The Alchemist God

Chapter 30: Level 30 battle sect


expensive! It is too expensive!

A family of four needs only 10 gold coins for a year, but a sword book in this mere price of 1200 gold coins, it really is not whether you want to be a strong person in this world, but there are When you want to be strong, but you can't afford decent cheats.

"Then give me a basic swordsmanship!"

Lin Muyu quickly took out a Jin Yin coin. His swordsmanship was zero except for lightning strikes. It was also good to buy a basic swordsmanship. The goods arrived quickly. This basic swordsmanship reminded him of an ancient sword. In the game "Legend", it seems that the first skill that a fighter learns is basic swordsmanship, which can improve hits. Now that I see a living basic swordsmanship in my hands, I am really impressed.

Chu Yao naturally didn't understand what Lin Muyu was sighing with emotion, but the hawker was already holding a cheat book with a light cyan cover, and opened the first page, saying: "The sword of the wind is used to control the active swordsmanship of combat by using the law of the wind system. Don't you really have a copy?"

Lin Muyu just glanced at it. The above formula says "The sword comes out like thunder, the sword returns like electricity", which is a little bit uncontrollable, but the money is not enough!

"Why, don't you want it?" the vendor grinned.

Lin Muyu shook his head: "Not enough money."

"Oh, it turned out to be a poor ghost, then goodbye." It's really fast to change your face.

Lin Muyu didn't care, and smiled: "Sister Chu Yao, let's go to the place where the medicine is sold. I have two bottles of medicine to sell."


The medicine store of Baizhan Auction House is located on the east side. Two people arrived here a few minutes later. A clerk raised his head and smiled and asked, "What do you two need to order?"

"I want to sell two bottles of medicine."

"Oh?" The clerk looked at the emblem on his chest in astonishment, and said, "Boy, you belong to the Elixir Division, right? The Elixir Division's people actually ran out to the auction house to sell medicine, do you still have any elixir? The dignity of the members of the Secretary!"

"You accept medicines, I sell medicines, it is justified." Lin Muyu said lightly: "If you don't accept them, if you don't accept them, I will go to your immediate boss and ask."

"Come close, take out your medicine."

Lin Muyu reached out and took out two bottles of Menghui Jifeng in the waist bag and put them on the counter: "Let’s identify it!"

The clerk picked up Menghui Jifeng and smelled it, and said in amazement, "What kind of medicine is this, why can't I...not smell it?"

"Menghui Jifeng, level 7 medicine."

"What?" The clerk trembled, as if he had seen a ghost: "How is it possible, isn't Menghui Jifeng already lost?"

At this time, an old pharmacist not far away asked: "Miscellaneous, what are you doing so surprised?"

"Master, come and take a look!"

When the old pharmacist also smelled Menghui Jifeng, his face suddenly changed: "The olfactory stimulation is really Menghui Jifeng... Oh my God, how can this medicine appear on the mainland again!"

As he said, he looked at Lin Muyu: "Boy, is this the potion you refined?"

"Yes, I saw the recipe in a broken manual and prepared it."


The old pharmacist took a deep look at him and said, "If you really dream of returning to the extreme peak, you will rise to fame! Then, you can go to the back hall with me, and I will be the head of the firm!"


Chu Yao was a little nervous, but Lin Muyu led her into the back hall of the auction house with a careless attitude. He was too confident of Menghui Jifeng. Once this kind of medicine was sold, there would be a lot of Jin Yin coins to spend. .

A few minutes later, a man of about 40 years old hurried into the back hall. He was dressed in very particular businessmen's clothes, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He knew that he was a very savvy person at first glance. He looked at Lin Muyu and Chu Yao in amazement. "Hello, two little friends, I am Lei Baizhan, the boss of Baizhan Trading Company. You refined these two bottles of Menghui Jifeng? What is your name?"

"Lin Muyu!"

"Oh?" Lei Baizhan's eyes were about to shine, and he smiled: "Originally, you were Lin Muyu who defeated Young City Lord Hua Wan. Haha, it's a coincidence. This... How did you get the formula for Menghui Jifeng?"

Lin Muyu casually made up a sentence: "I found it in a spirit beast lair in the Seven-Star Forest. After studying, the rain bubble broke on the way back, and it has become a pile of fragments."

"So that's the case." Lei Baizhan is so shrewd, knowing that Lin Muyu is unwilling to answer truthfully, so he smiled: "With the financial resources and popularity of our Baizhan firm, it is entirely possible to raise the price of the Dream-Returning Extreme Peak medicine for you. At least a bottle of 2000 Jinyin Coins, but Lei has a condition. Lin Shaoxia needs to reach an agreement with us. If you refine the Dream Huiji Peak, you also need to sell it in our Baizhan firm, how about?"

"What good is it for me?" Lin Muyu asked with a smile.

Lei Baizhan was also refreshed. He took out a brand as white as jade from his arms and said, "This is the VIP jade brand of Baizhan Commercial Bank. With this brand, you can buy anything in Baizhan Chamber of Commerce with a 30% discount. And with this brand, you can overdraw up to 2,000 Jinyin Coins in the vault. How about it? Lei, I am unwilling to say anything more, since all my sincerity has been taken out."

Lin Muyu smiled slightly: "Deal!"


