The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 68: Depart from Taiwan


The night passed in depression, but Liu Tianjun didn't sleep a wink at all.

Liu Tianjun knew very well what kind of character Alice was. Since she said she would follow him all day long, she would definitely do what she said. It seemed that he would not have a good life in the future.

It is not a glorious thing to have a dignified saint from the Vatican Vatican follow you. On the contrary, it is very dangerous. If the old man Alice finds out, then the matter of being chased by the Vatican in his previous life will definitely happen again in this life. staged.

Liu Tianjun is very clear about what stage his power is at now. It is definitely not a problem to join the underworld and enter the business world. It is also not a problem to deal with killers and ancient martial arts masters. But if he faces the perverted people of the Holy See at this time, Guys, there is only one way, again

Be reborn.

It was already eight o'clock in the morning when he left the room. When Liu Tianjun returned to the room yesterday, he had already called Qin Kexin and told her to prepare to leave for Taiwan with him today, go there to make some money and come back, and expand his power by the way. .

When they came to the hall, just as Liu Tianjun expected, Alice stayed here all night, sitting on the sofa like a sculpture, not moving at all. It was not until she saw Liu Tianjun coming down that Alice stood up and asked Said: "Where are you going?"

Liu Tianjun shook his head helplessly and said, "I'm going to catch a plane today. You don't want to buy a helicopter to follow me, do you?"

"I can't get a helicopter now, but I have plenty of money, no less than your Fengyun Group, so I can charter a plane."

Don't you know? You know that you are a saint of the Holy See and you have money, but all your money was given by the believers, so there is no need to use it on this!

"Whatever you want, I'll just pretend you don't exist. K."

After Liu Tianjun finished speaking, he walked up to Ming Shuyan and sealed her acupuncture points for one night. It was time to untie them. Otherwise, this woman's blood would flow backwards and she would die.

After Ming Shuyan's acupuncture points were unlocked, she only felt numb all over her body, but compared with last night, her strength was still restored.

"Liu Tianjun, you killed my whole family and killed the Zhao family. My name is Shu Yan and I will never forget these two great grievances."

Liu Tianjun smiled and said: "I thought about it for a long time last night and finally decided that I won't play with you as a woman. Get away as far as you can now. If you dare to appear in front of me again, I can't guarantee that I will treat you right." Do something."

"If you want to drive me away, there is no way. Liu Tianjun, I solemnly tell you now, from now on, I am committed to you, no matter where you go, I will follow you. You'd better keep your eyes open when you sleep at night Sleep, otherwise, I will stab you to death."

Damn, what are you following? How come this world has become so outrageous? One of you is the daughter of the Pope, and the other is the daughter of Yuhi's daughter. Even if you want to die, there is no need to follow you in turn.

Liu Tianjun frowned and said, "Young lady, I've already given you a break. Why are you playing rogue with me? If you follow me, your life will be in danger."

"I don't care. Anyway, I should have died a long time ago. Now that I can live for a few more days, I will use my life to find an opportunity to exchange for your life and avenge my famous family and the Zhao family."

Liu Tianjun ignored the two women lazily and looked at the time. Qin Kexin was about to come over. She had already booked her flight tickets. With Wang Zhizhong watching over her in N City, she didn't need to worry about anything. Now You can go to the airport, fly to Taiwan, and experience the prosperity of Taiwan's largest group.

"President, is there a thief in your house?"

Qin Kexin was really punctual and had already appeared outside the Liu family. But when Qin Kexin saw the situation of the Liu family, she thought that Liu Tianjun was being robbed because he was too rubbish.

"The thief is still here. If you, Miss Qin, are interested, you can call the police."

Qin Kexin glanced at Alice and Ming Shuyan. One of these two women knew each other, and the other had a relationship. But why are they at Liu's house? Ming Shuyan and the Liu family were enemies. During the East China business war, Ming Group was counter-taken by Fengyun Group, and all of them jumped to their deaths. I heard that only Ming Shuyan was saved by Zhao Jing. Shouldn't she miss Liu? Everyone at home is dead, why are they here

"Don't stand there, the plane isn't waiting for you, let's go."

With Uncle Wang watching over the family, there won't be any problems, and Wang Zhizhong is Uncle Wang's son, so he won't let anything happen to his father, so Liu Tianjun doesn't have to worry at home or outside.

However, Liu Tianjun forgot one thing, that is, he had deposed Mr. Zhang from Nanjing and offended Mr. Situ. What would they do

After walking out of the house, there was a red Bentley parked outside the villa. Liu Tianjun asked: "Beauty Qin, I heard that I didn't increase your salary. How come you got a new car in just a few days?"

Qin Kexin followed him out of the villa and said, "How can I have the money to buy such a famous car? This car belongs to Xiaoqing."

"You are capable, and you have become close with Xiaoqing in such a short period of time. It seems that you also have the qualifications to become a star."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. It was Xiaoqing who insisted on going to Taiwan with us. I don't have the dignity to borrow Xiaoqing's car."


