The Alchemist God

Chapter 4: It's easy to strip girls' clothes, but it's hard to strip iron flowers!


When it was dark, Chu Feng came back, dusty, and the bamboo basket behind him was full of herbs.

Chu Yao immediately told about Lin Muyu's knowledge of herbal medicine. Chu Feng was naturally overjoyed, and immediately agreed to accept Lin Muyu as a disciple, and it would be useless for Wang Ying to stop it. In fact, Lin Muyu could see that Wang Ying must secretly like it. Chu Yao, how could such a person be worthy of the innocent Chu Yao

Therefore, he cannot be allowed to succeed. This is a righteous act. If it can be destroyed, it cannot be let go.

The stars are sprinkled in the backyard, and the Ningshen flower glows with stunning light in the night. This is the characteristic of Ningshen flowers. Only at night will it bloom and emit fragrance. The entire courtyard is full of Ningshen flowers. The fragrance makes people feel refreshed.

A group of apprentices sat in the yard, reciting the characteristics of herbs by heart. Lin Muyu and Chu Yao were also there. Please go to more faster chapters.

The young disciple Luo Kai suddenly said: "In three days, it will be the day of the Pharmacopoeia Convention. Master, our Bailing Pharmacy does not have too high-grade medicinal materials, so we won't go to participate?"

Chu Feng sighed: "Hey, don't go if you don't go..."

Wang Ying said: "Master, it is said that the son of the head of Shenyu Medicine, Young City Lord Huawan has mastered the production techniques of level 5 medicine, and has officially been promoted to a great pharmacist..."

Chu Feng was stunned: "So soon? That kid is only 24 years old, so he was promoted to a great pharmacist at such a young age..."

Chu Yao said angrily: "Shenyu Medicine is rich in wealth, and the entire city lord’s mansion is the backstage. Even the herbs of level 7 and 8 are everything. The highest herbal medicine in our Bailing drugstore is only level 5. Otherwise I... I can..."

Speaking of the back, she was a little guilty and didn't say anything, but still pouting her mouth, sulking. Please go to more faster chapters.

Lin Muyu looked funny, but asked, "Sister Chu Yao, what does the great pharmacist mean?"

"You don't even understand this?" Wang Ying looked at Lin Muyu mockingly, as if he felt that this person shouldn't stay in the drugstore at all.

Chu Yao glared at Wang Ying, and patiently explained, "Ayu, there are levels in the field of pharmacists. This level is determined by the Spirit Medicine Division of the capital of the empire. All pharmacists are divided into 6 levels. , Followed by apprentice pharmacist, pharmacist, master pharmacist, holy pharmacist, king of medicine, and pharmacist. Among them, apprentices can refine pharmacy of level 1-2, pharmacist 3-4, pharmacist 5-6, holy Pharmacist level 7-8, medicine king level 9 and medicine god level 10, understand?"

"Well, thank Sister Chu Yao. Update immediately." Lin Muyu nodded, but then looked at Chu Feng and said, "Which level does Grandpa belong to?"

Chu Feng was slightly embarrassed, and said, "The old man was born poorer, so he is just a great pharmacist."

Chu Yao said, "In the Bailing Pharmacy, my grandfather is a great pharmacist, and he can refine level 5 pharmacy at the highest. Brother Wang Ying and I are pharmacists, and the rest are pharmacists."

Wang Ying sneered: "Some people don't even master level 1 alchemy, maybe they still can't be certified as apprentices?"

Chu Yao glared at Wang Ying, and then numbly said angrily: "Ayu, you go to the pharmacy with me, and I will teach you."

Chu Feng hurriedly said, "A Yao, can you do it?"

Chu Yao turned around and held her chest full of confidence. In the moonlight, her snow-white skin was as beautiful as frost-stained, and said, "How could it not work!"

