The Alchemist God

Chapter 18: Carnivorous Plate & Jade Vine Demon


On a rainy day, the spirit beasts hid in the nest one after another, and it seemed that they couldn't find any good targets, so the three of them moved forward slowly in the rain.

Qu Chu did not hold an umbrella or a cloak in the rain, but the rain flowed down his body surface with a trace, and he didn't get any clothes wet. This seemed a bit shocking, and Lin Muyu also had something to do with the sanctuary-level powerhouse. I was shocked by my initial understanding, but Qu Chu just smiled at the shocked kid and said: "Every strong man who steps into the heavens can transform his own true qi into vindictive qi. That is a stronger force, fighting qi to protect his body. Naturally, it will not invade water or fire."

Lin Muyu nodded seemingly, while Tang Xiaoxi opened his cloak, revealing a beautiful face, and said with a smile: "Old Qu, what kind of beast spirit do you think I need to refine to best help the Firefox spirit? Growth?"

Qu Chu said: "Fire fox is fire. Naturally, it is better for the spirit of the beast that absorbs the fire attribute. But this rainy day is wet and slippery. All the spirit beasts of the fire attribute are hiding in their own dry nests. And Princess Xi is about to step into the realm, and he needs to absorb beast spirits over 2000 years old. This is even more difficult to find, but Lin Muyu's green gourd may be able to meet a good enough spirit beast."

"Because the green gourd belongs to the plant family, and rainy days are a great opportunity for the plant family to grow?"


Qu Chu looked at the dense forest in front of him and said, "Preparing to dismount and walk, let's enter the dense forest and see if we can find one or two suitable plant spirit beasts."


The three people got off their horses one after another and walked in the dense forest with the reins. At this time, the rain seemed to be getting heavier and heavier, crackling sounds of going through the forest and throbbing leaves, Lin Muyu frowned, he did not have the cultivation skills of Qu Chu. There is no rain-proof cloak of Tang Xiaoxi either, his whole body is already soaked, but it doesn't matter, this is bitter.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, Qu Chu stretched out his hand to stop the two young people, and pointed to a black plant in front of him and said: "We walked around, and there is a carnivorous plate where we are eating."

"Carnivorous plate?" Lin Muyu was stunned: "What is that?"

Tang Xiaoxi stuck his tongue out and smiled: "Mu Mu, the flesh-eating pan is a plant-based spirit beast, and it's actually a type of beast. It eats rotten corpses. It's not very aggressive, but it's highly poisonous. Let's bypass it. Some! Old Qu, how old is this carnivorous dish?"

Qu Chu said: "It has 7 black circles on the top of its head. It should be a 70-year-old carnivorous plate. Forget it, the beast spirit of this plant-based spirit beast is not essential, and it's not worth using."

Lin Muyu fixedly watched, can this plant as big as a millstone really eat meat

The next moment, I seemed to feel someone watching me. This slightly trembling grinding disc slowly raised its "face". It was a face full of barbs and mucus, hideous and terrifying, and there was something under the face. With his mouth open, he was chewing on the carcass of a young wild boar on the ground, and it smelled all the time.

"Well, it's disgusting..." Tang Xiaoxi clutched Qiong's nose, leading the horse to quickly go around.

Qu Chu said: "Boy, don't look, go!"


Lin Muyu hurriedly followed, but still has lingering fears. This Seven-Star Forest is indeed an inhumane place. There are such monsters. This fleshy plate, but he has never encountered it in the conquering game. It seems that this world is something. Not all coincide with the game time!

After walking a long way, the three of them couldn’t find their way at all. They could only move forward through the thorns and thorns. Lin Muyu also pulled out the sharp steel sword behind him and walked in front of Tang Xiaoxi to cut the thorns for her. There appeared vines that had penetrated the ground, emerald green, and the steel swords were cut continuously. Lin Muyu couldn't help but be speechless: "What kind of vine is this, how can it be so tough?"

Qu Chu just glanced at it and said in a low voice, "Don't cut it anymore, otherwise you will die!"

"What's the matter?" Lin Muyu hurriedly stopped.

Qu Chu looked around with a pair of brilliant eyes, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "It seems that we have encountered the tricky Cuivine Demon in the legend, hehe, really good luck!"

"Cuivine Demon?" Tang Xiaoxi smiled with some excitement: "I have seen the explanation of this kind of spirit beast in the classics of Bai Beast, but I haven't really seen it yet. Where is it?"

"Princess Xi, you have to be careful, this green vine demon has at least 500 years of cultivation base!"

"Huh?" Tang Xiaoxi opened her mouth: "That should be very strong, right?"


Qu Chu stretched out his hand and pointed straight ahead, and said, "Boy, your spirit beast has appeared. If you see the red grass in front of you, it is the head of the green vine demon. Go, kill this green vine demon. , But you must be careful of the vines of the Cuivine Demon. Once you are entangled, I am afraid that the gods will be hard to save. Remember, I will not save you. If you can't kill this Cuivine Demon, then you will soon become it. For a delicious meal, the Cuivine Demon eats plants and people!"

Qu Chu spoke sonorously, without any doubt.

Lin Muyu naturally knew the pros and cons, and took a deep breath, but didn't rush to do it. Instead, he quenched all the paralysis potions on the arrows in the quiver, and then poured himself a bottle of stone skin potion, if the defense is sufficient. Shouldn't be killed easily.

