The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 67: The flying knife missed


Ming Shuyan couldn't believe her eyes when she looked at the scene just now. This is http://wWw.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM

Martial arts movies, still http://wWw.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM

It's a science fiction movie. Why would someone carry a sword with them? Moreover, the sword just blew a hole in the wall. What Ming Shuyan couldn't imagine was that Liu Tianjun didn't have any fear when facing such a perverted woman. He could still dodge the ten attacks of the sword just now.

Liu Tianjun said again at this time: "Miss Alice, you don't need to ask me to use your twelve golden swordsmanship. Let me see what a powerful stunt the twelve golden warriors of the Vatican taught you." .”

The Twelve Golden Swordsmanship is a combination of the Twelve Golden Warriors of the Holy See, each of whom created his own sword. It was created specifically for Alice. In this world, Alice is the only one who knows it. Even the Twelve Golden Warriors only know one sword created by each of them, and not others.

However, it is impossible for outsiders to know about this matter except people from the Holy See. Alice has never told outsiders about this matter, except of course, Tiansha.

"Who are you? Why do you know about me? Why do you know about my twelve golden sword skills?" Alice asked in surprise.

"I have said before that my source of information is very powerful. On the day you came to me, I had already found out your matter very clearly. In addition, I also know that there are some people in your Holy See. What a powerful person."

In the Vatican, apart from Alice's father, the Pope, there are only three groups of mythical warriors. But those three groups of warriors will always be out of reach in the minds of the world. Among them, the Silver Warriors are the most common. Following the Pope all day long, the Pope also sent two of his silver warriors, the only female warrior, to Alice to serve as her bodyguards a few years ago. As for the gold warriors, they are like ghosts and have no power. They are everywhere, and they will appear at any time as long as the Pope calls out.

The Holy See's Silver Warriors and Gold Warriors, for those outside the world, all know that many masters have died under their swords, but the Platinum Warriors are mysterious existences. They have never appeared at all, and even Some people suspect that there are no twelve platinum warriors in the Holy See. However, these twelve platinum warriors are rumored to be miraculous by the world. Some people also say that even Alice's father, the pope, is not one of the twelve. opponent.

Of course, these things can be traced, and it is not a strange thing for Liu Tianjun to find out. What Alice wants to know is why Liu Tianjun knows about the twelve golden swordsmanship.

"Tell me, how on earth do you know about the Twelve Golden Sword Techniques?"

Liu Tianjun smiled and said: "Miss Alice, I heard that you are here to kill me today, not to ask questions. Please, please, if you want to kill me, do it quickly. If you think I am more handsome, you can't bear to kill me." If you tell me, please leave immediately, I still have things to do."

Alice glanced at Ming Shuyan on the sofa. They were both women. Alice naturally knew that a woman's reputation was more important than anything else. And judging from Ming Shuyan's appearance, she didn't look like that. A woman born in the mortal world, so Alice must save her today.

"Since you won't tell me, then go to hell."

"Okay, let's see if you have this ability."

After that, five flying knives fell out of Liu Tianjun's sleeves, but when Alice saw the five flying knives in Liu Tianjun's hand, she actually stopped and stared blankly at the flying knives in Liu Tianjun's hand. , said softly: "Moon Shadow Flying Knife!"

"Haha, I didn't expect you to remember that this is the Moon Shadow Flying Knife. How about it, Miss Alice, do you not want to kill me now?"

Liu Tianjun is not stupid, he will not hurt Alice, but now Alice does not know that she is the evil spirit. With her character, she will definitely pursue her fiercely. Only by taking out the Moon Shadow Flying Knife can Alice be defeated. Si stopped.

"This is Tiansha's flying knife. How come it's in your hand?"

"You don't have to worry about this. I just want to know now, do you still want to kill me?"

No killing, definitely not killing. Alice came all the way to China just to find her lover. Now that she has a clue about her lover, how could she be stupid enough to kill this only clue.

"Tell me, where is Tiansha?"

If you don’t tell me, I just won’t tell you. I’ll kill you.

Liu Tianjun himself didn’t even know, ω$ω$ω. ㄧ!б!kχs.℃○МWhy do I have such thoughts? But this is okay, after all, the past self is no longer there, and the current self is Liu Tianjun. Loving the past self as well as the current self is a test for Alice. If she cannot accept the current self, then this relationship will Liu Tianjun could only let it go.

Of course, a relationship also takes time to test, so Liu Tianjun will not admit that he has any relationship with Tiansha in a short period of time.

"Sorry, Miss Alice, when I first met you a few days ago, I already told you that I don't know Tiansha at all."

