The Alchemist God

Chapter 1329: Devour the demon world


The Dark Palace was once the seat of the Southern God Realm, but at this time there were only some wounded Titans and the residual spiritual power of the Southern God Realm gods floating in the air, and the entire Dark Palace was reduced to ruined walls and dead silence. Net﹤

Among the rubble, Lei Lun sat there, his arms slowly turning, his divine power was repairing his injured body, but the speed was extremely slow, and beside him was Keston and a group of slightly and seriously injured Titans, one by one, lifeless, this battle Although Dacheng Mountain was hit hard and many righteous gods were killed, it failed in general.

Keston raised his gray face and said, "Patriarch, I'm sorry, I am incompetent. I should have sneaked and killed Lin Muyu and Qi Yao Devil Emperor when they were at their weakest, but I couldn't do it."

"You can't be blamed, Corston."

Lei Lun's gaze was low, and said: "We are too small to look down on the power of the gods. Lin Muyu has eight guardians, and the girl who is desperately fast, plus the Qi Yao Devil Emperor, Xi Yan and other main gods to help us. It’s not wrong to lose, it’s just... It’s just that Dachengshan has not been destroyed. I’m afraid we won’t have such a chance in the future."

"Who said no?"

A very loud voice came from the air, and all the Titans looked up one after another, only to see one person descending from the sky with a spear flashing thunder, with a strong momentum, and instantly made the Titans feel an overwhelming sense of depression, and they couldn't help looking sideways. .

"sand… "

Alys landed on the roof of the fractured Undergrowth Hall, looked at Lei Lun playfully, and said with a smile: "Lei Lun, I asked you to come to God Realm to smash it, but what did you do?"

Lei Lun's eyes were dim: "Alys, are you accusing me?"


Alys’s face was covered with frost, and said: “Originally, you had two thousand Titans, and you were the Titans who obtained the nucleus of the Heavenly Gods, but what did you do to make them lose only a few hundred? Do you still want to destroy the Eastern God Realm with these hundreds of Titans? You don't think that the lord gods like Lin Muyu and Emperor Qi Yao are just like you."

"Alys, you shut up!" Keston roared, and at the same time a group of Titan fighters around him were angry. Many Titans have already stood up and entered a state of combat readiness.

Alios couldn’t help but smiled: “Your unity surprised me, but your stupidity also made me feel very disappointed. I will take you to heaven to help you get revenge and unearth your potential. As a result, you Too conceited, why not bring the army of the devil to fight the gods after the devil is destroyed?"

Lei Lun's eyes flickered: "The army of the Demon Realm is rebellious and too difficult to control, so that we have slaughtered nearly half of them and cannot completely control them, so... , Originally... Originally, I thought that the gods of the Mahayana Heavenly Path would lie dormant and wait for the opportunity, but I didn't expect them to take the initiative to attack. They killed countless Titan Warriors through despicable sneak attacks within three days, otherwise today's result would never be the same. "


Alys screamed: "You are too greedy. You want to destroy Lingshan and gain the power of the world to pave the way for the rise of the Titans. It's a pity that you have no lofty ambitions but you are an idiot!"

"Alys, you!"

Lei Lun stood up, grabbed the hammer in one hand, and said, "You are just an exile god in the outer sky. What qualifications do you have to talk to me like this? You must know that even if it was at the beginning, I was also talking to the king of gods. Zeus exists on an equal footing, and you, what kind of thing are you, when is it your turn to be here!"


Alys couldn’t help laughing, and suddenly his figure disappeared in the wind. The next moment he appeared in front of Lei Lun, raising his leg, a violent kick fell on Lei Lun’s chin, and it hit Lei Lun. He fell down and hit a thick pillar behind him heavily, and the surrounding rubble collapsed and fell.


The thunderous light in Alys's hand soared, and he stuck it straight on the side of Lei Lun's face. Suddenly, the fiery light melted a part of Lei Lun's steel face, and the fiery red metal melt went straight into his brain, which hurt Lei Lun. With a muffled snort, the whole body couldn't get any strength in an instant.

"I think... the Titans should re-elect a capable god to be the patriarch!"

The corner of Alys's mouth curled up, and he pierced Lei Lun's right heart with a grinning open hand, abruptly digging out the god core of Zeus, and suddenly Lei Lun let out a miserable cry—


"Patriarch!" Keston and other Titans flew over.

Alios looked at the Titans with bright eyes, suddenly pulled out the Thunder and swept away. In an instant, a fan-shaped Thunder area with a radius of nearly ten meters opened up on the ground in front of him. The unmatched Titan was strangled by the thunder and turned into a pile of scrap iron, and it was bleak and bleak to breathe a bunch of green smoke.

"Why, do you want to resist me?"

Alys was holding Zeus's divine core in his hand, looking sharply at the back of a group of Titans, stretched out his hand, and said: "You, come here for me..."

All the titans looked back together. There, a slightly weak titans sat there, and did not participate in the attack of the other titans. He stood tremblingly and asked: "Me?"