Lei Baizhan was very pleased: "I will release the news today. At this time tomorrow morning, two bottles of Dream Return to the Peak will be publicly auctioned. 80% of the income will go to Shaoxia, and 20% will be returned to the last. How about?"

"Then you have to promise me a condition, keep it secret for me, and not disclose who the two bottles of Menghui Jifeng belong to."

"Okay, business dealings should have been like this, Shao Xia, don't worry, it's wrapped in my old Lei."


Going downstairs, I used the VIP jade medal to withdraw 1,000 Jin Yin coins, and then went to buy the Imperial Wind Sword Technique. At noon, I asked Chu Yao to have a meal in the restaurant next to him. In the afternoon, I went back to the Bailing Medicine Shop. After visiting Zhao Xin, Luo Kai and others, leaving 10 gold coins to protect the business of the drug store, he returned to the Spirit Medicine Department to finish his work and went back to his residence to practice early.

After playing a few sets of magic sound boxing, Lin Muyu began to practice swordsmanship. The basic swordsmanship was simple to learn. With his insight, he was already very familiar with it in less than an hour. Basic swordsmanship actually taught the user simple offense, defense, and dodge. After waiting for the routine, then began to act the Yufeng swordsmanship. The essence of this swordsmanship is to control the wind attribute power and transform it into the sword energy contained in the sword body. If it is proficient enough, the power of this sword can be smashed. The mountain is broken.

I continued to practice until the evening, and suddenly there was a burst of power in my chest, and I didn't vomit.

Lin Muyu knows clearly that she is about to break through, and she has risen from level 27 to level 29 in a few days of training, and will soon be stepping into the first level of the realm. I am afraid that someone will be frightened at such a level of advancement speed. Dead, in fact, Lin Muyu also secretly felt a little suspicious, why he advanced so fast!

In fact, according to Qu Chu's words, it was just because he was sleeping with a demon inside him.

Since it is to advance, it must use a sufficiently superior spirit of the beast. It is a bit unrealistic to go out of the city to find it, but Lin Muyu’s bag contains a 3000-year-old bloodthirsty tiger spirit stone, and refining the spirit stone is also equivalent to He was refining the spirit of the beast, which saved him a lot of trouble, so after talking to Chu Yao, he practiced behind closed doors.

Take out the spirit stone and place it next to the bed. Lin Muyu sat cross-legged on the bed and noticed, silently infuriating, the green gourd martial arts spirit came out, and there was also an elf female officer Lulu who flew out with her petite figure. He flapped his wings and lingered Lin Muyu for a week with a smile, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, brother, you are about to level up!"

Lin Muyu said: "Lulu, where have you been, I have not felt you sleeping in my body at all in the last two days."

Lulu smiled and said: "Brother, I am just a soul energy body. I have been flying on this continent these days, collecting various information, otherwise how can I better help my brother!"

"Then you help me see, what kind of materials are needed to refine this bloodthirsty tiger spirit stone?"

Lulu took a look and said, "You don't need any materials, just refining it directly. This spiritual stone contains extremely powerful bloodthirsty spiritual power, and it should provide the spirit gourd with a power-absorbing ability. As for What exactly it is is not known."


Lin Muyu closed her eyes and began to concentrate on refining. The refining treasure cauldron came out. When the bloodthirsty tiger's spirit stone fell into it, it began to tremble violently. Power, and the spirit stone was stripped and decomposed little by little under such crazy refining, countless power poured into Lin Muyu's body, and then absorbed by him and turned into his own use.

This process lasted for about an hour. When Lin Muyu Youyou opened his eyes, he saw things more clearly, and there was a force in his body that did not vomit, he took one with one hand, and the true energy leaked out of the body, forming a "buzz". Creating an air shield is exactly the skill that the first layer of the ground possesses-shield air, an ability that can greatly increase defense power.

Looking at the martial arts green gourd, Lin Muyu could see the thorns and needles derived from the gourd vine of the green gourd when looking inside. Lulufei was by her side and said, "This skill can probably be called thorns. Once stabbed by thorns, it’s terrible."

"What's the big deal?" Lin Muyu was a little upset, this skill was somewhat disappointing.

Lulu smiled and said: "Because the thorns contain the bloodthirsty power of the bloodthirsty tiger, once stabbed, it can make people madly leak out."

"So it is!" This is more satisfying.

Standing up, Lin Muyu clenched a fist to accumulate energy, and suddenly a powerful force lingered in his fist. This force was much better than before. It seems that he has entered the realm of the 30th-level war sect, but he has never gone to the sect. It’s only certified by the hall, otherwise you can get a lot of gold coins every month to subsidize your family.

At this moment, a knock on the door suddenly sounded, and Xiang Xiang, the stubborn little fairy, reappeared: "My son, Xiang Xiang has brought dinner for you and Miss Chu Yao!"

Update notice: Since Ye Ye will go to Guangzhou with the group during the 10-16th period, there is basically no time codeword, so the update is temporarily delayed. There are 2 chapters a day for these 7 days, but there is good news, that is to help. No. 1 in the new book list. At 12 o'clock in the evening on Sunday, which is 0 o'clock in the morning on the 12th, 5 chapters of "The Realm of God Refining" will be published at once, so that everyone can have a good time. I also hope that everyone can watch it on 17K and give the leaves a solid look. The first position in the new book list!

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content! I734