The Alchemist God

Chapter 16: Purple essence


"Yin time is here, Lin Muyu, get up and set off!"

In his sleep, there was Qu Chu's hard knock on the door. Lin Muyu woke up suddenly and looked out the window. The starry sky was still there. This was at most three or four in the morning!

Although he didn't know why he walked in such a hurry, Lin Muyu jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed to go out. He was too eager for powerful power, and Qu Chu in front of him was a person who could bring him powerful power.

"Teacher, why did you leave when it got dark? I'll say hello to Grandpa and Chu Yao before leaving."

"Don't say hello, go!"

In the dark night, Qu Chu wore a white robe and said without a doubt: "The plan for a day lies in the morning. When do you want to sleep? You can get enough sleep when you come back three days later, and I am not your teacher, I just teach You only have three days, and I will never accept a disciple in my life, Qu Chu, you still call me old Qu, how about?"


Lin Muyu followed him out of the yard, and on the side, Tang Xiaoxi, the noble princess, also followed, holding a rapier in his hand, leading two horses, and handing one of the reins to Lin Muyu, saying: "This A horse is yours."


"A good prairie horse, it's cheaper for you." Tang Xiaoxi said with a grin.

Lin Muyu turned around and looked at this horse. It was really good. It was sturdy, with smooth hair, and gleaming eyes. At first glance, she looked like a steed horse. Then she looked at Tang Xiaoxi's. Her mount was a red-haired pony with a stature. Matches her petiteness.

Tang Xiaoxi seemed to see through his thoughts and couldn't help but smile and said, "You think my Qianlihuo is very weak, don't you? Would you like to get on the horse and try? I promise that you can't see my back in the time of a stick of incense! "

Lin Muyu was speechless, but did not challenge the princess. It turned out that this flaming pony was called Qianlihuo, and the name was very appropriate, but I don't know if it can travel thousands of miles every day.

At the forefront, Qu Chu is leading a black and sturdy horse, with horseshoes hitting the horseshoes, and with the emblem of purple flowers on the horse's butt, it is a war horse!

"I came out of Yinshan City before dawn. I heard that there is a bun shop in the south of the city. I will leave after eating!" Qu Chu said.

"Yes." Lin Muyu said cautiously.

Tang Xiaoxi smiled and said, "Old Qu, is there anything better than the Yinhua beef steamed buns in the Imperial Capital?"

Qu Chu couldn't help laughing: "The princess laughed. The Yinhua beef in the imperial capital is one of the best in the world. Even your majesty has tasted it personally. No one can beat it."

"Yeah!" Tang Xiaoxi pursed his small mouth and smiled: "When it comes to the delicious food in the imperial capital, I suddenly miss Xiaoyin a little."

Qu Chu said, "After practicing for three days in the Seven-Star Forest and being promoted to Level 30 for Princess Xi, you can naturally go back to the Imperial Capital to see His Royal Highness."


Out of the city, but the sky is still dark, just the east is white. Qu Chu did what he said, and he found a bun shop near the dense forest outside the city. It was close to the Seven-Star Forest and occasionally beasts appeared, so this bun It is spread out here to provide board and lodging for business travelers and passers-by. At this time, the clerk is already busy steaming steamed buns before dawn.

"Man, one bun per person, and then pack me three days' rations for the three of us." Qu Chu said straightforwardly.

The clerk’s efficiency was good. Soon the buns came up, and they were stuffed with meat. The last time I ate meat was three days ago, Lin Muyu naturally feasted, and the wind and clouds ate a whole cage of buns. Tang Xiaoxi was stunned: "Wow, Mu Mu, you It's just rebirth!"

"Ah? What is Fu Ni?" Lin Muyu was confused, and she didn't know why this little princess called herself Mumu. He had a strange feeling. Moreover, Lin Muyu felt more cordial in Tang Xiaoxi. , And not the kind of aristocratic girl, if Tang Xiaoxi was the kind of aristocratic child, I am afraid that he would have used himself as a servant now, and would not even want to say a word to himself.

Qu Chu smiled slightly: "The legendary alien beasts in ancient times were gluttonous and strong, but later they were hunted down by the King of Light because they ate too much and couldn't run, and their fur was made into royal robes."

Tang Xiaoxi smiled and stuck out his tongue, and continued to eat in small mouthfuls.

After eating, put all the packed food and water in the bag next to Lin Muyu's mount, and Qu Chu said, "While it's still dark, hurry up!"

"Old Qu, why are we in such a hurry?" Lin Muyu couldn't help asking.

Qu Chu smiled: "Because, at sunrise today, it will be a very difficult period for you."


"In half an hour after sunrise, I want to awaken the sleeping martial soul deep in your heart!" Qu Chu's eyes flashed with confidence, "A cultivator, if even the martial soul is not awakened, then There is no difference in waste. The old man awakened his martial spirit at the age of 14, and Princess Xi had already awakened the martial spirit inherited from the family at the age of 9."

"What is the Martial Spirit inherited from the family?"