"You don't know? This is impossible. In this world, the only person who can use the Moon Shadow Throwing Knife is Tiansha. Moreover, I just saw someone use the Moon Shadow Throwing Knife to kill someone at the headquarters of the Agni Gang. Now you are holding There is no doubt that the person who used flying knives to kill people before was you, Liu Tianjun."

Ming Shuyan was now frightened by Alice's words, and asked: "Miss, what did you just say?"

Liu Tianjun answered: "My eldest lady, didn't I tell you just now? Your relatives and your friends all died in my hands. How come you don't believe me when I say it? You insist on hearing it?" It took another person saying it before he reacted."

"No, no, this is not true. Zhao Jing will not die. You can't kill the Zhao family at all."

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to you. I still have to deal with this beautiful Alice."

Alice seemed to want to confirm something and said: "Draw out the sword."


"Didn't you hear me? I told you to use the knife."

Draw a knife? You are kidding me. Your current skills are much stronger than those in your previous life. Although you are a saint from the Holy See, you are powerful, but you cannot catch your own sword. If this sword comes out, Liu Tianjun will be killed with his own hands. The woman I love

No, you can't draw your sword, absolutely not.

However, if the sword is not used, Alice will not give up. What should I do now? Damn it, if I had known that Alice would willingly test the sword in order to find Tiansha, Liu Tianjun would not have used this trick. Look. In front of your lover, your cleverness is of no use.

"I'm talking about Miss Alice, since you just said that you know about Yueying's flying knives, it should be very clear that Yueying's flying knives are always mentioned in vain."

"The Moon Shadow Flying Knife belongs to my lover, so I naturally know its power. But in order to confirm whether you are related to my lover and whether the one you are using is the authentic Moon Shadow Flying Knife, I have to do this."

"Why bother! Although I don't know why your lover can also use the Moon Shadow Flying Knife, I can tell you 100% that my Moon Shadow Flying Knife is absolutely superior to your lover's. With one strike, one life will be lost, and ten will die. When the sword comes out, the gods and ghosts are shocked."

"Everyone can talk big words, but I don't believe that the power of your flying knife will be greater than that of my lover, Tiansha."

Well, there is no other way, who calls you Alice? It seems that my Moon Shadow Flying Knife will fail today.

Liu Tianjun turned around and heard a "swish" sound, and a flying knife came out of his hand, using all his strength. However, this knife was shot from Alice's side, and it did not hurt Alice at all. It penetrated the wall of her home, but it did not explode like the sword energy that Alice had emitted before. Make a big hole.

Alice turned around, looked at the wall that had been shot through by the flying knife, and said in shock: "Shoot the outside and destroy the inside."

After finishing speaking, Alice walked to the wall, stretched out a pure white jade hand, and touched the wall gently.

Click, click, click.

Numerous cracks suddenly appeared on the wall. If the construction of this villa was not of high quality, the wall would have collapsed.

"Impossible, in this world, besides Tiansha, there is actually a second person who can fly the moon shadow flying knife, and his skill is really better than Tiansha."

Without the slightest doubt, she saw the scene very clearly. Alice was sure that what Liu Tianjun said just now was not a lie. If Liu Tianjun wanted to kill her, she would have fallen to the ground long ago.

"Miss Alice, you should believe now that in this world, your lover is not the only one who can fly the moon shadow."

Alice really bit Liu Tianjun and said, "Even if that's the case, then you must have a relationship with Tiansha. ... You guys, maybe you are from the same sect. You must know where Tiansha is, otherwise, he won't I will help your Fengyun Group win the East China business war some time ago."

Khan, there is nothing we can do, Liu Tianjun really has nothing to do now.

"Miss, I really don't know where your lover is. Just let me go. I really have a lot to do."

"No, if you don't tell the whereabouts of Tiansha, then I will follow you every day. Wherever you go, I will follow you."

"You, you... okay, whatever you want, I'm going to bed now. If you want, you can sleep with me."

Liu Tianjun is gone now. Alice can do whatever she wants. Anyway, she will not admit the identity of Tiansha now.

Just as he was about to go upstairs, Liu Tianjun remembered that there was another Ming Shuyan here, so he walked in front of Ming Shuyan and sealed the three major acupuncture points on her body so that she could not run away or move.

"Liu Tianjun, you, you have the guts to kill me, otherwise, otherwise I will..."

"Miss Feng, what do you think?"

Ming Shuyan didn't dare to say the words "I'm going to kill you". After seeing Liu Tianjun's flying knife just now, did she still dare to say nonsense? If she wanted revenge, she could only wait for the opportunity.