tired. Actually the speed and power are getting higher and higher, and there is not even a trace of fatigue. Such an opponent is really a bit scary.

In the distance, the ghost emperor Donglin laughed loudly: "Lin Muyu, don't try to use delaying tactics to consume the Devourers. It's useless. They will become more courageous and wounded as they fight. I believe that you Valkyrie has more than this ability."

"Oh well… "

Lin Muyu smiled faintly, his arms filled with bloody thunder, suddenly raised the power of the holy martial arts from 40% to 80%, and the five fingers of the left hand were condensed into a fist. A series of arrogant swordsmanship and heart techniques spread all around, and the prophet made a face-to-face punch. Boom on the claws of a devourer!


The air suddenly exploded, making a deafening sound, and the Devourer was blown into the mist by Lin Muyu like a cannonball. A rumbling sound came from a distance, presumably it had already smashed the distant swamp into a mess. .

This time it was Donglin Ghost Emperor's turn to be astonished. He knew that the god of war was strong, but he didn't know that the god of martial arts was so strong that he fisted the Devourer. What kind of weird power should this be

"Roar… "

The other Devourer rushed in through the air, like an arrow from the string.

Lin Muyu's body whirled slightly, her right fist was filled with the power of sacred martial arts, and the other Devourer was blasted into the air with a fist. There were even two Devourer fangs left in the air. After spinning sharply in the air for several weeks , Slowly fell into the muddy water, and there was a series of crackling sounds in the distance. It was the sound of Devourers sliding from the earth, the earth moved and the mountains shook!

Clenching a fist, Lin Muyu said, "To be honest, I'm a little disappointed. Does your Devourer only have this ability?"

Ghost Emperor Donglin looked dead gray, and said faintly: "Don't rush to be proud, these are just two Devourers. If the number is quadrupled and eight Devourers besiege together, can you still be so calm and calm?"

"Oh? Eight?"

Lin Muyu smiled: "Come on..."

In the mist, roaring voices came in films, and black figures appeared in the air. Donglin Ghost Emperor did not make any false statements. There were indeed eight Devourers, including the two who were blown by Lin Muyu just now. They only hurt. Immortal, wrong... Not even injured, endurance is really scary.