Tang Xiaoxi stood aside, as if the enemy was calling out a martial arts soul, the Firefox appeared on her shoulder, eager to try, she smiled and said in a low voice: "Mu Mu be careful to fight, but you can rest assured, if you I really can't beat the Cuivine Demon, and if Elder Qu doesn't help you, I will help you secretly!"

Lin Muyu smiled gratefully: "Thank you Princess Xi."

After speaking, he stepped away, drew his longbow, aimed at the head of the Cuivine Demon, "swish" an arrow in the past. After all, the Cuivine Demon belonged to the plant family, so he was sleeping all the time, and the arrow "poof" It shot into the head and sputtered a little emerald green juice, but it was definitely not fatal. It is impossible for any plant to die just because you shoot an arrow.


The sound of Xixisuosuo came from the ground all around, and the soil turned over, and vines emerged from the ground in all directions and gathered in the past, and the head of the tree suddenly rose, and suddenly a huge vine demon's body smashed into the ground. At the beginning, it was three meters high, really a behemoth! Thousands of green vines twisted like a poisonous snake, and one of them suddenly stretched out towards Lin Muyu, carrying a biting murderous intent. The 500-year-old spirit beast could see the killing intent as soon as it shot.


The green vine tentacles passed by like lightning, and they had to penetrate Lin Muyu's chest cavity. This was the masterpiece of the green vine demon. Since ancient times, I don't know how many cultivators died under this trick.

But Lin Muyu didn't belong to those people. He saw it really, slipped his feet, and walked away like a shadow, even Qu Chu was taken aback: "What a handsome body!"

That is the butterfly step of the falling star step. The falling star step is divided into three types of footwork, butterfly step, star step, and dazzling step. The butterfly step focuses on curve movement and is a necessary footwork in battle, while the star step is a strong step like flying. , The speed increases sharply, and the Yao step is deeper. It is a kind of stride similar to flashing, which can increase the speed of human movement to the extreme in an instant, but it is not lasting.

After Diebu stepped aside, Lin Muyu also lifted his right hand and pulled out the steel sword, facing the green vine across his chest as a sword!


It still couldn't be cut, but the juice had already splashed.

"So tough..." He was secretly surprised.

Qu Chu looked at from a distance, and said solemnly: "Boy, learn to integrate your martial arts power, your blue gourd can provide you with a very good source of power, and put the power of martial arts into your arms and blades. , You can naturally sever the vine arms of this mere 500-year-old spirit beast!"


Lin Muyu's situation is not optimistic. The Cuivine Demon has already launched more than a dozen green vine arms to attack and entangle him. If it weren't for the incomparable star-falling step, I am afraid he would have been buried under the vine long ago.

While swiftly avoiding the attack of the cane arm, while silently awakening his spirit, the green color of the green gourd slowly appeared on his arms, penetrating his arms, re-entering the weapon, and spinning between him. The body was chopped down, and there was a crisp "click", one of the vine arms of the Cuivine Demon had already been cut off, and the green juice splashed everywhere.

"Pretty!" Tang Xiaoxi smiled and cheered.

But at the same time, Lin Muyu shook her back. She was attacked by a cane arm from the Cuivine Demon. She hurriedly bent over, but was beaten again in front of her chest. She rolled out along the ground, with fiery pain and blood. The skirts of the clothes came out, and he was injured.


Tang Xiaoxi was shocked, his palms warmed, and the Firefox Martial Spirit emerged, roaring, the flames blazing into the sky, she was about to do it!

Qu Chu hurriedly shouted: "Princess Xi, no! This level can only be passed by himself, otherwise he will not surpass his strength, and he will never know where his limits are. If you really care about him, Believe him!"

"But..." Tang Xiaoxi was silent for a while, and could only continue to watch Lin Muyu being chased by the Cuivine Demon.

Carry the falling star step, use the star step to escape, and turn around and draw out the bow and arrow to shoot. The power of the martial soul is concentrated on the arms, and an arrow can almost shoot through the trunk of the green vine monster, but it does not seem to be fatal. .


The surrounding area was violently shaken, and suddenly the land was lifted up, thousands of vines rose from the ground, and Lin Muyu was directly tied to it, and he was actually caught in the trap of the Cinevine Demon!

"Stupid Mu Mu!"

Tang Xiaoxi looked into the distance in amazement.

However, Qu Chu closed his eyes, felt the fluctuation of Lin Muyu's breath in the distance, raised the corner of his mouth, and smiled: "Don't worry, Princess Xi, this kid's life is so hard that he won't die so easily."

Sure enough, in a violent drink, the steel sword came out through the green vines and cut dozens of vines in succession. Lin Muyu stepped out. Although embarrassed, he was not trapped inside.

Qu Chu said loudly: "The key to the Cuivine Demon lies in the head. As long as you can cut off its head, you can kill it!"

Dead old man, let's talk about it soon!

Lin Muyu endured the severe pain of the whole body, carrying the falling star step and leaping up suddenly, stepping on the cane arm of the Cuivine Demon and rushing over, the speed was too fast, as if a flash of lightning.

Qu Chu was secretly shocked, this kid is really a freak, where did he get such a fast speed? It stands to reason that at the level of his cultivation level, even if he drank the next grade of rapid potion, he did not have such a speed!


The refining field will continue three shifts, and I hope everyone will have fun! When you look cool, remember to vote for flowers and VIPs~~