The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 102: Conquer Tianyuan


The affairs in Taiwan have almost been dealt with. Qin Kexin, the new vice president, has completely acquired the unmanaged Shengshi Group within one day. Huang Xiaoyi is very unhappy. If he could have done it earlier, Qin Kexin If you take a step forward, the Shengshi Group will belong to your own Tianya Group.

After Shengshi was acquired by the Mainland Fengyun Group, Tianyuan Group, which ranked second in Taiwan, naturally became the largest group in Taiwan. Lan Dahe was so happy that he simply forgot that he was about to be in big trouble.

"Chairman, no good, something happened."

The door of Lan Dahe's office was pushed open by a female secretary. The female secretary looked very anxious and pale, as if she had just returned from the battlefield.

Lan Dahe smoked a cigar and asked: "What's the benefit? Now go and inform the finance department to increase the salary of all employees by one-third. This time Shengshi is acquired, our Tianyuan Group can borrow their network I believe the income from the business will be many times more than it is now.”

He also wanted to increase his salary. Lan Dahe's brain was just like his. Not only was it slow, but the news was also slow to arrive.

The female secretary said: "Chairman, I'm afraid not. Our company has a big problem with funds."

Problems with this capital are a fatal danger for a group. They are not one of those small companies that can borrow money if something goes wrong. With the size of Tianyuan Group, there is no place to borrow money except banks. No one else could give him so much money.

"What? What happened to the funds?"

"The liquidity of several departments including our factories, radio stations, and entertainment disappeared without a trace overnight. Several major groups and manufacturers that we cooperated with stopped all cooperation with our company for unknown reasons. , and they also restricted us to pay all the money we owed within one day, otherwise they would go to court and sue us."

Lan Dahe was dumbfounded and said: "How could this happen? Do you know the reason? I have worked with those guys for many years, and nothing like this has ever happened before."

"I don't know, this happened so suddenly. Our company is facing debt collection from several parties, and all working capital has disappeared. We are at the end of our rope."

Lan Dahe stood up and walked back and forth in the office. After all, Tianyuan Group was established by him. He naturally knows that shopping malls are like battlefields. There are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends.

"Contact the bank. Contact the bank immediately. I want money. I want a lot of funds now."

"Chairman, the bank has also called us. We haven't paid back what we owed before. They also restricted us to pay back the money within one day, otherwise they will apply for an injunction from the court and freeze all our assets. To pay off the debt.”

Lan Dahe is almost sitting on the ground now. It's only been a day. Why is this happening? Why does this happen

"There must be someone behind this. Go and find out who is trying to bring down our company. Go right away."

At this time, the office door opened again, and it was Liu Tianjun who walked in. Moreover, Liu Tianjun was still as unscrupulous as entering his own office.

"No need to check, Mr. Lan, have you forgotten what I told you three days ago?"

Lan Dahe finally understood that Liu Tianjun was responsible for all this. However, Liu Tianjun is not Taiwanese, and his Fengyun Group has not entered the Taiwan market. Why can he drive his Tianyuan Group into a dead end in one day

"Liu Tianjun, you have gone too far."

"Haha, Mr. Lan, you have been in this industry for so many years, and you are already a lot older. Don't you still understand that this is a world of the weak and the strong?...Originally, I didn't want to do this. , I just want to enter Taiwan’s entertainment industry, but you, Mr. Lan, want to stop me with your small company. All this is your own fault, don’t worry about others."

Lan Dahe knew that he had no way out now. If all parties came together to collect the debt, there would be only a dead end waiting for him.

at the same time. Lan Dahe also clearly knows that there is only one way to save himself at present, and that is for someone to voluntarily buy his Tianyuan Group. In that case, he can use the money from selling the group to pay off his debts and save his old life.

But at this time, who would be willing to buy this company that is already tangible and intangible? I believe that no one would engage in a loss-making business, except, of course, those who have strong financial resources and want to enter Taiwan's entertainment industry.

Looking at the present situation, Lan Dahe could not think of a second partner besides Liu Tianjun.

