The Alchemist God

Chapter 51: Trial challenge


In the early morning, there was tranquility in the temple. Today is a big day for Lin Muyu, because this is his first day to work in the temple, and it will also determine his position in the temple today.

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a knock on the door, and Lin Muyu, who was meditating, woke up and hurried to open the door, only to find an old man in armor standing outside the door, but a white robe behind him, who looked kind and kind.

"Lin Zhi, this morning is your first trial, eat something, come with me right away!"


Lin Muyu didn't even ask who the old man was. Because he had the lowest status in the temple, it was not easy to ask who the old man was. When Qin Ziling followed up, he stuck out his tongue at Lin Muyu and said, "You How can you be with the deacon?"

"Grand Deacon?"

"Yes!" Qin Ziling pointed to the old man leading the way, and said: "There are two chief deacons among the twelve deacons in the temple, representing the highest authority of the temple. This is Lord Leihong, one of the chief deacons. , Don't you know?"

Lin Muyu was taken aback, really didn't know.

"Don't talk, just follow me." Lei Hong didn't turn around, but the sound was like Hong Zhong, which was indeed more commensurate with his name.

Qin Ziling made a grimace, lowered his voice and said: "Master Leihong is 71 years old this year, but he has the cultivation base of the first heaven of the sanctuary, and he is listed as the two pillars of the empire alongside Huo Ding Qu Chu, and even the cultivation base is Jude. Above Qu Chu, is one of the six white-robed imperial guards!"

Lin Muyu nodded silently, showing a little more respect for this old man. After all, it is certainly not easy for someone to be as famous as Qu Chu, and it is the strength of the sanctuary, which is even more awe-inspiring.

Soon after, as the deacon Leihong came to the end of the corridor, there was an open hall in front of him. Looking up, a bluestone slab was carved with three powerful characters "Trial Hall". Don't think about it, this is the holy hall. The place where the masters in the temple really practiced.

The area of the Trial Hall is very large. In addition to one hall, there are dozens of small trial halls. It is located in the center of the imperial capital, but with such a large area, it is clear that the temple has an important position in the empire.

There were already many people waiting in the trial hall at this time, dozens of instructors, and dozens of companion trainers, all of their eyes fell on Lin Muyu's body.

Lei Hong stepped forward, stood in front of the deacon’s seat, and turned around and said: "Today we have a new member from the main altar of the temple, named Lin Zhi, who is a trainer, but his trainer level It hasn't been determined yet, so let's try this morning!"

"What is the level of a trainer?" Lin Muyu asked in a low voice in amazement.

Qin Ziling whispered: "Like the instructors, the trainers are also divided into levels. From Iron Star to Venus, you will only practice with the corresponding instructors in the future. The trial is to fight one by one and defeat three Iron Star instructors in a row. To become a Bronze Star Sparring Master, the higher the level of the Sparring Trainer, the more generous the salary will be. Of course, the more pain you will endure. I am the Tie Star Sparring Trainer. Lin Zhi, please weigh it yourself!"

Lin Muyu couldn't help laughing secretly, Qin Ziling's meaning couldn't be more obvious, let yourself not be too high-profile, and become a trainer of Silver Star and Venus instructors after saving, then there will be some bitterness, but he himself has other ideas. The stronger the opponent, the stronger one's talents, so strive to become a Venus companion trainer!

"So, let's get started!" Lei Hong flicked his sleeves and said: "The training master's trial is very simple. You must not fight back. You can withstand a one-minute attack by the instructor of the corresponding level without losing. After three consecutive people, you can be promoted. Let’s start with Tie Xing, Lin Zhi, do you understand?"

Lin Zhi nodded, "I see, deacon."

As he said, he stepped to the center of the trial hall, and stood there alone, with his feet on the square, standing like a green hill. Although he did not speak, an invisible aura slowly dispersed around his body, even The chief deacon Leihong also cast a glance of approval.

Among the instructors, a group of people wearing the iron star emblem look at me, and I look at you. In the end one of them said, "Master Wang Xing, why don't you come first?"

The man named Wang Xing was five big and thick, nodded and said: "Then I will grab the jackpot!"

As he said, he leaped forward and rushed towards Lin Muyu with a straight stride, a ball of flames lingering above his fist, and his martial arts also opened up. This Iron Star instructor is about 45 levels of cultivation, and he is not afraid of it.

Lin Muyu took a picture with one hand, and the orange gourd spirit came out, which immediately caused a group of instructors to roar with laughter, and several bronze star instructors laughed so much that tears came out: "The gourd of the tenth-ranked martial soul dared to be here. Sparring teacher, hahaha, are this kid and that dog-tailed Qin Ziling both here to be a laughing stock?"

Lei Hong frowned, did not speak, and the other instructors did not make fun of him. The real strong knew how to observe.

The fiery red energy gathered on the periphery of the gourd, forming a mysterious tortoise shell. Lin Muyu didn't even need the dragon scale wall, because the mysterious tortoise shell alone was enough to cope with it for a minute.


The flames bloomed, and Lin Muyu was forcibly defended for the first time. No, it should be said that he was shaken back. Wang Xing retreated several steps, his chest was full of blood and blood, his face was very pale, and the opponent's defense force far exceeded his own. The attack power, a powerful force came back from the arm, which made the right arm unable to numb and move in a short period of time.

