The Alchemist God

Chapter 38: Poisonous jet (fifth)


"Very poisonous celosia..." Chu Yao carefully looked into the distance. She had never seen this kind of plant spirit beast.

Lin Muyu knows a little bit about this kind of spirit beast, because in "Conquer" he once challenged this golden boss with his companions. There is nothing terrifying about Celosia except that it can spit fiery red venom. This is a comparison. It's tricky, and in this world, it seems that the characteristics of spirit beasts and "Conquer" are interlinked, maybe this is useful to me.

"Sister Chu Yao, don't do it first, let me go."

Lin Muyu cautiously stepped forward holding the steel sword. The strength of the spirit beast in 2000 was about the level of the 50th-level war saint, so it is better not to be splashed by the venom.

"Ayu, you have to be careful!"

Chu Yao pursed her red lips and looked at his back with concern, but she knew she shouldn't help, because Lin Muyu's running speed was much faster than herself, and the dodge ability of Starfall was impossible for many strong people. .


Although the cockscomb is a plant, its ability to move is not bad. The flower disk about one meter in diameter slowly raised its "head". It already felt the coming of danger and made a sound like a snake. At the same time, it was surrounded by grass. There was also the sound of rustling, something seemed to be creeping underground.

That is a flower vine.

Lin Muyu knows too well that the flower vines of cockscomb are buried in the ground, but they can protrude from the ground at any time to entangle or even pierce the enemy. However, at the moment when the flower vines protrude from the ground, there will be a "trembling" prediction for the flower disc, which is about Because the power of the flower vine comes from the relationship of the flower plate, right

He stared at the movement of the flower disc, his feet slowly walked forward, a few seconds later, the flower disc suddenly trembled, and there was a sound from the ground, right now!

He hurriedly launched the star-falling step, and a human figure flashed to one side with a sound of "pop", and a flower vine sprang out from the ground. It was full of poisonous thorns and it looked like it was spreading its teeth and dancing claws. The magic sound knife was quickly thrown out, and the sound of the magic sound knife hit straight against the poisonous cockscomb flower disk in the screaming sound, which was the command center and also the key.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

The cockscomb, who has been cultivating for two thousand years, naturally knows how to protect itself. A series of flower vines protruding from the ground and blocking the front, forming a green vine barrier, but the magic sound knife screams in, spilling piles of green slurry, and goes straight to the cockscomb flower plate. Away.


The celosia actually made a cry like a small beast, and the flower disc suddenly opened, spraying out a fiery red venom, and it bombarded the magic sound knife like electric speed.


Immediately there was a burst of blue smoke on the magic sound knife, as if it was being corroded.

Lin Muyu felt extremely distressed, this was Qu Chu's treasure left to her, the famous weapon of a generation of famous general Feng Yicheng!

I hit the magic sound fist in the air, but it was blocked by the countless dense flower vines outside the flower disk. There was no way, turning around, and the magic sound knife shot out the magic sound fist in the air, and the blade quickly turned and flew to the right. Lin Muyu rushed over with the long sword, and the word "cut" of the Yufeng sword was quickly activated, and the steel sword danced through the flower vine!


Pieces of flower vines flew up in the sky, and after continuously breaking through the three flower vine barriers, the steel sword was already full of thunder, and quickly rushed to the flower plate, lightning strikes!

But before he got close, the cockscomb opened its hideous mouth again, and facing him was a mouthful of fiery red slurry. The spray speed of this slurry was so fast that it formed a sharp arrow!

Fortunately, Lin Muyu was mentally prepared, a horizontal martial soul came out from his left arm, and the mysterious tortoise shell was condensed outside the gourd wall!


The highly toxic slurry splashed out of the gourd wall, and the martial soul was immediately injured. The slurry was more than virulent and had a strong corrosive effect. The mysterious tortoise shell was melted in an instant, and the injured body of the martial soul was not much better. Lin Muyu's heart turned overwhelming. Fortunately, at this moment, listening to the voice to distinguish her position, she already felt that the magic sound knife was getting closer and closer!

"Sister Chu Yao, use sables to burn the vines!"

After a loud shout, a soaring flame came from outside. Chu Yao opened his hand to summon the sable. The little sable roared frantically and sprayed out flames. This was also a trick Firefox used. The sable was so burned that Celosia's body couldn't stand it anymore, and she screamed loudly, and all the vines were convulsing and convulsing.

good chance!

The magic sound knife whizzed from behind, and cut off a part of the flower stem with a "click". Lin Muyu took advantage of this opportunity to lift the sword, and the speed soared. The lightning strike once again struck the damaged part of the flower stem. The firmness is not inferior to the Tielihua, after a single blow, it continues to be cut by thunder strikes three times in a row, and finally cut it in the middle!