A man must be able to bend and stretch. As long as his life is alive, he will have a chance to make a comeback.

Lan Dahe closed his eyes, asked his secretary to go out first, and then said to Liu Tianjun: "Young Master Liu, it was my fault in the past. If I have offended you in any way, please forgive me."

"Mr. Lan, I don't have the ability to forgive you. You should make preparations and take your whole family to jump off the building. Don't think that I will buy this mess of yours."

Lan Dahe knew that Liu Tianjun did all this for Taiwan's entertainment industry, but it was already like this. Lan Dahe simply knelt in front of Liu Tianjun and begged: "Young Master Liu, just treat it as a good deed. My two daughters are still young, and I don’t want to ruin their lives because of this incident.”

It's great to have a daughter. If you have a daughter, you just want to be like that damn Song Hao and sell it.

Liu Tianjun said: "I won't buy it, but I have a way for you to go."

"You said, you said, as long as I can save my family, I will do anything."

"I will help you repay your debt. Your company belongs to me from now on. In other words, you, Lan Dahe, are no longer the chairman of Tianyuan Group, and you don't even have any shares."

After speaking, Liu Tianjun threw a contract on the table and said, "It's up to you whether to sign or not."

If Liu Tianjun hadn't been prepared at all, wouldn't Liu Tianjun's visit have been in vain? Since he was here, his trip would not have been in vain.

Lan Dahe stood up and came to the table. He looked at the contract that Liu Tianjun threw out, and his expression changed slightly. However, I believe that when Liu Tianjun threw out the contract, Lan Dahe had already guessed what it was, so he was not too surprised.

"You only have one chance. If you miss it, you will be dead. But I am easy to talk to. For the future life of your family, I will still let you stay in this company. The difference from before is that you are just a person now." I am an ordinary wage earner, but the boss behind this company is me, Liu Tianjun."

Liu Tianjun's intention has been obvious. He will not integrate Tianyuan Group into Fengyun Group. Although you, Lan Dahe, are no longer the boss, you can help Liu Tianjun continue to manage Tianyuan Group.

It's not that Liu Tianjun is generous, but Lan Dahe is much more familiar with Taiwan's entertainment industry than he is. If he continues to manage it, there shouldn't be any problems. In addition, there is also Li Dayong who will stay in Taiwan temporarily. Looking at Taiwan's underworld, Liu Tianjun can rest assured.

Lan Dahe couldn't do anything without signing it now. Without saying anything, he picked up the pen and signed his name directly.

After that, Liu Tianjun ordered: "Remember, you and I are the only ones who know what happened today. Although Tianyuan Group already belongs to me, you are still the boss in name only. However, you are doing big things. Beforehand, it’s best to think about what will happen afterwards, and not to follow the path of the Shengshi Group and the Song family.”

Liu Tianjun was a warning, warning Lan Dahe not to do anything stupid in order to avenge this arrow. At the same time, this is also a threat. If you dare to mess up, you will die.

Lan Dahe was also frightened and sweating profusely when he heard Liu Tianjun tell the Song family. The fact that the Song family was wiped out has been published in the news today, and the police also discovered a basement under the Song family. It seems that although there are no direct clues about the situation in the basement, the Taiwan police suspect that the Song family built a basement under their villa for some shady things, such as drugs, and their whole family was killed. Possibly a vendetta.

Lan Dahe didn't dare to ask any more questions, as long as he knew what was going on in his heart, and he didn't dare to talk nonsense, lest his Lan family would be wiped out like the Song family.

When Liu Tianjun walked to the door of the office, he added: "Originally, I wanted to accept Wang Weizhong into my Fengyun Group, but now, I have changed my mind and I don't have much time to waste on him. Mr. Lan, Wang Weizhong is a usable person. I don’t care what method you use, just invite him back and report the situation to me every other month. Remember, you and I are the only two people who know about this matter. If a third person knows about it, then you Just prepare four coffins."

Lan Dahe only had a wife, two daughters, and four coffins, no more and no less, just enough for their whole family to enjoy.