Zhong Xiaoqing got out of the Bentley and waved to Liu Tianjun, but Liu Tianjun stood still and looked at Zhong Xiaoqing in front of him, Qin Kexin next to him, and then turned to look at Aili behind him. Si and Shuyan sighed and said, "I used to see 'it's all the women's fault' on the Internet. It seems like this sentence is about to happen to me!"

Zhong Xiaoqing is a big name in his company. She wants to go to Taiwan with him. Can I object? Qin Kexin is his assistant and can help him deal with many things. As for the latter two, it seems that he can't get rid of him.

Liu Tianjun wiped the sweat from his forehead and was about to speak when suddenly, a yellow BMW convertible rushed in from outside the Jinling villa complex and parked next to Zhong Xiaoqing's car.

After Liu Tianjun saw this yellow BMW, he really had the urge to give up on Taiwan.

Damn it, one, two, three, four were already fed up, and now there is another one, and this woman is even more difficult to deal with.

"My President Liu, my little Junjun, don't you want to get rid of me and be alone..."

Huang Xiaoyi got out of the car and was about to ask Liu Tianjun if he didn't notify her of going to Taiwan on purpose. She actually saw so many women outside the Liu family. Moreover, every woman was of national beauty. The most unexpected thing is that there is also a mixed-race beauty.

"I'm talking about Xiaoqing, your four bodyguards and that one..."

Before Liu Tianjun could finish speaking, Zhong Xiaoqing came over and said with a smile: "I told them to stay in Shanghai. They don't have to go to Taiwan with me."


Liu Tianjun then said to Huang Xiaoyi, who had just arrived: "Girl, should you go with the people from your company? You shouldn't..."

"No, I'm the only one in our company, I don't need anyone else."


Turning around, Liu Tianjun said again: "Miss Alice, those two of you..."

"You don't need to tell me, they will naturally protect me secretly."


After wiping his sweat again, Liu Tianjun said to Ming Shuyan: "You don't need to tell me, I can't find a penny in the Zhao family, I must..."

"That's right, Zhao Jing has transferred all the Zhao family's money to my name. In other words, with my current money, I can open another Hongguo Group."

Liu Tianjun closed his eyes, and the moment he opened them, he said to Qin Kexin: "Beauty Qin, I will now officially promote you to the vice president of our Fengyun Group, directly under my leadership."

After saying that, Liu Tianjun did not get into Zhong Xiaoqing's car, but took a walking car and headed out of the villa complex.

Qin Kexin asked from behind: "President, are you kidding? Why did you promote me to such an important position?"

Liu Tianjun spread his hands and said with a bitter smile: "Five super rich women are following me. Hey, how spectacular it is."


In a single ward of a private hospital in Nanjing, a lady was sitting beside the hospital bed. Tears kept falling in her eyes, and the corners of her eyes became red and swollen. It was obvious that she had been crying for a long time.

There was not only the crying lady in the ward, but also several people, including a white-haired old man, a middle-aged man and a boy in his twenties.

"Things have already happened. It's useless even if you cry to death." The middle-aged man was full of anger, but he couldn't vent it in this place.

The noble lady looked at a young man lying in the hospital bed and said very sadly: "Zhang Zhen, if you can, don't yell at me. Go and avenge your son."

Zhang Zhen, a member of the Zhang family in Nanjing, is also Zhang Qinghua’s father, and the lady crying beside the hospital bed is Zhang Qinghua’s mother. Although the couple has two sons, Zhang Qinghua is the younger son, but as a mother, she He prefers his younger son, and lets his older son do his own thing, never caring about it or asking questions.

Zhang Zhen had nothing to do with his wife. She had been crying for several days. He tried to persuade her and said good things, but his wife just couldn't stop crying.

Zhang Zhen took a deep breath and said to the young man beside him: "Mr. Situ, it's a good thing that you are here this time. Otherwise, my useless son might not even be alive."

After Liu Tianjun deposed Zhang Qinghua, Situ Yu sent him back to the Zhang family in Nanjing, and after the accident, he notified the Zhang family of the news.

When the people of the Zhang family learned that their descendants were beaten like this outside, and that even the inheritance of the family line became a problem, every one of them was furious. No matter they were old or young, they all rushed to Shanghai. The urge to cut the murderer Liu Tianjun into pieces.

But after all, treating Zhang Qinghua is the most important thing now, so the Zhang family held back their anger for the time being and waited until Zhang Qinghua was out of danger before going to Liu Tianjun to settle the debt.

Situ Yu said: "Uncle Zhang, I am more or less responsible for what happened this time. If I had not taken Qinghua to the bar, he would not have messed with Liu Tianjun, and this would not have happened. .”

Zhang Zhen knew Situ Yu's identity, and his Zhang family had a very good relationship with the Situ family. In addition, there was a Fu family behind the Situ family, so Zhang Zhen would never put this responsibility on Situ Yu.

