The Alchemist God

Chapter 131: nonstop


A pile of hot feces fell on the snow, one meter in diameter, braving the heat, quickly melting away the surrounding snow, and it seemed to have sufficient energy.

Lin Muyu, Wei Qiu and other imperial guards surrounded and observed for a long time. Wei Qiu groaned and said: "The color and smell of feces should be wild boars. The wild boars that can pull out such a large tuft will never be too small, and it It should be going out for food, not too fast, we just follow the smell and footprints to find it."

With that said, Wei Qiu sniffed his nose, he really didn't see that this kid could do this.

Lin Muyu said funnyly: "Well, Wei Qiu leads the way, let's go over quickly."


The group followed Wei Qiu quickly into the snowy sea to search for them. Before half a mile out, they heard a "whooping" sound from the front. They saw a behemoth arching in the snow, and then swallowed the weeds buried under the snow. The butt look looks very ridiculous, but the body is definitely huge, it looks like a hill.

"Wow… "

Wei Qiu smiled openly and said, "Don't say that this wild boar is 1,000 kilograms. It weighs at least 5,000 kilograms, right? It's almost perfect!"

It is true that it is refined. There are two gold threads on the head of this wild boar. It is a 2000-year-old wild boar. A pig that can live for so long must be enough to eat a lot of meals! For a moment, Lin Muyu remembered the wild boar that his father took him to eat when he was a child. It was firm and delicious. It was far more delicious than the pork raised. He suddenly felt that the 2000-year-old wild boar in front of him was actually cute.

Wei Qiu raised his hand and smiled and commanded: "Walk around and block the path of this wild boar. Everyone is careful. You can't attack with bows and swords, because this pig is used for the winter festival. The corpse can't Destroyed, you have to stun, you know?"

A group of Yulin army whistles and rides forward, while Wei Qiu rushes forward with a long sword. This time he is responsible for the main hunting task. Lin Muyu has already broken his arm and can't let him work anymore.

However, Lin Muyu rode his horse slowly forward. After all, the wild boar was a spirit beast in 2000, and it was definitely possible to fight against Weiqiu, and it was hard to say whether he could be captured without damage.

"Yo... Yo..." a group of imperial forest soldiers began to clamor.

Suddenly the wild boar "huh" raised his head, and looked at the people with a cute face, feeling that the visitors were unkind. These human beings looked unkind, like hungry ghosts entering the pork house.


The wild boar began to run for his life, but was quickly repelled by Wei Qiu with indignation, hurriedly turned around, and then rushed for his life again.

Lin Muyu couldn't see it anymore, raised his hand, and the gourd vine suddenly broke out of the snow, and the "Shu Sha Sha" tied the wild boar to a firm firm. He waved his right fist far away, and the magic sound fist left in the air. After a bang, the wild boar in 2000 fell down with a horrible cry, but in an instant, his heart was smashed by Lin Muyu's magic sound fist, nowhere else could he struggle.

"Is this dead?" Wei Qiu was taken aback.

"By the way, can you still survive the magic sound fist?" Lin Muyu was a little proud, but tried not to show it.

"Magic sound boxing?" Wei Qiu was shocked: "That's... White-robed Qu Chu's unique knowledge?"

"Yeah." Lin Muyu nodded: "I used to learn from Elder Qu for a short period of time when I was practicing in Yinshan City. He taught me the magic sound fist personally."

Wei Qiu's eyes looked at Lin Muyu not only respectfully, but also a worship. After all, Qu Chu is one of the few powerhouses on the mainland, although no one knows how many of them are on the plane of Broken Ding Realm. The sanctuary is strong, but there are only two sanctuary strong for the empire, one is Qu Chu and the other is Leihong.

Of course, there is another one that is also commonplace, but these people don't even know that the gods have such cultivation skills.

Lin Muyu once studied under Qu Chu, and this alone was enough for him to teach these imperial guards in awe.

"I'll try… "

Wei Qiu stepped forward, plunged his hands into the snow, holding the corpse of the wild boar, real air flow all over his body, and he let out a low growl: "Get up!"


It's just that the snow moved, and the boar's body didn't move.

Another Yulinwei laughed: "Wei Qiu, this wild boar weighs four to five thousand catties. How can you be able to lift it by yourself? Come, drag the trailer over, and there will be someone in front of you. Responsible for shoveling snow to clear the way, we are back to Lanyan City!"


Seeing the wild boar being carried onto the trailer and walking slowly, Lin Muyu couldn't help but smile, dusting the falling snow on his shoulders, and felt that there was a bit of leisure in this ice and snow, at least here, don’t worry about intrigue, rather than staying. In Lan Yancheng, whether it is Zeng Yifan or Xiang Yu, Zeng Fang, Luo Xing and others, everyone is calculating themselves, wishing to kill them soon.

Compared with Lanyan City, this Dragon-seeking Forest is indeed much more at ease.

It's just that there are Qin Yin, Tang Xiaoxi, Chu Yao, Feng Jixing, Qin Yan, Chu Huaimu, Zhang Wei and others in Lanyan City, but there are no such close friends in Xunlong Forest. Life is not as good as eight-0- Nine, this is about the truth.

Although the wheels of the trailer are very large, the mountains are too rugged, and many locations cannot be hauled, so they can only be carried by manpower. A 5,000-jin boar is not so easy to carry. Five Yulinwei and 15 The famous Yulin Army, a total of 20 talents barely lifted it up, but didn't know how many crossbars were broken along the way.

