The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 127: clue


World News, World News, according to reports, the head of the Morgan family living in London, England, was assassinated at home on a certain day, month, and year. The murder weapon was a common dagger. The murderer was unknown, the motive for the murder was unknown, and everything was unknown.

All the members of the Morgan family, big and small, rushed back to London after receiving the news of the death of the family leader. For a while, everyone with the Morgan surname was present, but the purpose of these guys was not to come back to mourn. But he came back to compete for the position of the head of the family.

In relatively wealthy families, when the head of the family passes away, the most they can do is fight for the family property. However, the Morgan family is different. Their family property is not measured by numbers. Only by gaining the position of head of the family can the entire family own the property. everything of.

Senior officials from the British government rushed to the Morgan family at dawn. Even people from the U.S. government immediately reported the matter to the White House after learning about it last night. At the same time, the U.S. White House Bian also sent representatives to mourn the Morgan family. The Morgan family, which had made outstanding contributions to the United States and Britain, was suddenly crowded with people. Everyone put on black suits and wore black hats. She wears sunglasses with a white flower on her chest.

Although Zhong Xiaoqing was sad, she did not forget that she was a descendant of the Morgan family. No matter how others said about her or her family ostracized her, she could not escape at this time.

The scene of the murder, that is, Di Han's study, has been sealed off by the British police who arrived early. There are two policemen holding hands at the door. The coroner and case investigators have also completed their respective tasks. Everyone gathered in the hall downstairs, and no one entered the study anymore.

The two outsiders, Liu Tianjun and Alice, were originally the most suspect subjects, but because they were with Zhong Xiaoqing when Emperor Han was killed, there was no suspicion whatsoever. After the British police made a transcript, He didn't care about Liu Tianjun anymore.

This is really a strange thing. He has been doing evil in Shanghai for many years and has never been questioned by the police like this. Unexpectedly, when he came to the UK, he was asked about this, that, and the signature. This made Liu Tianjun very unhappy.

The representatives sent by the United States also noticed Liu Tianjun, because Hasa had already reported Liu Tianjun's greetings to the White House. People in the U.S. government naturally did not dare to be too easy. If Liu Tianjun publicizes Taiwan's affairs, it would be terrible. No joke.

At noon the next day, while everyone was looking at Di Han for the last time, Liu Tianjun and Alice entered Di Han's study from outside the house, which was the scene of the murder.

"Didn't you already watch it last night? There is nothing suspicious at all. What are we doing here again?" Alice didn't want to stay in a place where people had died for too long, even though she had killed many people, But now I always feel like my whole body is numb.

"To find out the cause of death of a person, it is best to look and observe at the place where the deceased died. Maybe you can find some clues. Originally, I could find some clues from the remains of Emperor Han, but with the current situation It seems that we can’t get close to Emperor Han’s body at all.”

"Okay, now that everyone has come in, let's see if there is anything different."

Alice began to rummage in the study. Except for the blood stain on the floor, which she did not go over, within a few minutes, Alice turned the entire study upside down.

Liu Tianjun just stayed aside and watched. He didn't look around like Alice, but kept scanning the room with his eyes.

"Something's wrong!"

Alice stopped rummaging and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The smell here is wrong. It's different from when I first came in. In other words, it seems to have a little extra smell."

Alice smelled everywhere with her nose for a while and said, "Yeah, why is there a faint fragrance? Even the smell of blood here can't cover up this fragrance!"

"Can you smell the fragrance?" Liu Tianjun asked.

"It should be the scent of women's perfume, but this scent is very special, it seems, it seems -"

"Does it look like a classic fragrance?"

"That's right, I wouldn't know what to say if you didn't mention it. But what kind of classical fragrance is this?"

"Orchid, the scent of orchids."

"Orchid? No way, there are still people who use the scent of orchid?"

"It doesn't exist in European and American countries, nor does it exist in African countries. Only in our ancient eastern countries do people use orchid perfume."

"Ancient Eastern Country? Are you talking about your China?"

"That's right. Besides the fragrance of orchids, did you find anything else?"

"Hey, if you have something to say, can you finish it at once?"

"Miss, you just turned this room upside down, didn't you even notice it?"

"I just asked you because I didn't find it."

"Look what's under your feet."

Alice looked down and said, "What? Apart from the footprints, it's just the floor!"

Liu Tianjun walked up to Alice, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's just footprints, get out of the way."

"Footprints? What's so special about footprints? From last night to now, more people have come in and out, so there are naturally more footprints."

"Look clearly, there is a footprint among them. How is it different from the other footprints?"

