The Alchemist God

Chapter 1324: Five gods


Pure Sun Realm, one of the planes is located on the edge of the Southern Star Dome, and at this time, the Lingshan corresponding to the Pure Sun Realm is being bombarded by four Titans, and the entire plane is in jeopardy.

The vibration of Lingshan naturally appeared in the mortal world.

Jiuyang City, the center of the entire Pure Sun Realm, and the capital of the Heavenly Empire, at this time Jiuyang City seemed to have experienced an unprecedented catastrophe. The earth trembled violently, and countless meteorites fell from the sky, blasting one by one between the palace and the residential buildings. The chasm and the deep pit, the fire is soaring into the sky, and countless creatures are weeping and wailing.

"Protect the Holy Driver!"

Wearing majestic golden armor, the imperial army surrounded the emperor with swords and shields. The twenty-seven-year-old young emperor was named Lingtu. From the age of nineteen, he began to conquer the North and the South, constantly recovering the imperial empire. Lost land, seven years ago, a great victory in the north, annihilated the nomadic dynasty of Gale. Five years ago, he marched to the west and conquered 19 small countries in a row. In the western border of the empire, he established the first celestial dynasty in the western region. Three years Before going out to the sea to conquer the island of the land of wind, it was settled within two years, and the world was unified. After that, the coinage was unified and business travel passed. The entire heavenly power was full of vitality, but no one thought that there would be a catastrophe that would lead to this magnificent catastrophe!

Lingtu's pair of clear eyes looked at the sky above, where the dark clouds were rolling and thunder was endless, and he muttered, "Is this the calamity? What are those who try to destroy us?"

In the sky, blood-red figures were looming, like mechanical existences. They wielded battle axes and hammers, and smashed the zenith of the pure sun madly. With countless cracks, those meteorites were raining. Down, the earth trembled, and the common people died.

On the side, the Prime Minister said negatively: "Your Majesty... Those are all evil from the heavens... Common robbery... The ministers don't know what those are, but they are in charge of our destiny..."

"Pass the order, please come, the great wizard, I want to know... What is raging across the sky? Why do they dominate the destiny of my heavenly empire, and why?!"

Lingtu was very furious, but the meteorites in the sky kept falling. After a crash, hundreds of Yulin Army had already turned into fly ashes. This extinction was just a kind of energy, and it would explode after falling. It was full of power to burn the sky and destroy the earth!


Even people on the earth could hear the roar of the evil titan, and countless civilians crowded together in despair, watching the scene of the end of the sky but could do nothing.

The entire Jiuyang City is being evaporated and baptized with blood, but no one can control all of this.

At this time, the old wizard walked tremblingly in a white cloak, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, what's your order?"

"What is this in the air?!" the emperor asked.

The great wizard raised his head and looked at the sky, with helplessness in his old eyes, and said: "The ancient artifact is not something I can control, Your Majesty... Please open the altar immediately and pray for the common people?"


Lingtu angrily said: "You ask me to pray when all living beings are about to be destroyed? I am the Lord of a country. Isn't it the only way to pray?"

The prime minister Negative Wuji understood the emperor’s character better, and whispered: "Great wizard, your majesty needs to know the truth. He needs to know what this monster is that destroys my empire, instead of blindly praying for blessings, do you understand?!"

The great wizard sighed: "Never mind, come here, prepare the magic weapon, I want to make a divination."


The attendant moved a huge brazier, and the great wizard knelt in front of the brazier and threw the sheep bones in one by one. Soon, a burst of blue smoke flew up, and the great wizard began to close his eyes and mutter.

Soon after, a golden light "brushed" across the sky, and shot through the heart of a "monster" where all living beings looked up and could see. Then, the flames in the sky swiftly swirled, turning into the figure of a mighty god of war with hands. Holding the golden long sword, the other monster was divided into two. Soon, three other figures appeared, fighting together with the monster. Each blow carried the mighty power, and the sky shone with golden rays. Thunder, majestic.

"That... what is that..." Emperor Lingtu was dumbfounded.

The civilians in Jiuyang City looked up at the Prime Minister and were dumbfounded. They didn't know what had happened, but at least knew that those "monsters" who tried to destroy the world were being punished, and the five figures in the sky were killing those monsters.

Prime Minister Negative Wuji said excitedly: "Your Majesty, we are saved... Those... Those people... No, those must be gods... Yes, they must be gods. Only they can kill the fierce beasts above the sky..."

Soon, the four monsters were all killed, and the air was calm again.

This is, the great wizard raised his head and said: "Your Majesty, I have arrived. The four monsters are the ancient protoss in the legend, but they have fallen..."

"These are not important. Now you must tell me, who are the five people who saved the Celestial Empire?"