"By the way, I almost forgot that you, a rookie, didn't understand anything." Qu Chu took a deep breath and explained: "The strength of Wuhun is determined by blood in a large sense. Xiaoxi was born in Qihai Tangmen and was 9 years old. Awakened Firefox martial arts, Firefox, and second-class martial arts are the martial arts that people of Tang Sect bloodline are likely to awaken. Martial souls with blood inheritance are rare. Except for Firefox, the Qin family of imperial royal blood has unique martial arts. Soul-God-Bound Lock, first-class martial soul, even a newly awakened God-Bound Lock is enough to improve a person's 50% cultivation base, this is something ordinary people can't even think of."

As he said, Qu Chu sighed, looking at Lin Muyu with a trace of sympathy in his eyes, and said, "You and I are both common people, and neither of them have that kind of innate blood. You can only cultivate your martial soul step by step with your own sweat."


Lin Muyu nodded, thinking that Qin's martial arts were so powerful, and she seemed to have seen Bound God Lock, yes, when the group of god-level powerhouses besieged the Qi Yao Devil Emperor, the martial arts head Qin Yi used was The God-Binding Lock is extremely strong, but it is still no match for the Qi Yao Devil Emperor.

The three of them mounted their horses and swiftly entered the Seven-Star Forest before sunrise. Qu Chu rode a horse to lead the way, came to a mountain peak, tied the horse, and then brought Lin Muyu and Tang Xiaoxi up the mountain. When they reached the mountain peak At that time, the far east on the horizon of the jungle can already be seen whitening, and the sunrise is about to come.

"Lin Muyu!" Qu Chu whispered sharply.


"Run the whole body's true energy, gather all the true energy you can control on your chest, right now, hurry up!"


Lin Muyu took a deep breath, and silently conveyed the true energy all over her body, and gathered all her energy on her chest, but as the people in the temple said, she is a body of deceased nature, and the true energy cannot run smoothly after passing through the vein hub. Squeezing more and more, a suffocating dull feeling hovered in his chest, almost crushing his chest.

"Um..." He resisted the pain, sweating on his face.

"Now, let me vomit out, relax my whole body, and vent your true energy from your chest!" Qu Chu's voice is still very severe.

Lin Muyu let out a low drink, and the real breath in her chest leaked, making her clothes humming.

Tang Xiaoxi sat on the rock by the side and watched Lin Muyu's practice with a smile. She also released her martial arts spirit. The small flame fox shook on the girl's arm, and even made a squeaky cry, like a living creature, teasing. The girl Grid smiled tremblingly.

"It still doesn't work..." Qu Chu looked at Lin Muyu's breath of innocence and said, "Martial spirits are born with them. Everyone has their own martial spirits, but you... why can't your martial spirit come out? "

As he said, he looked to the east and said: "You need to look directly at the sunrise, look at the sunlight, don't blink or close your eyes."


Lin Muyu looked at the direction of the sunrise, Wandao Hongxia penetrated the clouds, and the sun was already slowly rising.

Qu Chu said: "Xuyang is divided into seven colors. You need to use your eyes to distinguish purple from the seven colors. When you see purple, it means that you have captured the most essential part of sunlight-purple qi. Qi is the foundation of cultivation. We, as martial practitioners, have the most fundamental power to temper the essence of the purple qi, so that you can form a martial soul faster."

Lin Muyu stared at the sun fiercely. About a few minutes later, a miraculous scene happened. The colors in the daylight began to separate slowly. He caught a touch of purple, biting him tightly, and his body was like a dry lake and began to go crazy. Absorbing the power in the purple gas, his body at the moment also glowed with a faint purple brilliance.

"Huh?" Tang Xiaoxi opened her small mouth, very surprised, she didn't expect Lin Muyu to find the place of Ziqi so quickly.

Qu Chu looked in his eyes, and showed a slight expression of approval, and said: "Go on, the purple energy in the body is condensed in your chest, try to force your martial soul again!"


A group of purple energy was fluttering in the body wantonly. When Lin Muyu tried to force them out of the body, they suddenly became irritable. They shuddered like a heavy blow to their chest, and their legs suddenly couldn't stand." "Plop" fell to his knees, trembling hum, and the whole person was in pain, and a powerful force slaughtered the purple gas in his body!

"He... What's wrong with him?" Tang Xiaoxi's beautiful face showed a trace of worry and tension.

Qu Chu gritted his teeth and suddenly covered Lin Muyu's back with his palms, but he felt an outrageously powerful force that madly backlashed his true energy. This force made him feel threatened, and the demonstrators attacked his own power. , As if saying that Lin Muyu's body belongs to him, and he is not allowed to set foot on it.


What a character Qu Chu was, naturally he wouldn't give in easily. He used both palms to force together, and with a loud roar, the power of the sanctuary opened up and immediately suppressed the power in Lin Muyu's body.

He took a quick step back and uttered a low voice: "Huo Ding, come out!"


A huge martial arts spirit lingering in flames appeared and immediately enveloped Lin Muyu.

Her body was shrouded in a scorching power that could almost kill people. Lin Muyu suddenly opened her eyes and said, "Old Qu, what are you doing? Are you going to kill me?"

Qu Chu said lightly: "No, don't get me wrong. You are the disciple of my old friend Chu Fengde. I can't kill you. This trick is called'burning the pig'. Since your martial soul is unwilling to come out, then I will force it out by myself! Think about it... Many masters use this method to refine martial arts."