The Alchemist God

Chapter 79: Ups and downs


The banquet did not go away until Haishi. Qin Lei led more than 30 imperial guards to escort Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi back to the house. Feng Jixing was drunk with his sword and his own war horse. Go up, turn around and look at Lin Muyu, and ask with a smile: "Ayu, can you still ride a horse after drinking so much?"

Lin Muyu grabbed the reins, clamped the helmet under his arm, and said with a smile: "Yes, Brother Feng is still more worried about whether he can ride back on his horse?"

Feng Jixing couldn't help laughing: "It's okay. Lan Yancheng is my Feng Jixing's home. It doesn't matter if I get lost in the house. Even if I get drunk, my brothers will find me and lift me up. Go back."

Qin Lei hiccuped while still holding the wine jar in his hand, and said, "Yulinwei, get on the horse!"

Listening to the dim light of the lantern outside the Yulou, Lin Muyu couldn't see the faces of Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi. When she saw the two beautiful girls on their horses, they asked: "Your Highness, Xiaoxi, do you want to send you home first, and then I Go back to the temple? Brother Qin Lei drank too much..."

Qin Yin smiled under the dim starlight, Li Wu said, "Ayu, you have drunk too much. Go back and rest early. Don't worry, Lanyan City is the capital city. Behind me are dozens of powerful imperial guards. , No one can do anything to me, Xiaoxi, I will protect her back, you go back to the temple early, it is getting late, be careful of the wolf tribe in the dark."

"Yeah." Lin Muyu knew what Qin Yin knew was someone like Zengfang who wanted to smash his corpse, so he laughed and said, "Then we have a chance to see you again!"

Tang Xiaoxi's drunk eyes were dim, and he smiled and said, "Goodbye Mu Mu!"

Qin Yin looked at Lin Muyu's back and suddenly remembered something, and said loudly: "Ayu, remember to participate in the sword fighting tournament. If you can enter the finals, my father and I will attend your celebration banquet. of!"

The night was cold, and I don't know if he heard it.

An Yulin guard took the reins of Qin Yin's mount, and said, "His Royal Highness, shall we return to Zetian Temple? That person has gone a long way..."

Qin Yin looked into the distance with a pair of star eyes, blinked and said with a smile: "Well, first go to the Seven Seas Duke's Mansion to send Xiaoxi back, and then return to Zetian Temple, let's go!"


Lin Muyu and Chu Huaimun sent Chu Yao back to the Spirit Medicine Division together, and then turned around and headed straight to the temple. The two guards of the temple immediately made an imperial military salute with a solemn expression after seeing his costume. ,you are back!?"


Lin Muyu nodded in greetings, and rode his horse slowly into the temple.

Walking through the long corridor, when he was about to go to the stable, suddenly a figure ran over not far away, and through the light of the torch, he could see his face with a beard, it was Zhang Wei.

"Master Zhang Wei, what's the matter?" Lin Muyu asked.

Zhang Wei looked at the guards under the surrounding lights and said in a low voice, "Master Lin Zhi, there are things that must be told to you, but... this is not the place to talk, come with me!"


Lin Muyu got off his horse and stepped into the trial hall alongside Zhang Wei, before asking, "I can say it now, what's the matter?"

Zhang Wei gritted his teeth and said, "Brother, do you remember the little bean sprouts?"

"Well, of course I remember that the small bean sprout died tragically under the sword of Ouyang Qiu, I remember it all my life!"

"Little bean sprouts died only for 500 Jin Yin coins, but these 500 Jin Yin coins still failed to reach his parents."

"What?" Lin Muyu trembled and looked at Zhang Wei with round eyes: "What happened on earth?"

Zhang Wei took a deep breath, looking quite angry, and said: "Little bean sprouts' hometown is in the'Luoxia Village' outside Lanyan City. His parents are still alive, but... I was ordered to take the Templars out this morning. When I was shopping for winter cotton clothes, I passed by Luoxia Village, but I saw that Xiaodou's parents were tragically killed by others, and the 500 gold coins were also missing."

"Oh shit!"

Lin Muyu was short-tempered for a while, and his drunkenness had not disappeared, and his face flushed: "Is it the ghost of Zengfang and Ouyang Qiu?"

Zhang Wei sighed: "Mostly... We both have offended Shenhou Mansion. It is expected that Zengfang killed Xiaodou Sprout's parents to vent his anger. I blamed my negligence for a while, otherwise they might be both old and old. Then we can escape this catastrophe."

"No, I was negligent." Lin Muyu clenched an iron fist in pain.

Zhang Wei took a deep look at him and said, "Master Lin Zhi, Xiao Dou Ya's parents shouldn't have been wrongfully killed like this, right? Even if we can't avenge Xiao Dou Ya, we must at least avenge his parents."

Lin Muyu nodded gently: "Who is investigating this case?"

"Fire Sparrow Division."

Zhang Wei said indifferently: "Huoque Division is in charge of all murders within the imperial capital of Lanyan City, but Huoque Division is under the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, and Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry is a frequent visitor of Shenhou Mansion, so once Shenhou Mansion puts pressure on it, most of it will be fired. Chess is almost unable to find out why, and I have received news that Huo Chess’s people initially confirmed that Xiaodou Sprout’s parents were killed by bandits, and the 500 gold coins killed their lives."