"Yes, it's you, what's your name?" Alios asked nonchalantly.

"My name is Steinick..."

"come here."

"Yes..." Steinick didn't dare to defy, and after a jump, he fell in front of Alios.

"Do you yearn for power?" Alios asked. The Zeus nucleus in his hand glowed with a blazing blue thunder, shining on Stenic's face very confused.

"I… "

Steinecker stood there, trembling all over, and said, "I long for... I long for..."

"Well, since you desire strength, I will give you strength."

As he said, Alios suddenly raised his hand and forced the Zeus core into Steinick's chest. Suddenly, the slightly naive Titan trembled violently, beams of thunder swaying, quickly reshaping his body. In a blink of an eye, Steinick’s height suddenly increased by nearly one-third, and the metal on the body soared a lot, becoming extremely strong, and even the supernatural powers he exerted were much stronger, although not as strong as the strongest. Lei Lun at the time was far more powerful than Lei Lun who had lost the core of Zeus.

"Steinick, you will be the new leader of the Titans from now on." Alios said lightly.

Steinick knelt down slowly and said, "I will be loyal to the lord..."

Not far from the side, Kerston was already trembling with anger, and roared: "Steinick, you are the son of my Titan clan. You betrayed the patriarch and loyal to such a villain? You... You are not worthy of being my Titan. Descendants of a clan... You..."

Before the words fell, Alios suddenly turned around and waved his arms. Suddenly, the thunder was sweeping the snow. Keston's head was severed from the middle, and the blood splashed out and died instantly. The huge body collapsed heavily, and the one that hit the ground. The sound also impacted on the hearts of many Titans. Almost all the Titans knew that the Leilun tribe was about to suffer annihilation.

"Who else?"

Alios said coldly, "Who else doesn't want to admit that Steinecker is the new leader? Just stand up."

All the titans stood there blankly, many titans turned their eyes to Lei Lun, he was the real leader, and only Lei Lun could change the future of his clan.

However, Lei Lun knelt on the ground tremblingly, with his fists in the rubble, and said: "I... Lei Lun is willing to offer allegiance to Lord Steinick and Alys, and I will remain committed!"

Once a person has selfishness, he will become fragile. When the Leilun tribe decides to betray the Titan Protoss, everything has been decided. If you lose your faith, you will lose courage. The truth in this world has always been like this.

As Lei Lun knelt, the Titans knelt down one after another, but the dead body of Keston was a bit abrupt, which made people feel unspeakably ridiculous.

Alys held Thunder in his hand and said, "Sitting here, I can only wait for death. Follow me to the Demon Realm. Since the Demon Realm has formed an alliance with the God Realm, this shows that Zi Yan and Bai Feng no longer want the Demon Realm. The core contains tens of thousands of years of spiritual power. After you obtain these spiritual powers, you will be invincible!"

A group of Titans seemed to be a little excited, raising their swords one by one, shouting: "Invincible!"

Lei Lun's eyes flickered, and he was a little uneasy. Alyos was right. The core of the Demon Realm was equal to the existence of a spirit mountain. In the past, the Devil Tower used the core power, but Alys's move was undoubtedly a desperate move. As long as the Titans They have absorbed the core spiritual power of the Demon Realm, and they will truly degenerate into a demon, and the true ones will never be able to look back.

But they had no choice. The thunder in Alios was enough to make the Titans surrender. They lost the courage to resist.

In the devil world, thousands of demons were hidden in the dense forest like a slaughter. They did not dare to come out until a few days later. At this time, the sky was full of sun and moon, and huge figures flew across the sky. It was Titans, and they came back again.

One by one Mo Luo shuddered and hid in the caves and grasses, and only dared to look from a distance. The Demon Realm that had intended to swallow the world has long ceased to be in its original flourish, and now it looks like the last lingering breath.


The bitter light that the Titans flew over scratched the ground like a blade, making the Moruos even more dare not to make a sound.

Not long after, the Dimensity Temple was already in front of us, but at this time the Dimensity Temple had become a mess. The original high-rise building had collapsed for more than half, and a pile of rubble was almost impossible to distinguish the magnificence of the Dimensity Temple. .


Alys’s figure fell like electricity on the top of the rock at the top of the Temple of Heaven. He lifted the thunder in his hand and slammed it down. With a loud "peng", the mountains burst within a few hundred meters, and it was solid. The ground turned into fragments and blasted away, the light of thunder skyrocketed, and the direction of the sharp blade scrolled straight and stretched towards the depths of the ground.

Titans stood in the air around them, looking at Alys from such a distance.

This process lasted for about ten minutes. Suddenly Allos trembled, and the thunder in his hand was not retracted. He roared, and the demon flames from the ground surged. Those are the core energy of the entire demon world, and the foundation of the entire demon world. !

The magic flame rose into the sky, turning into blood red spiritual power.

"Eat, brats!"

Alios laughed loudly.

In the air, the Titans greedily devoured dark spiritual power, and each became crazy, and their eyes became more violent. 8