The Alchemist God

Chapter 76: Military robes


Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and the last evening banquet was held in the evening, so Lin Muyu did not go by early, and practiced swordsmanship in the courtyard of her temple residence.

The flames in the Liaoyuan Sword were looming, and the sword was hanging straight in the air, controlled by invisible power.

Lin Muyu stood a few meters in front of the sword, her eyes closed tightly, and her right palm slowly opened to sense the thunder element in the air. Those small and violent thunder elements accumulated into strands of thunder glowing with purple electric light. It moved around like a group of naughty children, even making Lin Muyu couldn't help laughing.

His fit with the law of the thunder system is becoming more and more perfect. Among the four imperial swords, he seems to be the most adept at using the thunder imperial sword. Basically, few people can resist a lightning strike, but in the sparring of the temple. He has never demonstrated the power of swordsmanship and true dragon origin fire. Just as Lei Hong said, he must learn to "hide the front" in this world, otherwise he will be destroyed by the wind.

However, as his cultivation level improves step by step, the defensive power of the martial gourd alone is enough to stand up to the crowd in the temple, and even can compete with the Venus instructor such as Ouyang Qiu without losing the wind. It is precisely because of him. With the existence of, the status of the trainer in the temple has faintly improved a lot, and the attitude of the servants and guards towards the trainer can be seen.

After all, the status of the sparring teacher in the temple was the "sandbag" before, but the appearance of Lin Muyu covered the appearance of the "sandbag" with a layer of iron armor and thorns. His appearance made a group of instructors no longer be able to underestimate the existence of the sparring teacher. , Even a group of instructors headed by Zhang Wei had already treated Lin Muyu, the Venus companion trainer, as a good teacher and helpful friend to get along with each other.


There was a knock on the door outside, and the servant respectfully said: "Master Lin Zhi, the hour has come. According to Princess Xi's explanation, it is time for you to set off to listen to the Yulou. The horseman has prepared a steed for you."

"Thank you!"

Lin Muyu opened his eyes, the light in her eyes converged, and a smile overflowed on Jun Yi's face. Such harmless humans and animals seemed to make him return to the kid who laughed and scolded.

He carried the Liaoyuan sword on his back and went out. Sure enough, the riding training ground in the temple has more than one hundred horses. On weekdays, they are only provided to instructors and trainers to practice riding. Now, because of Tang Xiaoxi's relationship, he has actually led a horse. The horse was used by him, and Lin Muyu suddenly felt as if he was flying and embezzling the bus.

Turning on his horse, he paid an imperial military salute to the horseman who led the horse, and smiled respectfully: "Thank you, I will be back on time to send the horse back, please don't worry."

The groom was flattered and hurriedly said: "Whatever you say, you can just use it. Deacon Ge Yang has ordered that all the Venus instructors and Venus sparring trainers can choose their favorite horses to ride in the stable. You don’t have to do this. polite."

"Well, thank you so much."

Lin Muyu smiled and rode away slowly, while the horseman stood there in a daze. He couldn't imagine that a temple Venus sparring trainer would treat him respectfully. After all, the status disparity was too great.

However, Lin Muyu is accustomed to it. He comes from a very good background. The son of Longxin Group President and Chairman Lin Shun can be said to have grown up with a golden spoon. Lin Shun is gentle and docile, and Lin Muyu has grown up with his eyes and ears. A person who is humble and treats others, he is the second generation of the rich in the eyes of others, but those who have really come into contact with him know that this kid is very well-trained and treats others with humility, even if he is very respectful to a waiter, there is an old saying , Depends on a person's self-cultivation, depends on his attitude towards the waiter, this sentence seems to be better reflected in Lin Muyu.

It’s just that the horseman is a person from another world. He has been influenced by his thoughts since he was a child. In his mind, Lin Muyu is the lofty Venus sparring master, and the legendary "adult". His humility will only make The groom felt terrified.

When passing by the Piandian, someone called him: "Lin Zhi, don't go in a hurry!"

Turning around, he saw Zhang Wei smiling, walking over with a white military robe in his hand, and said, "You are also the Venus companion trainer of the temple anyway, how can you dress so shabbyly to participate in Tang Xiaoxi? The last night banquet of the county lord? Come, come, the deacon asked me to give you this suit of armor, all the Venus instructors in the temple wear this to face the monarch!"


Lin Muyu was taken aback, and hurriedly turned over and got off his horse. He looked at the military generals robe held by Zhang Wei, which was actually composed of silver chain mail and a white military general's cloak. Looking at his blue shirt, he couldn't help but feel ashamed. When I got up, it seemed that I hadn't paid much attention to personal image after coming to the temple for so long.

"Well, then, thank you Master Zhang Wei."

"You're welcome, just change it quickly."


Entering the side hall, put on the "uniform" of the temple Venus sparring master. When he walked out, Zhang Wei's eyes lit up and he couldn't help clapping his hands: "It's amazing... Master Lin Zhi, I Zhang Wei has never seen anyone in this military robes that fits better than you in his life. If Princess Xi sees you, he will definitely look at him with admiration!"

Lin Muyu looked down, and indeed felt the unusual spirit and handsomeness of this suit after putting it on, and then pinned the temple's Venus Sparring Master badge to her chest, which was perfect.

"Then I'm going to a banquet, Master Zhang Wei, goodbye."

"Go! Don't forget the helmet..."