Alice knelt down and looked at it for a while, then said: "There is nothing different. They are all human footprints. There seems to be no wild beasts."

Khan, I really don’t know what else this woman can do besides killing people!

"One of the footprints is very small. Didn't you notice it?"

Alice looked at the ground for a while, then stood up and said, "Yes, I don't remember any children coming in. How could there be a child's footprints?"

"Those are not the footprints of a child, they are those of an adult."

"Liu Tianjun, are you kidding me? How can an adult's footprints be so small? Are these simply the footprints of a ten-year-old child?"

Liu Tianjun said: "Today I will teach you a lesson. Please listen carefully. First, the depth of this footprint is the same as ours. In other words, the owner of this footprint has a certain weight. If it is a child's The footprints wouldn’t be so heavy, and even the fat boy’s footprints wouldn’t be so narrow.”

"so what?"

"So this is definitely the footprint of an adult. And you just said that the footprints of adults are not so small. You are right. In foreign countries, the footprints of adults are indeed not so small. But in our ancient Chinese women, "I would tie my feet since I was a child to prevent them from getting bigger. This is also a tradition among ancient Chinese women."

"You mean, is the murderer a Chinese or a Chinese woman?"

"That's right. In addition to these, I can also confirm that Emperor Han and the person who killed him knew each other."

"You can't be so mysterious, how can you kill him if you know him!"

"As for this, please ask the person who killed Emperor Han, I can't answer you."

"Then you can tell me why they know each other?"

"Listen up. First, the murderer can enter Morgan Manor without you or me noticing, and secondly, this study. In other words, the murderer should be very familiar with this place and can enter as if there is no one there. Secondly, , the study was very tidy, with no signs of fighting or struggle. When the murderer left, you and I both saw it. She is a top master. If a master comes in here, although he can kill Emperor Han silently, he can't. But he would not leave the last breath of Emperor Han to talk to us, so it is obvious that Emperor Han and the murderer knew each other."

"No way, this is too unbelievable. Could it be that Emperor Han was looking for death and didn't scream for help when he knew someone was coming to kill him?"

"Didn't you hear what Di Han said before he died? He was atonement. What he meant was that he deserved his death. If he died, the rest of the Morgan family would be able to survive. Moreover, I also doubt that, The murderer deliberately spared Di Han a breath and asked him to tell us not to pursue the case any further."

"Why? Why did the murderer do this?"

"Miss, please ask the murderer these questions. My name is Liu Tianjun, not 'Liu Wuzhi'!"

Alice glared at Liu Tianjun. She was a saint of the Holy See. Apart from her father and Tiansha, Liu Tianjun was the first person who dared to speak to her in such a tone.

"Don't think you are smart enough to show off in front of me. Even if you know the use of all this, everyone is dead now. No one in this world knows the identity of Zhong Xiaoqing's mother anymore, and no one will know anymore. The life experience of Tiansha!"

Liu Tianjun looked at the blood stains and said, "There are good ones and there are bad ones."

"What are you talking about?"

"The bad thing is that as you just said, we have no trace of the identity of Xiao Qing's mother. The good thing is that now I can be sure why the murderer wanted to kill Di Han."

"You know why?"

"When we were in Taiwan, the beast was killed by a mysterious master. When we were in Shanghai, four of Xiaoqing's bodyguards committed suicide by taking poison to hide their wives' identities. And this Mr. Morgan voluntarily died on the same day that we came to find him. At the hands of a Chinese female master, these three things combined, the conclusion is that the other party is trying to prevent me from tracing Tiansha's life experience."

Alice thought for a while and said: "What you said makes sense. However, based on your analysis, I feel that Tiansha's life experience seems to be quite mysterious. There are so many masters preventing us from tracing Tiansha's identity. Life experience, is there any secret behind Tian Sha’s life experience?”

Liu Tianjun walked to the broken window and said: "I still said the same thing. If you want to know, ask those mysterious masters or those who are dead. I am still confused now and don't know anything!"

After saying that, Liu Tianjun jumped out of the window. Since everyone was dead, there was nothing to investigate. However, the Morgan family's affairs are not over yet. Those guys will definitely use all means to compete for the position of the head of the family. And Zhong Xiaoqing can't leave for a while, at least until Emperor Han is cremated. Therefore, now Zhong Xiaoqing is surrounded by the same beasts, and he will be harmed at any time because of this choice as the head of the Morgan family. As Zhong Xiaoqing's cousin, Liu Tianjun has the responsibility and obligation to protect her.