Countless poisonous slurry splashed out, Lin Muyu hurriedly raised her arm to summon the green gourd to protect herself, and covered her whole body behind the gourd wall. It was safe after the slurry was sprayed, and the poisonous celosia was already a group of plants. The form collapsed there, dead, and a group of beast spirits appeared on it.

Chu Yao cautiously walked over and watched Lin Muyu's martial arts soul stained with venomous serum, and couldn't help asking, "Ayu, are you okay?"


Lin Muyu frowned, and then smiled: "Fortunately, we have all taken Jushensan, otherwise this highly toxic serous will spread with the wind and it will be enough for us to vomit for a while."

"Well, hurry up and refine the spirit of the beast!"


Without sitting down, he stood up straight and summoned the spirit of martial arts. The green gourd began to frantically absorb the spirit of the cockscomb beast, which is also of the plant system, and at the same time sacrificed the refining treasure cauldron, which immediately buzzed, golden Guanghua enveloped the surroundings, and even Chu Yao was enveloped in it. She opened her eyes wide and stared at the refining device Baoding dumbfounded: "This... what is this?"

"Container." Lin Muyu said briefly. Seeing Chu Yao's blank face, she couldn't help but smile and said: "This is my unique container, which can better absorb the spirits of beasts. It can even be said. It can absorb 100% of the special skill power contained in the spirit of the beast."

"Huh?" Chu Yao opened her mouth and said, "No wonder... No wonder Ayu's martial arts spirit can acquire skills every time it breaks through! So, I can absorb Firefox's flame impact skills, so Ayu should be helping me. ?"

"Well, yes." Lin Muyu did not deny that at this moment, he and Chu Yao are already dependent on life and death. There is no need to hide anything. Of course, he kept silent about the fact that he had traveled through a game. The Fa explained, he couldn't explain it clearly, and even he himself didn't understand what was going on.

The refining process lasted for nearly an hour, and Lin Muyu finally caught the most violent poisonous force among the violent beast spirits of the cockscomb, tempered all of it, and suddenly the color of the green gourd also changed. A change has taken place, and it is no longer a cyan gourd, but a dark red red gourd.

Looking inside Yihai, he found that the red gourd's body contained a ray of manic poisonous power, which was the source of the skill.

"Congratulations, brother, your green gourd has broken through to the fourth floor, and you have also obtained the skill of Cockscomb-Poison Jet!"

The elf female officer Lulu didn't know when she flew out, but only Lin Muyu could see her. She snuggled on Lin Muyu's shoulder with a smile, and said with a smile: "My brother is getting stronger and stronger. I'm really happy, but my brother is here every day. It’s really hard to sleep and eat in the mountains. Those bad guys have been chasing and killing my brother in order to reward the money. What a shame!"

Lin Muyu smiled and didn't explain, but Lulu entered his sea of mind and fell asleep again after playing for a while. It was not easy for this little elf to survive in this world. Every time it appeared, it would consume a lot of energy.

Standing up, with a strong fist, the infuriating qi suddenly turned into a burst of flames, and Lin Muyu took a leisurely deep breath. She had never felt so comfortable before, as if the bones, muscles, and blood of the whole body had been tempered. Chu Yao smiled and said, "Congratulations Ayu, you have stepped into the first level of the realm, and you have become a level 40 warlord!"

"It's level 40..." Lin Muyu smiled slightly, thinking that the eagle eye of level 42 was a powerful existence in his mind, but now he is also level 40 unknowingly, and his martial arts power is more refined, plus With the magic sound knife and magic sound boxing skills, I am afraid that the two eagle eyes are not their own opponents.

"Let's go, Sister Chu Yao, there is nothing left to attach to here."

Lin Muyu lifted the steel sword, and then picked up the magic sound knife, only to find that the magic sound knife was still stained with poisonous slurry, so after the nearby stream washed the slurry, the magic sound knife still shined like snow, and there was nothing at all. Corroded by the venom, it is indeed a treasured sword, no wonder it will be called Feng Yicheng's famous soldier!

Put the magic sound knife into the bag, and continue on with Chu Yao.

Not long after walking, there was a sound of eagle howling in the sky. He looked up and saw that a goshawk was hovering above his head at a very high level, causing Lin Muyu's heart to sink. He couldn't help frowning, but did not speak.

Chu Yao saw it in her eyes and smiled: "Goshawk is probably looking for food. This is very common in the jungle!"

"But… "

Lin Muyu nodded and said, "But this is not the first time we have seen this eagle."

"Ayu, what do you mean?"

"Yes, I'm afraid we are being watched again, let's go!"


He raised his head and glanced at the goshawk in the air. Lin Muyu gritted his teeth. This flat-haired beast should be thankful that he did not bring his long bow with him, otherwise he would definitely have an arrow... No, his archery does not seem to have reached the realm of otherworldly. The distance is so high, it must be missed, forget it, take one step and count one step, if someone really comes to chase yourself, it will be a great sacrifice!

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content! I734