The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 139: Hong Kong Police Department


The police station seems to be very quiet. It may be that the interrogation room is isolated from the outside, so Liu Tianjun in the interrogation room cannot hear the sounds outside at all and has no idea what the situation is like outside.

The chief asked one question after another. Now that the person had been caught, all he wanted to know was where the cash that had been robbed was.

You know, since it was a bank robbery, it couldn't be a small sum, and the superiors had also issued a death order. No matter what, in addition to catching all the gangsters who robbed it, within three days, that sum The money must also be recovered.

The policeman holding the pen in his hand was already impatient. He could only stare at Liu Tianjun with a pair of fierce eyes. He had a very bad temper. It is estimated that the number of prisoners he beat was not more than 100 but also 80. If a policeman like this continued, If you let him work for a few years, there will be many people injured.

Prisoners are still human beings, and those who come here are also suspects. Suspects can never become real criminals until the judge convicts them.

"Director, I think you should go take a rest first and leave it to me to handle this."

There was not a word written on his hand. The policeman who took the note really couldn't stand it anymore. People like Liu Tianjun couldn't do it without beating him. He seemed to be about to come up with the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty. No matter what, he must Liu Tianjun spoke.

"Okay then, please show some discretion in what you do. Don't beat the prisoner to a disability like last time."

The chief's words made the policeman who took the note feel a bit sinister. As long as the chief is not here, there is no need to be timid in doing things. Boy, you are dead.

Liu Tianjun watched the director open the door of the interrogation room, and at the same time saw a large group of policemen surrounding him outside. It was estimated that those policemen were waiting for news, and it could also prove that this robbery was indeed not serious. Small!

"Hey, Mr. Director, please wait in the office. I will come to you in a while."

The director did not look at Liu Tianjun again. He had seen many suspects like this before, and his words were useless. After a while, he would explain everything clearly. In this regard, the director was very confident.

After the chief left, another old policeman walked in. This policeman must have reached the age of retirement. After he came in, he sat in the chief's seat and said to the policeman who was taking the note: "Be gentle and don't cause trouble." .”

The policeman who took the note was going to teach Liu Tianjun a lesson when he saw him for the first time. Now that the director has made a secret message, he will naturally not be merciful.

The policeman who took the note stood up, walked to the video recorder, turned off the video recorder, and then said to Liu Tianjun: "Hey, boy, stand up for me."

Liu Tianjun couldn't help but laugh. They were really ignorant guys. However, Liu Tianjun also admired these policemen. They were really human-headed and pig-brained. They heard wind and rain, and they didn't find out what was going on. You know, , the consequence of not being able to live with yourself is that your skin will suffer a little, but Liu Tianjun will not go too far.

"Before taking action, can you tell me who gave you the information from the checkpoint that I arrived in Hong Kong three days ago?" Liu Tianjun asked.

The policeman who took the note said angrily: "Boy, at this point, you still want to exonerate yourself. Let me tell you, our police have solid evidence, and you have no choice but to deny it."

"You are law enforcement officers. I am just a suspect now, not the real prisoner. Don't the suspects have the right to know whether the information you have found is me, or whether the person you want to arrest is me."

The old policeman didn't want Liu Tianjun to think that these Hong Kong police officers were wrongly accusing him, so he stopped the policeman who was taking the transcript and said to Liu Tianjun: "Okay, I will convince you."

After saying that, the old policeman picked up the information on the table, threw it in front of Liu Tianjun, and said, "See for yourself whether this person is you. This is the information we got from the entry and exit cameras. At that time, the entry and exit cameras had already captured Your appearance was recorded, and here is your identification card for entering and leaving the country at that time."

Liu Tianjun opened the information and took a look. Khan, what the hell, these documents are indeed mine, and although the person in the photo is a bit blurry and wearing a hat, at first glance, he looks somewhat similar to himself.

"If you convict me based on this photo that looks a bit like me and these copies, then I can only say that you Hong Kong police are all idiots."

"What did you say!"

After being scolded by Liu Tianjun, the policeman who took the note couldn't bear it anymore. You stepped forward and grabbed Liu Tianjun's clothes, lifted Liu Tianjun up, made a fist with one hand, and was about to hit Liu Tianjun.

Before the old policeman could stop him, the fist of the policeman who took the transcript had already arrived in front of Liu Tianjun.

But Liu Tianjun didn't know when he stretched out a hand, and very quickly blocked the fist that hit him, and said with a smile: "If you say you are pigs, you can't be human. If you don't give me a hand today, If you Hong Kong police officers show any shame, you don’t know how many people will be wronged by you in the future.”

After saying that, Liu Tianjun exerted a slight force on his hand, and the policeman who was taking the note screamed, and his whole body weakened.

When the two policemen with guns standing at the door saw something happening, they were about to sound the alarm, but Liu Tianjun would not give them this chance.

After kicking the policeman who was taking the notes against the wall, Liu Tianjun quickly moved to the two policemen with guns at the door and knocked them unconscious with two palms.

All this happened so suddenly that the old policeman was not mentally prepared at all. He also didn't believe that there would be such a bold prisoner who would actually attack the police in the police station. In the blink of an eye, three of his colleagues had already fainted.

"you you…"

"It's not yours, mine, mine. I want to ask you now, do you think this information is true?"

The old policeman's face turned pale with fright, and he was speechless.

When Liu Tianjun saw this old policeman, he was obviously a guy who was afraid of death. A person like this is worthy of being a policeman. No wonder he is still a policeman even at his age. I believe that even if you give him another hundred years, he will still be just a policeman. A police officer has no chance of advancement.

"Listen up, tie up the three of them now, then take out your own cuffs and lock yourself up. I'm warning you, I have a worse temper than your colleague. If there is anything that dissatisfies me, the bullets in your guns will be shot into your heart or brain."

The old policeman did not dare to resist at all. A coward can never become a national hero. This is a person's fate. It can also be said that a person's character is doomed for his life.

The door of the interrogation room opened, but the police officers outside had all dispersed and were busy with the work at hand. This must have been the order their chief had asked them to disperse after he left.

According to historical records, all suspects who entered the interrogation room were either taken in and out by the police or released on bail by lawyers. There has never been a suspect who walked out on his own.

But now, each policeman, at different times, saw the newly captured suspect walking out of the interrogation room, but none of his colleagues in the interrogation room came out.

What's going on, what's going on in there? Why did Liu Tianjun come out

All the police officers stopped what they were doing and looked at the sinister smile on Liu Tianjun's face.

Suddenly, some police officers reacted. At the same time, they also pulled out their respective guns, and pointed them at Liu Tianjun.

Liu Tianjun said: "Let's see if your hands are faster or my feet are faster. Get ready, the cat and mouse game begins now."