The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 685: A woman's scheming


In the hall, Hong Shan was chatting with Huang Xiaoyi about home affairs.

In fact, Hong Shan was not very familiar with Huang Xiaoyi's family and had never been involved in the medicinal materials business. Just because Hongshan is where it is today is all because of Huang Xiaoyi's uncle, otherwise, Huang Xiaoyi would not be left at home.

Hong Shan knew very well that his future son-in-law had a feud with Huang Xiaoyi's fiancé. In addition, his daughter was now in charge of the princeling party and was also the enemy of Liu Tianjun's underworld devil party. Huang Xiaoyi suddenly came When she arrived in Beijing, no one knew what her purpose was. Instead of letting her roam around outside, it would be better for her to stay at home and help her daughter look after her.

Hong Hong returned from the backyard at this time. At the same time, following Hong Hong was a man in black.

The woman in black was specially sent by Fu Yeqing to protect Hong Hong, which is somewhat similar to Liuli's protection of Huang Xiaoyi.

No one knows what kind of person Hei Yi is or how powerful she is.

In the past, Heiyi would only take action when someone was beneficial to Hong Hong. The people who had seen Heiyi take action were already dead. Therefore, no one alive knew what the true strength of Heiyi was. , even the Fu family, I believe only Fu Yeqing knows it.

"Xiaoyi, I've asked someone to clean up your room for you. You can stay at my place with peace of mind for a few days in Beijing." Hong Hong said.

Liuli didn't look at Heiyi at this time. Instead, Heiyi kept staring at Liuli.

But Liuli also knew very well in her heart that if she was a real master, she would never expose herself in front of her. This woman in black kept staring at her, which also proved that she was not sure of her own. Take any advantage under the gun.

"Cousin, I don't think so. I will stay in Beijing for a long time and take care of the affairs of our branch here. I will stay here for one night today and go to the hotel tomorrow."

"How can this be done? It's a rare time for you to come here. How can I let you stay in a hotel? Don't be polite to me."

Huang Xiaoyi smiled secretly and thought: You want me to stay so you can monitor my every move. And I don’t want to live somewhere else, otherwise, how can I make a gap in you

Liu Li, who was beside her, was also thinking: It is really easy to ask the gods but difficult to send them away now. Our young lady has been a troublemaker since she was a child. Now in order to help the evil young man, how can she still be polite to your family

Heiyi's eyes had turned from Liuli to Huang Xiaoyi, thinking: It's nothing special. A rich lady, even if you are allowed to stay, there won't be any trouble.

The three people in the hall were chatting and drinking tea.

Hong Hong asked: "By the way, I heard that you are engaged. When do you plan to officially get married?" This question was also what Huang Xiaoyi wanted to ask Hong Hong, but since she asked it in advance, Huang Xiaoyi could only He replied: "It will probably take a few years. Both of us have our own careers, and we want to develop our careers while we are young. And he is a very professional person. I don't want him to have to worry about family matters." , which delayed his future."

Hong Hong smiled again and asked: "What kind of person is your fiancé? Tell me about it, and let me analyze it for you."

"He, he is a good man, very kind-hearted, filial, good to his friends, and handsome. The most rare thing is that he never messes around outside."

Cough, cough…

Hearing what Huang Xiaoyi said, Hong Shan next to him spat out a mouthful of tea.

What are you pretending to be? Who doesn't know the name of your fiancé now? He is kind-hearted and doesn't mess around outside. You are so good at it!

"Uncle Hong, what's wrong with you?" Huang Xiaoyi wanted to laugh when she saw Hong Shan's appearance. What she said was really against her conscience. If even Liu Tianjun can be called kind, then in this world There are no bad people in the world.

"No, it's nothing. I'm old, and I'd choke on my tea!"

"Uncle Hong, you have to take care of yourself. ...By the way, when will my cousin's wedding be held? I wonder if I can have this wedding wine?"

Hong Shan thought to himself: You still drink wedding wine! Miss, you'd better go back to Shanghai as soon as possible. You can't stay in Beijing for too long. If something happens, it will be troublesome!

He thought so, but Hong Shan couldn't say it out loud.

Inviting Huang Xiaoyi to live at home was not out of Hong Hong's sincerity. If she was not Liu Tianjun's fiancée, she would not bother to care about her.

"Actually, my situation is similar to yours. However, my husband is not in good health and needs to see a doctor every three days. I am trying to find a way to find the best doctor in the world to check his health. You also You know, his status is very special, and in a few decades, he will most likely be the heir to that position, so right?"

Huang Xiaoyi was very disdainful. Who can't understand the meaning of your words in that position? If you want to be the leader of the country, it depends on whether you have the life and live to that age.

"Why is this happening? Is it because they are too angry? I heard that people in the Fu family have to face a lot of people and are very tired when talking and doing things. I may not know about other things. Let's take Chongqing as an example. A few years ago, there was an unscrupulous boy who came to Beijing and pissed off a lot of people. Cousin, your guy must have been one of the people who got pissed off back then."

Huang Xiaoyi's words almost made Liuli next to her laugh.

This young lady is really not like her on the surface, who only knows how to hit people. When it is time to curse, she will also curse, and she will curse without using any curse words.

Hong Hong's face changed, but the rhythm of this change was very well controlled, and it turned into a smiling face in an instant, saying: "There is no such thing, you must have heard wrong. It did happen in Beijing four years ago Something happened, but it was that time that allowed my man to sit on the throne of the prince. ...By the way, when it comes to this, I think the word prince seems to be much nobler than the devil. Do you think so? Bar?"

"Yes, my cousin is right. But the prince seems too tacky. Some people don't even look like princes when they wear dragon robes. Cousin, don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else."

"I won't misunderstand. In our relationship, do you still think that you came to Beijing to do harm to my man? Besides, even if you have this intention, I'm afraid you can't do it."

"Of course, I don't have that ability."

"By the way, Xiaoyi, when you came to Beijing this time, didn't he come with you?" Hong Hong asked, changing the topic.

"He's here."


Hong Hong and Hong Shan stood up suddenly, and the black-clothed men also had bursts of murderous aura all over their bodies.

Seeing this situation, Liuli immediately ducked to Huang Xiaoyi's side, causing Heiyi's face to change, and whispered: "Master, you are so fast!"

Hong Hong and his daughter felt that they were a little out of control and immediately sat down.

Huang Xiaoyi asked: "What's wrong with you?"

"No, it's nothing. Since he's here, why don't you bring him to see me?"

"Uh, this, that, I think we'll talk about it later."

Damn girl, how dare you fool me? If Liu Tianjun really came to Beijing, how could he not show up and treat me like a fool.

Hong Hong was already sure in her heart that Liu Tianjun could not be in Beijing, and said: "Xiaoyi, you are so old, why are you still the same as when you were a child, so concerned about face?"

"Haha, I really can't hide anything from my cousin. Yes, I wanted him to come and called him many times, but he has very important things to do now. I think he is either dealing with official business in the Northeast or going abroad. Went. Cousin, you all know that my guy has a small-scale company at home. Although he is not famous, there are some people following him to make a living. If he is like me and loves to play so much and runs around, I’m afraid his company is going to go bankrupt.”

Fengyun Group is a small-scale company, which is due to Huang Xiaoyi's export.

It was precisely because of Huang Xiaoyi's words that Hong Hong was completely relieved. If Huang Xiaoyi said that Liu Tianjun had not come to Beijing, Hong Hong would never believe it given his character.

Next, Hong Shan went upstairs to rest first. Huang Xiaoyi and Hong Hong sat in the hall and chatted casually, but every word they said would make the other person come and go. Absolutely no clues should be revealed.