The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 682: Neither woman is simple


The bar had been cleared and all the guests had been kicked out. The only ones left were Fatty's subordinates and two of Hong Hong's subordinates.

Liuli's gun never left Fatty's head. At this time, if he dared to mess around, Liuli's gun would never be polite. Didn't he just kill a few people? How could he have killed so few over the years? So what if this is Beijing? Even if a hole is made in the sky, someone will naturally end it.

Hong Hong's two subordinates answered a phone call at this moment, and then they both ran to the door of the bar at the same time. It was obvious that they were picking up someone, and the person they picked up was naturally their Hong sister.

"What's going on here?"

Ever since this Greek mythology bar opened, nothing like this has ever happened, and no one dared to cause trouble.

I'm just kidding. I don't even think about who the boss here is. He is the future in-law of the Fu family. If he dares to cause trouble here, it doesn't mean that he is pulling out teeth from the tiger's mouth. Everyone knows how to write the word "death".

But today, two desperate guys and two women came to the Greek Mythology Bar.

The woman who went to invite Hong Hong before just made a phone call to Hong Hong outside the bar. She didn't explain what was going on here clearly on the phone. Hong Hong rushed over immediately after receiving the call. A Greek Mythology Bar The amount of money she earned that night was very large. When Hong Hong received the news that something happened here, she rushed over immediately. After getting off the car, she went directly into the bar without asking any questions, so she didn't know who the person who came here to cause trouble was. who.

"Sister Hong, someone is here to cause trouble."

Hong Hong glanced at these three women. All three of them are the people in charge here. They were personally selected by herself. They are very serious and courageous in their work. They don't need herself or her father at all. I didn't want to worry about anything, but I didn't expect that I would have to come and deal with it myself today.

Hong Hong is not stupid. Since she can't handle the matter that her three subordinates can't handle, it's certainly not easy, so she won't blame anyone.

"I know someone is causing trouble, otherwise there would be no need for me to come here in person."

In fact, Hong Hong was still angry. She had been laughed at by Yuan Xiaobao and the others, and threatened by several mysterious people. She didn't know where to go with her face. She had long wanted to find something to relieve her anger. Today, she happened to be... Came across such an opportunity.

"Where did Fatty and the others die? Didn't I tell them to take care of the situation?"

While Hong Hong was speaking, her three subordinates had already looked towards Huang Xiaoyi and the others. The fat man Hong Hong was talking about was the one Liuli pointed at with a gun. He was a small boss in Beijing and also a local snake. , not only the Greek Mythology Bar, but all entertainment venues of the Hong family are watched by this fat man, who is also a subordinate of the Hong family.

On the surface, the Hong family is engaged in normal business, but everyone knows that if you only rely on your white business, how can you become a powerful figure in Beijing, and black ones, of course.

"Sister Hong, Fatty him, him."

The woman's eyes looked at the fat man who was pointed at the gun, and her red eyes naturally followed him.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, Hong Hong almost loses her noble temperament and screams.

What happened in the past few days? Someone in Beijing dared to go against the princelings, saved Lan Haolong's family, and then he was threatened again. It felt like he was just short of killing himself. Now, again Someone came to his own bar to cause trouble. On such an occasion, he even pulled out a gun, and it was a woman.

In Hong Hong's memory, among the women in Beijing, Feng Yan was the only one who could draw a gun. Apart from her, no one had the courage, including herself.

It's not that Hong Hong is afraid of trouble. She is Fu Yeqing's fiancée, so there is nothing to be afraid of. It's just because Hong Hong, like Fu Yeqing, doesn't use violence at all, or in other words, there are so many people around her who can use violence. There are people, and there are mysterious casual cultivators, so why should I be bothered by nothing

"Who are you? Put down the gun immediately, otherwise, I won't let you out of this door."

Hong Hong came to Liuli and asked, not paying attention to anything else at this time.

One of Hong Hong's subordinates wanted to speak, but was stopped by Hong Hong. There was no need to say anything now. All he wanted was to get rid of the woman with the gun. It would be best to let her disappear forever.

