The Alchemist God

Chapter 1330: Hourglass


"Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

Steinick was full of fiery red flames. He drew the most magic flames, and his power increased the fastest. He even became violent regardless of the enemy and me. He drew the magic flames frantically, and raised his hand to give birth to a Titan on the side. Shufei, roared, and took the magic flame he had drawn into his own use. ≧Net

Alys did not obstruct, he laughed and said: "Eat, eat to your heart's content, this will make you stronger!"

Stenick is the current Titan leader, and what Allos wants is his madness and loyalty. As long as he doesn't betray him, Stenick does nothing too much.

Underground, the energy of the Demon World’s core is spraying outwards like a volcanic explosion, and many Titans are bathed in this flame, happily devouring the essence of the Demon World. Under the impact of the demon flame, their metal shell begins Covered with a layer of fiery red armor, the rays of light on the armor flowed darkly, condensed into obscure demon runes. Although I don’t know what was born, it is clear that a mysterious power is causing these Titans to become Even more indestructible.

"Hahaha… "

Alys laughed wildly and said: "It's the magic armor... That's great, the magic armor will make you stronger, eat it, eat the entire demon world as much as you want, it's no longer useful here!"

The titans roared endlessly and devoured wildly, even Lei Lun, the former leader, was crazy, with blood-red eyes devouring the power of the Demon Realm, completely ignoring the power that was seized and the companions who were killed.


In the distance, Mo Luo looked at everything in the Tianji Temple in horror. They were all stunned. No one was able to stop everything in front of them, and it was too late to even dodge. Who would die!

With the devouring of many titans, the sky of the Demon Realm began to become looming, the earth rumbling, and the demon flame streams that originally crossed the Demon Realm began to dry up, and certain laws were causing the power of the Demon Realm to begin to sink.

But Alys didn't care about all of this. The entire Demon Realm seemed to him to be just a tool. As long as the three hundred Titans could be made indestructible, he didn't care about anything.

Dacheng Hall.

The water in the illusion pool turned into hot molten lava, and hundreds of crazy Titans were absorbing the power of the demon world. Almost everyone was stunned, driven by the madness of the demon world, except for Lin Muyu, Qin Yin, Xiyan, etc. In addition to the Zhengshen, even the leaders of the demon world, such as Baifeng and Ziyan, came, silent and solemn.

"Alios this lunatic!" Zi Yan gritted his teeth.

Xiyan nodded: "I am indeed a lunatic, much crazier than you were at the beginning..."

Zi Yan frowned and said: "In just three days, the magic power of the entire Demon Realm will be completely exhausted, and once these three hundred Titans gain the power of the entire Demon Realm, they will become unstoppable, condense their power, and the power will prevail. After passing the Destroyer Tower ten times, one hundred times, you can't continue to sit idly by."

Lin Muyu said: "Will it be useful to go to the Demon Realm now? Moreover, after the end of the war, many of our gods are still seriously injured, and they are simply powerless..."

Bai Feng was a little moved, and said: "The god of war, whether he can go or not has nothing to do with whether he can go or not. If Alys is allowed to drink the source of the Demon World, the next one to be destroyed must be the Demon World, and he will be destroyed by the destruction of Alys. It will definitely destroy everything, including Dacheng Mountain and Broken Ding Realm. Are you willing to watch all beings greet death?"

"Of course not."

Lin Muyu was calm and said: "But now it's dying to go rashly. As you can see, these titans have already obtained the magic armor, and the power of Alys continues to expand. How many righteous gods we send to go is a dead end."

"That's better than sitting here and waiting to die!" Tarilin was a militant.

Xiyan said: "Don't be impulsive, this matter must be considered in the long term. If we are careless, we will lose everything. We can't make this kind of mistake. This mistake will lead to the destruction of the world."

Qin Yin quietly looked at the tumbling water in the illusion pool with a pair of star eyes, and suddenly asked, "Is there any way to stop the power of the demon world from leaking out and cut off Alios' plan?"

Bai Feng's eyes lit up and said: "The core of the demon world is located directly under the Tianji Temple, and its power is surging. Once the gap is opened, these demon flames will gush out frantically, basically it cannot be stopped. , Unless it is to block the gap pierced by Alys's Thunder, but this will mean facing Alys directly. Who of us can compete with Alys now?"

The Qi Yao Devil Emperor was silent.

Xi Yan shook her head.

Soon, the eyes of the gods all looked at Lin Muyu.

Lin Muyu was a little uneasy, frowning: "Don't look at me, I am not Alius's opponent, so I won't go to die... and my death will be of no benefit to the God Realm."

Ziyao grinned: "Well, no one wants you to be in danger, it's just an idea now."

Xiyan groaned, and said thoughtfully: "In our Western God Realm, there is a place called Star Cave. It's like a time hourglass, with two large ends and a small middle, which can lead to two worlds. What about the Demon World? The energy of the Demon World is in the core. What is on the other side? The world tends to balance. What is the other side of the Demon World? ?"

