The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 132: Excalibur Leng Feng


Alice said: "Are you the same as me? You are so excited but also worried at the same time?"

Yes, Liu Tianjun was indeed a little excited when he heard the word lightning, but he was worried that it would not be enough.

"Are you mistaken? I heard that Aku is a dictatorial killer. How could he be related to Bingfeng Palace?"

A person who can make Liu Tianjun ask more questions naturally has a lot of background.

Aku, a top name in the world of killers, a frightening name. A bolt of lightning and a long sword are symbols of Aku's identity. Countless people died in his hands. He once massacred 108 people in one night, which was comparable to Liu Tianjun's killing in Taiwan.

In addition, Aku is also the fifth-ranked master in the world's killer list. He can also be said to be the master among masters. He has never failed to kill anyone from the emperor to the beggar. Anyone can survive Aku's sword.

But the strange thing is that Aku belongs to the kind of member who is not limited to control, mastery, and does not belong to any killer organization. The world only knows that about five or six years ago, Aku suddenly emerged in the world of killers. Rise, no one knows his identity and origin, and no one knows which country he belongs to. But for such a mysterious killer, why would he come to London? Could it be that he is here to help Bingfeng Palace

"I can't make a mistake. That's why I just said that Aku's arrival makes me both excited and worried. After all, no one can figure out what level Aku's power is in."

Liu Tianjun said: "Maybe you are overthinking it. When Aku comes to London, he may not necessarily be helping Bingfeng Palace. But even if Aku really comes to help Bingfeng Palace deal with me, then he is definitely a good opponent."

"Liu Tianjun, your mentality is very good, but even if your three skills have surpassed Tiansha, I think you will still not be Aku's opponent."


"Because Aku is..."

At this point, Alice stopped, as if she had something to hide, and as if there was something she couldn't say directly.

Liu Tianjun asked: "Do you know that Aku?"

"I don't know him, but I know that his sword is a sword named Leng Feng."

"My Miss Alice, if you said Aku was here to help Bingfeng Palace deal with me, I would still believe it. But you said that guy's sword is Leng Feng, do you think I'm stupid!"

"I don't need to lie to you. Aku's weapon is indeed Leng Feng."

Liu Tianjun looked into Alice's eyes. At this time, he couldn't care about the passers-by at all. When he heard the word "Leng Feng", Liu Tianjun's heartbeat began to accelerate, and his face changed very obviously.

"What, are you starting to worry now?" Alice asked.

"I'm not worried."

"Are you really not worried?"

"Hmph, Leng Feng, one of the ten legendary swords, is working together with a master among masters. I'm not worried. Do you believe it?"

Alice sighed and said, "Since everyone is already here, there is no point in worrying about it."

"I'm very surprised. Didn't the legendary top ten swords disappear fifty years ago? Why did Leng Feng fall into Aku's hands?"

"He is from our Holy See..."

"Your Holy See?"

"Oh, let me tell you the truth. In fact, Aku is my father's godson, Leng Feng. My father gave it to him back then."


Liu Tianjun is dumbfounded now. A super killer, a super divine sword, and now you add a super godfather. What a joke. If you want to fight with such a person, even if Liu Tianjun wins by luck, that person's godfather will let him go. Have you ever lived with yourself

In this world, there may be many people who don't know how terrifying the Pope is, but Liu Tianjun has seen it with his own eyes. The shocking strength of the pope is something that Liu Tianjun now considers himself inferior to.

"This, that! Miss Alice, since Aku is your father's godson, I think we don't need to fight him. You can just drive him away."

"If possible, I have already gone to find him. However, I don't know Aku at all. I have never even seen him. How can you ask me to drive him away."

That's right, if Alice knew Aku, she would have told Tiansha before. But since Aku is the godson of the Pope, why doesn't Alice, his biological daughter, know him or even meet him

"I know what you are thinking. What I can tell you is that Aku was taught by my father, and he was trained secretly. Therefore, in our Holy See, except for my father, no one has ever called Aku. I have only heard of this person. But a few years ago, I don’t know what happened, Aku actually used his ordinary body to take three palms from my father, broke out of the religion, and wandered around the world since then, completely breaking away from our Holy See. It’s a relationship!”

Khan, did you tell me earlier? Liu Tianjun was so worried.

"Since he has nothing to do with your father, there is no problem."

"It sounds like you are very afraid of my father."

"Afraid of him? I will kill him sooner or later."

"What? Who did you say you killed just now?"

"It's nothing! Okay, I think it's almost time. Let's go to the Ice Peak Palace headquarters now."

Alice grabbed Liu Tianjun and asked, "Tell me clearly, what did you mean just now?"

A battle with the Holy See is a matter of time and there is no other way. Who said that Liu Tianjun's previous life, that is, Tiansha suffered such a big loss at the hands of the Holy See! Moreover, that damn pope, that old guy is an antique. If he knew his current situation, even if Liu Tianjun didn't go to the Holy See, the Holy See would not let him go.

"Miss Alice, what are you worried about? Your father is a god-level figure. Even if I want to kill him, can I kill him?"

Yes, the current Liu Tianjun indeed cannot kill the Pope. {Sixteen K (Kangkang) hand-made update} Even the soldiers of the Holy See, the current Liu Tianjun may not be able to defeat them.

However, Alice knew very well that the three skills practiced by Liu Tianjun were another purpose of her father's pursuit of Tiansha. Although she did not know why, Alice had to worry.

"My father wanted to kill Tiansha back then, not only because of me, but also because he was afraid that the three miraculous powers in Tiansha's body would pose a threat to our Holy See and destroy the religion. Liu Tianjun, can you tell me what you and Tiansha practiced? Where did the three great miraculous arts come from? Where did you learn from them?"

After asking about something he didn't know, Liu Tianjun said helplessly: "You have been with Tiansha for so long. I believe he has told you that he doesn't know where these three great powers come from, and I don't know either."

"If you don't know, then who taught you? You should know it, right?"

"Oh, my master has died."

"How did you die?"

"Are you done with it? Those who were killed by me are fine. Are you satisfied? That's fine. If you are satisfied, take me to the Ice Peak Palace headquarters now."

There are too many mysteries about Liu Tianjun. Alice must know about his relationship with Tiansha and where the three great magical powers come from. But now, it is more important to go to Bingfeng Palace. At the same time, Alice also knew that Liu Tianjun would never go to Bingfeng Palace for nothing, and the purpose of going must have something to do with Tiansha.

"Okay, let's go to Bingfeng Palace now."

"Lead the way."

Alice stopped a taxi and asked the driver to drive to the location she designated.

The sky gradually darkened, and when the taxi stopped, it had arrived at the entrance of a garden that looked like a square.

After getting off the car, Liu Tianjun asked: "Is the headquarters of Bingfeng Palace here?"

"That's right, they built their headquarters under this garden in order to play the role of people's eyes and ears."

Wow, why do people nowadays like to engage in underground activities? Liu Tianjun feels like he is about to fight in an underground war!

"Then let's go."

Alice led the way towards a pond in the garden.

After Liu Tianjun entered the garden, another man appeared at the entrance of the garden. This man was wearing a black leather trench coat, with long white hair, an oriental face, and black lips. He was about 1.8 meters tall, and he carried a silver-white long sword on his back.


The silver-white long sword behind the man made gentle sword sounds at this time. The man turned his head and glanced at the silver-white long sword, then looked at Liu Tianjun's back as he entered the garden, and said softly: " This is the second time, and the second time Leng Feng feels like he is facing a powerful enemy. It seems that my trip will not be in vain."