In the pharmacy, all kinds of medicinal materials are dazzling. Update for the first time

Chu Yao whispered: "The most important point of alchemy is to refine the essence of the medicine. For example, there is only a few grams of essence in a silver thread grass. The alchemists call it the "Ying Yuan", our first one. All that needs to be done is to extract the medicine element. The higher the level of herbal medicine, the more difficult it is to extract the medicine element, and the higher the demand for the cultivation of the alchemist."

As she said, Chu Yao stretched out her snow-white jade hand and gave a soft drink, a faint green light appeared around her palm, she whispered: "Thanks to your hands, condenses the true energy in your body, to temper the medicinal essence in the herbal medicine, this is you The first step to learn."

Tempering hands, this is the most basic technique of medicine alchemy. Lin Muyu doesn't understand it, but he knows that he has mastered another similar skill—sublimation hands. This is also the reward for him to grow into a master of medicine alchemy. Huashou can more thoroughly absorb the essence of the herbs and remove the magazines in them, so that the quality of the medicine is higher. Update for the first time

Chu Yao looked at Lin Muyu's seemingly understanding, she couldn't help but shook her head and said, "Then let's see how the senior sister does it!"

As she said, Chu Yao opened her palm, and the silver thread grass began to tremble in a soft voice. Under the traction of the tempering hand, the grass blades and rhizomes of the silver thread grass slowly began to peel off, and some of the naked eyes could hardly be seen. The green medicine element that I saw slowly flowed and was absorbed by Chu Yao. About a few minutes later, a small group of green powder appeared in Chu Yao's palm, which was the medicine element of the legendary silver thread grass.

Chu Yao turned around and smiled slightly and said, "This may be a little difficult, but as long as you concentrate on condensing the true energy in the human body into your palm, and then concentrate on experiencing the elements in the herb, it will be fine when you capture the essence of the medicine. Do it!"

Lin Muyu stood there silently, staring at a silver thread grass. Sure enough, after staring at it for about half a minute, the organization of this silver thread grass began to slowly analyze in his eyes, appearing in the rhizomes and leaves. Pieces of tiny substances are the essence of medicine!

Tsk tsk in my heart, Lin Muyu slowly opened her hand, facing this silver thread grass, thought to activate the sublimation hand in alchemy!

But there was no movement at all, and he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Chu Yao said softly beside him: "Ayu, don't worry, take your time, everyone will have true qi, because qi is a kind of magical power bestowed by the universe."

Lin Muyu did not speak, and continued to gritted his teeth to urge the strength in the body. Finally, a warm current appeared in the body, which slowly flowed between his fingers, and then, a faint cyan luster came out through the body. This feeling is too familiar. , It is a sublimation hand!


The silver thread grass trembled slightly under the traction of Ninghua's hand, and the tissue began to peel off. A pill of medicine gathered in Lin Muyu's palm. In about two minutes, a small pill of medicine was lying quietly in his palm!


Chu Yao opened her mouth big and small, and stood there dumbfounded. She was stunned. Every pharmacist could finally master the tempering hand, but it was the first time she saw someone who mastered the tempering hand at the first attempt. , You know, she herself has practiced for nearly a month and failed thousands of times to master the tempering hand!

"Ayu..." Chu Yao shook Lin Muyu's arm, blinking her big eyes, "You... are you really concocting medicine for the first time?"

Lin Muyu didn't know how to answer. It was the first time in this world, but it was countless times in the game. He had even refined level 10 magical medicine, let alone this kind of only level 1 herb, so he replied: " This is indeed the first time here..."

Chu Yao was surprised and hurriedly shouted: "Grandpa! Grandpa! Come and see!"

Chu Feng thought something had happened, so he hurried in from outside, and when he entered, he saw Chu Yao and Lin Muyu standing there, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong, A Yao?"

Chu Yao pointed to a small pill on the plate and said, "Look, Ayu has learned how to temper her hands, so she tried it once!"


Chu Feng was dubious. He naturally didn't believe that someone could master the tempering hand at one time. No one in the empire could do it. Even a person respected as a medicine god would take at least 1-3 days to master the tempering hand. Chu Yao's aptitude is good, and he can master it in one month of cultivation, while some apprentices with slightly poorer aptitude take three months to six months, and even worse people will not be able to master the tempering hand for a lifetime. Please go to more faster chapters.

