The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 126: Emergencies


Liu Tianjun's warning really worked. Those guys outside didn't dare to come. And when it was time for dinner, the Morgan family's chef prepared a very rich Western meal to entertain Liu Tianjun and Alice.

Before dinner, Zhong Xiaoqing's eldest brother and second sister had also returned. Both of them were born to Di Han's eldest wife, but Di Han, an old guy, also had a bad life. He had married three wives, but now, Not one of his wives is with him, all of them have passed away.

Mark Morgan is the eldest son of Emperor Han and the heir to the Morgan family. He is almost forty years old this year. He is much older than Zhong Xiaoqing.

Mark seems to be a sophisticated person on the surface, but he is very mediocre in his heart. Over the years, he has been helping the family manage the business, but most of them have been losing money and making little time. It is precisely because of this that Dihan has grown old. , I still have to worry about this and that, and I am now suffering from all kinds of illnesses.

Zhong Xiaoqing's second sister, Deme Morgan, was born to the same mother as Mark, but Deme had a bad relationship with anyone in the family. Even with her eldest brother, who was born to the same mother, she would have quarrels from time to time. , had been quarreling for a few days, and it was precisely because of this that the relationship between Mark and Yamei gradually improved. It may also be that Yamei was the youngest in the family. Although Mark, who was born as the eldest brother, was mediocre, he was not bad-hearted. , he has always taken good care of Yamei.

When Mark and Demei returned home, neither of them said a word to Zhong Xiaoqing. In this family, except Yamei, no one liked to talk to Zhong Xiaoqing. They all regarded Zhong Xiaoqing as an outsider. However, this cannot be blamed on anyone. Man, Zhong Xiaoqing's appearance is not like anyone else in this family, but he looks 100% Chinese.

Dinner has been prepared. In the hall of the house at the end of the manor, there is a very long table with many dishes and very good red wine.

Mark and Demei didn't care about other people's feelings at all. After knowing that Liu Tianjun and Alice were Zhong Xiaoqing's friends, they didn't go to greet the guests. But because their father kept them here, Mark and Demei It’s hard to say much.

Alice sat on the left side of Zhong Xiaoqing, and Liu Tianjun sat on the right side of Zhong Xiaoqing. As for Yamei, she sat with Mark, and Demei sat at the front alone.

In this family, at this time, except for the few people sitting there, there was no one else at all. Liu Tianjun even suspected that this family, even when Emperor Han was eating alone, was in this kind of scene. Although he enjoyed it, he felt lonely. Loneliness is something that not everyone can experience.

But Liu Tianjun was different. The loneliness in his previous life and the loneliness in this life allowed Liu Tianjun to deeply feel the mood of Emperor Han on weekdays.

Alice said to Zhong Xiaoqing at this time: "No wonder you don't want to stay in this home. If I were you, I wouldn't stay in such an indifferent home for one more day."

Apart from smiling bitterly, Zhong Xiaoqing really didn't know what to say.

Liu Tianjun said: "Remember, we are just guests, and we are the kind of unwelcome guests. What you have to do now is to shut up. Other people's affairs have nothing to do with you."

Alice said: "I also want to shut up, and I don't want to stay in a place like this. It's really worse than our Holy See. But I can't help it. Who said you are incompetent? You can't even ask a small question." arrive."

"I'm incompetent? Miss Alice, if you think I'm incompetent, then please ask yourself. If you can find out the identity of Xiaoqing's mother, then Liu Tianjun will have your surname."

Liu Tianjun did not tell Alice and Zhong Xiaoqing about the previous conversation with Di Han and what Di Han said. Firstly, he was afraid that Zhong Xiaoqing would think that his mother had suffered a lot and be sad, and secondly, he was worried about love. Liz will act in a hurry.

"Okay, please stop talking. The most important thing for us now is to learn the identity of my mother from my father's mouth as soon as possible. This matter is very important to the three of us."

Alice said: "It's very important to me and you, but it seems like there's nothing wrong with him. I think if Tiansha hadn't helped their Fengyun Group, he wouldn't have interfered with this business."

Zhong Xiaoqing glanced at Liu Tianjun. Alice really misunderstood Liu Tianjun. Moreover, two people who were originally in love were now sitting together and looking at each other, but one knew everything and the other knew nothing. If If this can be considered a kind of pain, then Liu Tianjun is suffering more than anyone else now!

"Xiao Qing, you'd better ask your father to come down for dinner. I'll see if I can ask anything at the dinner table."

"No need. In my memory, my father has never had meals with us. The servants always brought the meals to the study."

"Study? Does your father stay in the study all day?" Liu Tianjun asked.

"Yes. Ever since I was sensible, except for going to his bedroom when he went to bed, my father would always stay in the study at home and never go anywhere."

"Then was he like this before? I mean, was he like this before you were born and before your father succeeded the family?"

