The Alchemist God

Chapter 3: Beauty Chu Yao


Is this a nightmare

Lin Muyu had already determined that this was not a dream, but that he had traveled into an unknown world, which was even more mysterious than a dream.

Behind the old man, a young girl wearing a cyan floral skirt was standing there, looking at herself excitedly. The girl was about 20 years old, with a long, graceful, elegant and very short floral skirt. , A pair of straight and slender snow legs are very eye-catching, and the upper body is a tube top wrapped around the twin peaks, which is very tall and straight. If this is a dream... Is it too strong

Lin Muyu quickly recovered her mind and said, "I... Did you save me?"

The old man smiled slightly: "No, you were rescued by my granddaughter Chu Yao!"

It turns out that the beauty is called Chu Yao, what a good name! Lin Muyu gave a secret compliment in her heart and said, "Grandpa, thank you... Where is this place?"

"This is Yinshan City?" The old man smiled kindly: "You don't even know where you are? You broke into the seven-star forest where the beasts are rampant. You are really brave enough, if it weren't for it. Yao went to the mountain to gather medicine and saw you, I'm afraid you have become Xunlang's delicious meal. The first update"

"Thank you..." Lin Muyu looked at Chu Yao.

Chu Yao blushed slightly and her voice was very nice: "You are welcome, I am a healer, and it is my duty to save people."

The old man asked: "Young man, what is your name, why did you go to the Seven-Star Forest by yourself? I took your pulse. You don't have any power in your body, you don't look like a cultivator?"

How do I answer this? Could it be that I passed through when the game was offline and failed? And before that, I met a monster named Qi Yao Devil Emperor who fought hundreds of super powers in blood? None of this seemed very convincing, so he said, "My name is Lin Muyu. I accidentally got lost. I walked into the Seven-Star Forest and then passed out..."

"Oh, where are you from? I will send you back when your body has recovered. More and faster chapters, please."

How to answer? Lin Muyu was in a dilemma again. If he said which ravine he belonged to, the old man would definitely ask which mountain he belonged to. He knew nothing about this place and would be exposed. The only best way was...

"what… "

He suddenly hugged his head and gave a painful cry, and said: "I... I can't seem to think of anything, I... Where am I..."

Pretending to be amnesia, shit, I'm so smart!

Someone is complacent.

The old man was taken aback for a moment, and said: "I checked, you have received a heavy blow on the head, maybe because of this, you have a short-term amnesia, but you can rest assured, just stay in our Bailing medicine store, and wait until you recover your memory. Let Chu Yao send you back. If you have any needs in life here, you can tell Chu Yao what you need. Update as soon as possible."

"Thank you grandpa, I don't know your name yet!"

"Oh, my name is Chu Feng, you just call me Grandpa Chu."

"Okay, thank you Grandpa Chu!"

"You're welcome, just take a good rest!"


Chu Feng went out, and Chu Yao looked back at Lin Muyu, then stubbornly stuck out her tongue and turned to go out, leaving Lin Muyu with a pretty figure. No matter which world it is, the girls here are truly beautiful and beautiful!

A burst of tiredness hit, Lin Muyu only felt that his head was about to explode, and the scene of the Qi Yao Devil Emperor wanting to occupy his body constantly appeared in his mind, as if it were a nightmare.

At this time, he had accepted the reality frankly, he had indeed crossed, as for why he crossed, he didn't know at all.

He closed his eyes, but familiar symbols appeared in his mind. Is that... Artifact Refining Technique? No, if this is the real world, how could the refining technique come to mind

"System wizard!" Lin Muyu said silently in her heart, but did not respond.

"Weapon refining!"

There was a response this time. There were two branches, one for refining and one for refining, and the symbol was illusory. He couldn't grasp it at all. It should only be seen by himself, Lin Muyu Tsk, surprised, did you bring the skills in the game to this real world

Thinking of this, Lin Muyu suddenly regretted it. Why did he delete the skills such as Star Jue and Drinking God Slash? Responding to his call, as for the Star Falling Step, Dragon-Binding Spear, etc., they all showed the appearance of an iron lock when they were summoned, and the skills were locked!

I was thinking, suddenly the door was pushed open, Chu Yao walked in, holding a bowl in her hand, and smiled: "Lin Muyu, grandpa said that your body is still weak, as if your strength is drained, so first Let you eat some porridge to replenish your stamina."

It was indeed hollow, Lin Muyu immediately smiled and said, "Thank you Chu Yao!"

Chu Yao smiled slightly: "How old are you?"

"23 years old. Please come to more and faster chapters."

"Oh?" Chu Yao smiled strangely: "I am 24 years old. You want to call me sister Chu Yao, at least before leaving the Bailing drug store."

Lin Muyu had a secret headache, and smiled: "Okay, Sister Chu Yao."

"Do you need me to feed you porridge?" Chu Yao leaned down and looked at him with a smile, only to reveal the deep gully between the double peaks under her chest, causing Lin Muyu to be shocked instantly.

"No... No need." He shook his head awkwardly, his face almost red.

Chu Yao put the porridge on the table and said: "Then you eat slowly, I will go out to pick the medicine."

"Well, thank Sister Chu Yao."

