The Alchemist God

Chapter 21: The 17th level scum hero saves the beauty


Lin Muyu was secretly speechless, Qu Chu's cultivation level is indeed not comparable to him, he looks more like a world-class expert, maybe even those who step into the sanctuary level will be like this

Who knows, anyway, the strongest person Lin Muyu has ever seen is the peerless master of the 94-level sanctuary in front of him, and the second one is Hawkeye who was slain by his own sword. It's a pity that Hawkeye kills human life and Qu Chu. In comparison, he is simply an unforgivable person.

In the afternoon, I have officially entered the depths of the real Seven-Star Forest. All kinds of spirit beasts are rampant, and many of them are murderous beasts. Fortunately, Qu Chu's cultivation base is extremely high, and he took two young people along the way to avoid the foraging route of spirit beasts. , It's safe and sound.

It was close to the evening, and finally came to a wasteland, Qu Chu suddenly became excited, and said with a smile: "Princess Xi, your beast spirit is not far away!"

"Oh?" Tang Xiaoxi's pretty face was filled with confusion.

Qu Chu explained: "It is obviously only autumn, but the grasses in this wilderness are already withered. This is a sign of winter. This can only show that these grasses have been roasted. There must be a fire in this area. Spirit beasts, and can affect the environment to such a degree, beast spirits are definitely not less than 2000!"

Tang Xiaoxi said with joy: "Okay, let's go over quickly."


Qu Chu urged the horse to go fast, and Lin Muyu and Tang Xiaoxi also followed.

Getting closer and closer, even the wind blowing on his face felt scorching hot. Moving forward, there was no grass growing in the small woods, and only a large withered tree stood here, and Qu Chu got off his horse. He picked a branch and slowly shredded it, saying, "This tree has been dead for more than three years, and this evil beast must have been living here for more than three years. You are also quite familiar with the terrain and smell here. You are all careful. Maybe we met a very strong spirit beast, if the beast spirit is more than ten thousand years old, you two will run away!"

"Run?" Lin Muyu asked cautiously: "Old Qu can't beat a spirit beast that is ten thousand years old, right?"

Tang Xiaoxi chuckled, "Silly Mumu, Qu Lao is a powerful Saint-level master with a strength of 94, and the strength of a 10,000-year-old spirit beast is about the strength of the Saint-class level. If this spirit beast is old, Over 3W years, that would be equivalent to the strength of the 100-level Saint King, and we don’t have to go anymore..."

Qu Chu looked back and smiled at Lin Muyu: "Hey, are you afraid?"

Lin Muyu sat lazily on the horse: "It doesn't matter, a princess and a saint accompanied me to be eaten together, and I, a 17th-level scum, will not lose money..."

Tang Xiaoxi glanced sideways at him, then said with a grin, "You can think about it!"

Qu Chu didn’t even feel a smile. He didn’t see the world of pretentiousness and hatred peculiar to young people in Lin Muyu, but he saw gentleness and self-motivated more. This is also one of the reasons why Qu Chu appreciates Lin Muyu. The reason may be that this kid's alchemy skills are really good, right

Not long ago, Qu Chu tied his horse to the dead tree, and then cautiously pulled out the saber around his waist. It was a scarlet long sword, which was similar to his personality. Entering the sanctuary, but still has a hot temper, and the martial arts spirit is a fire cauldron, and is naturally fire. This is also the reason why Tang Xiaoxi's grandfather asked Tang Xiaoxi to follow Qu Chu's practice.

The three slowly came to the bottom of a mountain peak and found a big hole between the rocks. Even the surrounding rocks had been burnt to black. Qu Chu sank, reached out and smeared the dirt on the ground, and put it between his nose. After hearing it, he said: "The last time it passed by here was about two days and two nights ago, will it be in the lair..."

Tang Xiaoxi: "Old Qu, do you know what spirit beast is in this cave?"

Qu Chu looked at the flame trail on the ground, and said: "Crawling creatures, but it seems to be... part of the body is swimming close to the ground, like a snake. What is this?"

