The Alchemist God

Chapter 94: Military training day


In a blink of an eye, four days passed, and as usual, the pale crane has never appeared again after his defeat in the Dragon Hunting Forest. Presumably he is also very jealous. Once he enters Lanyan City, he will face Qu Chu, Leihong and others. In the pursuit of killing, Wan Bai Crane's ribs were broken by Lin Muyu's Seven Lights profound energy, unable to heal in a short period of time, so naturally he didn't dare to look for bad luck.

Early in the morning, the sound of fist hissing came from the temple. Zhang Wei has been able to go down to the ground. He wields a fierce soul fist and looks like hey and powerful. Although he has not recovered to his heyday power, he at least has it. About 70% strength.

Lin Muyu came wearing the temple shirt and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Master Zhang Wei, you have nothing serious."

Zhang Wei immediately stopped practicing, and respectfully made a straight military salute to Lin Muyu, saying: "Master Lin Zhi's rebirth grace Zhang Wei will always be remembered in his heart. Half of my life in Zhang Wei belongs to Master Lin Zhi. Up!"

"You don't have to be polite." Lin Muyu patted him on the shoulder and said: "Shenhou Mansion will not let us off easily, so Master Zhang Wei must quickly regain our strength, otherwise we will suffer again."


At this moment, Ge Yang came over and said, "Tomorrow is Military Training Day, so prepare for it! Lin Zhi, this is your first time participating in Military Training Day. Let Zhang Wei tell you everything about it! "

"Refinery Day, what do you mean?" Lin Muyu was stunned.

Zhang Wei smiled and explained patiently: "Lin Zhi, you should have known it for so long since you came to the temple. The temple is a pilgrimage site for imperial warriors. It has two functions. One is to discover martial arts talents in the empire. One is to train outstanding military academies. The cradle of the strongest in the empire is the academy, and the imperial capital has the strongest "The God of War Academy". Many outstanding military talents graduated from the God of War Academy. Our temple is responsible for dispatching every month. A group of instructors and escort trainers went to the God of War Academy to conduct training in front of the students and teach them excellent martial arts and combat experience."

"So that's it... Am I going too?"

"Of course, you are the strongest sparring trainer in the temple. If you don't go, I'm afraid our sparring trainers will have been beaten up and unable to walk after the military training day."

Lin Muyu frowned immediately and said, "Zhang Wei, your hot temper should also be changed. Don't always beat the trainer to half body during the trial, you know?"

Zhang Wei touched his head and smiled awkwardly: "I will try my best to pay attention to it, Master Lin Zhi, don't worry!"


Ge Yang smiled aside: "This military training day is quite special. It is said that many army commanders will participate in person and select outstanding graduates to join the army as officers, so you must also perform better... In addition, pay attention to protection. Good yourself."

Zhang Wei clasped his fists: "I see, Deacon Ge Yang."

As he said, Zhang Wei looked cold, and said, "In addition to Zengfang and Ouyang Qiu, there are some minions in Shenhou Mansion in the temple. These are all objects we must defend."

"Who else?"

"Silver Star instructor Deng Zilin and Venus instructor Xu Fang, but the most terrifying one should belong to another person..."


Zhang Wei's eyes were shot, and he said: "This person rarely participates in trials on weekdays, but he is the strongest among all the Venus instructors. Zhao Jin, known as the first shot in the temple, is said to have been Break through level 70 and become a Venus instructor with Uranus strength, the only Uranus-level instructor in the temple."

Ge Yang said on the side: "Zhao Jin's identity is the second-class guest of the Shenhou Mansion, and he is also a nobleman, and he is extraordinary in strength and excellent marksmanship. Lin Zhi, you must be careful. If you can avoid meeting Zhao Jin, try to avoid it. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Deacon Ge Yang."

"Let's break up, go and practice."


In the middle of the night, the stars were shining brightly in the Imperial Palace Shenhou Mansion.

Zeng Yifan raised his head and looked at the splendid stars in the sky, sighed, and a trace of loss passed across his resolute face, and said, "The old man has also missed his hand. I would never have thought of this."

Zengfang walked over with a cup of tea, and said, "Father, drink tea! Grandpa Cang missed because Qu Chu was also in the Dragon Forest, otherwise Lin Muyu must have been in a different place."

"Ugh… "

Zeng Yifan's gaze was stern, and said: "We have already stunned the old man by this miss. Your Majesty will know that the old man wants to kill Qin Yin, and the Shen Hou Mansion will inevitably fall into a predicament. No, we It must be preemptive."

"How to preemptively?" Zeng Fang asked in amazement.

Zeng Yifan's eyes are cold: "Send the old man a feather book, and let him go to the Qinling area to practice for a while! Tomorrow, a wanted order will be issued at the Shenwei Camp. The pale crane is wanted nationwide, and those who obtain the head of the pale crane will reward millions of coins."

