The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 19: The mastermind behind it


The three richest families in N City, the Liu family, the Mingjia family, and the Huang family, can be said to be on equal footing. In terms of overall financial resources, no one surpasses the other, nor lags behind any one.

Among them, the Liu family's Fengyun Group and Mingjia's Hongguo Group have been rivals for decades. The two families are like old enemies. They have been fighting since the generation of Yezi and have been fighting until now. However, if both parties have any wedding or wedding, they will invite each other, and this is also done for others to see.

However, the Tianya Group of the Huang family stands in a neutral position. They do not compete with the Fengyun Group or the Hongguo Group. They do not care about the grievances of the other two companies. They can be said to be just bystanders.

Of course, the Huang family is mainly engaged in medicinal materials business, which is not as high as Fengyun Group and Hongguo Group. Therefore, there are very few conflicts between them. Even if there is, it is just a small friction and will not cause any trouble. Too big a storm.

In the office of the chairman of Hongguo Group, two old men in their seventies were drinking Kung Fu tea and chatting. Judging from their expressions, they were talking and laughing. It was obvious that they had a very good relationship.

"Future in-laws, do you think we should choose a date as soon as possible to make arrangements for the children?" The old man who spoke was named Han Wen. He is the owner and founder of Hongguo Group.

"Hanwen, we have known each other for decades, don't you still know my temper? You will arrange the wedding. I am very relieved about this."

This old man's name is Zhao Lei. He is wearing a Tang Dynasty suit. Although he is old, he is still very strong. He is the old leader of the Fiery Gang in N City. When he was young, he worked hard with a group of brothers in N City with his brute strength. The Agni Gang was established, and so far, the Agni Gang has become the largest gang organization in N City. Zhao Lei stepped down early in his career and handed over the management of the Agni Gang to his son.

Ming Hanwen smiled and said: "It seems that I have to learn from you. Leave the business to young people to take care of it as soon as possible and enjoy peace and happiness."

"Haha, at this point, I am much smarter than you. However, my incompetent son did not disappoint. He managed the Agni Gang very well. My grandson, your grandson-in-law, is also very good. If you are capable, I don’t need to worry.”

Ming Hanwen said: "That kid Zhao Jing is indeed very capable and self-taught. It's a pity that the engagement ceremony was ruined by the Liu family boy. Otherwise, we two old people would have already drank this glass of wine."

Zhao Lei patted the table, and he got angry when he talked about the engagement ceremony at that time, and said: "Children nowadays really don't know how high the sky is. Even if Liu Baixiong was alive, he wouldn't dare to go against our family. I didn't expect that the son born from his bangs would actually If you dare to offend our two families, I will write down this account first, and then I will kill Liu Tianjun after the wedding is over."

"I heard that Liu Tianjun has entered their Fengyun Group, and Liu Hai has let him take the position of vice president regardless of life and death. It seems that this time, the Liu family is seeking death themselves, so you can't blame me."

As soon as Ming Hanwen said this, the door of the office was pushed open. A middle-aged man with a very nervous expression took a long breath and said to Ming Hanwen: "Dad, it's bad, something happened!"

This man is Ming Hanwen's son Ming Guodong, who is also the president of Hongguo Group.

Seeing his son so nervous, Ming Hanwen asked: "Guodong, what happened?"

Ming Guodong couldn't care less that there were elders here, and said: "Dad, there is a problem with our company's stock. Now someone is maliciously attacking our company. In just ten minutes, we lost one billion...US dollars!"


Ming Hanwen stood up suddenly. He simply heard something incredible. In N City, or even in the country, there is no group that has the power to cause Hongguo Group to lose one billion US dollars in such a short period of time. At most, That is, the kind that is comparable to my own group. How come such a serious thing happened all of a sudden now.

You know, one billion US dollars is not a small amount, and it will take more than just one or two years to make it back, which makes Ming Hanwen nervous.

"Go and find out who did it immediately. I want him to lose everything."

Ming Guodong said: "I have found out that the person who did this is in Shanghai."

"Shanghai? This is impossible. The only ones that can compete with our Hongguo Group in Shanghai are Fengyun Group and Tianya Group. Moreover, Tianya Group will not find anything to do, let alone Fengyun Group. Whether it is financial or human resources, They are all similar to our Hongguo Group."