But looking at the medicine yuan on the plate, the facts are right in front of him, and what makes Chu Feng even more shocked is that Lin Muyu’s medicine yuan is much smaller than Chu Yao’s. Chu Feng is also a master of alchemy, and he understands naturally. The reason for its small size is that the impurities have been tempered more thoroughly. The silver thread grass used by Lin Muyu is about the same weight as Chu Yao, but the volume of the medicine is only 30% of Chu Yao's. This is incredible.

Looking at Lin Muyu's appearance, his appearance can't deceive others, he is only in his early twenties, but the level of this tempering hand is at least at the level of a saint pharmacist!

"The youngest holy pharmacist in the empire is 52 years old..." Chu Feng was puzzled. Could it be that the young man in front of him is the noble son who lives in Yinshan City

"Grandpa, isn't A Yu very good?" Chu Yao asked with a happily smile.

Chu Feng smiled and nodded. Chu Yao was so naive, where he knew the pros and cons. Chu Feng looked at Lin Muyu again and asked, "Ayu, can you try other medicinal materials? For example... this iron pear flower?"

Iron pear flower is a grade 2 herb, but its medicinal properties are fierce, and the outer shell is harder as iron. Collecting this herb requires digging up the roots, because ordinary spatula cannot cut off the rhizome of iron pear flower. Many pharmacists have wanted to die. It is a nightmare to peel off the surface of the iron pear flower with a tempering hand!

Therefore, there is a saying in the medicine refining world, “It’s easy to strip girls’ clothes, but it’s difficult to strip iron pear blossoms.” This proves how difficult it is to extract the essence of iron pear blossoms. Even major pharmacists are very reluctant to challenge Tieli Flower of Level 2!

Chu Feng asked Lin Muyu to try iron pear blossoms, which was obviously difficult for someone to do. Even Chu Yao knew that only a great pharmacist had the ability to extract iron pear blossoms.

"Grandpa, this..." she murmured.

Chu Feng's tone became a little harsher, and he said, "A Yao, don't talk, let's see what A Yu does."

Lin Muyu is such a clever person, he naturally understands Chu Feng’s thoughts. In fact, he also knows that if you want to mix well, you have to keep a low profile. After all, hiding your strength will prevent you from being as beautiful as the forest wind, but Lin Muyu’s There is a "crazy" character in his character, he is not used to and does not like to be low-key!

When he approached the iron pear flower, Lin Muyu gave a low voice, and once again concentrated his zhenqi in his palms to form a sublimation hand. With one hand, the zhenqi suddenly turned into a thin line to pull the iron pear flower, Lin Muyu His spirit is entirely on this plant, and he uses spiritual power to analyze the organizational structure of Tielihua. In fact, he knows that there are three layers on the surface of Tielihua. The first layer is the iron layer, the second is the stone layer, and the second is the stone layer. The third layer is the wood layer, and the middle is the real medicine element, but you cannot use a knife and axe to cut it, otherwise once the outer layer is destroyed, the spiritual medicine element inside will quickly collapse and lose.

After nearly a full minute, after the sublimation hand peeled off, the outermost iron layer of Tielihua slowly cracked and fell to the ground. Then the second layer started, looking for cracks on the stone layer, and slowly peeling it off. This time I used it. Nearly two minutes, the last is the wood layer. It took nearly 3 minutes. Finally, layer by layer, the black iron pear flowers turned into green rhizomes. Yao Yuan slowly entered his palm under the traction of Lin Muyu. About 10 minutes later, a whole large iron pear flower turned into a quail egg-sized medicine yuan and appeared in Lin Muyu's palm.

"Grandpa, is it this?" Lin Muyu asked with a smile holding Tie Lihua.


Chu Feng was shocked and remained silent. He knew that he must have found the treasure!

This book is from the first release, the first time to see the genuine content!