After eating a bowl of porridge, she also recovered a lot of physical strength, but Lin Muyu still felt that her body was a little abnormal, and she waved a fist. Even now her body did not even have the original strength. In the original world, even though Lin Muyu was not a master, But there are still some fisting skills. It is not as if there is no power to bind the chicken like it is now. Something must have happened to the body. Is it related to the death of the Seven Lights Devil Emperor

Unexpectedly, he walked out the door, and the refreshing wind blew on his face, making his whole body refreshed.

This is the backyard of the Bailing medicine shop. The courtyard is very wide. An old silver fir tree stands in the yard. There are more than a dozen tables under the tree. The tables are full of dense herbs, such as grass heads and roots. Chu Yao and the seven other apprentices were all burying their heads in gathering the effective parts of the herbs.

Lin Muyu watched silently, but she was shocked in her heart. There are many kinds of herbs here, but she actually knows most of them! Eagle eye grass, seven star flower, ice leaf grass, hearth root, iron pear flower, sacred heart fruit, etc., are all herbs in the game "Conquer", and Lin Muyu is the only two masters of refining art in the conquest One, medicine refining is a branch of refining art. These herbs are identified one by one, and they are all 1st and 2nd level herbs!

Chu Yao flew like a butterfly with both hands, collecting the second leaf petals of the eagle eye grass and the full roots of the hearth root, which looked pleasing to the eye.

After a while, Chu Yao finally found Lin Muyu who was watching and couldn't help but smile: "What's the matter, do you know herbal medicine?"

Lin Muyu didn't know how to answer, so she pointed to a bunch of grass and said, "This is ice leaf grass with severe cold attributes, right?"


Chu Yao opened her small mouth and looked at Lin Muyu with a stunned look. She couldn't help but smiled, and even changed her name: "Ayu, do you still know herbal medicine?"

"Well, sometimes I also collect some herbs to make medicine for golden sores."

"That's it..." Chu Yao pursed her red lips and smiled: "Actually... Since you can't remember who you are for a while, you can't remember where your hometown is, it's better to stay. Although our Bailing medicine store is in the whole silver The hundreds of pharmacies in Shancheng are not ranked, but it is still possible to feed one person at least. You can learn medicine alchemy with me and help the shop. Grandpa is old and needs more of our juniors. How about? "

Obviously, Chu Yao meant to keep him, and Lin Luyu came to this world for the first time, and naturally wanted to find a place to stay, so he nodded and smiled happily: "If Sister Chu Yao doesn't dislike it, I'm willing to stay!"

In fact, Lin Muyu only wore a rookie outfit when he came. It is now in tatters, but still can't stop the heroic spirit, and his eyes are clear and flawless. Chu Yao feels like it when he looks at it. It is precisely because of this that he wants to keep him. At this time, when Lin Muyu was willing to stay, Chu Yao immediately clapped her hands with joy and said: "It's fine if we are willing to stay. Our apprentices of pharmacists follow my grandfather to learn the art of pharmacy. You can call me Senior Sister!"

Lin Muyu couldn't help but smile: "That's still called Sister Chu Yao, right?"

"Well, as you like!"

Chu Yao was very happy, but a young man about 25 years old on the side seemed unhappy. He frowned and said, "Ayao, how can you just accept people into the Bailing medicine store without the consent of your master? ?"

This person is called Wang Ying, the big brother of Bailing Pharmacy, and one of the official alchemists in Bailing Pharmacy. Update for the first time

Chu Yao was a little displeased and said, "Big brother, Ayu was left alone in Yinshan City. I saved him by chance. I can't just leave him in Yinshan City. Let's talk about it, Ayu. Knowing herbal medicines shows that he has a relationship with alchemy. I think Grandpa will agree to it when he comes back."

Wang Ying snorted coldly and said, "Lin Muyu, I know you were picked up by A Yao from the Seven-Star Forest. I don’t care who you are, but if you want to join Bailing Pharmacy, you have to use your skills. Although our Bailing Pharmacy is not What a decent person, but you will never raise people who eat for nothing."

Lin Muyuqiang resisted his dislike of Wang Ying and said, "Does the brother want to test me?"


Wang Ying sneered and said, "If you can't even pass my level, then you don't need to be at the Bailing medicine store. Those who know you just get out!"

With that, he picked up a purple grass and asked, "What is this?"

Chu Yao hurriedly said: "Brother, this is a level 3 herbal medicine. A Yu is just a layman. Is it too difficult for you to be too strong?"

When Chu Yao was in a hurry, Lin Muyu said lightly: "Meng Ye Cao."

"This… "

Wang Ying didn't expect a layman to recognize this, so he picked up a golden plant and asked, "Then what is this?"

Obviously, the plants here are the same as the data in the game "Conquer". Lin Muyu quickly became confident and said: "Golden Silk Grass, Grade 3 herbs, the one on your left is the Grade 3 herb Purple Snake Vine, right hand The one on the side is Grade 3 herbal blood ginseng, am I right?"

This time it was Wang Ying's turn to be stunned.

Chu Yao stepped forward, delighted and angry, and took Lin Muyu's hand and said to Wang Ying: "Brother, A Yu just came to the Bailing Pharmacy, why are you making things like this? When Grandpa comes back, there will be a conclusion! "

Wang Ying didn't speak, but just saw Lin Muyu's hand held by Chu Yao, and gave him a fierce look.

This book is from the first release, the first time to see the genuine content!