"Yes, father!"

Zengfang nodded respectfully, and then said: "It is said that Lin Muyu has obtained a medicine called Xujinsan that has cured Zhang Wei. These two people are still alive. Father, don't we just leave it alone? "

"Lin Muyu must die!"

Zeng Yifan slammed his fist on the railing, with killing intent in his eyes, and smiled: "Tomorrow is the day of military training. I have already ordered General Zhao Jin. He has become a king of heaven. The day of military training is Lin Muyu's death. !"

"Hey, all right."

Temple, in the room of the side hall.


Zhao Jin slowly wiped the shaft of the bright gun. This pear flower gun has been with him for many years, and he has made countless contributions from the south and the north. Tomorrow is the time for this pear flower gun to drink blood again.


Flicking his wrist gently, the gun head immediately screamed, and a beautiful cold light trembled.

Zhao Jin continued to wipe the pear spear slowly, without a trace of emotion in his eyes. The damn person is always going to die. No matter how brilliant he is, he can't escape death under absolute strength.


The servant knocked on the door: "Master Zhao Jin, tonight's supper has already been delivered. Will it be brought in for you now?"

"No, no meat tonight."

Zhao Jin smiled coldly, and after the servant walked away, he muttered to himself: "You can eat meat tomorrow."

In the early morning, the sound of the snail echoed in the temple, and the Day of Refining Soldiers finally arrived.

After eating breakfast, Lin Muyu, Zhang Wei and others put on brand-new temple robes, and Lin Muyu also noticed that his robes were actually more refined and luxurious than Zhang Wei’s, and the white cloak behind him was inlaid with silver. He has seen Feng Jixing and Qin Lei’s white robe, it is a golden purple flower pattern, presumably this is the gap.

One of the war horses was taken out, and Lin Muyu found his own turning horse, and saw members of the deacon level such as Leihong, Ge Yang, and Zengfang walking in front, followed by Lin Muyu, Zheng Shanhe and other Venus instructors and companion trainers. , Followed by the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, and the Iron Star. The temple's hierarchical system is very strict, and no one can surpass it.

"Set off!"

After Leihong gave the order, the horses filed out, quickly out of the temple, and went straight to the outside of the city.

The God of War Academy was built outside the city, because the space inside the city was too narrow to provide a wide enough trial ground for the God of War Academy. After arriving in the deep forest outside the city for more than an hour, we heard the sound of neat horseshoes in the distance. Young students in dark blue imperial uniforms are riding horses to practice shooting.

But when the instructors and trainers of the temple passed by, these students stopped training one after another and saluted far away to show respect. In the eyes of the students, the instructors in the temple are all sacred beings.

The Academy of War is more like a city. The wall is 10 meters high and surrounded by antlers. It looks like an enemy. In fact, when it was built, the Academy of War was used as a fortress of war to guard the center. In the imperial capital Lanyan City, when a group of people from the temple came to the city, the gate slowly opened, and a group of people riding war horses greeted him. At the front was an old man with white beard, wearing armor, and quite elder. Demeanor, clasped his fists and smiled: "Master Leihong, you are here, the teachers and students of our War God Academy have been waiting for a long time!"

Lei Hong also respectfully smiled and said: "Dean Qin Hao is too polite, let's go in, the training day is precious!"


After entering the academy, the inside is surprisingly open. All the students here are dressed in imperial military uniforms and look very energetic, but they are basically men. There are very few women in the army, and based on Lin Muyu’s understanding of the Broken Ding Realm continent, The status of women in this world is very low and low, much low compared to ancient China, except for the noble women like Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi, but even so, they still cannot hold important positions in the army.

Soon, a huge training field appeared in front of him, which could accommodate at least thousands of people. There were already many people sitting on the high platform. Lin Muyu's eyes were sharp, and his gaze swept one by one. Most of the badges on the necks of this group of people were Being a Venus means that most of this group of people are military positions with commanders above thousands.

After everyone took their place, Ge Yang began to click, and each instructor and trainer's name was called out one by one.

In the end, Ge Yang announced loudly: "In the first public trial, Bronze Star instructor Zhou Pei met Bronze Star Sparring Master Jiang Yan!"

The two came to the stage. After a battle, the instructor’s serial slashed the trainer and fell to the ground. The graduates who were watching suddenly cheered, and the trainer stood up embarrassedly and saluted respectfully, but the instructor even had his eyes straight. Without looking at him, it was as if this person should be like this.

Lin Muyu frowned, the instructors were still too arrogant after all.

The training was demonstrated all morning, and the trial field on the side was a duel of students, and the senior officers were already selecting their favorite graduates. Lin Muyu was watching all morning, and all the Venusian instructors’ demonstrations were arranged in the afternoon. The finale, so he, the Venus companion trainer, can only work in the afternoon.

Today at 0:3 am, and another one at noon!

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content! I734