"Are you the Hong sister they call you?" Liuli asked.

"Yes, this is our sister Hong." Hong Hong's subordinate replied.

A smile appeared on Liuli's face and she said, "Hello, you are Sister Hong. You can call me Sister Liuli."


Hong Hong took a step forward and asked, "Do you know who I am?"

"Of course I don't know, but my young lady knows. You'd better go talk to my young lady and see if she agrees with me putting down the gun."

"Young Madam?"

As soon as Hong Hong turned around, she saw a face she recognized appearing in front of her.

Huang Xiaoyi did not smile. Even if she knew Hong Hong and was her cousin, since Hong Hong was Liu Tianjun's enemy, why should she be polite to her.

After Hong Hong saw Huang Xiaoyi, her expression changed a lot. Many thoughts appeared in her mind, but the first thought was, why is she here

"Why, Miss Hong doesn't recognize me now that she has joined the Fu family?"... .Huang Xiaoyi asked angrily. What she was most angry about was that Hong Hong didn't show any happy expression after seeing her. Don't forget, the reason why your Hong family is what it is today is all because of my uncle. .

Hong Hong's father had a good relationship with Huang Xiaoyi's uncle. He also did business with Huang Xiaoyi's uncle back then. But after Huang Xiaoyi's aunt passed away, her uncle immigrated to the United States and transferred all domestic business to the United States. It was handed over to Hong Hong's father. The Hong family also relied on the businesses left by Huang Xiaoyi's uncle to get better and better in Beijing, and later joined the Fu family. Hong Hong and Fu Yeqing also fell in love. The marriage was arranged three years ago.

Now that Hong Hong saw Huang Xiaoyi, she didn't even show any expression of gratitude. Naturally, Huang Xiaoyi felt unhappy.

"Xiao, Xiaoyi. Why are you in Beijing?"

Hong Hong changed her attitude, and now she was surprised. She also already knew about Huang Xiaoyi's engagement to Liu Tianjun in Shanghai. If Huang Xiaoyi appeared in Beijing, then where was Liu Tianjun? Did he also come to Beijing

Hong Hong's eyes scanned everywhere in the hall, undoubtedly looking for someone.

Huang Xiaoyi said: "The person you are looking for will arrive soon. If you don't want to make me unhappy, you'd better call these people of yours to apologize to me immediately."

Hong Hong thought for a moment, then smiled and said: "Xiao Yi, we sisters have not seen each other for many years, and your character has not changed at all. If that person really comes to Beijing, it is impossible not to be with you. You are here In a fight, as a man, it is impossible for him not to show up."

After Hong Hong finished speaking, Huang Xiaoyi also laughed, stepped forward, hugged Hong Hong, and said, "Cousin, you are still so smart, I really can't hide anything from you."

"Girl, you didn't come to me directly when you arrived in Beijing, but you still gave me such a big surprise. You are really..."

"It's not that I'm not looking for you. I know this bar is owned by your family, so I came to find you. Who would have thought that these subordinates of yours, hey, really have no education at all."

Now that Hong Hong has spoken out, there is no need for Huang Xiaoyi to maintain that cold attitude. She also knows in her heart that this is why Liu Tianjun allowed herself to stay in Beijing.

"You bastards, how dare you attack my cousin. Why don't you apologize?"

Huang Xiaoyi winked at Liuli, who had already lowered his gun.

The fat man swallowed his tongue and said softly: "Cousin, cousin! Oh my God, I'm in bad luck now!"

"Xiaoyi, this is not the place to talk. Why don't you go to my house? I won't let you stay in a hotel when you come to Beijing."

"My little sister has this intention, so she will disturb her cousin's family."

"In that case, you are now a strong woman. My parents haven't seen you for many years and they miss you very much."

Huang Xiaoyi just smiled, but thought in her heart: Miss me? Knowing that I am now the young wife of the Liu family in Shanghai, I wish I would die early.