The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 11: He is crazy


Liu Hai and the others didn't hear what Liu Tianjun just said in Manager Zhang's ear, which made Manager Zhang change his previous attitude and agree to Liu Tianjun's position as vice president.

Liu Tianjun nodded to Manager Zhang, with an expression like a man who knows the current affairs is a wise man, and walked to an old woman again, and said: "Manager Yu, I heard that you have recently fallen in love with a very pretty beauty named You want to praise her as the new queen of our company. However, because that beauty has a certain family background, she is not satisfied with your offer and refuses. I wonder if this is the case? "

Manager Yu was a little surprised. He had indeed taken a fancy to a woman some time ago and wanted to promote her as a new star, but she refused to agree. No matter how much Manager Yu tried to persuade her, it was useless. But only he and his secretary knew about that matter. Even the staff in his entertainment department didn't know about it. How did Liu Tianjun know about it

"Manager Yu, I think you should know that the woman you are interested in has an older brother, and I have met her older brother a few times. If I come forward to say a few good words to you, I believe it won't be a problem."

Manager Yu didn't speak, just thinking about something. Indeed, the woman he was interested in had an eldest brother, and I heard that her eldest brother was a young man who only knew about eating, drinking and having fun. Based on Liu Tianjun's usual behavior, it was not surprising that he knew that young man.

"Young Master Liu, can you really help me?" Manager Yu asked softly.

"Haha, believe me, the person you want will appear in front of you right away."

There is nothing more to being a dandy than knowing a lot of those messy people. If you encounter difficulties, those people will naturally be unreliable. You can hire a woman in the name of the bad boy of the Liu family, and there should be no problem.

Manager Yu's entertainment department is exactly the opposite of Manager Zhang's transportation department. Because there are no people under his command and too many competitors, this year's performance has more than doubled compared to when he left. This gives Manager Yu a headache. If Liu Tianjun can If you help yourself invite the people you like to join Fengyun Group, it will be a very good thing for Manager Yu and the staff of her entire department.

"President, I think what Manager Zhang just said is right. Young Master Liu is indeed different from before. I believe that he is qualified for the position of Vice President, and if you need me, I will support Young Master Liu." .”

Hey, people, that's it, if you give them some benefit, they will naturally know what to do and what to say.

Liu Hai was sweating a little now. He never expected that Liu Tianjun would use this method to win people's hearts. Moreover, judging from Liu Tianjun's performance just now, he should have made a lot of preparations. Otherwise, he would not know about the Ministry of Transport and the Entertainment Department. of things.

There are already two votes supporting Liu Tianjun. The next step is to seize the weaknesses of human nature and break them one by one so that they can understand. Don't think that just because you are senior in Fengyun Group, you can oppose yourself. Don't think that you guys are behind it. No one knows about the little tricks he does.

At the same time, Liu Tianjun was also very lucky. Fortunately, he used to like to fool around outside. Otherwise, how could he control these guys so easily now.

After a circle, except for a few old guys, all the senior officials had already sided with Liu Tianjun. This made Liu Hai glare at his son with great dissatisfaction, and only two words appeared in his heart, that was "despicable". He actually used exposing others' shortcomings to help himself rise to the top.

"President, I don't think you need to say anything more. His position as vice president has been confirmed." Qin Kexin sighed. Today she finally saw the so-called evil young man. Not only is he evil, but he also has an evil heart. , even things like other people's wives stealing men were revealed. Although they were not stated explicitly, those who heard it knew it in their hearts.

Liu Tianjun returned to his seat and said with a smile: "Three times, five times five, divided by two, everything is done. Dad, you can now announce the new vice president."

In the entire conference room, except for Liu Tianjun himself, I believe that Manager Yu from the entertainment department was happier. As for the others, they couldn't express their anger or express their suffering!

Liu Hai stood up and said: "If it makes no sense to everyone, then it has been decided. Yu Liu Tianjun will take up the position of vice president of our Fengyun Group and take office in time. The heads of each department will inform the staff of their respective departments of the news."

Nod, what else can you say besides nodding.

Liu Tianjun added: "You don't have to look at me like this. In fact, I am not as easy to do as a vice president as you think, because I have to turn over one of the company's businesses, that is, one of the departments, within one year." If I fail to increase profits by 20%, I will resign in one year. In addition, every decision I make must be approved by the president before I can make it. In other words, I must pass the level of president before I can start working, so you don’t need to worry, I, Liu Tianjun, will undo all your years of hard work.”

With Liu Tianjun's words, the faces of the people in the conference room looked better.

If you want to increase profits by 20% in one year, you can choose whatever you want. What we people in the company have not been able to do for decades, can you do it? This profit is not performance, performance refers to performance and achievements, which includes many, such as the external evaluation of Fengyun Group. But profit is pure money. No matter how much you invest, you must get it back twice as much.

In the shopping mall, no matter how big your business is, no matter how powerful the power is, even if you are a business wizard, genius, or genius, you are not 100% sure that you can only get in but not get out. Although there are many large companies and groups that have made a lot of money, in fact, they only have a two-sided effect, that is to say, some places will lose money, and some places will make money. When you are lucky, the places where you make money are better than the places where you lose money. Then use the earned money to make up for the loss. After a period of time, after another ten or thirty years, you will have certain achievements and gain a firm foothold in the market.

You, Liu Tianjun, are too arrogant. You want to increase the profits of one of Fengyun Group's departments by 20% within one year. You would not choose a good place even if you want to die.

"President, I would like to ask, if Mr. Liu cannot meet the requirements and increase the profit of one of our company's departments by 20% within one year, will he leave?" asked an old guy. road.

Without waiting for Liu Hai to answer, Liu Tianjun answered on his own: "I, Liu Tianjun, say one is one, and I will never lie about it. You can rest assured on this point. If I can't do it, you don't need to ask me. I will come from Fengyun Group myself." Get out of the door. Remember, it's not about walking out, it's about rolling, get out."

Qin Ke frowned. She was in a lot of pain now. It seemed that Liu Hai was not trying to help a bad boy, but a lunatic.

You kid, you can say such things out loud, and say it in front of so many people. If you can't do it by then, it will be very embarrassing.

"Okay, Young Master Liu, since you are the first heir of the Liu family, I believe you will not be out of touch with your words. We will all wait and see how you perform."

Liu Hai said: "One more thing, that is, from now on, Ke Xin will help Tianjun within this year, which means that within this year, Ke Xin will no longer be the assistant to the president, but the assistant to the vice president. "

Well, you are the president, so you can do whatever you want. In short, we will see the result in one year.

(Collect, collect, collect, collect, collect, collect, collect,)


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