The Alchemist God

Chapter 7: Seven Star Forest



The crushed stone skin potions were put into small bottles one by one, and some water was put in the bottles. The medicine yuan and swallow's ears began to mix and dissolve in the water, making a faint sound. There were 25 bottles in total, in order to be worthy of the money spent by the eagle eye. Lin Muyu was not a black-hearted businessman either, otherwise it would not be a problem to pack 40 bottles of these raw materials.

Chu Yao held her chin in her hand and looked at the vials curiously. She is a pharmacist and can only refine Level 3 potions. She has only heard of this kind of stone skin potions, and she stares at it with a pair of star eyes. Now, it is said that a serious man is the best looking, but an obsessed woman is the most charming. Although her dress is simple, she can't conceal the charm of a mature girl.

Lin Muyu looked funny and asked, "Sister Chu Yao, would you like to try?"

"Huh? How to try?"

"Spread a small amount of crushed powder on the skin, or drink a bottle in one breath, so that the whole body will have stone skin. The duration is related to the individual's physique. Please come to the more and faster chapters." Lin Muyu is still relatively familiar with these. of.

Chu Yao raised her eyebrows and exuded a faint fragrance. She sat next to Lin Muyu and said, "Is it really possible?"

"Yes!" Lin Muyu was a little flustered by her scorching gaze. Not only did this senior sister have a very beautiful face, she was also superb. She was of the kind with a chest on the top and a hip on the bottom. Now she shows her to Lin Muyu again. The great affection naturally made Lin Muyu a little unbearable.

So Chu Yao leaned on the chair, twisted her buttocks slightly close to the table, then used a spoon to dig a little bit of the stone skin potion left on the plate, and smeared a light layer on her wrist, just listening " In the voice of "Shasha", a layer of light blue luster appeared on the layer of her wrist watch, which was condensed into a tortoiseshell-like energy layer in a blink of an eye. There was some numbness on her arm, but she clearly felt that the defense force on her arm was much stronger.

"This..." She opened her small mouth wide, and said in astonishment: "Will such a defense really be strong?"

Lin Muyu started to eat. The chicken stewed with mushrooms was just recently heated by Chu Yao. It is very fragrant. It is the first time to eat such a delicious food after coming to this world. I think he is also the young owner of the Longxin Group, and he is worth too much. Yi, it's too bleak to come into this world. While eating, he looked up at Chu Yao and said with a smile: "You can hit your arm with a stick and try?"


Chu Yao picked up a small wooden stick on the side and tapped lightly on her wrist. There was a "pop" of gloss and waves, but she didn't feel any pain. So she tapped again, but she still didn't feel it. In the end, she was very hard. , The wooden stick was directly interrupted, and the wrist felt a little itchy. It seems that the stone skin potion also does not mean that there will be no pain. When the blow is strong enough, it will definitely be painful.

After eating quickly, Lin Muyu began to refine the paralysis potion.

Magic snake flower + golden silk grass, these two herbs are not difficult to temper the essence of the medicine, but the difficulty is that the two medicines conflict with each other. It takes a little effort to blend together. Lin Muyu has the essence. Hua Shou, the accuracy of refining the medicine element is absolutely one of the top levels in the world, and facing this problem, he has his own secret, the medicine element of the magic snake flower and golden silk grass need high temperature to mix, those The lower-end pharmacists have used iron pots for stir-frying, but that would be destined to be mixed with impurities and affect the efficacy of the medicine.

Lin Muyu’s method is to raise a bunch of flames, then use the sublimation hand to control the medicine yuan to burn on the flame, and directly evaporate the medicine yuan, but it is convenient to have a clean iron pot on the flame, and a small amount of water and gas are placed in the pot. The transformed medicine element condenses and dissolves again in the water, and Lin Muyu uses the sublimation hand to pull the medicine element vapor, so there is little loss. Soon 10 bottles of top-grade paralytic medicine were successfully prepared. Please go to more faster chapters.

It was late at night, Chu Yao went back to sleep, and Lin Muyu also returned to the room.

