The Alchemist God

Chapter 58: It's a mistake


Lin Muyu closed her eyes, hugged Qin Yin in her arms, reached out behind her to help her get dressed, Qin Yin's face was blushing, and the breath of the other party filled his nose, and the whole person seemed to be in a very delicate state. .

After putting on her clothes, Qin Yin also felt a warmth on her chest, and the medicinal effect of Zhenxinsan was exerted very quickly, like a warm current melted from the wound to the body that had been frozen by snake venom, and even the wound was violent. The pain also made Qin Yin understand that she had been rescued. This kid was really able to deal with the poison of dragons and snakes!

With her arms gradually regaining consciousness, she quickly gathered her clothes and said, "Thank you..."

"You're welcome, it's a charge..." Lin Muyu was busy refining several other bottles of antidote.

"Why do you... value money so much?" Qin Yin sat up straight, regaining the temperament of an imperial princess.

Of course, Lin Muyu could not say that he wanted to learn the art of forging weapons and needed money to buy materials, so he said, “How can a daughter of a big family like you understand the difficulties of our poor children

As he said, he put the refined antidote into his arms, stood up with the Liaoyuan sword, and said, "I have something urgent to leave first. By the way, tell me your address. I will come back to ask for money. go with!"

Qin Yin couldn't help but smiled and said, "Well then, my family lives at No. 1 Tongtian Street in the Imperial Capital..."

"Tongtian Street!"

Lin Muyu thought for a while and smiled: "That's the same street as the temple, so this is easier."

"Are you from the Temple of War?" Qin Yin was stunned.

"Yeah..." Lin Muyu scratched her head and smiled: "I have something urgent to do, let's go now!"


Lin Muyu swept away in Qin Yin's gaze, disappearing into the darkness in a blink of an eye.

I found the horse for a long time in the jungle, but did not find the horse I lost. Instead, I saw many cavalry with torches walking through the jungle looking for something.

"Most of these are here to find Xiao Xi." He secretly said, and stopped looking for the horse, turning around and rushing into the fertile field.

Suddenly, a jealous spirit found out that he had forgotten something. Yes, he forgot to ask the beauty of that beauty's name. It was a mistake! 1000 Jinyin coins may have been lost, but fortunately, I know the address!

"Your Highness! Your Highness!"

In the jungle, the cavalry kept shouting.

In the Dragon-seeking Forest in late autumn, it was extremely cold at night. Qin Yin gathered his cloak and trembled from the cold, and was so badly injured that he couldn't lift up his true energy, and he didn't even have the strength to shout loudly.

Step by step, she reached the jungle trail, and she yelled in her loudest voice: "I am here."

The sharp-eared soldier of the Imperial Army immediately turned around and saw the Princess standing there under the stars. She was reborn and shouted in ecstasy: "The wind commander, your Royal Highness is here!"

In the distance, Feng Jixing's arms were wrapped with gauze, and the white robe behind him was dyed red. He galloped on his horse with a saber, quickly dismounted and knelt on the ground on one knee, clasping his fist and said: "The final rescuer is too late," Is your Highness okay?"


Qin Yin nodded and smiled: "Lord Feng, are you injured?"

Feng Jixing shook his head and smiled: "Small wounds, but the Forbidden Army broke a lot of brothers in order to repel this ten thousand-year dragon snake. It is really a sin. Fortunately, your Highness is fine, this is great..."

He looked at the wound on Qin Yin's chest and couldn't help but said: "His Royal Highness... Didn't you get stabbed by dragon snake venom? Then venom... Are you really okay?"

"It's okay, the poison has been resolved."

"How is it possible? That's the venom of the dragon snake..." Feng Jixing was shocked: "How to solve it?"

"I met a stranger and he helped me detoxify."

"Oh, who, what is that person's name?"

"This..." Qin Yin was taken aback for a moment, her pretty face was completely blank, and when it was over, she forgot to ask her name, after all, she was still careless!

Feng Jixing seemed to have guessed something. He held back his laugh and continued to clasp his fists and said: "In this case, I will send someone to escort your Royal Highness back to the imperial capital. The task of searching for and rescuing Princess Xi will continue to lead people."

"No, I want to go personally!"

"Oh well… "

When dawn broke, the brilliance of the rising sun fell in the dragon hunting forest.

It’s late autumn, and the maple leaves are like fire. A young girl walks in the mountains with a cane made of branches in her hand. Her little boots have been worn out by sharp stones, revealing a piece of snow-white soles. Looking at the direction of the sun, she pouted: "There is the east, then... the southwest should be in this direction, right? It seems to be the other side..."

As she said, she stomped her jade feet, hating iron and steel, and said: "Tang Xiaoxi, you said you, why didn't you study geography and maps well? I'm all right now, I'm lost again, oooo, so hungry..."

She continued to limp and walked into the distance. She had to go, or she would have to wait to die.

It’s just that Tang Xiaoxi didn’t know that a black leopard was walking slowly on the mountain on the other side, with a pair of ruthless eyes staring at her. For the black leopard, she was not a stunning beauty, but a stunning beauty. Just a good breakfast.