This uniform actually had a helmet. It was a silver-gray battle helmet. Lin Muyu just clamped it under his armpit. It seemed a bit redundant to wear it. In fact, this uniform was used by the members of the temple when they participated in the war. The outfit and armor already made him a little uncomfortable. If he put on the helmet again, he felt like he was about to go to battle to kill the enemy.

A suit of armor weighs nearly 20 kilograms. Fortunately, Lin Muyu’s cultivation is no longer in the past, and he does not feel heavy. He rode his horse out of the gate of the temple. From afar, he could see himself in front of the gate of the Spirit Medicine Division. Chu Huaimian, who was wearing the armor of the Imperial Forest Guard, stood there, leading two horses, obviously coming to pick Chu Yao.

"Big Brother Chu Huaimian!"

Lin Muyu galloped over, rolled over and dismounted and smiled: "You are here too!"

Chu Huaimian couldn't help but smile: "Ayu is here, wait a minute, A Yao will come out soon!"

As he said, Chu Huaimei looked at his outfits and couldn't help but smile: "This set of gold-star armor customized by the Ministry of Industry of the Temple is beautiful and will never get tired of it. It is even more handsome when worn on Ayu's body. Very mile!"

Chu Yao came out, dressed in the clothes of a female refining pharmacist from the Department of Spirit Medicine, Ping Ting Graceful, she almost didn't recognize Lin Muyu when she saw Lin Muyu, opened her eyes, and smiled: "A Yu dressed like this almost made me I don't recognize it, but it looks pretty!"

"Thank you Chu Yao sister, shall we go?"


The three got on the horse together. Chu Huaimu rode a horse to lead the way. Lin Muyu and Chu Yao slowly followed. Chu Huaimu and Lin Muyu were wearing military robes, so they looked very serious. The pedestrians on the street all the way to the sky evaded, although they The riding speed is not fast.

Soon after I arrived at a quiet Bieyuan, it was the Tingyu Building. In the distance, a few shop assistants walked up and asked with a smile, "A few adults, do you have any invitations?"

"Yeah." Lin Muyu took out the invitation left by Tang Xiaoxi.

"It turned out to be the guest of Princess Xi, please go up to the seventh floor and leave the horses to us!"

At this time, the setting sun has set, and red lanterns are lit everywhere in the Tingyu Building Bieyuan, one by one, young and beautiful, as if the maids of Gong'e are busy walking through with delicacies and fruit plates, and go straight to the seventh floor. That is the most beautiful Tingyu Building. Expensive boxes, especially on days like the Last Night Festival, the charter fee on the seventh floor is not generally expensive.

"It is said that the cost of the seventh floor of the Tingyu Building last night was 700 gold coins a night!" Chu Yao stuck out her tongue and smiled.

Chu Huaimei smiled slightly: "It's okay, we don't have to treat him."

Lin Muyu said, "Well, Xiaoxi has money, so I don't care about this."

When the three of them went upstairs, they saw a group of Yulin guards guarding the door. The Yulin army commanded Qin Lei in a military robe, guarding the door with his sword hilt in his hand, and said with a smile: "The guests are all here..."

He didn't know Lin Muyu, and asked in amazement, "This is?"

Chu Huaimu respectfully said: "Report to the commander, that he is Lin Muyu, Princess Xi's guest!"

"Oh, so, let's go in." Qin Lei grinned and said nothing.

When I went in, I saw that Tang Xiaoxi and Feng Jixing were already there. Tang Xiaoxi quickly stood up and smiled: "Well, since they are all here, let's take a seat quickly. I will let them serve the food?"

"Well, listen to the princess!"

"Mu Mu, sit next to me?" Tang Xiaoxi said with a smile.

Lin Muyu was a little embarrassed, but Chu Huaimian winked with a smile, and he had to walk over dingyly, and his armor made some noise and sat down beside Tang Xiaoxi.

Tang Xiaoxi tilted his head and looked at him now, with a trace of blur in his beautiful eyes, and said with a smile: "Mu Mu, the empire's general uniform fits you perfectly. I have never seen a general that fits better than you. Armor."

Feng Jixing touched his nose and said sourly: "Listening to the princess's words, it seems that Qin Lei and I don't look good in this set of military robes."

Qin Lei sat down and said with a smile on his palms: "The commander of the Forbidden Army is jealous, look at you, you are so embarrassed to be the commander of the 30,000 Forbidden Army!"

Lin Muyu smiled awkwardly: "Don't taunt me, everyone, I'm just a sparring trainer in the temple, and I can't compare with you generals with heavy arms."

Qin Lei shook his head and smiled: "Ah, Ayu doesn't have to be so modest. You are the strongest sparring trainer in the temple. We all know that. Besides, the temple was originally the cradle of the empire's famous generals. Many generations of famous generals are From a temple background, Feng Jixing and Chu Huaimen, and I were once in the temple, so you don’t need to be too modest."

"Well, thank you... what is your name?"

Qin Lei was taken aback and couldn't help laughing: "My name is Qin Lei, the eldest son of King Ji Ning, commanded by the Imperial Forest Army."

Lin Muyu's heart trembled. It seemed that this last evening banquet tonight was really not easy. The people Tang Xiaoxi invited seemed to be better than one. This Qin Lei was still the son of a prince, and he was definitely the number one figure in the empire.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content! I734