Tired and exhausted, the true qi in his body was almost exhausted, but Lin Muyu could clearly feel that the aura flowing between the veins became stronger and stronger. In this world, the use of sublimation hands is a way of refining qi. Let his internal strength become stronger and stronger, and the strength in the body is slowly recovering, he can clearly feel that the power of a punch can no longer be underestimated.

However, compared to the outrageous person like Hawkeye, it seems to be too far apart.

The next morning, I woke up early and carried the medicine box on his back. Today, Lin Muyu and Chu Yao were the only two to deliver the goods. They were still at the market. After waiting for less than an hour, Hawkeye arrived with a large group of mercenaries. And this time there were a lot of mercenaries carried, which looked like over a hundred men, with complete weapons and equipment, and all of them were riding war horses. Update for the first time

"Is the goods ready? Boy." Hawkeye stopped in front of the stall.

Lin Muyu handed over a total of 30 bottles of medicine, and said, "I still owe me 20 Jin Yin coins."

Eagle Eye raised his brows, rolled over and got off his horse, grabbed a stone skin potion and smelled it, his face was a little strange: "Boy, you... You don't really have a holy pharmacist at home, do you? As far as I know, the entire Yinshan City Only the city lord Hua Tian has the qualifications of a holy pharmacist, you... don’t you know Huatian?"


Lin Muyu shook his head: "I refine the medicine myself."

At this time, the sound of horseshoes came, and a young man in a white gown rode a horse. The clothes were decorated with the emblem of purple flowers and embroidered with many patterns. At first sight, he looked like a rich man. He glanced at it. Lin Muyu looked at the medicine again and sneered: "From ancient times to the present, people who have the ability to temper the black iron tree medicine element are at least thirty-five years old. This kid is too full of big talk. Head of the eye, don't you still need an important person to catch the bloodthirsty tiger? I think he is more suitable!"

"Thank you Young Lord for reminding!"

Hawkeye put away 30 bottles of potions, a trace of killing intent flashed across his smiling face, and said to Lin Muyu: "Although your drugs are both second- and first-tier drugs, but... I'm not sure whether the effects of the drugs are the same as in the legend. Well, you come with us. If our task can be successfully completed, I will pay you 20 gold coins as promised. How about?"

"Take a trip? Where to go?"

"Go to the Seven-Star Forest. Our mission this time is to hunt down a 3000-year-old spirit beast-the bloodthirsty tiger!"

Lin Muyu didn't know the pros and cons, but Chu Yao was stunned, and hurriedly stopped in front of Lin Muyu, saying, "No... Ayu won't kill the bloodthirsty tiger with you, you have to go!"

Hawkeye smiled: "Oh, little beauty, are you reluctant to let your little man die? Don't worry, our Flamehawk Mercenary Corps will not let him die. Please come to more and faster chapters."

Chu Yao gritted her silver teeth and said unswervingly: "No! A bloodthirsty tiger of 3000 years, the strength is at least equal to the 60th-level Celestial Venerable, are the 42nd-level warlord, with two different realms, even if you are. There are too many people to kill the bloodthirsty tiger!"

Hawkeye raised his brows, pointed behind him, and said: "You can't help but look down on us too much. Have you seen it? We brought bows and arrows coated with paralysis potion, and even a large arrow ballista. The bloodthirsty tiger is nothing but What a fool, how could it be our opponent?"

With that said, Hawkeye opened his hand and grabbed Lin Muyu's arm, and said, "Come on, kid!"

Lin Muyu was anxious, and suddenly slammed her right fist. The infuriating energy gathered around her. A "bang" blasted on Hawkeye's right arm. The dull voice made the surrounding people startled. Hawkeye was even more shocked. A faint voice came from his arm. The pain, sneered: "Good boy, are you also a warrior?"

"I'm not a warrior, don't take me..." Lin Muyu was naturally afraid of death. Please go to more faster chapters.

"Is Lao Tzu taking you today?"



Hawkeye stretched out his hand and said, "Cyclops, go and grab that chick, I think this kid is willing to go with us to catch the bloodthirsty tiger!"

"Yes, head!"

