The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 3: A lot of trouble


Liu Tianjun got up early the next morning. Although he could not walk in his previous life, he had developed a habit of breathing fresh air early in the morning. However, he did not expect that this habit would be carried into this life.

When the servants of the Liu family saw their eldest young master getting up so early, all of them had strange eyes and nervous expressions.

In the past, among the employees of the Liu family, whether they were men, women, old or young, there was no one who had not been sent to the hospital by Liu Tianjun, who had not been scolded bloody by Liu Tianjun, and who dared to say a word loudly in front of this evil young man. .

No, not only no, even if they saw Liu Tianjun, they would avoid it. Only after Liu Tianjun left did these servants dare to start their work.

Liu Tianjun walked downstairs slowly. When he saw the way the servants in the hall looked at him, Liu Tianjun knew that it was his former self that gave these people a mental illness, but since he was no longer the former self, Naturally, we should treat these people who work hard in our own homes better.

"Why are you all getting up so early? Have you had breakfast?" Liu Tianjun asked all the servants in the hall.

However, not only did not any of the servants answer Liu Tianjun, they all bent down, and no one dared to raise their heads to look at Liu Tianjun.

Liu Tianjun took a deep breath. It seemed that it was very difficult to change his image in the minds of these people!

He walked up to one of the older old men. This old man's name was Uncle Wang. He was the housekeeper of the Liu family. He had been working in the Liu family for more than 20 years. It could be said that he had watched Liu Tianjun grow up.

However, what if you are a person who has watched you grow up? Look at the blue and purple hands of Uncle Wang. They were all beaten up by the former Liu Tianjun after he came back from drinking.

"Uncle Wang, you..."

Liu Tianjun had just said three words, but Uncle Wang was already so frightened that his feet were weak, and he was very afraid and said: "Master, I know I was wrong. I will ask them to keep their voices down in the future. This kind of thing will never happen again."

It’s all about nothing, I don’t seem to have any other intentions, are you afraid of this

"Uncle Wang, what I actually mean is..."

"Master, please take into consideration my age and the fact that I have worked for the Liu family for so many years, please just bypass my old life."

Uncle Wang made a "plop" and knelt on the ground just like the maid yesterday.

When Uncle Wang knelt down, all the other servants were frightened and sweating profusely, but no one spoke.

Liu Tianjun immediately helped Uncle Wang up and said: "Uncle Wang, I know you work hard in our family, and you have done a lot for our Liu family over the years. I hope you won't take it personally if I have offended you in the past. .… Those who work in our Liu family are a family, and since they are family members, I don’t want to see anything happen to anyone again.”

At this time, Uncle Wang raised his head slightly and looked at Liu Tianjun. He couldn't believe that the person standing in front of him was his own young master. Will he be the evil young man who does all kinds of evil

"Master, I, I..."

"Okay, you don't need to say anything. Everyone, if I, Liu Tianjun, have offended me in the past, I would like to apologize to you. Although what happened can no longer be made up for, I can only help you in my life. Some help."

After a pause, Liu Tianjun said to Uncle Wang: "Starting from this month, everyone's salary will be doubled. Before working in the morning, you should have breakfast and have a snack at night before going to bed. Uncle Wang, please tell me what I said. Dad, just let him do it."

After Liu Tianjun finished speaking, before Uncle Wang and the others could react, someone on the second floor said, "No need to tell me, I've already heard it."

The person who spoke was Liu Hai, and he didn't know when he came back, but Liu Hai heard what Liu Tianjun just said very clearly, and he had already walked down from the second floor.

Liu Tianjun glanced at his father. Judging from the appearance of his bangs, he probably hadn't slept all night, probably because he was busy with the company's affairs.

"Dad, I have something to do, so I'm going out first." Not to mention the current Liu Tianjun, even the former Liu Tianjun had no father-son affection for Liu Hai at all. From childhood to adulthood, Liu Hai didn't care about Liu Tianjun, or maybe it was In this way, Liu Tianjun became the evil young man that everyone was afraid of. In addition, he had a grandma to protect him, so Liu Tianjun became more and more unruly. He could not speak more than ten words to his father all year round.

"You stop first."

Liu Tianjun turned around and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Come to the study with me. I have something to tell you."

This was the first time that Liu Hai took the initiative to ask Liu Tianjun to talk, but Liu Tianjun didn't know what his father wanted to say to him.

Arriving at Liu Hai's study on the second floor, Liu Hai first asked Liu Tianjun to sit down, then he lit a cigarette and sat at the desk.

After several minutes, Liu Hai seemed to be thinking about something and remained silent. Finally, Liu Tianjun asked: "Dad, what do you want to see me for?"

Liu Hai squeezed the half-smoked cigarette into the ashtray on the desk, and then asked: "How are you going to deal with what happened seven days ago?"

"Seven days ago? What happened?" Liu Tianjun asked casually.

"Don't tell me that you forgot about such a big thing."

Liu Tianjun looked at Liu Hai. His eyes now revealed excitement. What he just said seemed very serious.

Liu Tianjun thought about it, seven days ago? Yes, I, no, my former self did something seven days ago, and it still stirred up major events in N City.

I remember that time, Liu Tianjun followed his grandmother Xiao Yunhua to attend an engagement ceremony. He could invite the old lady of the Liu family, so she would not be a small role. But at the time, Liu Tianjun was very unhappy with the engagement and had sex after drinking. , not only trashed the engagement venue, but also took the heroine at that time away from the back door when no one was paying attention.

Originally, with the Liu family's power and financial resources in N City, it was not a big deal to ruin an engagement ceremony and steal the bride. It could be settled with money. But what was not good was that the man at the engagement ceremony was the young gang leader of the Fire Gang, the largest gang in N City, and the bride who was snatched away by Liu Tianjun was the Liu family’s sworn enemy in N City, one of the three major gangsters in N City. One of the richest men is a famous lady named Shuyan. This family owns a Hongguo Group, which is as powerful as Fengyun Group. Therefore, this made Liu Hai very worried. If Xiao Yunhua hadn't said hello to the mayor at that time, Liu Tianjun had long been hunted down by the Fiery Gang.

The marriage robbery matter will not be settled so easily. After all, it is a gang organization. For the sake of face, those guys will not let Liu Tianjun go. Liu Hai also received news yesterday that the leader of the Agni Gang has given an order. Even if he is in the city, If he doesn't want to kill Liu Tianjun because of his reputation, he will still need one of his hands and one of his feet.

In addition, on the same night when he ruined the engagement ceremony, Liu Tianjun cursed himself for the bride he had stolen, and beat the bride away in a rage. Then he met a very good-looking woman on the road. Liu Tianjun was so animalistic that he raped the woman on the street.

Afterwards, the Liu family received news that the woman Liu Tianjun raped on the street was actually the only daughter of the municipal public security director. Now, the director refused to let Liu Tianjun go and must put him in jail for his own sake. My daughter wants justice.

I have to admit that the former Liu Tianjun was really a damn talent. He actually offended both the black and white factions in N city overnight. It’s okay to offend you, but how can you directly offend the bosses of these two parties? Isn’t this kid looking for debt from the King of Hell and seeking his own death

Liu Tianjun is so dizzy, you damn guy, you have left so much trouble for yourself, just throw your hands away and go to sleep!

(The first update, please collect it. The second update will be at around two o’clock in the afternoon)


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