The speed of the return journey was not fast, but the four-day journey of riding the horse took nearly half a month. Fortunately, it was able to catch up with the winter festival ceremony.

On the sixth day after the injury, Lin Muyu's arm was used as usual, and he looked inside with the spirit pulse technique and found that the bones were completely integrated, no different from the original, so that he also went to lift the mountain with the Yulin Army with itchy hands. Pig, it’s more fortunate that the heavy snow hasn’t stopped, so the boar’s carcass won’t stinks, but under Wei Qiu’s suggestion, the boar’s entrails were hollowed out and returned to Lanyan City along the way. Air-dried into a giant bacon.

About 200 miles away from the imperial capital, the heavy snow finally stopped, the sky cleared, and the sun shone on a group of tired people.

Lin Muyu rode a horse, escorting the trailer behind him.

"My lord, we will be able to reach Lanyan City in one day's schedule!" Wei Qiu said with joy: "We have completed all the patrol missions at once. This should be the first time in the history of the Eagle's Nest Camp. I don't know how to control it. What will your lord be happy like!"

The corner of Lin Muyu's mouth raised: "It doesn't matter what you are happy to control. We don't seek merit, but we seek no demerits."

"Yes, my lord is right!"

Wei Qiu grinned, and said with a smile: "There must be many people in the Eagle's Nest camp watching our joke, and probably no one of them thinks that we can complete all the tasks in one month."

"Oh, yes!"

At this moment, the sound of "Jie Jie" suddenly came from the sky, and then a white bird flapped its wings and fell from the sky, and landed directly on Lin Muyu's shoulder. He knew this bird, which was raised by Chu Yao. Xinbird, whose name was Xiaobai, knew Lin Muyu because of the strange spots on his neck.

Lifting one of the legs of the letter bird, drew out a piece of paper from the letter tube, on which was written a beautiful line of handwriting: Ayu, how is the task performed, and when is the return date

The signature is Chu Yao, and the handwriting is very beautiful.

Wei Qiu craned his neck to look around, and smiled: "It seems that there is a wonderful person in Lanyan City who is concerned about the adults..."

Lin Muyu glanced at him: "If you don't want to be beaten, talk less."

Wei Qiu smiled and walked away.

Lin Muyu wrote on the reverse side of the paper with burnt branches: "I will return soon. I will see you again when I arrive at Lanyan City.-Lin Muyu"

The letter bird flapped its wings and flew away. The letter bird had the blood of Lin Muyu and Chu Yao on his body. It was like maintaining the relationship between the two people, which made Lin Muyu feel very cherished.

A day later, I arrived at Lanyan City near dusk, but I couldn't enter the city, and I had to go to the Eagle's Nest Camp first.

On the mountain road, several imperial soldiers were igniting the lighting brazier. When Lin Muyu and others appeared on the mountain road, a flying horse galloped up the mountain, shouting loudly: "Master Lin Muyu has returned to the camp to pay the order!"

He shouted so, and immediately many people came to watch the team that had spent nearly a month.

Lin Muyu’s bag contained a lot of spirit stones, which were naturally invisible, but the behemoth "Mountain Boar" on the trailer at the rear shocked everyone. Even the vicissitudes of Yu Lin Wei had never seen it. After such a big boar, a group of people followed and pointed, and their faces were full of joy.

After all, if Lin Muyu and the others complete the task, they won't have to go out and be tired.

When entering the camp, the Eagle's Nest Commander put on his armor to greet him, clasping his fists with a smile on his face and said, "Master Lin Muyu, this trip has been hard!"

Lin Muyu respectfully said: "Fortunately, we have brought things back. I don't know how heavy the boar behind me is, but it must be more than a thousand catties."

Blindfolded like a torch, he smiled and said, "This wild boar will be at least four thousand catties after taking out its internal organs. Haha, then a big wild boar will be used as a sacrifice, even if your majesty sees it, he will definitely be pleased. It's just that …I don’t know if you have obtained the required spiritual stones?"

Everyone understands people. It’s easy to hunt wild boars, but it’s not that simple to hunt spirit beasts that are more than 5,000 years old.

Just as Lin Muyu was about to take out the spirit stone to pay the order, he suddenly rode up the mountain, holding a small dark blue flag embroidered with a purple flower emblem in his hand, and said: "Eagle's Nest Camp Lin Muyu takes the order!"

Lin Muyu was taken aback, turned and respectfully said: "I am here."

The messenger smiled slightly and said: "His Royal Highness Yin heard that Master Lin had returned to Lanyan City, so he specially set up a banquet in Qifeng Hall, and invited Master Lin to the banquet immediately. Besides, she asked me to tell you, Lord Xi Also."

Lin Muyu couldn't help laughing. She didn't expect Qin Yin's message to be so fast, she knew it when she arrived in Lanyan City.

"Then wait until I pay the order first..."

"My lord..." The messenger said with a smile: "His Royal Highness said, I invite you to go to Zetian Temple non-stop, the matter of paying the order... Wait for a while, right?"

Meng Fang hurriedly clasped his fists and smiled and said, "Naturally, your Highness's matters are the most important! Master Lin Muyu, let him go first!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Lin Muyu clasped his fists, with a particularly humble attitude, pulled the reins, and rushed down the mountain with the messenger.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content! I734