"It's the God Realm."

An extremely old voice came, and the speaker was Qu Chu.

Lin Muyu, Qin Yin, Tang Xiaoxi, Feng Jixing and others saluted together: "Old Qu, are you here?"

Qu Chu nodded. Although he was only a middle god, he was very knowledgeable. Since he said that, there must be a reason for him to say that.

Seven Lights Demon Emperor said: "None of us have been to the core of the Demon Realm, how can Old Man Qu assert it?"

"I've been there."

Qu Chu whispered: "Just like what the Seraph Xiyan said, there is also a huge hourglass below the Demon Realm. The entrance is not elsewhere, but just below Dacheng Hall. At the beginning, Emperor Fuxi Tiandi’s intention to build Dacheng Mountain, I’m afraid we didn’t understand it. Everyone thought that the seal of the six worlds of Chaos Realm was the real seal of the Demon Realm, but they didn’t know Dacheng Hall. It is the first seal of the demon world, which continuously seals the power of the demon world and also the power of the righteous spirit of the gods."

Lin Muyu frowned and said, "It seems that the only way we can think of is to open the sealed entrance of His Highness Dacheng, so that the righteousness of the God Realm can be vented, and then the power of the Demon Realm rushes here, and the power of the Demon Realm is secretly released in the Six Realms. Come, it has complied with the laws of the Mahayana Way of Heaven. The Great Way of the World is both righteous and evil. When there is light, there is darkness, and when there is black, there is white."


Qu Chu nodded and said, "It's just that the hourglass under our feet may not be so easy to vent. When I went underground a few months ago, the mouth of the hourglass center was now blocked."

"What, it's blocked?" Qi Yao Demon Emperor was shocked: "Damn, it must be the group of stinky boys who don't clean the sewer often, and it's blocked..."

Qu Chu became angry and said: "That... can't stop the hourglass between good and evil. It should be a holy beast that really blocks the place. It is attracted by the power of the demon world, so its body is stuck on both sides of the yin and yang. In the middle, we cannot advance or retreat. If our plan is to be successfully implemented, the first thing to do is to find this holy beast and rescue it."

Qin Yin asked: "Old Qu has seen this holy beast?"

"No." Qu Chu shook his head: "The flames deep in the ground are too fierce. With my cultivation base, I can only go one mile deep and I can't move forward. Otherwise, my body will be burnt to ashes. We. A powerful person must be sent into the depths of the earth. On the one hand, he must be able to withstand the blazing divine fire. On the other hand, he must be able to defeat the holy beast that may be demonized. Only in this way can he succeed."

The gods immediately looked at Lin Muyu.

Lin Muyu sighed: "Don't look at me again, I'm intolerant of fever, just resistant to beating."

Xiyan said: "Zhao Ding, the fire-resistant god of fire, has died in battle, and we are the only people left. I am a Seraphim, and the power of light is hot. Perhaps it is most suitable for me to enter the ground."

Zi Yao shook her head and said: "Xiyan, you have more than enough protection, but your combat power may not be as good as Ayu. Think about it, without the support of the holy martial power, can you be sure that you can fight the holy beast at the bottom of the resort?"

Tang Cao's face was displeased: "But Mu Mu may not be an opponent either..."

"But he has the best chance of winning."

Zi Yao smiled slightly: "Xiao Xi, it's not that I don't care about Ayu, but... there is no more suitable candidate."

"Let me go!"

It was the Seven Lights Demon Emperor who was talking, and he whispered: "I have a body of pride, I can burn and kill, and how powerful the sacred beast can be. I just don’t believe it. We have no reason to let Ayu go if we take any risks. Let me go this time."

"You are the Lord of the God Realm, it is even more inappropriate for you to go."

At this time, Lin Muyu raised her head and said, "Stop arguing. I will go with Xiaoxi. Xiaoxi also controls the law of flames of the Mahayana Heavenly Dao. Her flame-breaking fire can help me enter the core of the earth. The power of the holy martial arts can guarantee me to defeat the holy beast. No one is more suitable than me and Xiaoxi."

"When will you go?" Feng Jixing has always been vigorous and resolute, not hypocritical, he knew that Lin Muyu would have his chance to go.

"Sooner rather than later, right now."

Lin Muyu said: "Devil Emperor, Ma Fang has ordered all the gods to evacuate from Dacheng Hall. Once we get through this exit, Dacheng Mountain will be swallowed by the holy fire and demon flames in a blink of an eye."


The Qi Yao Devil Emperor whispered: "The order goes on. The gods will leave Dacheng Mountain and go to Luoyan Mountain and other Lingshan mountains to avoid their sharp edges. Ayu, you and Xiaoxi must be careful. If the situation is not good, come back immediately, understand?"

"Okay, I get it." 8