However, Wang Xing was also a member of the instructor of the temple. How could he withstand such humiliation, immediately raised his left arm, and Haoran punched out again.


With the same result, both arms of Wang Xing were completely numb this time, and he couldn't move. He couldn't use his legs anymore. It was even more embarrassing if he couldn't stand. He gritted his teeth and said, "I lost!"

Less than a minute, win!

Lin Muyu smiled and arched a fist: "Concession."

Wang Xing couldn't fold his hand, so he nodded and stepped back.

"Good boy!"

Another Tiexing instructor rushed over. The other person was as thin as a monkey, with five fingers, and cyan invigorating circles swirling around. This is a person who uses claw skills, and on his arm there is an eagle's beast spirit. Image, no wonder they use such martial arts.

"Boom boom boom!"

The mysterious tortoise shell was hit for several times in a row. Lin Muyu continued to bless the black tortoise shell, making the mysterious tortoise shell thicker. The iron star instructor was originally inferior to his opponent, and he was naturally weaker with his blind offensive. After a minute, it shocked him. Blood was already splashing out of both claws, but Lin Muyu had nothing to do with it.

A group of Iron Star instructors were shocked. No one thought that this shameless kid could defeat two Iron Star instructors in a row, and it was a crushing defeat! They gritted their teeth one by one, just to see who is going to shame again.

At this moment, Lei Hong suddenly raised his hand and said, "There is no need for the third place challenge. Lin Zhi is directly promoted to the Bronze Star. Come on, which three Bronze Star instructors will challenge him?"

Soon, a person wearing silver armor came out carrying a sword, and smiled: "Little brother Lin Zhi is good at cultivation, let me learn the defense of your gourd by Zhou Tu!"

As he said, Zhou Tu screamed, frost appeared around the blade, and there was a looming ice serpent martial soul form in the arm. There are so many things in this world, and there are such martial souls. .

Lin Muyu took a deep breath and continued to bring up the true energy. This Zhou Tu may already be the powerhouse in the third heaven, and his strength is comparable to him, so he can't be underestimated.


The sword blade left his hand, spinning sharply in the air, bringing out the spiral penetrating energy. As expected, there were no weak people who could enter the temple. As soon as the map of the week was shot, he could already see a bit of skill!

Where did Lin Muyu dare to be careless, instantly Gu Qi was transported out of the dragon scale wall, double defense!


The long sword hit the gourd wall and made a sound of gold and stone. The dual effects of the mysterious tortoise shell and the dragon scale wall completely raised a level of defense. Under the anti-shock force, an air armor appeared on Zhou Tu’s arm, as expected. , This is a strong person above level 50. After retreating several steps, Zhou Tu stabilized his mind, and his heart was shocked.

In fact, Lin Muyu’s defense shouldn’t have stopped Zhou Tu, but his martial spirit gourd has evolved 5 times and gained 5 skills. What’s even more miraculous is that two of these 5 skills are defensive skills. And they are all beast spirits from thousands of years of spirit beasts. The principle that 1+1 is far greater than 2 is now highlighted. Under the dual protection of mysterious turtle armor + dragon scale wall, Lin Muyu has no fear at all. Zhou Tu's offense!

In fact, Zhou Tu was more shocked at this time. Lin Muyu himself was shocked by the dual defense. If he could kill the parasol dragon to obtain the dragon scale wall earlier, it would be easier for Shang Guanyang, Ye Liang and others. Up!

After several consecutive attacks, Zhou Tu’s sword left shallow marks on the mysterious tortoise shell, but he could not break through. At the end of the minute, he looked frustrated and clasped his fists. "Brother Lin Zhi, you have won." !"

"Acceptance." Lin Muyu looked modest.

At this time, the chief deacon Lei Hong who was sitting on it also nodded with a smile, but he admired Lin Muyu as a young trainer more and more.

Soon, the two Bronze Star instructors were unable to break through Lin Muyu's defenses, and this caused a group of companion trainers to cheer for them. Among them, Qin Ziling was the most excited. Lin Muyu was fighting for the companion trainer this time.

"Lin Zhi, challenge the Silver Star instructor!" Leihong said with a smile, "Young man, not bad!"

Deacon Ge Yang laughed and said: "The number of sparring trainers in the temple is decreasing. At present, there is not a single Venus sparring teacher. There are only two silver star sparring teachers. Great contribution."

Lin Muyu felt funny, but in fact, who is willing to be beaten for those with a high level of cultivation? This is the reason for the small number of companion trainers, right? And there is no Venus trainer in the temple, so it must be the Silver Star trainer who skipped the ranks to train the Venus instructor, and the number of beats must be a lot. This is the main reason for the complaints of dozens of companion trainers, right

"Lin Zhi, come on!" A sparring teacher with bruises on his face actually yelled directly.

He yelled, and immediately attracted the rest of the trainers to yell at the same time. Soon dozens of trainers yelled "Lin Zhi, come on," and Leihong laughed: "The temple hasn't been so lively for a long time... "

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content! I734