This is a 3,000-year-life black panther, and it is in the estrus period. It needs a lot of food to make up for its energy consumption. It makes no sound when its palm steps on the fallen leaves and gravel, and it approaches Tang Xiaoxi step by step.

Finally, when the distance between the two was less than 20 meters, the panther gave a low growl, jumped up and rushed over!


Tang Xiaoxi quickly became alert, and with one hand, the Fire Fox Martial Spirit came out through his body, and the branch in his hand gently raised, drawing a cross-cut light in the air!


Who ever thought that the black panther's body actually had a protective shield composed of spiritual power, and it broke through Tang Xiaoxi's block in an instant, and the sharp claws waved, leaving a tragic wound on her shoulder with a "pop".

If Tang Xiaoxi still had the strength to fight on weekdays, but now he was covered with scars and hungry in his belly, where could he be able to fight, and hurriedly stepped on the halo of the fire fox spirit and ran away.


The black panther roared and chased him down, how could he let go of this delicious meal so easily.

Just as the black panther's claws descended again, there was the sound of horseshoes in the distance, and a familiar voice yelled: "It's Princess Xi, come with me!"

In the maple grove, a white figure galloped over. It was a young man in a white robe with a war knife of a different shape in his hand. He stood up from the war horse before he got close, and sipped his hand in the air. The latest chapter of the urban thieves sound: "Naughty animal, get out!"


The golden light skyrocketed, and a golden iron rope came out of thin air, directly penetrating the panther's abdomen, and suddenly blood and intestines rolled out. This turned out to be a god-binding lock exactly like Qin Yin's martial soul!

The saber fell down like lightning, and with a "click", the panther's head had already rolled out along the grass. He carried the blood-stained saber, and said, "Xiaoxi, are you all right? I brought the Yulin Army to rescue you!" "

Tang Xiaoxi's body trembled, and all the grievances burst out in an instant, tears streaming down his eyes: "Brother Qin Lei, you are finally here, I almost died here!"

Qin Lei's eyes were full of distress: "Silly girl, it's okay, we'll return to Lanyan City after a break, don't worry, with me, Qin Lei, no spirit beast can hurt you."

"Yeah." Tang Xiaoxi nodded heavily, and then said, "Is there anything to eat?"


Qin Lei immediately fetched some cooked meat and water. Tang Xiaoxi didn't care about the lady and gobbled it up. After eating a small mouth, he felt that he was too unreserved, so he resumed the posture of a princess and said, "Brother Qin Lei, How is the imperial capital?"

"As usual." Qin Lei stood beside the war horse with his saber and said: "But I heard that after you had an accident in the Dragon Forest, even the emperor was alarmed. Doesn't it... the emperor has at least mobilized tens of thousands of troops. I searched and rescued you in the Dragon Forest. Fortunately, I found it. Everyone was worried to death. I heard... His Royal Highness also secretly came out of the palace to find you!"

"Xiaoyin..." Tang Xiaoxi pursed her red lips: "Is she going to be fine?"

"Haha, don't worry, she is headed by Feng Jixing of the Forbidden Army, and they have 5,000 Forbidden Army to set off, so there should be nothing wrong. Look at me, I only brought out 2,000 Yulin Army."

Tang Xiaoxi looked at the group of imperial forest soldiers behind Qin Lei, a little embarrassed, and said with a smile: "I really can't help you, it made the emperor's capital bothersome..."

Qin Lei smiled honestly and asked, "Xiaoxi, who is Lin Muyu? I heard that he is just an imperial felon. Why would you put yourself at risk for this kind of person?"

"No, Lin Muyu is not a felon, he is not that kind of person!" Tang Xiaoxi's expression was very decisive, and said: "He saved my life, so I have to find him in the Dragon Forest. Unfortunately, I encountered an ambush at the Xia Ke Hotel. Many guard knights are dead..."

Qin Lei said, "The duty of knights is to die for the sake of protection. Their deaths must be worthwhile. Xiao Xi doesn't need to blame himself too much. Let them go back to the imperial capital. I will release Yushu and let His Highness Yin go on his journey earlier. Knowing this, otherwise they will look everywhere like a headless fly in the Dragon Hunting Forest!"


The white bird flew up, flapping its wings and passing in the air, bringing the news of Tang Xiaoxi.

On the vast land, Lin Muyu swiftly passed by holding a long sword. He avoided all the spirit beasts, just to find Tang Xiaoxi faster, but the route seemed to deviate. He would never be able to find Tang Xiaoxi in the direction of travel, so he looked up. Going, a white bird flew by, and I don't know who raised the letter bird.

On the other side of the mountain range, the bird slowly landed on Feng Jixing's shoulder. He opened the letter and looked at it, and couldn't help but be overjoyed: "His Royal Highness, General Qin Lei has found Princess Xi!"

Qin Yin was pleasantly surprised: "Okay, where is Xiaoxi?"

"I don't know, let us meet at the west gate of the imperial capital!"

"Well, then hurry up!"


Nothing to say, turn around 360 degrees in the air crying for a monthly pass! TOT

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content! I734