With that said, Qu Chu looked at Lin Muyu and Tang Xiaoxi, and said, "You two are waiting for me outside. Don't go in with me. This spirit beast seems to be sleeping, and it must be more than 5,000 years old. It won't help much if the strength goes in."

Lin Muyu nodded, Tang Xiaoxi didn't have any willfulness either, and stayed outside with him.

Qu Chu entered the cave with his sword alone.

After waiting for a full five minutes, there was no movement at all. Tang Xiaoxi pouted his small mouth: "Grandpa Qu Chu...was eaten by a spirit beast, right? For so long..."

Lin Muyu couldn't help but couldn't help but said, "Probably not, he is a powerful saint."

As soon as I finished speaking, there was a violent tremor in the cave, and then I heard Qu Chu's voice spread from the cave: "Run, it's a fire scorpion with a lifespan of 9000 years!"

"Huo Jiao?" Tang Xiaoxi opened her small mouth, and she didn't know why, she had never heard of a spirit beast like Huo Jiao.

Lin Muyu knew it was definitely not easy, and hurriedly grabbed Tang Xiaoxi's hand and rushed to the side of the rocky hillside with the falling star step, feeling a scorching heat behind him.


Amidst the roar of the sky, a huge giant chased Qu Chu out of the cave. It was indeed a firefly. It was a horse-headed snake-body creature with five claws, but its body wandered on the ground. It was covered with thick scales, but the outside of the scales was covered with flames, and with a roar, a blast of flames burst out at Qu Chu.

"I'm going... Flame dragon..." Lin Muyu was secretly surprised.

In 9000 Fire Jiao, his cultivation is about 87, which is a bit worse than Qu Chu, but it is definitely not inferior. Moreover, it is a spirit beast that has been cultivated for nearly ten thousand years, and its own beast nature is enough to close a big gap. , Where did Qu Chu dare to hold it big, he suddenly stopped, and shouted with a low sword, the fire cauldron came out, condensed into a huge shield to block the front, that was his martial arts skill.

The flames shot, and the surrounding weeds were quickly ignited, and the place was about to become a sea of fire. The fire dragon roared, suddenly flew forward, and frantically danced its claws and slapped the fire cauldron.


After several consecutive attacks, Qu Chu resisted extremely uncomfortably, his face turned pale, cold sweat broke out, and he gritted his teeth and fought!


There were rays of thunder on the blade, Qu Chu roared and activated the blue rock armor, and his figure passed through the chest of the firefly like electricity. With a "click", it was a lightning strike, and the front leg of the firefly was immediately cut off. Now, the separation ability of Lightning Strike Slash is very powerful, and Qu Chu's use of Lightning Strike Slash at this time is actually for Lin Muyu to see, letting him know how powerful this simple move can be when it comes to battle!

Naturally, Lin Muyu was dumbfounded. He understood the 9000-year-old spirit beast's ability, and he didn't know how hard the scales of the fire scorpion were, so Qu Chu's leg was cut off by Qu Chu's sword!


Huo Jiao was already unsteady under the pain, opening his mouth to face Qu Chu just once.

Qu Chu's unwilling aura soared, and with a violent shout, the martial soul fire cauldron suddenly transformed into a big one, and it spun quickly. With a sound of "peng", the head of the dragon was blasted away, followed by Qu Chu's left fist, and there was a magic sound in the air. fist!


Fire Jiao fell to the ground with a wailing, but still immortal, his huge tail swept past like a sharp whip.

Qu Chu's right arm crossed, and the fire tripod came out again, using the tripod wall to block the fire tripping attack. There was a blast, and the fire tripping cracks appeared, but the flood trip was worse, and the whole tail was bloody and bloody. Up.

"Well… "

Qu Chu snorted miserably, the martial soul and the body were originally one, the fire cauldron was injured as if he was injured himself, the blood had overflowed from the corner of his mouth, in order to kill this fire flood, his own injury was not low.

Amidst the roar of Fire Jiao, the powerful vitality supported it to continue raising its claws and pounce on Qu Chu.

Qu Chu backed back again and again, he wanted to use the air attack effect of the magic sound fist to attack the vitals of this beast, otherwise, even if he killed the fire scorpion, he would only have half his life left.