The great wizard said with a trembling voice: "They are the gods in the fairyland... beyond all power. I can't tell their names, but I know the title given to them by the world-the five gods."

"Five Gods?"

Lingtu frowned and said: "Negative Wuji, you immediately send an army to extinguish the fire in the city. In addition, the Ministry of Household is in charge of the reconstruction, and there is another important thing to be done. I immediately sent the procurement department to Lishan to mine the giant rock. Build five gods in Jiuyang City, remember their appearance, you must be vivid, do you hear it?"


The Great Wizard was not happy anymore: "But your Majesty, Jiuyang City has always believed in only the gods of the Southern tribe!"

Lingtu's voice was cold, and said: "Don't use your god to overpower me. I only believe in the god who saves the empire. In addition, the subjects of the world have also seen the scene of the five gods slaying the evil beasts. The age of your old gods is over. Now, the future belongs to the new five gods. If you don’t want to continue to be in charge of the temple, then abdicate and let the virtuous. I have some candidates."

The great wizard hurriedly shook his head and said: "The minister is willing to swear allegiance to Your Majesty and never give up..."

"Humph… "

Since then, the entire Chunyang Realm has begun to believe in the five gods. Although people don’t know the names of the five gods, they know that they have a sword, a double sword, and two goddesses who make swords, and A bow god who wears Yang with a hundred steps.

Two days passed.

Tang Xiaoxi, Qin Yin and others rested on a tree trunk in a deserted Lingshan in the Southern God Realm. There is no building in this Lingshan, but there are fruit forests, peach trees, plums, and bayberry, just ripe at this time.

"brush… "

Lin Muyu's figure lightly landed on the tree trunk, filled with apples, plums, bayberry and other fruits in her Valkyrie cloak, and smiled: "Eat something, choose your own!"

Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi couldn't help but laugh, and they could always feel the peace and relaxation with Lin Muyu, which is one of the reasons they love him so much.

Feng Jixing and Wei Qiu ran over very unceremoniously. The gods also need to replenish water. They have hardly slept for these two days and nights, and have long wanted to eat something to sacrifice to the five internal organs temple.

Qin Yin squeezed a bayberry, took a sip, couldn't help but smile with a frowning eyebrow: "So sour..."

Tang Xiaoxi also tasted the fruit with a smile.

Wei Qiu bit off half an apple in one bite and said: "We killed 472 Titans in two days and two nights. This news should be passed back to the Undergone Palace. I don’t know what Lei Lun would think when he heard the news. Will they continue to send titans out to hunt the spiritual energy of Lingshan? If they give up, the power of the dark titans will not be able to increase, I am afraid Lei Lun will be abruptly killed this time."

"I'm afraid he will get furious."

Lin Muyu frowned and said: "It's okay for us here. It's hard to say about the Devil Emperor and Sister Xiyan. If they are caught by Lei Lun's main force, it will be hard to say."

"Don't worry, isn't there a colored glaze lamp!"

"Well, I wouldn't agree with this action if it weren't for Liulizhan."

Feng Jixing nibbled at the apple and said, "Ayu, we have saved more than 100 planes in two days, but more than 30 planes have also been destroyed. Do you think this is merit or demerit?"

Lin Muyu said: "I don't control the order, I just take care of it. You have to ask Xiaoyin this question."

Qin Yin squinted a pair of beautiful eyes and said with a smile: "Actually... The message given to me by the Mahayana Law of Heaven is not very accurate. Whether it is credit or fault, the only thing we can do is to stick to our beliefs and go all the way."

Feng Jixing smiled slightly: "It seems... This God gave His Highness Yin also a wordless book, and everything must be understood by himself."

"Yeah, that's how it was originally."

Lin Muyu said: "Hurry up and eat, continue to cruise after eating, and save our stamina. If we add the results of the devil emperor and sister Xiyan, we should have hunted nearly a thousand titans, and now Lei Lun is holding it. There are only seven or eight hundred Titans, and perhaps a decisive battle against us will soon be launched, and by then we still need to return to Dacheng Mountain to fight."

"OK, all right… "

The remaining four people agree.

The Under Palace.


Lei Lun smashed countless floor tiles with one foot, his blood-red eyes flickered, and said: "How many Titan Warriors have not returned?"

"According to the agreement, they should have returned a day ago, but... Currently there are only more than 700 Titans who have returned, and there are more than 1,100 Titans who have not returned."

It was Keston, the second master of the Leilun clan.

Above the hall, a group of Titans raised their swords angrily, roaring and roaring.

Lei Lun was murderous, lifting the blood-red warhammer on his shoulders, and said: "Assemble our army and immediately rush to Dacheng Mountain. They want to destroy each one. There is no way. I want them to know how terrifying Titan's anger is!"

"Yes, patriarch!"