As he said, Zhang Wei banged his fist against the wall and said, "They died of a sword piercing their throat, and most of their throats were shattered by the sword energy. The entire Lanyan City can have such a swordsmanship cultivation level. It's countable, who would it be if it wasn't Ouyang Qiu?!"

Lin Muyu nodded and said, "I see, let's go to see Deacon Leihong!"


The two led their horses straight to Leihong’s residence. After knocking on the door several times, Leihong floated out, with a faint smile on his lips: "Ayu, Zhang Wei, you two... alas... something you shouldn't care about You shouldn’t manage it. There are so many injustices in this world, can you manage it?"

Obviously, Lei Hong knew everything about the little bean sprouts, and he knew the ins and outs of this matter better than anyone else.

Lin Muyu clasped a fist and said, "Grandpa Leihong, the temple is the palace of imperial warriors. If even the temple can tolerate the kind of madman who kills innocent people indiscriminately, then what exactly is the temple? Wuhun? We practice martial arts, isn't it just to defend the empire and fight for the weak?"

Lei Hong was startled, and said, "Ayu, these words... No one dares to tell me like this."

Lin Muyu looked proudly: "Grandpa Leihong, you are the chief deacon of the temple.

"you… "

Lei Hong's eyes widened, and after a while, he reluctantly shook his head: "You stinky boy, I really can't do anything with you. How could that old fellow Qu Chu accept you such a stubborn disciple? I should still give Chu's face, go lead the horse, and go to Huoquesi with me!"

"Thank you, Grandpa Leihong!"

Zhang Wei was also overjoyed, holding a fist and saying, "Thanks to the deacon!"

The Imperial Fire Sparrow Division is located on the right side of the Criminal Ministry. The entire building is connected together. The Fire Sparrow Division’s main hall is like a fire sparrow about to soar for nine days. Outside of the door, eight guards stood there with sabers in their hands, and the torches flickered and flickered.

Lei Hong, Lin Muyu, and Zhang Wei stopped the horses in front of the Firebird General Hall one after another with the sound of horses hoofs.

"Who?" the guard yelled.

Lei Hong slowly lifted his cloak, with an old face.

"It turned out to be the chief deacon of the temple!" A group of guards knelt down, distinguishing their dignity and inferiority. Leihong is not only the chief deacon, but also one of the six white-robed imperial guards of the empire. He is qualified to meet the emperor directly. The guards can't afford to offend.

"I don't know what is important for the chief deacon's visit to Fire Sparrow in the middle of the night?"

"I want to see the abbot of Huoquesi, Master Zheng Gu!"

"Master Zheng Gu has fallen asleep."

"Please inform me."


Not long after, the guard went and returned, saying, "The deacon, please come in!"

"Thank you!"

A group of people entered the Firebird General Hall under the leadership of the guards. The attendants lighted the lanterns and illuminated the hall brightly. A man dressed in civilian costumes quickly greeted him, bowed to the ground, and said: "Subordinate Zheng Solid, see Deacon Leihong!"

Lei Hong helped him up and said with a smile: "Why Master Zheng Gu is so polite, get up."

"The deacon's visit this time, I don't know what's the cause?"

"Ayu, right?"

"Yes!" Lin Muyu clasped his fists and told the tragic death of Xiao Bean Sprout's parents again.

Zheng Gu's face was not very good after hearing this, and he said, "This murder case has already been finalized. I am afraid it will be a little bit abrupt now that we are coming to retrial? Grand deacon, I..."

Lei Hong said indifferently, "Master Zheng, Firebird is in charge of the imperial criminal law. You, the abbot of Firebird, shouldn't be indifferent knowing that someone died unjustly, right?"

Zheng Gu took a deep breath: "This matter is very relevant... I'm afraid his subordinates..."

Lei Hong waved his hand: "You don't need to say more, you write a paper now, and give the power to thoroughly investigate this case to Lin Zhi and Zhang Wei to handle it. This matter involves those who must clean up the door in our temple. , I have to manage."

Zheng Gu gritted his teeth and nodded: "Yes, but... once the Shenhou Mansion investigates it..."

Lei Hong smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, Shen Hou Mansion will investigate it. Lei Hong will take all the responsibility."

"Thank you, my subordinates write this!"

In the middle of the night, Lin Muyu and Zhang Wei rode on steeds and wore temple military robes and went straight to the outside of the city along Tongtian Street. Neither of them spoke. The only thing they wanted to do was to punish the rape and eliminate the evil. Fang covers the sky in the temple and Lanyan City.

Lei Hong looked at the backs of the two from a distance. This time he was willing to support them. As the chief deacon of the temple, after so many years of keeping a low profile and protecting his life, he has done such an extraordinary thing now. He felt a little surprised, but he was still in a good mood. Lin Muyu faintly saw the unyielding and unyielding self in Lin Muyu's body, but under the baptism of the years, his edge has been smoothed, and now he can't help seeing Lin Muyu. I think of myself back then.


He sighed softly, but suddenly felt relieved that the child felt like a dawn illuminating the darkness that has hovered over the empire for thousands of years.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content! I734