"No, he wasn't like this before. When I was a kid, I heard from the servants that his habit of staying in the study was after my mother passed away."

Alice smiled and said, "Looks like I found something."

Liu Tianjun said softly: "When it is quiet at night, I will go to the study room to see if I can find anything."

"Then I'll go with you."

"No, I'm afraid you will..."



At this moment, upstairs, there was the sound of something smashing, and then there was a scream.

The screams startled Zhong Xiaoqing and the other four brothers and sisters. At the same time, the four of them stood up and looked up at the door of the study room above.

"It's my father's cry." After Zhong Xiaoqing finished speaking, he was about to go upstairs.

Liu Tianjun's eyes suddenly changed and he said, "Something happened."

"What are you still waiting for? Go and have a look immediately."


After saying this, Liu Tianjun followed Zhong Xiaoqing and the four brothers and sisters to the study door on the second floor, but Mark could not open the door and said: "The door is locked."

"Brother, something must have happened to my father. Leave the door alone and rush out."

Mark glanced at Demei, and when he saw Demei nodded, Mark didn't hesitate and immediately kicked the study door.

With Mark's kick, the study door did not open. Instead, he took several steps back, unable to stand firmly on his feet.

Liu Tianjun couldn't help but laugh and said: "With your body and bones, let alone kicking the door, you are already good if the door doesn't kick."

"Hey, how can you talk like this? If you have the ability, just kick."


Liu Tianjun would not be polite. Who knows what happened in the study, and whether Emperor Han would threaten him. If something happened to him, where would he go to find out his background

Mark watched Liu Tianjun kick open the door of the study room with just one kick. He was simply dumbfounded. What was the origin of this Chinese? Could it be that the kick he just performed was the legendary Chinese Kung Fu!

Everything in the study was the same as what Liu Tianjun saw when he came in before, without any changes.

But in front of the desk, there was a person lying. This person was Emperor Han Morgan. Moreover, Emperor Han's body was covered with blood. When Liu Tianjun and others took a closer look, the blood came from Emperor Han's chest. What flowed out was a dagger stuck in Emperor Han's chest.



When Liu Tianjun saw a figure flashing, he immediately shouted, but the figure broke through the window and jumped downstairs.

Alice was about to chase that person, but Liu Tianjun stopped him and said, "There's no need to chase him. I'm worried about traps. Besides, I can feel that this moment is very important. With your strength, you are definitely no match for him."

Alice said: "Are we just going to let the murderer run away like this?"

"Hmph, Miss, even if you chase him now, do you think you can still catch him? Not to mention you, even Tiansha's 'Golden Yan Gong' can't catch up with that guy."

"It seems that you know more about Tiansha than I thought. You even know the 'Golden Yan Gong'. Don't tell me, you will also..."

"Father, father..."

Zhong Xiaoqing and the four of them helped the seriously injured Emperor Han to the sofa, but now the Emperor Han was bleeding profusely.

"Heavenly Army, come and save my father, hurry up..." Zhong Xiaoqing basically shouted.

Liu Tianjun couldn't let Di Han die like this. He hadn't given him the answer he wanted yet!

However, after Liu Tianjun saw Di Han's injuries, he knew that this old guy was hopeless. The dagger had penetrated into his heart, and it had penetrated very deeply.

"Tell me quickly, who is Xiaoqing's mother?"

While Emperor Han was still breathing his last breath, Liu Tianjun had to ask.

One of Di Han's hands grabbed Liu Tianjun's hand. His eyes were almost closed. He had the last bit of energy to speak.

"Trouble, please, help, help me take care of, take care of my daughter..."

"Don't talk about this yet. I will take care of Xiaoqing naturally. Please tell me quickly, who is her mother?"

Di Han glanced at Zhong Xiaoqing. Now he didn't even look at his other children.

"Remember, don't, don't check your mother's affairs again, because, because..."

"Father, don't talk. I will take you to the hospital now."

Can Zhong Xiaoqing not cry now? She was so sad when the four bodyguards died, but now he is her biological father!

"No, I, I can't live anymore. ... You, don't think about revenge for me, because, because of my life, I have already died!"

Speaking of this, Emperor Han looked at Liu Tianjun and said: "No, don't pursue this matter anymore. It's enough to kill me alone. If you pursue it again, it will not only be my family, but also my family." , everyone who has anything to do with you will also be at risk!"

These words were the same as what Zhong Xiaoqing's four bodyguards said before they died, which forced Liu Tianjun to ask: "Tell me quickly, who is Xiaoqing's mother? And who killed you?" ?”

"It's time for me to go. I'm willing to die to atone for my sins. I just hope they don't hurt my family..."

"You, hurry up..."

Liu Tianjun felt cold at this moment, and there was no need to ask anything, because Mr. Morgan, who had been scolded for half his life, had died!