At this time, Lin Muyu finally couldn't see it. With a low voice, the green gourd came out through her body, and the spirit of the green gourd came out quickly, and the gourd vines burst out of the ground. It was a root entanglement skill, "Sand". He entangled the injured leg of Fire Jiao, but the fire Jiao's power was too strong, and he roared, struggling to break the gourd vine.

"Well… "

Lin Muyu felt a pain all over, and the martial soul was injured. Although the gourd vine is very tough, it seems not worth mentioning the power of the 9000-year-old spirit beast.

But this way, I bought Qu Chu a few seconds. When Huo Jiao turned his head, Qu Chu had already exploded with a magic sound fist, and there was a screaming sound in the air. There was a loud noise, Huo Jiao. Qu Chu's eyeballs were directly blasted open, and Qu Chu skimmed past with lightning strikes without stopping, and thunder strikes three times in a row!


Flesh and blood spattered, and the next moment, the huge head of the fire dragon flew to the ground, blood spurted, and this 9000-year-old spirit beast was killed!

"Great!" Tang Xiaoxi cheered and laughed.

Qu Chu wiped the sweat on his forehead, nodded to Lin Muyu, and then said: "Princess Xi, hurry up and absorb the spirit of the beast of the firefly, and stop when it is appropriate, otherwise the body will not be able to carry it!"


Tang Xiaoxi nodded, sitting cross-legged next to the fire dragon's body, releasing the martial soul fire fox. The fire fox screamed, greedily absorbing the fire dragon's aura, and the flames rose up, wrapping Tang Xiaoxi and the fire fox in it, almost Not really.

This process lasted for about an hour. Suddenly Tang Xiaoxi snorted with a miserable "Woo" and fainted to the ground, and a trace of flame flew out of her mouth.

"What's the matter?" Lin Muyu was shocked.

Qu Chu's face was even more pale, and his whole body was trembling. Once Tang Xiaoxi had a long and two shortcomings, would it be worth it? The only granddaughter of Cang Lan Gong Tang Lan, the true jewel in the palm, if something happens to her, her life will be hard to keep!

"Huojiao's beast spirit is too strong, Xiaoxi has absorbed too much, and her body can't carry it anymore. It needs to be cooled with cold water, fast!"

Qu Chu suddenly lay down on the ground, listening to the pulsation in the earth, then stood up and said: "Lin Muyu, use your footwork to hold Princess Xi and go five miles away from the south. There is a lake there, hurry up!"

Lin Muyu hurriedly sank and hugged Tang Xiaoxi, but the moment she hugged her, she felt a piece of charcoal fire, extremely hot.

"Use your martial soul to resist the heat, and go!"

Lin Muyu hurriedly summoned the green gourd. Sure enough, the little gourd can reduce a lot of heat, but it is still very difficult. He launched a star step and flew towards the southern lake. Qu Chu's running speed was a little slower, and he said loudly: " When you get to the lake, hug her and jump into the water, take off her clothes, hurry up, don't hesitate!"


Lin Muyu's forehead was blank, could it be that this kind of good thing happened to him today

But it was too late to think about it, Tang Xiaoxi's life in his arms was dead, no matter what would happen to her in the future, but the most important thing now is not to let her die.

Soon the lake appeared in front of him, and Lin Muyu jumped and plunged into the lake with Tang Xiaoxi with flames.


Like a fireball falling into the water, she quickly took off Tang Xiaoxi's clothes. Soon, this beautiful princess appeared in Lin Muyu's arms almost as a carcass. She was in an unusually painful and difficult state, and she unconsciously stretched her arms to embrace Lin Muyu's. The neck, because she felt Lin Muyu's martial soul penetrated through bursts of coolness, that was what she needed.

Water vapor rises from all around, hardly seeing everything.

Lin Muyu was even more difficult at this time. The beautiful princess was so close to her arms, she could even feel her proud pair of breasts pressed tightly on her chest, that feeling could not be expressed in words.

It's over, it's fallen!

Continue three shifts, please support as you see Ye Zi’s sincerity!