"Dad, you are right. The one who maliciously attacked our company was Fengyun Group. Moreover, they seemed to have hired operators with international standards. Within these ten minutes, all the operators in our company could not stop them from attacking us. Our attack."

The so-called operator is a term in the stock market, one that specializes in helping people in need to beat other people's stock markets. In a sense, operators are like killers. The higher the level of operators, the more terrifying they are in the stock market. The emergence of a strong operator is doomed to the demise of a company or group.

"Fengyun Group, it's impossible, this is absolutely impossible. When did they invite such a powerful operator? Why don't we even get any news?... Guodong, you go to close the deal immediately, go right away."

Ming Guodong sighed and said: "It's too late to close now, because Fengyun Group automatically closed its hands after making one billion U.S. dollars. Now we don't even have a chance to turn around, and we gave away one billion U.S. dollars in vain." To Fengyun Group!”


An old man named Hanwen slapped the table where the kung fu tea was placed and said angrily: "You Liu Hai, you are actually playing tricks on me. I want your Liu family to die miserably."

"Dad, since this incident has already happened, it is useless for you to be angry. We can only find a way to avenge this incident. ... In addition to this incident, I also heard two pieces of news about the Liu family and Fengyun Group. "

"Is there any bigger news than losing a billion dollars? Tell me."

Ming Guodong saw that his father was turning blue with anger, so he said softly: "I heard that Liu Tianjun held a new star selection competition as soon as he took office, and there will be a press conference tonight."

"New Star? Could it be that their Fengyun Group still wants to compete with our company in entertainment, and they also sent a useless person who doesn't understand anything? It's a joke."

Ming Hanwen didn't take this matter seriously, and he wasn't worried either. His Hongguo Group couldn't overwhelm Fengyun Group in any business. Only in entertainment, it ranked among the top three even in the country. Among them, Fengyun Group sent Liu Tianjun to compete with Hongguo Group for entertainment business.

"You just said two things, what else?" Ming Hanwen asked.

"Someone reported to me that Liu Hai's youngest son Liu Tianfeng and youngest daughter Liu Tianmin were kidnapped."

"Ha ha…"

Ming Hanwen laughed loudly at this time and said: "If the kidnapping is good, the Liu family will be here today. This is the time when we are watching a show. ... By the way, do you know the price the kidnapper offered?"

"It's the same as what we just lost, which is a billion dollars."

Ming Hanwen thought for a moment and said: "Another billion dollars, how could it be such a coincidence? Do you know who the kidnapper is?"

Only then did Ming Guodong look at Zhao Lei, hesitantly, and said: "Yes, yes..."

"Say it."

"I heard it was someone under Uncle Zhao who did it."

Upon hearing Ming Guodong's words, even Zhao Lei stood up and asked: "Guodong, you must have heard correctly. It was our Liehuo Gang who kidnapped Liu Hai's children?"

"Uncle Zhao, my people inquired very clearly. They said that the Liehuo Gang kidnapped Liu Hai's children in order to retaliate for Liu Tianjun's destruction of the engagement ceremony last time."

"Nonsense. I told Xiao Jing a long time ago to let them stop messing around for the time being. Leave this matter to Zhao Ping to handle, but I didn't say that I wanted to kidnap. Even if I wanted to kidnap, the target was only Liu Tianjun. How could it be involved? Go into someone else’s body.”

Ming Guodong said: "Uncle Zhao, I have also talked with Brother Zhao Ping about the engagement ceremony, and he also promised not to touch Liu Tianjun for the time being. However, the current news is absolutely true. The twins who kidnapped Liu Hai The woman is 100% from your Fiery Gang."

Ming Hanwen and Zhao Lei are both old foxes. Hongguo Group was maliciously attacked by Fengyun Group and lost one billion US dollars. At the same time, Liu Hai's children were kidnapped and it was said that it was done by people from the Agni Gang. The ransom was not too much or too little. It is the billion US dollars that Hongguo Group just lost. Is there any connection between the two? Could these two things be deliberately arranged by someone behind the scenes

(Collection, ticket, collection, ticket, collection, ticket, collection, ticket, collection, ticket)


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