A mercenary who was blinded in one eye immediately stepped forward to catch Chu Yao, but he didn't want Chu Yao's body to sink suddenly, with four leaf-shaped innocence in his palm, and the clever "boom" palm printed on the mercenary. With a palm on his chest, he vomited blood. Please go to more faster chapters.


Hawkeye was astonished, and said: "Two-leaf fighter? This little beauty actually has the strength of a 19th-level fighter, hahaha, interesting!"

With that, the eagle eye yelled violently, with one hand intimidating Lin Muyu with one hand open and grabbing at Chu Yao. The aura was shocking, and flames appeared between his palms. The billowing flames wrapped his fingers and grabbed Chu Yao, where Chu Yao could resist it, and snorted. The air wave between the palms of the leaves instantly shattered, and the person had fallen into Hawkeye's hands.

"Tie it up, give them a horse, and take it away together!"

Hawkeye gave a loud shout. A few minutes later, Lin Muyu was tied with both hands and threw it onto a horse, while Chu Yao was slightly tied loose with both hands, and was thrown behind Lin Muyu. A mercenary was holding the horse, that's it. I took two people out of the city, and all of this happened so quickly that there was no one around to stop him. Please go to more faster chapters.

Perhaps, no one dared to stop it. Hawkeye is notorious in Yinshan City. Who wouldn't know

Bumping all the way out of the city, he quickly left the official road and entered a dense forest.

Chu Yao hugged Lin Muyu from behind and remained silent.

"Sister Chu Yao, I'm sorry, I'm all to blame..." Lin Muyu endured it for a long time, and had to apologize.

Chu Yao smiled, "It doesn't matter, I just hope that this group of mercenaries can let us go after they have confirmed the efficacy of the medicine..."

"Where can it be so easy?"

Lin Muyu gave a wry smile. Although he is one year younger than Chu Yao, he has experienced more things and knows that people's hearts are sinister. Obviously, this group of mercenaries took the two of them for another purpose, but I just hope that it will not be that sinister purpose. Enough.

Behind him, Chu Yao was next to herself, a pair of tall and plump pride stuck to Lin Muyu's back, but he was still in the mood to think about other things, thinking about how to get out of trouble.

It was a day after this walk, and it was dark in the blink of an eye, but the people of the Yanying Mercenary Corps didn't seem to want to stay. After eating a little bit of dry food, they continued to move toward the depths of the dense forest. I even encountered some fierce beasts along the way, but they were all shot by Hawkeye.

In the middle of the night, stay for food again.

"Sister Chu Yao, what exactly are the 19th-level generals and 42nd-level battle saints you are talking about?" Lin Muyu asked while eating dry food.

Chu Yao sighed and whispered: "The imperial martial arts, almost anyone can practice martial arts, but some people have high achievements and some people have low achievements. According to their strength, all martial artists are divided into 15 levels and Five realms, the five realms are human realm, earth realm, heaven realm, sanctuary and god realm. Each realm is divided into three levels. The specific categories of human realm, earth realm, and heaven realm are in order: warrior, war general, and war spirit , Zong Zong, Zhan Zong, Zhan Sheng, Tian Zun, Heaven King, Heaven Emperor, each of which is divided into 10 levels. For example, my strength measurement is 19, and I am classified as the second most important warrior in the human realm. It is the second highest warlord in the 42nd level."

Lin Muyu was stunned. There were too many levels, and he was mostly a level 1 scum, so he couldn't ask too much, and said, "What are they for hunting 3000-year-old spirit beasts?"

"Probably for the spirit of the beast or the spirit stone?"

"..." He didn't understand again, completely looking like a rookie.

At this moment, the young man in luxurious clothes appeared again, holding a hip flask in his hand, with a sarcasm smile on his face, and said: "You two decoys are talking very speculatively. I don't know that death is near. Yet?"

Chu Yao raised her head and said angrily: "Who are you?"

"I don't even know my young city lord Hua Wan, so I dare..." He was about to talk, only to find that the young girl in front of him was a beautiful beauty!

Is he the Hua Wan who became a great pharmacist at a young age

Chu Yao was secretly shocked, but looking at Hua Wan's wicked smile, she felt that her heart was straight and she couldn't speak for a while.

This book is from the first release, the first time to see the genuine content!