"Master Situ, I can't blame you. I've heard a long time ago that there is a bad boy in the Liu family in Shanghai. He relies on his family's little money to do evil all day long and is lawless. This time he actually dares to become an enemy of our Zhang family. He will My son, Zhang Zhen, has been beaten like this, and I will definitely make the Liu family pay back tenfold."

Sip, sip.

As soon as Zhang Zhen finished speaking, he heard the white-haired old man sitting next to him cough several times.

Zhang Zhen turned around, looked at the white-haired old man, his father, the head of the Zhang family in Nanjing, and said, "Dad, I'm going to Shanghai right now to settle accounts with the Liu family."

Zhang Beitian, an old man in simple clothes and a very ordinary appearance, like all the old people in this world, does not have any bastard spirit.

But if it were twenty years ago, the name Zhang Beitian would be enough to be famous in half of China.

He is the founder of Zhang's Enterprise in Nanjing. He retired from the position of head of the Nanjing Military Region. He is a smiling old guy. He is an old general whose words can move the army of southern China. . He has a son and a daughter, but he, who values sons and daughters, has handed over everything in the Zhang family to his son Zhang Zhen. As for his daughter, she had already separated from the Zhang family a few years ago. Because of the relationship, I started a business outside alone and have never returned home.

"Xiaoyu, please go back to Shanghai first. You don't have to worry about our Zhang family's affairs. Say hello to your grandfather for me and say that I will go to the capital to find him when I have time to catch up with him."

Zhang Beitian and Situ Yu's grandfather were equals back then and were from the same faction, so he didn't need to be polite to the descendants of the Situ family.

Situ Yu had already heard about Mr. Zhang's temper, so he said, "Okay, I'll go back first. Grandpa Zhang, if there's anything I can do to help, please say a word."

Situ Yu also knew that he couldn't stay in Nanjing for a long time. Although Zhang Zhen didn't blame himself, he didn't know what Zhang Beitian was thinking. It would be better to leave as soon as possible. Don't be scolded by this old man Zhang, and then he wouldn't be able to bear it. Walked away.

"Dad, Situ Yu is quite happy in Shanghai, why don't we..."

"Shut up."

Zhang Beitian now began to show his military temperament. He stood up, walked to the bedside, looked at his grandson, and said: "Every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner. Even if you want to take revenge, you can only go to Liu Tianjun. You can't." It involves the rest of the Liu family. Besides, Liu Tianjun’s grandfather and I are considered acquaintances. Although he is no longer alive, I, Zhang Beitian, will do my best in what I should do. "

Zhang Zhen understood what Zhang Beitian meant and said, "Then I will go directly to Shanghai to find Liu Tianjun."

"Go to Shanghai to find him. Isn't it enough that our Zhang family lost someone once in Shanghai? Do you want to go and lose him again?"

"Dad, I don't understand what you mean?"

Zhang Beitian said: "Shanghai already has the surname Liu. As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. Now it is no longer the world of old guys like us, so don't mess with me."

Is your surname Liu in Shanghai? What does this mean

"Dad, can you please speak clearly? I can do things easily, so Qinghua can't be beaten in vain."

"I received news an hour ago that the Shanghai Fire Gang has been wiped out. The current Shanghai underworld will be dominated by the Little Knife Club again."

A surprising piece of news: the Agni Gang, which had dominated Shanghai's underworld for so many years, was suddenly wiped out overnight, by the legendary Little Knife Club.

"No way. Could it be that Xiaodao has disappeared from this world long ago? Moreover, it was the one that was eliminated by the old leader of the Agni Gang back then. Why is it happening again now..."

Zhang Zhen thought for a moment and said, "Is it true that the rumor that the knife will come back to the world a few days ago is true?"

Zhang Beitian nodded, indicating that he was absolutely right.

And Zhang Zhen asked: "Then what does this matter have to do with Liu Tianjun? Why is it said that Shanghai's surname is Liu now?"

Zhang Beitian said: "As far as I know, before the Little Knife Club returned to Shanghai, Liu Tianjun went to Hangzhou to find a descendant of the Zhou family, which is the current boss of the Little Knife Club, Zhou Bao. A few days later, the Liehuo Gang was wiped out by the Little Knife Club. , so I have to say that in Shanghai, people with the surname Liu now are not people with the surname Zhou."

"Dad, you mean that Liu Tianjun has taken control of the Little Sword Society and become the boss behind the Little Sword Society?"

"None of this is important. Things in Shanghai have nothing to do with us. What we want now is just Liu Tianjun's life. Moreover, I also heard that Liu Tianjun has left Shanghai and gone to Taiwan."

Zhang Beitian walked to the door of the ward and said: "I don't hope Liu Tianjun can return to Shanghai alive. Zhang Zhen, it's up to you what to do. If you can't handle even this little thing, you don't need to come back to see me." Me."

"Dad, don't worry, Taiwan will be Liu Tianjun's burial place."